13th Issue Heroin Discussion v. fuck hope do dope

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It's pretty big in certain areas. In the city closest to me its real big. We don't do bundles and stuff out here its just .5 gram bags, but thats with the bag, so probably about .3 powder in each bag. I thought the stuff is good but i need like 2-3 bags which is almost a gram of powder which i guess makes my shit garbage? I just can't believe some of you guys can get off sniffing .2 or .3 with a big tolerance and catch a nod. That seems crazy to me.

P.S. I thought it was hilarious in the drugs INC when the dealer says "When my people tell me my stuff is weak I make it stronger, when they say it is too strong I make it weaker" like any heroin user would ever complain that the stuff is too strong...lol
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It's pretty big in certain areas. In the city closest to me its real big. We don't do bundles and stuff out here its just .5 gram bags, but thats with the bag, so probably about .3 powder in each bag. I thought the stuff is good but i need like 2-3 bags which is almost a gram of powder which i guess makes my shit garbage? I just can't believe some of you guys can get off sniffing .2 or .3 with a big tolerance and catch a nod. That seems crazy to me.

P.S. I thought it was hilarious in the drugs INC when the dealer says "When my people tell me my stuff is weak I make it stronger, when they say it is too strong I make it weaker" like any heroin user would ever complain that the stuff is too strong...lol

seriously... who would complain that their dope is too good!?
seriously... who would complain that their dope is too good!?

Someone with a lot of money to blow on dope and likes to pay for the cut in the dope, like wtf really just do less dope rather than put a cut into your body, like who knows what the cut can be not worth the possible risk
sorry for the rant but i just had to put my 2cents in and say no not everyone has got that fire

Totally true, but I haven't hit ANY total garbage either... Here there are one or two guys out of 5 right now that have really really good shit - in both areas of quantity for money and quality of the dope. I don't know if i'd call it FIRE, but it's really good. And it seems everyone has different shit - because I am no longer loyal to one dealer, I jump around. Plus sometimes one guy is out, I'll go see another...

The good stuff:
#a) sandy brown color and chunky - fluffs up to twice the size. Smells like catpiss and has a spicy nasal drip. Very brown and creamy when in the spoon. no dormin flecks!

#b) white with small chunks. you get about a dime and a half size bag for price of a dime. really smooth. silky. doesn't taste bad with the nasal drip. Turns brown in the spoon but it's lighter than the other one. no dormin flecks either.

Define "fire"? I think I've had it once. Literally had two lines of this stuff and was practically falling down. And I don't fall down. Plus it came in a big bag - a size of ziplock you'd use for a pair of earrings. The larger quantity and quality went with the price, which was more than usual.

Of course, by the time we raised some money to get a bunch of these bags and split amongst friends, they were gone. And this dealer kept the price higer, but went back to his usual dealio - smaller zip locks or tiny foil fold (1/2 a trident gum piece) and back to the regular brown rock he always had, cut with dormin. Bummer.
so your chicago dope is no good chink? surprise surprise... honestly if i had to choose between the dope i get and your chicago dope, the winner would be tar... because ive seen how they do it on the west side of chi town. ive seen about 3 documentaries about dope in chicago, specifically the west side, and how the dope game goes in the West Side.. They have a crack head cutting open sleeping pills (diphenhydramine) to cut the dope with, however the dope is already cut to shit by the time it hits chicago, and in chicago they cut it again, and maybe even more than once..

so i saw how this one crew ran their operation. they had a user cut open boxes of sleeping pills containing diphenhydramine, and mixed a relatively large amount of DPH with the dope by hand with a card.. next they divided the product into doses by a tea spoon, a spoonfull=1 bag. however, before they distribute their product on a large scale, they bag up a smalll amount to distribute to determine its quality... samples for the fiends.. so if the fiends say its weak, that means they need to add more Dormin/sleeping pill/Diphenhydramine.. and when the fiend says the dope is "FIRE", that simply means the proper amount of Diphenhydramine has been added to their "dope", which is really mostly Dormin... which is actually a good potentiator of dope that i have used.. it gets me drowsier, but not more euphoric.. and i would rather not mix DPH with dope, so i get that pure opiate high.

so the "dope" yall get in chi town is mostly Dormin, and when yall get "fire" it really just means you have a lot of dormin in your dope... nice!....not.

My point is I feel kinda sorry for you chicago dope heads.. the dope yall get is actually mostly cut, largely consisting of Dormin, a sleeping pill.. i would choose my tar over your chicago powder any.day.

my dope is straight fire. my friend is an IV user and she only needs a .07 to get HIGH AS FUCK. thats right, not even a tenth for a great, oped out high!! as for myself, i need more, but only because im on 120mgs methadone/per day. so i have to IV a .4 for an AMAZING BLAST and high... and with my dope there is no dormin... I am in Arizona, so the dope is fresh, just over the border, and uncut usually.. Dope in phoenix in my experience has always been fire.. a .1 usually has always fucked me up..not even from IV! a .1 smoked will have u fucked up for the entire afternoon, nodding up to 6 hours.

to bad you have no idea what your talking about..i mean your getting your info from a fuckin tv show..there are literally 100s of spots to cop a nd thats not counting the people who dont deal off the street..your just being shown 1 method 1 dealer uses, thats not how everyone works and you cant judge the whole city like that..i dobnt buy my dope off the street and cop from crackheads like the people in that show...and the part of oyu sayin "if the dpe is weak i add more dormin"..that makes no sense and i cant see anyone doing that..i mean you can tell whenb the product is too cut so if its weak why would you add more cut??

my one guy had fire dope for years and the last 4-5months it fell off and thats that. no big deal, it is what it is...im sure if chicago was on the border and not 1500 miles from it we would be getting some crazy good dope too. im sure id rather have your dope but i dont live wher you live so i have to deal with what i get..normally a light brown color powder that smells like vinager and turns iced tea when it hits water, and i bet you wouldnt complain.
Everywhere is flooded with good dope. You just need to find the consistent people who have it. Luckily i only ran into shit d a few times. I been really only using like once or twice a week. I went on a 5 day binge this past week and felt shitty today and had about 15 mgs of liquid methadone amd surprisingly it helped my cravings a little bit.

chuparme la polla mierda
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I think the root of the problem is that chi dope is cut on the street level. When the OPs came out there was a lot of shitty stomped dope here. Pretty quick everyone that made the switch started finding solid fingers and it became sink or swim for the dealers. I mean i realize that other people probably have different experiences depending on connects but, it was pretty much over night for everyone I know on the east side of the state. It went from people settling on crap to dealers getting stuck with bad shit cause no one had to buy it.

Like Mass said, we do half gram bags out here. People are definitely less quick to pay for that when it's shit. Dealers out here are usually pretty much alone. They don't have a crew really. It's either sell what people want or don't pay your bills.
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to bad you have no idea what your talking about..i mean your getting your info from a fuckin tv show..there are literally 100s of spots to cop a nd thats not counting the people who dont deal off the street..your just being shown 1 method 1 dealer uses, thats not how everyone works and you cant judge the whole city like that..i dobnt buy my dope off the street and cop from crackheads like the people in that show...and the part of oyu sayin "if the dpe is weak i add more dormin"..that makes no sense and i cant see anyone doing that..i mean you can tell whenb the product is too cut so if its weak why would you add more cut??

my one guy had fire dope for years and the last 4-5months it fell off and thats that. no big deal, it is what it is...im sure if chicago was on the border and not 1500 miles from it we would be getting some crazy good dope too. im sure id rather have your dope but i dont live wher you live so i have to deal with what i get..normally a light brown color powder that smells like vinager and turns iced tea when it hits water, and i bet you wouldnt complain.

but chinky isnt dormin used to cut most of the dope in chi town? i think so... thats what ive heard anyways
so your chicago dope is no good chink? surprise surprise... honestly if i had to choose between the dope i get and your chicago dope, the winner would be tar... because ive seen how they do it on the west side of chi town. ive seen about 3 documentaries about dope in chicago, specifically the west side, and how the dope game goes in the West Side.. They have a crack head cutting open sleeping pills (diphenhydramine) to cut the dope with, however the dope is already cut to shit by the time it hits chicago, and in chicago they cut it again, and maybe even more than once..

so i saw how this one crew ran their operation. they had a user cut open boxes of sleeping pills containing diphenhydramine, and mixed a relatively large amount of DPH with the dope by hand with a card.. next they divided the product into doses by a tea spoon, a spoonfull=1 bag. however, before they distribute their product on a large scale, they bag up a smalll amount to distribute to determine its quality... samples for the fiends.. so if the fiends say its weak, that means they need to add more Dormin/sleeping pill/Diphenhydramine.. and when the fiend says the dope is "FIRE", that simply means the proper amount of Diphenhydramine has been added to their "dope", which is really mostly Dormin... which is actually a good potentiator of dope that i have used.. it gets me drowsier, but not more euphoric.. and i would rather not mix DPH with dope, so i get that pure opiate high.

so the "dope" yall get in chi town is mostly Dormin, and when yall get "fire" it really just means you have a lot of dormin in your dope... nice!....not.

My point is I feel kinda sorry for you chicago dope heads.. the dope yall get is actually mostly cut, largely consisting of Dormin, a sleeping pill.. i would choose my tar over your chicago powder any.day.

my dope is straight fire. my friend is an IV user and she only needs a .07 to get HIGH AS FUCK. thats right, not even a tenth for a great, oped out high!! as for myself, i need more, but only because im on 120mgs methadone/per day. so i have to IV a .4 for an AMAZING BLAST and high... and with my dope there is no dormin... I am in Arizona, so the dope is fresh, just over the border, and uncut usually.. Dope in phoenix in my experience has always been fire.. a .1 usually has always fucked me up..not even from IV! a .1 smoked will have u fucked up for the entire afternoon, nodding up to 6 hours.
B.S... good chi dope issn't good because of more dormin... plenty of dope in chicago not cut toshit.. lurk harder bro....
Posted by chinky "normally a light brown color powder that smells like vinager and turns iced tea when it hits water, and i bet you wouldnt complain."

That's my problem chinky, the shit I've gotten is pure white and it burns like hell when I snort it. I definitely going somewhere else next time.
^what you mean?
It dont sound like chinky got a problem and either do u. He said "i bet you wouldnt complain". How does what he described sound like a problem. And if u need to find somewhere else to get dope because ur shit too white and burns like hell sounds crazy cause around here thats a good thing. Maybe in the chi it means cut to shit but in connecticut and around NYC, its a good thing.
^^you really dont understand what he said? he quoted my post to say that thats his problem. the fact that hes getting pure white dope that burns when you snort it dope as oppsed to the offwhite/tan color that turns iced tea when it hits water that i talked about. and that he now wants to find a better spot.

tbone i will sat that usually color shouldnt be used to determine the potency but since i have used the same guy for so long and i know how his product is, normally i can tell the potency of it by the color...if my guy hands me something that is pure white, its pretty much a givin that its cut to shit. now i have been wrong but generally 9/10 times it will be correct. thats just because generally speaking the dope we get here is more of a tan/brownish color, we generally dont get white dope

and the good dope doesnt burn my nose. now that might because ive snorted everything frim pills to coke to dope since i was like 17years old and its jsut immune to shit like that but i really dont know cause even shitty dope doesnt burn too bad. what bothers kme more with shitty dope is when you sniff it, you can feel the powder residsue and if you exhale threw your mouth you can see a powder come out. now thats rare that it jhappens like that but it does occur and thats really a tell tale sign its garbage. also not olny will you be able to blow out the powder residue, it leaves the residue on whatever it is you are using to chop it up and the bill you use to snort it with. now generally the bill will collect a little bit but when its really cut to shit, it will collect alot of that garbage powdery residue
No i dont understand and still dont. Why is pure white dope a bad thing if it only burns when you snort it. That a bad thing in Chicago?
Chinky dude don't use a fucking bill to snort you can get really sick, I personally use a little cut straw and when it collects the residue on the straw you can snort it with some water and you get it all
^^thats the first time ive ever heard about that..ive never used anything but a bill in all my years of snorting drugs..and i only use the newest most crispest bills i can find, i i use the same bill over and over..straws dont have a big enough opening for me, they are just too small

No i dont understand and still dont. Why is pure white dope a bad thing if it only burns when you snort it. That a bad thing in Chicago?

you fuckin trollin??\

anyways now for the 3rd time...because we dont generally get pure white dope here. generally our raw is tan/brown/offwhite..so when you cop, and its pure white, it generally means its nothing but cut

i dont know how to dumb what im saying down anymore
I kinda feel a bit jealous that a lot of you guys can buy in weight term. Like you can just ask for a gram and that's what you get. Here in NYC and north jersey. It's always bags. like you can order a sleeve, which is different from city to city but it Paterson that 400 bags and NYC a sleeve is 100 bags, but you ca'tn get weight really. I have never met anyone around here who has copped like that. You can only buy units (i.e. bundles, brick sleeves and so on). But, I can't complain cause quality and price is mostly pretty good
Chinky stfu. this the internet dude. Im not from chicago so i dont know wtf you get there. What are you a whiny bitch? Im asking a fuckin question and the first time you got smart for no reason. You must be a pussy if you talk shit like that. Its the complete opposite where i am so i was confused dude. Suck my dick you whiny pussy.

Anyways. I went with a few friends to cop and my boy beat his connect for a couple buns. Idk why he did but idrc cause honestly it saved me like 30 bucks and the dope was fuckin banging. And i sniff it but i usually boot, im tryin to stop that brfore everyone starts questionin my arms.
you fuckin trollin??\

anyways now for the 3rd time...because we dont generally get pure white dope here. generally our raw is tan/brown/offwhite..so when you cop, and its pure white, it generally means its nothing but cut

i dont know how to dumb what im saying down anymore

How about you chill the fuck out?

Listen, we're not from Chicago, but around here the white powder that burns a lot is what you want. In its purest form, heroin is or should be a white crystalline powder. In its purest form, heroin will be a white crystalline powder in New York and it will be a white crystalline powder in Chicago and it will be a white crystalline powder on the moon. It doesn't matter where the fuck you are, if it's heroin, and it's white, then that should be a good sign.

But I understand what you're saying, and I'm sure that McHigh does as well. Because you guys get different dope in Chicago, white powder usually means that it has been stepped on even more times than the tan or off-white stuff, whereas over here it's the opposite, and white powder usually means that it's fire dope.

Seriously, dude, I've been reading your posts for a while now and I just feel compelled to say this to you and make you aware of it if you aren't already... you seem like a total fucking tool bag.
i always thought that the goal was pure white/light tan powder that DIDNT burn when you blew it....but what do i know?

i love my newest connect, but she's so sketchy. i get uncomfortable buying a bundle and watching you shoot up with your daughter in the other room. atleast she always can get me shit and isn't a bitch like i'm used to.
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