17th Issue General Heroin Discussion v. Perfect Day

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^I don't go around pulling out needles around pot-heads or at a party where everyone's drinking, but if I'm with people that snort dope, there's no way I'm gonna snort it too just to hide it...I know a lot of people probably would, but if you do heroin anyway, don't get all self-righteous with me because I'm a shooter!

Yeah I agree. I could give a shit what some self righteous dope head thinks of me using needles.
^I don't go around pulling out needles around pot-heads or at a party where everyone's drinking, but if I'm with people that snort dope, there's no way I'm gonna snort it too just to hide it...I know a lot of people probably would, but if you do heroin anyway, don't get all self-righteous with me because I'm a shooter!

ha. well, me and my other friends took it this way. but my main dealer/friend would NOT sell to shooters; imagine that? he has the junk dope as is. so me and a few others always kept it from he and his girl. so when his girl called me in I just went w/ it. dude, as said before, I am prob. better off I sniffed that. I actually felt "high" anyway; a shot would have been heaven, tho. but 5 months is not a good time to go back to heaven. maybe a year mark I can go back ONCE, ya know? ha. 5 month mark I just get to look at pictures of heaven (snort).
I concur...I would rather hold shit til I had the chance to shoot it than (wasting it) snorting...funny when I snorted for 10 yrs from the beginning and I swore to everything holy that I wouls NEVER NEVER ever use a needle!!! But when I was sick one day and my buddy who had just copped from upstairs (Lived downstairs from my dealer in a basement room I rented) is a shooter and said he'd fix me up but it would be his way(injection of course). Well u know how it is when you're sick as a dog...you'll do anything to get well so I said "do me!!" And the rush I got almost floored me and instantly I was in love with dope again, haha!! The rest is history...
^With most drugs, I really believe you can maybe go back and do it once, but with shooting heroin, it's very, very difficult...only possible for me because I live where I can't really get it, and I only go back home once in a while. I could make trips to Chicago I suppose, but I always feel like such a loser afterwards anyway.
I concur...I would rather hold shit til I had the chance to shoot it than (wasting it) snorting...funny when I snorted for 10 yrs from the beginning and I swore to everything holy that I wouls NEVER NEVER ever use a needle!!! But when I was sick one day and my buddy who had just copped from upstairs (Lived downstairs from my dealer in a basement room I rented) is a shooter and said he'd fix me up but it would be his way(injection of course). Well u know how it is when you're sick as a dog...you'll do anything to get well so I said "do me!!" And the rush I got almost floored me and instantly I was in love with dope again, haha!! The rest is history...

Damn. That's a long time to make it without switching over to the needle. I think I lasted 3-4 months before I started IV'ing. Hah.
I think it's cuz I am somewhat "new to shooting. I only shot 2.5 or 3 years. but when I'd shoot I'd fill those fuckers up w/ everything and then some, so I'd consider myself a good shooter. but at times I sniffed based on location, or with who, etc, and wouldnt complain as much. im starting to get worried that my dope was just that bad of junk.

funny story tho; one time I grabbed gram and a half of this "new stuff" during lunch. so thats 12-1 and I needa meet my man at 1210. i rush back home by 1230 to get a shot off; I shoot 1/2. I sit there and didnt get a rush; prob high but def not that RUSH. so I shoot the other half. dude, I could barley make it back to work. no only that, but I remember at first FLYING w/ my EYES OPEN but look dead; people kept asking if I am OK; if I took the "wrong" medication; if I need anything. then at my desk not long later I am legit just nodding out; the kid in front of me said, "matt, I think u took ur sleep med" (these dudes knew I was on meds cuz I'd in office for anti depressants, cancer meds, shit like that). my head just smashing into the key board.

thinking of that now truly blows my mind.. but yea, I did that. how whacked out is that to read to someone? or is it just me? imagine if every person go to relive that? would be cool, huh? ha.
Damn. That's a long time to make it without switching over to the needle. I think I lasted 3-4 months before I started IV'ing. Hah.

I made it close to 6 years before making the switch. Even in my recent runs I would still sniff sometimes. When I was with someone that didn't know I would just sniff a little bit with them and then safe the rest for shooting it later. I would just tell them I couldn't get that high right then and that's why I only did a little.

6 years? Damn. What made you hold out all that time and what was it that finally made you switch?

6 years? Damn. What made you hold out all that time and what was it that finally made you switch?

Well I started using dope in the fall of 2006 (after starting on Vicodin in 2005 and switching to oxy in the spring of 2006) and since I went away to school from 2009-2011 I was taking some long breaks (only used during the summer months and a few times during winter break) which kept my tolerance in check. After I graduated in 2011 I was back home with a consistent dope supply, and I still made it another year before slowly switching to the needle since I was always looking to quit so didn't want to switch to a ROA that would pull me deeper into addiction.

At first if I got more than 2 bags I would stick to sniffing it, but when I only got 1 I would shoot it as it was my only chance of getting really high off of it. Then I started sniffing a couple and shooting a couple, partially because I was really afraid of ODing since I had a new connect with fire, and it was hard to enjoy the rush when I was getting panic attacks from it thinking I was going to die. But then I went from shooting 1 and sniffing 2 to shooting 2 and not sniffing any, and it pretty much progressed from there although I never really shot more than 3 bags at a time since most days I could only afford 1 or 2 bags to get by, then once a week I would have enough money to buy 3-4 bags and get really high.

I always loved the high from sniffing dope so that's another reason I was in no rush to make the switch. And whenever I took a break I would start back up by sniffing and would still get really high so still found it to be a good ROA.
I concur...I would rather hold shit til I had the chance to shoot it than (wasting it) snorting...funny when I snorted for 10 yrs from the beginning and I swore to everything holy that I wouls NEVER NEVER ever use a needle!!! But when I was sick one day and my buddy who had just copped from upstairs (Lived downstairs from my dealer in a basement room I rented) is a shooter and said he'd fix me up but it would be his way(injection of course). Well u know how it is when you're sick as a dog...you'll do anything to get well so I said "do me!!" And the rush I got almost floored me and instantly I was in love with dope again, haha!! The rest is history...

Man thats crazy thats EXACTLY how i got hooked on the needle. I used to swear id NEVER touch a needle and just smoked. Well one day i was sick as a dog and my friend came over with only 2 balloons. He said hed share with me but wouldnt let me smoke because he said itd just be a waste so if i wanted to get well id have to shoot it. That was the beginning of my real downfall. What shitty friends!
I concur...I would rather hold shit til I had the chance to shoot it than (wasting it) snorting...funny when I snorted for 10 yrs from the beginning and I swore to everything holy that I wouls NEVER NEVER ever use a needle!!! But when I was sick one day and my buddy who had just copped from upstairs (Lived downstairs from my dealer in a basement room I rented) is a shooter and said he'd fix me up but it would be his way(injection of course). Well u know how it is when you're sick as a dog...you'll do anything to get well so I said "do me!!" And the rush I got almost floored me and instantly I was in love with dope again, haha!! The rest is history...

I started IVing the same way. I sniffed it a few times prior, but I was sick one night and dude was only willing to get me off sick if I shot it. No idea why it made a difference to him, but yeah you know how it goes when your sick.
^I don't go around pulling out needles around pot-heads or at a party where everyone's drinking, but if I'm with people that snort dope, there's no way I'm gonna snort it too just to hide it...I know a lot of people probably would, but if you do heroin anyway, don't get all self-righteous with me because I'm a shooter!

Well said. I concur.
No idea why it made a difference to him, but yeah you know how it goes when your sick.

Misery loves company, hah. Some junkies are just fucked in the head that way.. they need to turn other people out and welcome them to their own fucked up brand of hell.
I lasted a month before i said fuck it and called up one of my boys who shot it and asked him how its done. Damn i love shooting that stuff haha. We drove to all the local pharmacies/super markets and no one would sell us any pins. I really cant remember how we managed to get some. So anyway for some reason we broke into his moms old house and since there was no furniture anywhere he had to show me in the kitchen all standing up an shit. See i never shot it so i thought it was gonna hit me and id fall on my ass but nope that shit didnt happen.

I was trippin thinkin amount bein all clean an shit because we used water from the sink and had no rubbin alc to sterilize but i was like fuck it man lets do this! So i ended up shooting a bag (well he did it i had no idea how to fuckin do that) so i stood there for a bit an was like wtf man i dont feel shit! Dude i was fuckin pissed off i didnt get i thought shooting was the best thing! So hes like we gotta do more so i was like aite dawg, so i threw him an extra 2 bags and he loaded up another 3 for me and damn man when that shot hit i was feelin so good i told myself that i was done with all this shit i found paradise and the world can fuck off. Bouta year later now shits just been a rollercoaster but i still love to shoot every now an then.

PS fuck dealers who wont sell cuz you shoot. That guy sounds like a fuckin douchebag
^I don't go around pulling out needles around pot-heads or at a party where everyone's drinking, but if I'm with people that snort dope, there's no way I'm gonna snort it too just to hide it...I know a lot of people probably would, but if you do heroin anyway, don't get all self-righteous with me because I'm a shooter!

Its not much different than the ignorant people who think a prescription opioids are somehow not as bad as heroin.

I started IVing the same way. I sniffed it a few times prior, but I was sick one night and dude was only willing to get me off sick if I shot it. No idea why it made a difference to him, but yeah you know how it goes when your sick.

Well if it a dealer they might think making you shoot gets you more hooked, i.e. more of your money goes to them eventually. Or its the same reason they don't snort it themselves, because they consider it a waste.

Yeah, as a dealer.. you want your client to do anything and everything that's going to make them a raging fiend, AKA put more money in your pocket.

They certainly aren't there to look out for your well-being. Ha.
I feel like a late bloomer here; I've only shot for 3 years and started around 28. prior to that I've shot but somehow kept the sniff. also, I was just coming off 5 years sobriety so I didnt go to shooting right away; took a few months and also the change from 30's back to dope.

my prior years were always sniffing 80's, doing coke, GHB, E, K, whatever. I was a every day user but it was always 80's and then a piece of something else. but back then I had cash from selling so nothing really came into play; other than my arrest, ha. so maybe something did come into play.
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