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RCs 2-FMA (2-Fluoromethamphetamine) - Megathread

Hey guys,

I have a relatively small quantity of this compound that I intend to use for work (writing) - Given that I don't have that much at my disposal and I need to stretch out its use as much as possible, could you give a comparison of the relative potencies of different ROAs?
4-FA, the only other halogenated amphetamine I've tried, I've found to be far more potent insufflated as opposed to taken orally, with as little as 20mg required to achieve the "rolling" feeling people describe as only attainable >100mg when taken orally.

Does the same hold true for 2-FMA? I haven't got enough on me to experiment different ROAs myself, so I would really appreciate some info on this. One user reported that insufflated, it was sketchier than oral. Is this true? I would ideally want as few peripheral side-effects as possible as I will be using this compound for purely functional purposes. What about plugging?

Any thoughts?

Have fun snorting hot shards of glass. Seriously, that's the description I've read about snorting 4-FA many times over.

Trying plugging it. It's not too much stronger than oral dosing, but it completely avoids any nausea and you come up within 15 minutes. It still has a higher bioaviailability nonetheless.

I have yet to try 2-FMA. I've also been a bit wary of trying another FMA compounds after trying the very toxic feeling 4-FMA. Shit felt so dirty.
I found 2-FA pretty good if it hadnt given me a slight head ache the next day sometimes.
Is 2FMA really that different or is it very similar to 2FA?

I dont care for 4-FA because I have phenethylamines for that Im looking for some clean stimulation and it can be more on the DA side rather than NE.

MPA is out for me because I find it strange cant say why, EPH I had that and took too much of it so I take a long break.

So should I get 2FMA, alpha pvp or amphetamine which is supposedly over 70%
Hey guys,

I have a relatively small quantity of this compound that I intend to use for work (writing) - Given that I don't have that much at my disposal and I need to stretch out its use as much as possible, could you give a comparison of the relative potencies of different ROAs?
4-FA, the only other halogenated amphetamine I've tried, I've found to be far more potent insufflated as opposed to taken orally, with as little as 20mg required to achieve the "rolling" feeling people describe as only attainable >100mg when taken orally.

Does the same hold true for 2-FMA? I haven't got enough on me to experiment different ROAs myself, so I would really appreciate some info on this. One user reported that insufflated, it was sketchier than oral. Is this true? I would ideally want as few peripheral side-effects as possible as I will be using this compound for purely functional purposes. What about plugging?

Any thoughts?

I've actually been playing around a bit with insufflating 2-FMA over the past day, and I must say I am pleasantly surprised, especially considering I'm typically opposed to any ROA besides oral. For functionality, my "sweet spot" is 10mg oral + 10mg insufflated at the same time. I've found combining the two ROA's, rather than dosing orally at first and boosting via insufflation as many others seem to do, allows the two doses to balance each other out very nicely and the effects are better than taking all 20mg either orally or nasally.

Combining oral/nasal administration produces the quick onset and stronger effects of insufflation while the oral dose negates the "sketchy" peripheral side-effects associated with dosing solely via insufflation and extends the duration of the effects, creating the same timeline as solely oral dosing.

Insufflation did seem to lose a certain amount of it's punch after several 10mg bumps, however, and my suspicion is that previous nasal doses had caked the inside of my nose and dried it out, thus limiting the effectiveness of subsequent doses. My theory found some supporting evidence when I indulged in a long broil in my sauna/shower, and as the heavy steam cleared and moistened my nasal cavity I could taste the strong drip from the 2-FMA caked in there, and shortly after felt a strong rush as if I had just bumped a decent amount. My next insufflated dose came on as strong as my first one, and I believe I have good ol' steam power to thank for that.
I dont understand how you guys could take it everyday as i had a weeks insomnia jsut from 1, 120mg dose. i chucked my benzo stash at the time cos i decided oi didnt want to tackle one substance with something even more addicitng.

So you guys must really be deep into benzo dependance to be dosing daily. Since I refuse to use benzos the insomnia alone would ward me off of daily use.

Besides that tho, even tho its easier on the body it sitll def feels like your on a drug and i wouldnt wanna feel like that usually except for the occasional recreational. Im t total usually so i imagine im prob more of a stickler about feeling clean in body and mind than most.
I dont understand how you guys could take it everyday as i had a weeks insomnia jsut from 1, 120mg dose. i chucked my benzo stash at the time cos i decided oi didnt want to tackle one substance with something even more addicitng.

So you guys must really be deep into benzo dependance to be dosing daily. Since I refuse to use benzos the insomnia alone would ward me off of daily use.

Besides that tho, even tho its easier on the body it sitll def feels like your on a drug and i wouldnt wanna feel like that usually except for the occasional recreational. Im t total usually so i imagine im prob more of a stickler about feeling clean in body and mind than most.

A week insomnia ? What in the world ? That's literally impossible from that single dose.
From that nightmarish week of torture ill tell you it certainly isnt!

I think I blew out my dopamine cos i drank a ton of alcohol as well- like 1/4 bottle of rum or some shit within 45 mins getting overconfident- and bottle of wine or so and had some severe chills and dysphoria for a bit. That happened both times doing 2-fa too before that went off the radar. Each of those times overdoing it with the alcohol have produced acute dysphoria and fear i overdid it and subsequent ill effects on the comedown.

I was reading how you can have insomnia from both too high dopamine, as we all know, but also too low dopamine, so i figure maybe that might be why.

So its hard to say how much of a contributing factor that was because i overdid it every time with alcohol each time i either took 2-fa or 2-fma (only twice and once respectively).

Note Im not a 'wild one' or anything with taking substances but i just was unaware of what a bad effect the alcohol would have since i never drink unless i take stims and it seemed really enticing at the time as you know how smooth alcohol goes down with speed. I know better for next time. The feeling like a shriveled prune from alcohol dehydration sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it.

Ive vowed not to touch alcohol if i take it again- gonna try weed instead. At least if i overdo it with weed i figure ill just come down quicker and go to sleep.
I dont understand how you guys could take it everyday as i had a weeks insomnia jsut from 1, 120mg dose. i chucked my benzo stash at the time cos i decided oi didnt want to tackle one substance with something even more addicitng.

So you guys must really be deep into benzo dependance to be dosing daily. Since I refuse to use benzos the insomnia alone would ward me off of daily use.

Besides that tho, even tho its easier on the body it sitll def feels like your on a drug and i wouldnt wanna feel like that usually except for the occasional recreational. Im t total usually so i imagine im prob more of a stickler about feeling clean in body and mind than most.

I don't use benzos at all, I just don't dose within 6 hours of going to bed. Also, I don't dose more than 20mg at a time, so there is never anywhere close to 120mg in my system at once. My daily schedule is extremely busy though (wake up 5:00am, work out 6:30-7:30, Job 1 8:00-3:30, Job 2 4:00-8:00) so I'm naturally so tired in the evenings that sleep is never hard to find regardless of any stim intake.

I also am having trouble believing in a week-long period of insomnia being triggered by a single dose of 2-FMA, even if it was a higher oral dose than most recommend. In your case, I'd definitely look to alcohol as the primary suspect for your difficult experience. If the alcohol intake you stated is accurate it sounds like you had the equivalent of 10 alcoholic drinks (1.5 oz. shots hard liquor/12 oz. beer/5 oz. wine) in under an hour. You probably had some slight alcohol poisoning going on, and IME when I drink to such excess I have problems sleeping well for a couple nights after my bender.

What other psychoactive substances had you taken the day of your experience and in the few days prior?
I hadnt had anything else. Im t-total usually and hadnt mixed anything else.

Prob the alcohol then cos another symptom I had was being really cold and couldnt get warm. Id turn on all the heaters in my room and stand right by them and was still freezing. Also I got a severe headache for 30-mins to an hour and my speed high was blunted and replaced by dysphoria till I drank lots of water. Then after a bit the coldness and headache went away a bit but still my high had been blunted.

Like I say the 2 times I took 2-fa and once I took 2-fma I went crazy on the alcohol the same way each time downing wildly in short order so havent been able to say from my own experiences but seems likely now form what others are saying. Just read that hypothermia is a symptom of alcohol poisoning leading credence to this as the offender.

This is good to know if it was the alcohol as the likely culprit cos I hate the stuff usually and would be easy to miss out.

That fucking idiot juice! :D

Thanks for the heads up; good ol' harm reduction.
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I found 2FMA an incredibly reinforcing and compulsive stimulant. I've been on mixed amphetamine salts since I was a kid, and have only rarely used it differently than prescribed. Amphetamine salt is a 'work, study, or clean' stimulant. It makes me feel energized but I can hardly call it euphoria. Methamphetamine can be very euphoric but the general manic nature and long lasting effects kept me from ever taking it to the extreme. 2FMA acts in my body completely different from classic amphetamine. I do not find it a very good work or study drug at the 20-40mg level. And when I took it up to 60mg, it became incredibly euphoric on a scale that only cocaine could beat. For a few months I was eating truly insane amounts every couple hours and it is really the only drug that had some cognitive toll on me. I also would have hallucinations on the insanely high dosages, hearing voices and a friend who was with me one night when I was binging on the stuff said I was seeing people that weren't there. I honestly have little memory of this time, but I had enough awareness to know it was making me crazy, I guess I just didn't care.

Thankfully all of those cognitive issues went away when I stopped using it. But for a while, the few friends who knew what I was doing really began to fear for me.

I imagine people react differently to this like most other research chemicals. For what it is worth, it did take me a few tries with 2FMA to 'get it.' It is like methylone in that respect...one's mental state (and maybe even what they had for breakfast) can affect the end result.
I'm generally pretty wary of RC's, but my good friend who is not sported me a gram or so of 2fma. After some research I decided to go for it. I've always enjoyed stimulants and have been using them recreationally for probably 20 years but my experience with them is mainly limited to pharms like ritalin and adderall, and way back in the day ephedrine trucker speed haha.

I had about 2 grams to play with. First session I started with an oral dose of about 5mg eyeballed on an empty stomach and coffee (not very sensitive to caffeine) just to see how my body reacted to that. After no reaction I decided to bump up a notch to about another 10mg. That dose got the ball rolling for me and I immediately recognized the come-up as similar to adderall - that busy feeling and the sudden urge to start cleaning and read the Post from cover to cover. At about 2 hours and no negative side effects I decided that my dosing scheme was going to be similar to adderall so I decided to add another ~7ish mg. My typical recreational dose of Adderall is 20 - 40 mg depending on my supply and how saucy I am feeling that day. I'm not into tweaking and do like to be able to get to sleep within 24 hours of a decent dose.
Long story short I was all together pleased with my 2fma sessions and would say it was close enough to adderall that I was already planning on getting more. I have to agree with other posters that 2fma has a lovely smooth clean stimulant buzz that lasts awhile, however does lack some of the euphoria, at least at the dose I did.
I did however experience a couple of negative side effects during subsequent session; the 2nd time I dosed 2 days later I experienced an uncomfortable achy feeling in my chest and and joints. Obviously I can't make a direct connection and I had been smoking cigarettes (stims have always made me mad crave cigs even though I rarely smoke tobacco anymore); the same session I got chest pain after smoking a little weed at the end of the day but it went away within 10 mins. However, 3rd and last session I had none of the achy feeling BUT I drank about 4 beers that night and had a nasty headache the next day. This makes I'm inclined to agree with some other posters on this thread that 2fma probably does not mix well with many other chemicals. Also tried insufflating maybe 3-5mg to test the reaction. Burned quite a bit at first but it went away quick, maybe 10-15 seconds.

One more note... a big selling points of stimulants for me is the horny factor and this didn't disappoint.

Would I get more? yes
@MGS: 40mg is higher than I personally would ever use as a work aid/study dose, I try to stick to mg for any functional purpose. I have to agree with you on the compulsive nature of 2-FMA when used on consecutive days (or weeks!). Also, I've noticed that the same dose (10mg for example) doesn't deliver too diminished of returns on consecutive days until you bump your dosage up, even once.

For example, I had been using 10mg doses 2-3 times a day for about a week, and each dose felt more or less the same, with the obvious exception being my initial dose of the whole week which was more euphoric, as that first dose of anything always is. That weekend, however, I made the incredibly impulsive and foolish decision to bomb 40mg and insufflate another 50 at once to see what the rush would be like. The two outcomes of my stupidity were (1) hours of scatter-brained, panic-ridden anxiety from my massive dose that wasn't the least bit enjoyable and (2) all my doses for the next week were ruined.

The day after my mega dose I tried to use a functional dose, 30mg, which was higher than my usual but I figured I had to account for tolerance. All I got was an elevated heart rate and a weird dysphoria. For the following week I was determined to taper off my usage, so I dosed 10mg twice a day on Mon-Weds and 10mg just in the morning Thursday. The dysphoria never returned, but neither did any noticeable effect from the dose. I'm not craving more 2-FMA now that my stash is empty, but i do have another en route. I've learned my lesson though, and never plan to dose over 10mg at once again so that these small doses retain their efficiency for me.
i find an oral dose of 80 mg to be perfect if your looking for euphoria. anything more than 80 mg is a waste. you wont get any higher, just a more pronounced comedown, stimulated and bored at the same time. i use benzos for this amount. i do it to be productive AND feel awesome. my advice, dont go over 80 mg, you will get euphoria. a buddy of mine did 100mg with me one day, and 80mg the next week. it was identical with less comedown(which is mild, im just sensitive to amp comedowns).
The clean euphoria of this is really nice, less side-effects then amps but the comedown is just as shitty and annoying imo. I just hate feeling that boring stimulation for hours after, then I get the motivation to socialize and instead I turn into a jittery annoying jackass around poeple. I even smoked weed and took benzo's but the boring stimulation was there for hours. Makes me remember why I stopped taking amphetamine but the peak/euphoria is better with 2-fma. Overall, I guess this is a nice drug to have around when you need to get shit done and makes me not need amps anymore but with regular usage I bet euphoria goes away and all that's left is the shitty side-effects...just like with amphetamine. Gonna try 4-fa next that one sounds more enjoyable when it comes to recreation and socializing. I literally got in a 10minute shouting match with this girl that pissed me the fuck out (she fucking started getting angry at me for the dumbest things and I just lost it, fuck her seriously I told her I was crashing from speed so she should've just fucked off...felt pretty nice to put a bitch in here place, the rest of the chicks there were cool as hell though so i'm not calling you all bitches ladies :)) though so maybe that made the 2-fma less enjoyable to me...the actual high was really nice don't get me wrong. I'll be taking this again but lots of weed/opiates, and benzos are essential for the crash.
^ Why would you need/want to taper down with an amphetamine? They have no physical withdrawals and unnecessarily prolonging use will just result in further NE/DA depletion... Or am I missing something? (Not a big fan of stimulants)

You make a good point, I was tapering down my use because after a couple days of the large doses I previously noted I was a little lethargic if I didn't use 2-FMA and I had too busy of a week to afford being drowsy all day, even for one day. Pretty much I just used the bare minimum to help me be alert and on the ball, I didn't really get any buzz or side effects at these low doses.
Have fun snorting hot shards of glass. Seriously, that's the description I've read about snorting 4-FA many times over.

Trying plugging it. It's not too much stronger than oral dosing, but it completely avoids any nausea and you come up within 15 minutes. It still has a higher bioaviailability nonetheless.

I have yet to try 2-FMA. I've also been a bit wary of trying another FMA compounds after trying the very toxic feeling 4-FMA. Shit felt so dirty.

4fa is best when snorted. Unfortunately it burns, but people need to be a little less pussy about it seriously. The burn goes away in under a minute.

I found 2FMA to feel almost too clean, never tried 4fma, but feels WAY cleaner than 4fa which feels clean to me in the first place.
so, im looking for some opinions due to the fact i will be ordering one of the two,

2-FMA or 4-FA for songwriting/gaming/repetitive tasks
so, im looking for some opinions due to the fact i will be ordering one of the two,

2-FMA or 4-FA for songwriting/gaming/repetitive tasks

2FMA is much more research paper oriented, on 4FA i was able to learn 16 cover songs on my bass in 1 night, redosing periodically.. which is pretty nuts imo..definitely gave me the energy and focus. 2FMA feels more mathematical and 4FA feels more like creative energy.
well im going to go with 4FA since i cannot for the life of me find any available 2FMA
i heard insufflation burns like a motheruckfer, but i can suck it up, i dont think it can be too much worse than ethylphenidate was to me.
i'll post a report of that when it arrives.
well im going to go with 4FA since i cannot for the life of me find any available 2FMA
i heard insufflation burns like a motheruckfer, but i can suck it up, i dont think it can be too much worse than ethylphenidate was to me.
i'll post a report of that when it arrives.

It burns like a habanero pepper, except only in your nose, and only burns for less than a minute. I think the shock is worth the increased onset and peak
Or you could plug the 4-FA instead of insufflation. Much better ROA in all respects.