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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

25B-NBOMe (& MDMA) - First Time - An intense and crazy ride


May 1, 2012
This is not a threat about what is in 25B, I just want to share my experience with it to warn others of how strong that stuff is :D


First, I would like you to know that I took two Mollie before this, and was not really feeling them at the music festival i attended and wanted something else. I probably should not have added anything to my roll, especially a psychedelic since I had not experienced any of these before.

Gave the guy 20 bucks, payed for two but he put like 4 drops under my tongue it felt like ( I suggest you do not let strangers give you your dosage into your mouth... I was dumb. Especially not 25B. 25B in a tiny tiny tiny TINY dose is similar to a regular dose of LSD apparently)
Turned around said Oh yeah this isn't real acid and not telling you what is in it and like walked away. Soooooo the last thing I remember having control over is me asking him how long it took to kick in. The dealer said 20 to 40 minutes...it took me five.


The first thing I noticed was peoples faces beginning to morph, and I was imagining everyone's faces turned towards me and staring at me. I could not dance anymore because It was very hard to get myself to move with the beat and I was getting motion sick. About 30 minutes later I had to go to the bathroom (and there are only porter potties) DO NOT GO INTO A PORTER POTTY WHILE TRIPPING!!! THEY ARE DEATH TRAPS! I never thought it would be so hard to convince myself I was the only one around. I stood there for about 5 minutes repeating that over and over and finally convinced myself to pull down my hot pants. Finally in the position, the faces and eyes started coming back and more intense (my trip was about 15 minutes away from its peak)

I had made up a midget in my head and he was sitting in front of me to my right and there were always two people on my side staring in at me the whole night. I could not even tell if I was done going number one yet. I was like fuck this shit, through my pants on and ran out of the bathroom yelling "Thats a hell hole" The guy walking in was like WHAAAA???
I could not see my trip sitter who was a few feet in front of me waving. You loose your vision, and mine was replaced with neon pink and blue squiggles everywhere. (I think the vibrations of the Bass from the four stages was vibrating my vision more then usual) I told him that it was hitting me and that we should go sit down. I then confessed that I had not done acid before (well I did but it was bunk) and that I was fine and knew that I was going to be okay, but my mind was not used to this and it was getting harder and harder to convince myself that it was going to be alright.
A little dose lasts about 10 hrs... I took however much at 12am and was still tripping by 12am the next night. My boyfriends metal band at 12am that next night only sounded like dubstep. I knew it was drums and guitars but my mind perceived it as dubstep and all the rap on the way home was only dubstep.

With all the squiggles everywhere I could not see peoples faces, I only saw the eyes of those I did not know and everyone's face that I did know was pretty much a really scary troll with a swirly orange and yellow eye. My skin by the end of the night I had convinced myself was purple and blue fur like on monsters inc. and I was really fat and swollen looking. I locked myself in my car to sleep and had also convinced myself that I was paying for this trip in the way that this was a virtual reality and I was playing a sims game and seeing how much I can make myself trip before I'm over the edge)


The infinite loops is the worst about this!! They make you crazy!! It's like... you need to go to school but you need money so you need a job but you need to go to school to get the job. But more like telling yourself that that is not real, but it could be but then that means this is real and ugh it was so weird. I had this glowing ball around my neck, and if that was not there I would most likely have lost it. I kept having to stare down at it to make myself get out of all the loops i put myself in. Also I was super un-responsive which I heard means you are definitely on the higher levels of tripping.

The music was right next to me and sounded miles away, and not being able to see peoples mouths made it super hard for me to tell if people were talking to me. Also, anything i did hear set into a loop and played forwards and backwards and then I would see the past the present and the future so I could not tell which "time" was talking to me so I would not respond. My sitter had to sit me with these other chicks while he went and got our other friend because she had taken the same thing, but she was more used to that stuff.
I almost got up and went to the EMT to kill me which made me super sad that I had let myself get to this point. I was draining my emotions and energy telling myself i was good. I had also thought so much about going to the EMT that I was going to make sure that they did not just knock me out (like they would do either) because I was so scared that knocking me out would keep me locked in the closed-eyed trip mode and I would not be able to grasp by glowing ball and I would forever be flipping out.

If you do decide to take this, do not feel dumb about being very cautcious. I have never heard anyone describe tripping as so freaken crazy and a lot of my friends do that. Try a tiny bit first and definitely have a sitter. ALSO there is a great forum somewhere that your sitter should read on how to talk you through it.
My friends did what others would do to them, but this stuff was just so much stronger. You have to trick us, tell us how people aren't staring at you and that everyone is as fucked up as you are so you are fine. No one knows you are tripping balls, but remember you are tripping. Also... my friend always reminded me that I could put my hand on him because I couldn't see him and that was the only way I could get myself to talk to him and believe he was there.


Was freaking hell!!
Right when I got on the bus Which was only around 1 to 2 something. (which I now realize I had only been tripping for maybe 2 hours or so but felt like forever) (my ears were still messed up and I could not hear anything) So I couldnt hear people talking so I was convinced everyone was as fucked up as I was.. so I literally said "oh shit I should have been ehre all night this is my kind of bus" but once I sat down in that heat and everything (and no one had windows down b/c I'm pretty sure everyone was really really fucked up)
I had to have my head down between my legs and eyes open because it was so dark and all i heard were creepy demon whispers and everything was playing backwards in my head and in long ass loops. Just you have to remember you are tripping and that it will end. I know you will want to just fall into the rabbit hole and not come out and if you are used to that stuff you may be able to but I was not going to allow myself to lay down and get lost because I had no idea how I was going to get myself out of it. [/B]

But! That is as much of my story as I wish to remember... because I was super scared and really did not like most of my thoughts... so just please please be careful. It is a beastly little drug and easily can be way too much. Definitely have a trip sitter and if you start to be overwhelmed, don't feel stupid but tell someone you need to get to a place that is your own. I had to get back to my camp site into my little world so I could stop freaking out how I was looking to others and if the emt people were going to notice how fuggered I was. you need to get comfy with your surroundings and body before you can start calming yourself down because it just starts building up all your anxiety and what not.
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I hope you're all right now. Fortunately, it doesn't sound like you were harmed physically, which was quite likely given the very steep dose response curve of the NBOMes.

Your story is a perfect example of why you should never buy drugs from random strangers at festivals or take an unknown dose of a substance you're not familiar with. The same thing could have happened with real LSD or a number of other drugs. Please take this lesson to heart.
How do you know it was 25B and not any of the other NBOMes if you were not told what it was?
This is why it always always always is a good idea to make sure someone in the group (preferably everyone) has antipsychotics and benzosbon them. You could have stopped that in about 20 minutes with some Risperidone.
Yes, how do you actually know it was 25B? There is seriously less of that around than other 25X compounds.
Doesn't sound like a DOX though - considering the short onset time.
Also please provide a title for this trip report, so that it can be sent to the Trip Report section. If that is done,
not sure if everything will be left bold. Don't hate if it gets a little modded.

Thanks for writing this <3
Sounds like a heavy duty experience.
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How do you know it was 25B and not any of the other NBOMes if you were not told what it was?

:D That is a good question. That is all I had heard when I had taken it was the whole It's not real acid and what not, but our group had apparently gotten his number and had known what it was after I had taken it. So either I did not hear them when they found out it was 25b or they did not want to let me know? I cannot tell you exactly. I just know that they knew for sure and I found out afterwards.

I hope you're all right now. Fortunately, it doesn't sound like you were harmed physically, which was quite likely given the very steep dose response curve of the NBOMes.

Your story is a perfect example of why you should never buy drugs from random strangers at festivals or take an unknown dose of a substance you're not familiar with. The same thing could have happened with real LSD or a number of other drugs. Please take this lesson to heart.

:D i definitely have learned. But It really sucks how before I got there I told myself to not do anything stupid like that, but once the mollie was in my system it was kind of like a drunk, you just don't really stop and think. So was super dissapointed in myself that it had gotten down to that point. And I had made my friends sit me down next to some big girls (cause in my head, while tripping I thought that they were big and had been rolling earlier so were probably going to be stationary for the remainder of the night) so I was not moving around at all.

This is why it always always always is a good idea to make sure someone in the group (preferably everyone) has antipsychotics and benzosbon them. You could have stopped that in about 20 minutes with some Risperidone.

WHAAATTT?? Never even heard of that, Thanks! I mean during that would have been awesome, but since I got through it, it was a life changing thing and I loved it. Just wish some thoughts I could forget.

Yes, how do you actually know it was 25B? There is seriously less of that around than other 25X compounds.
Doesn't sound like a DOX though - considering the short onset time.
Also please provide a title for this trip report, so that it can be sent to the Trip Report section. If that is done,
not sure if everything will be left bold. Don't hate if it gets a little modded.

Thanks for writing this <3
Sounds like a heavy duty experience.

So I just change the title to Trip Report or something and they will move it for me? (I don't care about the bold stuff :) )
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No I don't think you can change the title, just mention the title here and I will do the rest. That kind of stuff is what mods and other crew are for.
but I was not going to allow myself to lay down and get lost because I had no idea how I was going to get myself out of it.

You still had your sanity the whole time it sounds like.
Well done for holding out on such a harsh trip. You are a trooper. ;)

Generally, if you are into psychedelics much, you'll run into a trip or two that are creepy and everyone's eyes are on you while you mess up all over the place. Can't be careful enough sometimes. Now you know for next time. We all learn... some of us harder than others.<3

Better "not enough" than "too much".
More like a "supertrooper" haha

Haha good movie.
One I've actually seen for once.

What I meant was, a trooper for riding it out and not panicking and ending up in the hospital complaining about research chemicals to the police. lol
No response about report title so I came up with one myself before I would forget all about this and forget moving it.

So here we are, moved PD >> TR.
Yes, how do you actually know it was 25B? There is seriously less of that around than other 25X compounds.
Well, it is out there, so it's not THAT completely unlikely it was 25B. I mean I have seen it for sale online so....
Would be pretty strange for a dealer to pass something, that not so many people heard about, like 25i, off as something that maybe even fewer people heard about, like 25B.
Well, it is out there, so it's not THAT completely unlikely it was 25B. I mean I have seen it for sale online so....
Would be pretty strange for a dealer to pass something, that not so many people heard about, like 25i, off as something that maybe even fewer people heard about, like 25B.

Of course. I totally understand what you're saying... yet the question was necessary. We need to know if the drug in particular was mentioned and implied or if an assumption was made like: it was said it was "NBOMe" and the TS read somewhere that there is 25B-NBOMe in existence not knowing about the other analogues and then assuming thís one is ít. There are countless scenario's possible and we need to make this more clear since it is not explicit enough from the report.

This is something different altogether than doubting whether this was actually the drug involved reasoning that it is too rare to be possible. It's not about that at all and it's even less about something like people needing some reputation to be able to convince others that they have actually used a truly rare drug. At the same time there are too many examples of people getting fake drugs that are being passed off as if they were some super-rare drug. There are tell-tale signs for that and we can use particular sets of questions to see if the source knowns what the hell they are talking about or if some guy is just being duped.

We need to check each other using personal experience on the subject and in the end it's actually not about anything personal whatsoever.

TS... I hope you are okay with the report title since you did not provide one within a given timeframe. :)