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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

Yes that's exactly what I'm afraid of. Always missing the high or doing something and thinking oh this would be so much better high. I don't want to be constantly wanting a drug.
I know the feeling. We have to replace our hobbies, change the routine. And still manage different ways not to think about wanting it.
You quit for 2 years!! I'm one year off done's I don't think I would make it if I had to go through it all again.
I learned from my previous 'time outs' that w/ds get more intense each time. Imagine years later.

But if you did it once I'm sure you can do it again. I would have gone to a hospital and asked to be medicated as much as possible.

Sorry you have gone through this again. Like you say, it's always going to be in your mind like you've crossed some sort of nature's line for pleasure. It's difficult to have fun again.

Even routine small things like TV or internet. It's takes a while to get used to normal life and its normal pleasures again, including sex.
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I had 6 years clean. Every day of them I thought about firing up. Once opiates have you, they have you for life.
Bottleofsun, that's my worst nightmare. How can I be strong consistently for years on years, and the rest of my life? I am going to have weak moments. Makes it feel like my efforts are in
I'm one year sober and I'm always thinking how would it be if something wrong happened. It's not all the time, and you get used to this. I'm better although I have tons of problems.

I wouldn't call it weak moments it's how things are. You will always thing about opiates but the more you invest in doing other things and investing time building a new routine you'll feel more secure. And accepting this will be lighter.

Don't worry about later. Start over and things will get better.
Look for The Dark Side threads for recovery. I believe it will make you feel better.

Good luck!!
Thank you Erik.

Sometimes I wonder if I can ever get that voice to shut up.
I used for years and was totally normal. I felt like I was a lucky person who would never be drawn to it like alcoholics are and smokers. I quit smoking CT with no problems and am not drawn to alcohol . I thought there was an addictive gene and I don't have it. I still think there's an addictive gene but opiates are different. After awhile you get sucked in. It may be a month, a year, two years. But it WILL happen and. The problem is you won't know until it's too late. It'll have you when you least expect.
Having something in your life, or someone you would hurt by using, reducing stresses, keeping busy....it gets quieter.
Jesus helped me until I realized he doesn't give a shit
... with opiates are different. After awhile you get sucked in. It may be a month, a year, two years. But it WILL happen and. The problem is you won't know until it's too late. It'll have you when you least expect.

Yes that's the problem about opiates. They own you and most of times you are caught by surprise.
It takes time to realize how powerful it is and that you you would do anything to get back to that again.

Even if you know you have a problem, even if you're trying hard to get it solved. The thought of having this one more time spoils our days. But it gets better with time.
You can stop this. I'm not saying it's easy but totally doable. It's up to you!
You'd find a lot of help in here. Why don't you think about it? If if could, you can. :)
Welcome to Bluelight redscare99.
Take care.
No you definitely should not! I was disappointed the first time I used it because I was already very experienced with taking pain pills. Don't do any of it. Dope is dope and that kinda dope is the worst dope.
Indeed. Heroin was for me a totally different and screwed up experience if I'd compare to the painkillers I was used to.
My take on it is if you have to ask, the answer is no. Heroin is for when you have nothing left to lose.
You will always have your life. Or what has been left of it.
A bad life is better that an impaired one.
An OD can do worse than taking your life, it can take half of it.
Ye you should try everything, but you need to know all of the information necessary, (effects, dosage, harm, side effects, source, downsides) Once you know all of this and feel like youre prepared then i say full steam ahead
I'm not sure if that I understood what you meant. What do you mean by full steam ahead, when you are prepared?
I used to be of the opinion that opiates are opiates, played with pills, kratom, and PST for a while. Then I tried heroin. It's hard to explain how it's different, but it just is. It just gets you.

All of these negative post are kind of.. almost bias it seems. I mean do so many people really think heroin is this terrible of a substance after trying it? It's not like we aren't warned that heroin is one of the most addictive and powerful drugs as kids, plus you know these young people are researching it before they try it now days with the internet widely available. The majority of the people who are trying heroin for the first time are trying it because they truly WANT to regardless of how bad it can be. With the type of music and media praised today by young people it's no wonder, since they are being conditioned to think this way of life is cool and mysterious.. but in the end it is still their decision after clearly knowing the potential side effects.

I know I knew all the potential dangers and yet I went after it anyhow like most curious young people these days. Why did I do it? Probably the same selfish and pointless reasons you secretly have deep behind the phony excuse you project. Do I regret it? Not really. Do I think you should do it? Yes. If you are interested in drugs or have tried drugs and are interested in doing heroin then I don't see why you wouldn't try heroin. It is truly an amazing feeling of awe awesomeness and bliss. Contentment and euphoria. It is honestly a clean and top of the line high inducing substance that is easily one of the greatest feelings a drug user or anyone could experience.

Sure you could get addicted and you probably will if it's good dope. Sure you could hit rock bottom and have to steal from people (even friends and family) or do other terrible acts to support you habit. Sure you could get arrested for heroin possession and go to jail. Sure you could overdose and die. In fact I know multiple people who have experienced all of these negative things. I have known over seven people in my area die from heroin overdose; three of them which I was very close too. I have known five others who have went to prison from heroin related charges and stealing to support their habit. The possible negative effects are REAL but they are avoidable. I have know a few people who have avoided these consequences simply because they had good willpower. The worse I let myself get was at a younger age when I first got addicted to heroin and I stole money from my grandpa during the peak of my first addiction sequence, after that I quit heroin with suboxones and then quit suboxones after a few months. I did relapse years later but have never done anything like stealing or even considered it because I truly have control of my habit. I do heroin maybe 3-4 days out of each month. Not because I'm afraid of getting addicted, I will have withdrawals even from that small amount of use but they are manageable. I space it out to keep it fresh and the rush strong. You see, heroin really only gets bad when you do it every day for a long period of time because then you have no true trade off. You are literally just doing heroin to not feel bad, without any good effects whatsoever. It becomes a need of survival instead of a want/pleasure. But trust me, I've done every drug out there and IV heroin is by far the best recreational high that there is if you can space it out right (IMO).

So moral of the story? If you want an amazing high experience then you should certainly try heroin. In fact even if you have never done drugs and are curious then you should even try heroin then too. I mean why start at the starting line when you can go straight the finish line? Just remember.. it's a gamble. And there is everything to possibly lose if you aren't strong enough to control it. Is that worth the most amazing high one can experience? You already know the answer to that question, just like you already know the answer to if you should try heroin.

Good luck and don't forget to have fun. It's all about having fun. Why else would we do it, right? ;)

- endlessness