• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

14 year old cousin, Homicidal or just teen angst? (aunt in denial)

Is this a legit therapist?? I mean, geez, as a moral/ethical obligation.. all therapists need to be reporting homicidal/suicidal ideation (unless of course he has a mental illness that kind blands that out.. )

I agree with everyone else and YOU KNOW it's the right thing to do..
But you can also call the police..
Just talk to him. Try to be his best friend.. shit.. but don't mention his depressing stuff in the beginning... Just be there for him.

I went through something like that exactly when I was 14... Well.. maybe not wanting to kill people, but I did listen to some dark death metal and black metal and was reading satanist bullshit online... So you can make an idea.

My family stuck close to me and my uncle especially... and now I'm absolutely fine :p

So if you want to help your cousin, forcing him to get "help" is not the way to go. Just spend more time with him, be his "idol" :p
You're older than him I reckon. How old are u?

There's a big difference between reading satanic shit and writing shit like "family dead" and "murder day" in a journal. OP, I hope you will report this situation because like I think someone else said it is a tragedy waiting to happen.
As for the things mentioned in the OP, I did stuff similar to that at that age. They had the law men talk to me once. I grew out of it...it was definitely a mental illness thing, but I wouldn't have accepted help if people tried to force me, probably would've made me worse, who knows?
I'd like to thank everyone for their replies. There's too many to reply to, but I definitely think getting CPS would probably be a good idea after reading all this.
Thanks for all the opinions, this is a really scary situation, and I totally forgot about that story where the kid killed his parents with a hammer. D:
I cannot believe how my aunt just turns a blind eye upon all of this. She actually ACCUSED me and my boyfriend after staying there for 2 weeks to house sit of making her house messy.... like what the fuck? She's like MAD at me, still for pointing out the journal. Asking my other cousin where the cut came from on his arm and why he feels like need to hurt himself. I wasted sooooo much money house sitting for her, and she was so fucking ungrateful. we picked up our messes. (Mostly clothes and beer bottles) We didn't even use her dishes, we bought plastic/paper stuff to eat on, but mostly ate out at restaurants anyway cause it was too fucking disgusting there.
But she tried to make us feel bad because her dishes were dirty?
I'm 21 by the way.

Can I really call CPS and be anonymous?
I was a suicidal, messy, cutter, teenager too. BUT the only difference was, I wanted to die. I didn't want to kill anyone. Especially my loved ones. Also, my room was messy but I didn't have any animals. Nor did I have a messy house.

I don't know if he kills small animals, however... I don't hang out with him often. plus i doubt he'd share that info with me.
Wouldn't worry about.

This is the exact reason school shootings are still happening. No one takes it seriously until people are dead.

Can I really call CPS and be anonymous?

Social service professionals are not allowed to disclose the name of the reporter during the course of an investigation (unless the information is court ordered by a judge) therefore it may not be necessary to make an anonymous report.

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It seems like the mother has no idea what structure and routine are. Unfortunately she also seems to be so lazy that she won't deal with imminent problems when confronted with them. I have known a few like this. I don't think CPS will be able to teach her these things, but they may be the voice of authority you need to open her eyes.

In this case it certainly takes a village.

You're in Oregon right? I read their site information and yes, you can report anonymously. However, if it gets to the point where they decide a hearing is needed they may call you as a witness. I don't know if it would get that far realistically. If I was in your shoes, I would have no qualms about it. There are also laws in place to protect people like yourself from retaliation, if that's what's holding you back.

This woman sounds like a miserable person. I guess she was expecting you to clean her home while housesitting. You can't reason with somebody like that. The situation is worrisome and personally I wouldn't care that much if she found out it was me. What can she really do to you? It's not like you would be losing a good friend. Your focus is getting help for those children.
This is the exact reason school shootings are still happening. No one takes it seriously until people are dead.

Social service professionals are not allowed to disclose the name of the reporter during the course of an investigation (unless the information is court ordered by a judge) therefore it may not be necessary to make an anonymous report.


Not to discourage OP from making a report but your statement is not true in all states. In some places they can say who filed the report/complaint..it is not always annonymous.