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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(2C-I, 2C-E / 10mg each orally) - moderate - Back to Home Base


May 1, 2012
Hey guys and gals, this is my second trip report on here. This report is meant to follow up my previous report where I insufflated 5mg each of 2ci and 2ce. Summary of the last trip: quick come up, short trip. This time though, a whole different story.

9:00p Me and my girlfriend, Dolphin, are waiting for our friend Hippo to show up. This is going to be Hippo's first trip. I prepare three doses by weighing out 10mg of each substance into two shit glasses filled with water, and then 7.5mg of each into a third glass. The smaller dose being for my Hippo friend, whom I am being cautious with. My assistant Dolphin stirred the solutions till they dissolved.

9:30pm - Hippo arrives and we each take our dose. We then proceed to watch some music videos while we wait for it to kick in.

0:30 - first effects are definitely noticeable. Good body high, and I can start to feel the vibrations. I can definitely tell that it's hitting Dolphin and Hippo already since Dolphin is having a conversation with my daughters stuffed bird, and Hippo thinks I look like Rango.

0:45 - the trip has definitely set in, seeing trails and feeling some serious vibrations. Noticing a significant mind-opening effect in myself and my friends. Hippo is opening up to some relationship problems and is finally working through them I think. The visualization on XBMC are complimenting Pink Floyd very nicely. The lights extend from the tv in an amazing way.

1:15 - we have decided to watch Rango after recounting my adventure 6 years ago when I tripped and watched Ice Age 2 in theaters. The CG animation is so amazing with this stuff, and it makes the movie expand from the tv into the whole room.

1:45 - we have joined Rango in the desert as my sand colored carpet turns to sand. The plot of the movie is all encompassing and no longer is just a story, but a life metaphor of creating an identity for yourself. Knowing who you really are.

2:15 - I understand why the moles would be riding on bats. That makes sense. They are both creatures that hide from the light. Bats are kinda like moles with wings in a way. What I don't understand is how the moles got fully automatic firearms. Who would sell a turret gun to a mole?

3:00ish - the movie having ended, we went outside to observe the outdoors. The trees climb into the sky like the are aching to just once touch the moon. The ground and the sky seem to be in combat, fighting each other for their space. Like the earth holds the sky up, and the sky holds the earth down. The sky is like a live action Van Gogh painting.

5:00 - the conversation into Hippo's relationship issues continued for some time, until I decided that we needed to go for a walk. Dolphin guarded the house while Hippo and I walked.

5:30 - Hippo and I reach am intersection and we notice that one direction is much brighter than the rest and has very nicely manicured lawns. Seeing this as a sign to go that direction, we soon arrived at a park. In this park was a strange looking red bench. When we get closer, we realize the bench is normal but there is a man wearing all red leather sitting on the bench drinking red Amp Energy Drinks. We then walked the opposite direction.

6:00 - we started heading home as we noticed objects painted into the concrete. Look like the same shape as a home base in a baseball field. We are both so curious as to the meaning of these things, and decided that they meant for us to go home. Do we did.

6:30 - The trip has definitely worn off at this point. I'm left with a slight headache from wearing my contacts all day, and a sunburn from my early nap on the beach. Otherwise, feeling rather mellow and tired. Hippo gas now left to go home, Dolphin and I are in bed

9:00am the next day - sitting at work. Rather unproductive, but not feeling too burnt out from the night before. I feel like this experience has primarily served to open doors for Hippo to get help in his relationship, and has helped Dolphin and I better appreciate outer own. Cheers to the good times!