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RCs 2'-chlorodiazepam (diclazepam) brand new benzo RC

its fucking awful up the nose! no need at all.. just chew a couple and hold in your mouth for abit
they hurt going up my parrots beak, but the onset is quicker and stronger, though not very long lasting (hour most) id recommend 1mg eitz with an insuffated pyrazolam

Bluelight doesn't appreciate talk of your parrot and dog doing drugs.
We know it's you, and if it isn't, then there's an even bigger problem
yes as well as made 250mg disappear like magic over 2 days lol

if you're curious as to what happens, it's not much other than sleeping. Insanely stupid thing to do and would not recommend it but that's what u get for finger dipping etizolam and as well as having too much clonazepam to know what's good for you. At least it wasn't a phenazepam style trainwreck, i just slept it off, no harm done other than fucking my tolerance to hell.

NOTE: do not take ridiculous amounts of etizolam, even if it doesn't kill you, there's no purpose to it. WRT other benzos, the same applies, at best you'll fall asleep the whole time, at worst, you'll blackout and then anything is possible including causing your own death by sheer stupidity. Do not take extremely high doses of benzodiazepines or etizolam for recreation or any other purpose.
This what I used to be like, it wasn't unusual for me to consume either 1000-3000 mg Diazepam in a 48 hour period or 3000-9000mg Temazepam or 300mg Alprazolam.

Coincidentally I tried some Etzolam last week and was quite impressed, I've actually just ordered 30mg Etizolam and 30mg Diclazepam. I'm also probably going to order some 2mg Flunitrazepam and some 20mg Sandoz Temazepam jellies/eggs from somewhere else :)
it does feel quite like diaz. it produces more of a 'body high' than etiz and is fairly sedating. i took 10mg over the course of an evening with wine and ithad me very sedated (i was watching a movie so i didnt get myself into trouble).
diaz has a lot of active metabolites, such as oxazepam, which supposedly contribute to the effects. anyone know what the case will be with these?

i like them, but not quite as much as diazepam. probably better than etizolam IMHO, but obviously horses for courses; for daytime anxiety they may be a little too sedating.

also: any thoughts on toxicity from any ADDers?
"Heavy" benzo, it has a "heavy" feeling to it, quite sedating and hypnotic. Even more so than diazepam IMO. I don't find it especially recreational, and it is not as potently anxiolytic as many other benzos. Still, for sleep or just chilling it is quite good.

Of the legal (depends on where you live) benzos sold on the RC market, this is IMO the best only for sleep. Both pyrazolam and etizolam are better for anxiety. If you take all benzos into account, Diclazepam ranks quite low on the list.

Edit: The benzo I would most compare this to is Phenazepam, both have that heavy, stoned feeling.

I got some unwanted anxiety from Ethylphenidate and took 1 mg Diclazepam (plus 3 mg pyrazolam). It was really effective, almost a bit too effective. Pretty much all stimulation is gone. This may be a good benzo for comedowns. Needs to test more though.
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Oh yes, etiz beats this by a mile. Etis is one of the very few benzos that gives me euphoria. Still even etiz falls short of the more "heavy weight" benzos like clonazepam, temazepam and alprazoam IME.
^Would you put temazepam in the heavy weight category?

Doses aside, I wouldn't put temazepam and clonazepam in the same category. Clonaz is heavy. Sandbags on the brain heavy. Anti-convulsant heavy.

Anyway, as said before, "horses for courses" or something. All this animal talk is confusing me. Parrots are taking too many sedatives, and dogs, too. It's a sad world when nature has to turn to pharmaceuticals.

What next? Monkeys being used for medical experiments?!

(wait...) :?
so these are being pressed by the same uk company that is the pink 2mg/1mg blue etizolam and yellow pyrazolam?
i've switched to powder, stick to intas/depas/sedok

@sublingual method idk i just never neck a pill anymore :x
depends on the benz, manufacturer etc but always under my tongue..
usually wash it around the mouth till its soggy, then it finds it's spot under the right side of my tongue :x
love some pure alprolozam right there :)
^Would you put temazepam in the heavy weight category?

Doses aside, I wouldn't put temazepam and clonazepam in the same category. Clonaz is heavy. Sandbags on the brain heavy. Anti-convulsant heavy.

Yeah, I'd put Temazepam in the heavy weight category. There are several reasons for this. It's not especially potent, but has a quite low safety-margin for benzos, making overdoses more dangerous than with many others. This is especially true if combined whith alcohol. But I'd still put it in a category below e.g. flunitrazepam and midazolam.

Temazepam had the highest rate of drug intoxication, including overdose, among common benzodiazepines in cases with and without combination with alcohol in a 1985 study.[45] Temazepam and nitrazepam were the two benzodiazepines most commonly detected in overdose-related deaths in an Australian study of drug deaths.[46] A 1993 British study found temazepam to have the highest number of deaths per million prescriptions among medications commonly prescribed in the 1980s (11.9, versus 5.9 for benzodiazepines overall, taken with or without alcohol)

45: [url]http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/310/6974/219[/url]
46: [url]http://dx.doi.org/10.1097%2F00000433-199612000-00012[/url]
47: [url]http://dx.doi.org/10.1192%2Fbjp.163.3.386[/url]

It's true that Clonazepam is much, much more potent. And it has effects that are unique (or at least very much more pronounced, like the muscle relaxant and anti-seizure properties (hence it's also prescribed for epileptics). It is my favourite benzo, all time, hands down. It feels like it's a benzo designed exaxtly for what I need.

Also, Temazepam is known to produce the most severe withdrawal symptoms of all benzos; the reasons for this are not totally understood, but it is believed it has to do with how Temazepam binds to receptors in the brain. This is still based on anecdotal evidence, but there was a discussion about it earlier here on BL. In that study a Swedish doctor running a benzo detox clinic consistently found those addicted to Temazepam to have the worst WD symptoms.
Thanks Cyanoide. That was really interesting info. I had no idea that temaz had the worst WDs of all benzos.

I guess I have always thought of it as being lightweight because the highest dose I've seen in a single pill is 10mg. And the most I've taken at once was four, which obviously isn't going to produce very pronounced effects for most people.

It's so important to read up on benzo potency equivalency charts if people are taking benzos that are new to them. Imagine the trouble someone could get into if they were used to equating the number of pills with the strength of the dose. Eg. Five temezepam (10mg) versus five cloanzepam (2mg)....
Temazepam comes in 7.5, 10, 20mg pills and 20mg liquid 'eggs' (these are almost unheard of now days).
Temazepam is also quite toxic in overdose and is one of the few benzos known to cause deadly seizures in WD. All good reasons why docs are reluctant to prescribe it.lol
Thanks Cyanoide. That was really interesting info. I had no idea that temaz had the worst WDs of all benzos.

I guess I have always thought of it as being lightweight because the highest dose I've seen in a single pill is 10mg. And the most I've taken at once was four, which obviously isn't going to produce very pronounced effects for most people.

It's so important to read up on benzo potency equivalency charts if people are taking benzos that are new to them. Imagine the trouble someone could get into if they were used to equating the number of pills with the strength of the dose. Eg. Five temezepam (10mg) versus five cloanzepam (2mg)....

No problem.

In fact when you review literature you'll find that temazepam is one of the most dangerous and misused benzos there are. This is the reason it is banned in some countries (e.g. Sweden, Norway and Ireland just to name a few

Also, Dr. Asthon, the "guru" of benzos, considers temazepam to be the most toxic benzo, even more so than flunitrazepam and midazolam.

You may want to read this thread, there's a lot of info about the nasty side of temazepam in it: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/archive/index.php/t-631624.html

The ironical thing where I live is that it's almost impossible to get other benzos prescribed (especially for anxiety) since new stricter regulations (we're the only Nordic country where the amount of benzo addicts still rises sharply), but if you complain about insomnia quite a few get Temazepam (albeit just for a few weeks).
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Received 100 x 1mg tablets. Look like Sedekopan etizolam except forest green instead of blue.

Ingested 4mg on an empty stomach and then ate some food shortly afterwards. I'm very satisfied with this compound. It definitely has its place in the benzo pharmacopeia. I can't yet judge how long it lasts, but it's looking to be one of my favorites. Like others have noted, it feels much warmer and more stoney than etizolam. Etizolam feels light and bouncy to me, while this feels like I'm wrapped in a cozy blanket. Wouldn't be a bad choice for a sleep aid, but I don't see myself blacking out as easy as the others. A bit less mental retardation than the typical benzo perhaps.

Out of the benzos on the RC scene, I'd rate: Diclazepam > flubromazepam = etizolam > pyrazolam > phenazepam.

Similar to diazepam and temazepam but more of a mood lift (both of those can make me a little depressed). Has the warmth of xanax but without the alkie stumbling. But it's definitely it's own creature.

As far as strength, it's probably stronger than etizolam. It's hard to compare because they feel so different, but my best guess at this point is that 1mg diclazepam = 1.5mg etizolam.

Edit: come to the conclusion that this is quite hypnotic. Far more so that any of the other RC benzos. I find I can stay awake without much of a struggle, but when I close my eyes I start dreaming almost immediately. Yet I still don't pass out. Feels a little like zolpidem in that way.
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As far as strength, it's probably stronger than etizolam. It's hard to compare because they feel so different, but my best guess at this point is that 1mg diclazepam = 1.5mg etizolam.
Strange, I'd put it at about half the strength of etizolam but with a much longer duration. Guess everyone is different.
Strange, I'd put it at about half the strength of etizolam but with a much longer duration. Guess everyone is different.

I'd definitely agree with the longer duration. As far as strength goes, my perspective might be skewed by how much etizolam I've ingested. My son had a huge stash of the shit and it got to the point where 8 mg didn't do much for me. Also, I probably still had some valium in my system when I first tried the diclazepam.
Who knows really, maybe mine were underdosed (quality vendor but who knows) or it's something to do with my metabolism or.... that's why they are rcs :)