2nd time is a charm?

Its 1:40 am... could not sleep. Working on 2 rush jobs in 100 degree heat for the last 2 days.... still stayed at 4 or under Tram 100's per 24 hours I was at a solid 8 per day 2 weeks ago. I hear n3 saying You Don't Need Them!
Its 1:40 am... could not sleep. Working on 2 rush jobs in 100 degree heat for the last 2 days.... still stayed at 4 or under Tram 100's per 24 hours I was at a solid 8 per day 2 weeks ago. I hear n3 saying You Don't Need Them!
You don't need them!! :) <3
Have you stuck to 4 or under pills today?
Yup. I am trying to wait longer but the fatigue is not good for my situation right now as I have to complete 2 projects that have a dead line.
That is great to hear <3 Try to stay under 4 pills though, try not to let it creep back up to 5, 6, 7 and so on. You've gotta be disciplined and stay focused, even though work is tough right now.
Yesterday was not fun... mental stress and physical exertion cause me to back up a little... I took 5 total for the 24 hours. I am not beating my self up I am just moving on...
Well it is 2:30am and I woke up from the withdrawals.... chills sweating crazy dreams.... project completed and delivered at 9:00 pm... went to sleep at 10 now it is 2:30.

Another medical condition to complicate things is diabetes... always a balance of I know I should not.... but....

Bah, I am just complaining... waiting for the tapenidol to kick in so I can go to sleep.

Last time was in the afternoon I took 2...

Funny it was just a few days ago I had cut nearly in 1/2... I was taking 4 seemingly no major issues...

I heard about a 24 hour detox.... Can you imagine? Go in one day and then 24 hours walk out detoxed.... Maybe It was one of my crazy dreams.
Maybe right now is not a good time to detox.
Is it ever a good time to detox though?? It's just your addiction telling you it's not a good time to quit, because it wants to rope you back in. Don't listen to that voice that's telling you this is too hard or not the right time. You've been doing so well. It's never going to be easy to detox and quit, you've already cut down heaps, just keep going. You can do this!!
I seem to be in a perfect storm...
Financially, I must work to eat and pay bills.
Geographically, It is Texas hot and humid and I work in building with out a/c.
Mentally, I am not adapting to the Texas life very well and I know I need to deal with the physical detox but in those conditions I just can not think straight and I get frustrated and angry.

I have not chosen to give up. Instead I have chosen to take 1 if it gets to that max point.
In the last few days I am in a better place. Not cutting as much as I would like but cutting.
I seem to be in a perfect storm...
Financially, I must work to eat and pay bills.
Geographically, It is Texas hot and humid and I work in building with out a/c.
Mentally, I am not adapting to the Texas life very well and I know I need to deal with the physical detox but in those conditions I just can not think straight and I get frustrated and angry.

I have not chosen to give up. Instead I have chosen to take 1 if it gets to that max point.
In the last few days I am in a better place. Not cutting as much as I would like but cutting.
As long as you keep lowering your dosage and don't go up again I think you're still on the good path. I know how hard it is to taper let alone detox fully if you still need to work. Keep your head up, don't listen to that voice in your head that wants to take more. Set the taper-plan and stick to it!

Good luck gentleman.
As long as you keep lowering your dosage and don't go up again I think you're still on the good path. I know how hard it is to taper let alone detox fully if you still need to work. Keep your head up, don't listen to that voice in your head that wants to take more. Set the taper-plan and stick to it!

Good luck gentleman.
100% agree with this.

@Weverd as long as you don't end up taking more pills, and stay on track with the lower dose, even if you draw your taper out longer, just don't take more pills again <3
Just checking in... nothing stressful to do today. Feeling many emotions... unusual... oh well it is what it is... took 3 with in 12 hours. lower than usual but I really not useful for anything much. I will see how later tonight goes.... Right now just groggy. Thanks all...
Just checking in... nothing stressful to do today. Feeling many emotions... unusual... oh well it is what it is... took 3 with in 12 hours. lower than usual but I really not useful for anything much. I will see how later tonight goes.... Right now just groggy. Thanks all...
That's great man, well done! Keep it up :)
Has the weather been a bit cooler?
Yes n3 it did drop... from upper 90's to lower 90's. It was noticeable. Supposed to rain for the next 4 days.
That'll make it a whole lot more comfortable. I hate the heat.
So you're consistently taking 4 pills a day now?
No n3 I feel like I started over...... well not completely but not at 4.

I was taking a consistent 8 Tramadol or Tapenidol that acted just like the tram. When I ran out of those I have the most recent Tapendol. Takes 1 hour to act, not as strong and doesn't last as long. If I wanted to continue on I would have to take more pills more often like 10.

Once I decided to slowly cut all of them off I dropped to 4. I got myself into a few bad situations. I was not in a condition to work.

For the past few days I have taken 5-7. I am not comfortable but I can function. I am trying to lengthen the time I don't take them.

I can tell my system is detoxing from the higher amount due to the mental and the emotional.

In one regard I feel it is a huge setback. But in another, if I was to make those kind of cuts I would have to stop everything I do and focus just on getting off of them. I have not given up I just have to be serious about this and act responsibly.