• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

100 Reasons...

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68.bubble baths
69.holidays with loved ones
70.reading your favorite book on a rainy day with a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate
[ 09 November 2002: Message edited by: CrystalStar ]
71) Coffee in the morning
72) Rainy Days
73) Bon fires
74) Friends that you can do everything or nothing and still lose track of time
75) Tattoos and Piercings
77. to look into the eyes of your lover
78. to be yourself
79. to hold on tightly to that perfect somebody
81. to fall asleep with the sounds of rain
82. to fall asleep in bed with the girl you love, with the sounds of rain (have yet to try this one, but im waitin)
83. to be able to look back and see all the things you've done
84. to give up part of yourself to help someone else from time to time
85. to make friendships that not even 100s of miles can break
86. to defy natural law as much as possible
87. to play with fire
88. to fly
89. To fight for the freedom of those who can't (cuz I'm a privileged fuck and I feel obliged to 'kick and scream' until everyone has everything they need)
90. To continually surprise oneself with 'achievements' of any nature or degree
91. To carve first tracks in 14 inches of fresh, virgin powder
94. For that satisfying feeling that when you've smoked all your weed, there's a mega size bag of pretzels in the cupboard.
98. to bark at the moon.
99. to build something that will last generations.
100. for little moments of happiness.
100 MORE reasons...

... to live. :)
This time, one reason per person, AND NUMBER YOUR POSTS CORRECTLY!. Make it last. ;)
1. To work the land and grow food for your family and others.
[ 02 December 2002: Message edited by: Web ]
3. to sit on the step of your cabin, watching the sun set over the mountains, then walk inside, light your fire and have a warm meal, all by yourself, in happy isolation
5. To go out of my way to help at least one person everyday.
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