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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(3g Rue/10g mimosa bark) experienced, "galaxy quest"


Apr 11, 2011
First thing's first, how to make an interpretation of ayahuasca tea (MAOI + DMT). i had tried to do it 3 times before with a much disappointed failure and this recipe will get you where you need to go.

My ayahuasca tea interpretation recipe:

3g Syrian Rue
10G mimosa hostillis root bark
Lemon Juice concentrate
vitamin C pills

leave an inch of standing water in 2 pots (one with syrian rue and one with mimosa bark). add 50 ml of lemon juice and 2 vitamin C tablets. mine were 500 mg. on the stove top and heat on 5 level for 10-15 minutes. leave on low heat for 20 minutes. key is to not heat the DMT or MAOI out of the substance that's being extracted. take a fine mesh filter and separate the water from the seeds after cooled. drink the rue extraction and also swallow as many seeds as u can. not too many bc that can lead to nausea. wait 1 hour. this is important bc syrian rue takes a bit longer than cappi vine which is why the shamans drink the dmt and MAOI at the same time. patience is a virtue. wait the hour. next separate the mimosa bark using a filter. filter it several times until there is not a noticeable amount of bark left. it's quite important to filter the shit out of it or that mimosa will give you some serious stomach cramps and nausea.

my plan was to make it alone and drink it just with my roommate. well he dropped the bomb on me that two females were coming over and i knew one and she was cool so her friend would be fine i'm sure. this is important otherwise i might have done something stupid. my roomie didn't sleep the night b4 and was exhausted. these girls helped keep him awake and i thank god for him every day since for staying awake.

T: 015
i had a sense that there was this spiritual and infinite presence in my person and felt as if it was floating to the aura side of my body. it wasn't a physical sensation but sort of a recognition. everyone is looking at me to see if i was tripping and i knew then it was going to work. great news: no nausea at all. i can't even explain why but not about to start thinking it into existence.

T 0:30
they decide they want to get in some sort of state so the plan is walk to the gas station and get beer. this felt like a GREAT PLAN! this part of the trip had this incredible euphoria that took over and was so vibey an not confusing at all. the feelings on this substance are so pure on the come-up. it felt as if the tea was cleansing my body with every minute it's inside my person.

T 0:45
the first created visual i've had on any psychedelic substance occurred. two purple lines that were purely animated were swirling all around me. tracers off of the lights were absolutely beautiful. we got the beer and it's back to the apartment.

t: 1:00
we got back to the apartment and i was still feeling wonderful. i couldn't help but express how i was feeling through dance for a bit. i felt like this wave of energy was moving up and down my body. i felt like the ocean and there was so much love. i would place this substance equal if not better than mescaline about how pure the trip is.

t 1:30
the idea is proposed to head to the smoke closet. i wish i could post a picture of how bad-ass this room is. a closet with no clothes bc we just smoke dmt and weed in there. it is HUGE! the visuals begin to look a lot like people describe mushrooms. i've never gotten very intense visuals with shrooms even at 5G. but i'm not concerned with those silly things anyway. with every blink it seems like an eternity. i was looking at what seemed to be people's faces in the closet as we were talking and it seemed like there were so many of them.

T 1:45
we came back downstairs and things started to get a little dicey up in here. the room wasn't even recognizable anymore. i saw many eyes all over the walls when i stopped to pay attention. everything in the room was multiplying, expanding/contracting, and swirling. the room itself became tilted. i was quiet for a while and they asked me if i was doing alright and i thought i was. i look at my bicycle and it kept stretching at least 6 feet across the room and contracting with tracers all over the movement of the hallucination. then it started stacking on itself. i stared at the bike for a good deal. we had talked about going to the pool after they had drank a bit. the thought entered my mind that if i went to the pool then everything would be okay. i'm a pretty brave soul when it comes to psychedelics and the thought entered my mind that i might not be able to handle it. that's a bad sign on a substance bc things get more intense typically. i said we should go to the pool and i got up and went upstairs and vomited profusely. not from nausea but cyber sickness (look it up). it seemed like an infinite amount of eyes were in the vomit looking back up at me. layers of eyes all over the place. i looked in the mirror and my pupils were the largest i've ever seen on any human being. this thought entered my mind- "what is this thing in the mirror looking back at me?". wow! after that i thought something was wrong.

T 2:00
i go to the pool and see everyone there. EVERYTHING was melting and swirling and every visual u can possibly imagine in real time. i thought for sure i was losing my grip on reality. i told my roomie to help me jump the fence to get to the pool. i get over and set my feet in the water. i look at the chairs and they're multiplying into 4 then 5 then expanding back together and the building are looking back at me with faces it seems. i pulled my roommate to me and told him i needed him to help me and take care of me. i was about to start balling my eyes out i was so devastated.

T 2:30
things start to get normal again thank god. the come-down on this substance made me feel so complete and pure. these last 30 minutes i will never forget the rest of my life. just having deep conversations with my new friends (who i probably scared the shit out of) and the roommate.

next day i feel so full of love and majesty and humble. this trip was totally worth the heavy section because i felt so close to insanity. it's good to lose control sometimes. whoops: long trip report but that's alright. peace and love friends. asalamalakum.
Interesting report....I loved the movie Galaxy Quest! MOAI's scare me a bit so I tend to stay away.
i was suspicious myself, but i made sure to take a proper dieting regiment and not take too much maoi.
Sorry to revive a dead thread... I was just searching for threads on mimosa since I have recently obtained some.

Even with only a little MAOI, your trip lasted for a couple of hours. That sounds reasonable, compared to the standard 6-8 with the traditional ayahuasca brew.

I have caapi and mimosa which I'll be trying soon.