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4-AcO-DMT Tolerance


Jul 14, 2015
Okay so I have questions about 4-AcO-DMT tolerance.
If i took 8mg last night (thursday), but also wanted to take 20mg saturday, would i be able to feel it? Would you just have to take more to feel the same effects? Or would some of the effects not be present no matter how high of a dose i took?
Thank you

I personally would at /least/ wait until next Saturday to trip. Just my two cents. And in the post above, you will find probably the answer for your question.
Tolerance definitely varies with different substances, so that's something to take into account.

Second, 8mg is quite a small dose, so I would imagine the effects on tolerance wouldn't be too great. The answer depends on how much you want to trip, there will probably be a little bit of dulling, but not too much.
From my experience with other 4-sub-trypts, I would say 20 mg of 4-AcO-DMT would be a good bit stronger than 8 mg two days prior, even accounting for tolerance. Pretty much expect the mental effects you would get off of 20 mg without tolerance along with diminished visuals.