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RCs 2CB-Fly vs 2cb For Sex?


Mar 23, 2024
Pretty basic question when it boils down to it.

2cb has a reputation for making sex a very enhanced experience.

I'm wondering if 2cb fly possesses the same sort of sex enhancement, or close to it.

Thank you!
I believe Ann Shulgin said that it did correct me if I'm wrong. IME the 2c's and psychedelics in general are the less sexual drugs known to man, just kinda dulls the experience.
2C-B, was also sold as Nexus in sexshops. In doses between 5/ maybe max 10 mg it apperently is afrodiziak. It should create a headspace erotic, no experience in that use. Take a little more and you are tripping balls. That is what I did.

bk-2C-B ime is not even like 2C-B, I even doubt its activity but it was unpleasant real or placebo. No I would actually say its crap or I had a inactive batch. But it was surely not arroussing sexually. Have you ever heard about Durian, the stink fruit. That I can attest is a pure (bodily) sex enhancer. Anything felt better but the orgasm's are heavenly and extended after eating the fruit.

Read again and noticed you wrote 2C-B-FLY with which I have no exp, but is except longer duration more like the real thing if i read the reports, YMMV
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This is a good question. I would probably vote for 2C-B over the fly compound, because it is way more tactile. However I've not actually had sex on the FLY compound. Neither of them necessarily make me horny.
2C-B-FLY was way less sexual for me at least than 2-CB. I found 2C-B-FLY less entactogenic, more psychedelic and more jittery than 2C-B. Very very different. I enjoyed 2C-B allot more overall.
This is a good question. I would probably vote for 2C-B over the fly compound, because it is way more tactile. However I've not actually had sex on the FLY compound. Neither of them necessarily make me horny.
Its supposed to happen during, a psychedelic that could enhance sex sound's great. But the dosage curve is steep. 10 mg max as afrodisiac any mg more and you are tripping.

Durian, which you probably never tried, Is not hallucinogenic but as soon as you start sexual activity it works like a bomb. Wooden erection's, extended orgasm's. But also more sensitivity without having you come to quick. Loved it, they sold it as candybar's in a Chinese grocery shop. Better then carrying a fruit resembling a smelly dinosour egg.

My advice to any interested, try it at least once, preferably the candybar version.
Durian, which you probably never tried, Is not hallucinogenic but as soon as you start sexual activity it works like a bomb. Wooden erection's, extended orgasm's. But also more sensitivity without having you come to quick. Loved it, they sold it as candybar's in a Chinese grocery shop. Better then carrying a fruit resembling a smelly dinosour egg
This stuff causes cialis like and greater erections and orgasms https://www.amazon.com/Freeze-Duria...-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 ?
Hey never had erectile fails so comparing it with an penis stiffener I can't. Only Erection problem's were when I used standard sized condome's. To discover 32 year's later there are sizes and mine need's not the standard or one size bigger. I needed the 2nd size bigger. Great sexual lesson's they had (neuh). They showed the condom had an dildo penis. But forgot to mention the diameter indicates which size you need. Not the one size fits all approach they taught us.

An old Inonesian woman told me: "when the durian's come down, the dresses go up" she was at least 70+.
But that product seem like the ideal form, like I mentioned the fruit looks like a dinosaur egg and smell's real bad. What it did to me was making my erection even harder, post poning my orgasm, tickling my senses a few knotches up. And a orgasm that was mindblowing, longer and stronger. Seem's to effect the ammount of sperm to.

But a replacement for Cialis? Test it out and report back, I am curious.
Personally experiment's with food's made me conclude Garlic is one that negatively influences my erection. Gets hard and deflates quick. Basil on the otherside. Makes erection's eassier to get and especially to maintain.
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My recommendation is using M.D.M.A or Cocaine to use wile having sex not a hallucinogen like 2C-B-FLY.
My recommendation is using M.D.M.A or Cocaine to use wile having sex not a hallucinogen like 2C-B-FLY.
While i did have the best sex of my life (6 hrs w water breaks) on cocaine, generally speaking i am not responsible enough to use it for that purpose. MDMA git out, maybe at the tail i can cum.

To this day, i would say low dose 2c-i around 10-15mg.

I become an animal and i lose any and all thoughts of self doubt.. and i will go 20x in a row.