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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

The addiction is instant. Yet it takes 3 days to get physically hooked.
3 FUCKING DAYS. little amount of time and a big big problem to follow.
You will either
1. die
3.hurt yourself & others
4. Hook/Rob ppl
5.become a liar
6.go to jail
7.loose kids /family and job
Everything bad will happen
And if you manage to escape that your either dealing and still broke. I love heroin, I just didn't want you. I know it's something that's so good is so bad.
Don't do it.
Just don't.
It's not worth the risk of almost dying every day and living in shit town for the rest of your days for 'one' hit
Either you die in a long addiction process or rapidly, get crazy or end up in a mental hospital. Or live in hell for ever wishing you've never done it.
Or you can get on buprenorphine maintenance, and I promise you your life will significantly improve.
Added 69seconds later

Its 2015 come onnnnnn ...
Get some insurance,(since its mandatory)
Go to suboxone.com
enter your zipcode and
bammmmm tons of docs inyour area you call and find your best bet, shit is easy, if your still using heroin and want to get off, then you can make it happen its 2015, there is sooooo much help everywhere, and insurance is very easy to obtain, and some insurances you only have a 3$ co pay onall pprescriptions, no matter what drug it is, I get 60 suboxone strips N8s prescribed a month, and only pay 3$.......
So I dont want to hear no shit about not being able to get clean, fuck heroin its garbage! ! Yeah it makes you feel amazing but that blast comes with soo much agony. ...

You literally can and will most likely lose everything because of heroin. I lost 5 years of my life to that horrible substance. Im on buprenorphine maintenance and its really really helped!

Remember after evey dark night, theres a bright day to follow :)

Instead of a needle/Pick up a Joint.

Marijuana is a Gift.
The addiction is instant. Yet it takes 3 days to get physically hooked.
3 FUCKING DAYS. little amount of time and a big big problem to follow.
You will either
1. die
3.hurt yourself & others
4. Hook/Rob ppl
5.become a liar
6.go to jail
7.loose kids /family and job
Everything bad will happen
And if you manage to escape that your either dealing and still broke. I love heroin, I just didn't want you. I know it's something that's so good is so bad.
Don't do it.
Just don't.
It's not worth the risk of almost dying every day and living in shit town for the rest of your days for 'one' hit
True for most I agree. Some people are very disciplined, and can handle the responsibility of being productive on the daily and also having a shit load of fun.. But yes, most people let it take over their lives.. Stop doing the shit multiple days in a row!!
to the reader: if you're reading this, i bet it's because you're convincing yourself to try heroin. i read this thread a long time ago. but by then in my heart of hearts i knew i was going to do it.

but, in case i'm being too cynical, here are a couple of things that come to mind:
1. though i'm currently trying (repeatedly and badly) to kick my heroin habit, i'm not altogether *sorry* that i started. there's no secret that it has its down-sides (and with heroin, the worst-case scenario is really bleak). but heroin can be pretty fucking wonderful and pretty intense.
2. i've come to be one of those people who think it's not realistic to try chipping heroin for the long-term. if you open the door for it, i think it's nearly impossible for a relationship with H not to take its natural course.

if you do decide to try it, be really careful.
H E L L N O!

I have robbed my family, ripped off my friends, broken into medicine stashes, stolen cash, used my female prowess to get in the dope dealer's door only to rip him off (I am always looking over my shoulder because of that), lost my kids, lost my job and my car. And yes, it will happen to you. I was hooked, HOOKED, after snorting one little bump. Once my friend introduced me to the needle, my life went down fast.

DO NOT DO HEROIN!!!!!!!! Your story will be no different from any other junkie; trust me.
Since I never log in, while I am, I may aswell quote this for truth.
So, so, so, fucking true.
I have done things I never ever would have done, I dont even know quite why or what I was thinking. I am completely and utterly ashamed and embarrassed of my actions and the choices I have made.
I dont really want to go on.
While im at it though, I might as well add, Gabapentin really helped me quit.

Amen brother (or sister LOL). I was the typical story of a junkie; honor student going on a full ride scholarship to college, a devout Christian who would never even dream of having sex before marriage or hanging with seedy dope dealers. Well, about a year later, I was in Rockford, IL trying to cop, dressed like a skank and using that to get my foot in the door. I robbed some black dude of about 12 g of tar and 5 hundred dollars. I sat in the McDonald's parking lot in Rockford and shot up repeatedly. I ended up nodding out and falling out of my car (door was open) onto the parking lot. Skirt hiked up, belt around my arm, blood dripping out. It is a fucking dirty and disgusting life. I lost my husband, my kids, EVERYTHING. The high is not worth it dude. I am telling you this from experience. :(
I was they guy you all hate. I chipped pretty much every weekend for about 15 years. I then learned that it was the Fentanyl that was killing people so, of course, I switched to that. I got lucky in life and retired early and now I shoot all day and nod. Of course it now takes me about 200mcg worth of patches to make it through the day and still have my shoot and nod cycle going. I am addicted as all hell and don't mind at all. I force myself to detox a few times a year - the WD from fent are so bad... By day three of my detox I am eating pills again and by day five I am back to shooting.

Now, here is the important part...

I did this to myself and knew what the results would be. I can easily afford my habit -- I buy in bulk for example. I can afford my habit for the rest of my life. I am a little bit stiff about being safe. Enough to do my shoot and nod cycle and not one drop more. I will do three shots instead of one if I am not certain of something. I am patient. I am clean. I only extract from mylar. I have someone who is aware of this, is paid, checks on me daily, comes to cook and clean and shit like that.

Don't drive too screwed up.

Now, let me tell you about a story far worse. The tale of Alcohol and I... I am almost three years without alcohol. I am very good at drinking. I can even function until I get home. I do not drink any more. I am a bit of a car buff... Since before I retired I was always buying specific years and models and then rehabing them as needed. It took a completely rebuilt Volvo 262 from 82, a 78 911 - Targa trim, a new BMW, a 7xxi Turbo BMW from 96 (this one is a bit fuzzy) and not going to jail - but not having insurance cover ANY of the vehicles in about a week before I decided I had to stop drinking (after about 30 years of drinking) to make me realize that I had to stop drinking and driving. I could not give up driving so I gave up alcohol. There are still days I think I should have gone the other way. But when you put about 500k worth of rebuilt (as in factory or better in the case of the Volvo for example) into the tow truck driver's yard to just say screw it and scrap 'em then you really have to do a bit of introspection. Quitting alcohol was so hard but I did it in one (I've also tried to quit for most of those years of use but could not for some reason - took some motivation) and I used no program or rehab. I was physically fucked for months and thought I was going to die the first week. It turns out that WD from alcohol actually does kill. I should have gone to the ER multiple times or, you know, used a detox center.

Anyhow, the detox center wasn't going to let me shoot fent or the likes so, yeah, I did it and it sucked so bad I will never drink again so that I don't have to go through that again. Sure, I could chip but I was a functional drunk until I stopped being functional (or able to drive drunk any longer). Alcohol had to go. I can never replace the cars, I have come close though. The years and body styles are close but it was a rather expensive lesson and took like a week to accomplish and then a month or so to actually start the quitting.
I'm on sick leave from my job for crashing badly with my bike last weekend. Luckily I think I got away with severe bruises, scars and a head concussion.

Now that I'm home and have nothing else to to I (surprisingly) remembered I got some IR Oxycodone. It's over a year since I last took oxycodone so it's safe to say I have a zero tolerance. I am, however, a benzo addict (now on 1 mg Diclazepam per day, I have to use RC benzo's since I don't get the on prescription anymore due to being once in benzo detox). I also have a huge Lyrica tolerance.

Last time I had oxy i got severe nausea and sweating from snorting only 5 mg's. I've taken them both orally and insufflated.

I find oxycodone to be quite strange. It's an opioid that's supposed to cause respitatory depression and sedation but for me, it's actually stimulating. And only enjoyable with Lyrica (Lyrica takes away the speediness and yes, the increase in HR). Only once have I experienced a rush and "opiate glow" (snorted), other than that I now only feel a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Does anyone else have similar experiences with this stuff? Is it just that some people seem to react very differently to this compound or am I doing something wrong? Yes I'm a complete noob to opiates/opioides. I would like to feel some kind of rush and opiate glow but I just don't seem to get there.
Dont dont do it!!!!
All it takes is one time and you will feel great and the next day you will be chasing that same high till its years later and you have been wanting to quit and you can't. That's probably sums it up for you. ..
Listen, how many people do you need to tell you its a bad idea.

This thread honestly should be closed.

To be honest asking a question like" should I try heroin" is just ridiculous, and out right I feel disrespectful to us former and current heroin users.

Heroin addiction is horrible, as you have heard from the pages and pages of war stories above......

And maybe not everyone will get hooked their first time. BUTTTTTTT is it really worth rolling those dice, and taking that gamble to feel good for a few hours if that long.

The answer is simple NO, there is way too much going on in life then to get wrapped up in this horrible horrific addiction, I know because I am a former H addict, currently on buprenorphine maintenance, doing very well.

Im not going to share my war stories, as there are already plenty above, and personally its something I am ashamed of, something I never would glorifie, or offer someone.

Heroin is bad, real bad.
And will take over your life.
Quit ASAP.


I was they guy you all hate. I chipped pretty much every weekend for about 15 years. I then learned that it was the Fentanyl that was killing people so, of course, I switched to that. I got lucky in life and retired early and now I shoot all day and nod. Of course it now takes me about 200mcg worth of patches to make it through the day and still have my shoot and nod cycle going. I am addicted as all hell and don't mind at all. I force myself to detox a few times a year - the WD from fent are so bad... By day three of my detox I am eating pills again and by day five I am back to shooting.

Now, here is the important part...

I did this to myself and knew what the results would be. I can easily afford my habit -- I buy in bulk for example. I can afford my habit for the rest of my life. I am a little bit stiff about being safe. Enough to do my shoot and nod cycle and not one drop more. I will do three shots instead of one if I am not certain of something. I am patient. I am clean. I only extract from mylar. I have someone who is aware of this, is paid, checks on me daily, comes to cook and clean and shit like that.

Don't drive too screwed up.

Now, let me tell you about a story far worse. The tale of Alcohol and I... I am almost three years without alcohol. I am very good at drinking. I can even function until I get home. I do not drink any more. I am a bit of a car buff... Since before I retired I was always buying specific years and models and then rehabing them as needed. It took a completely rebuilt Volvo 262 from 82, a 78 911 - Targa trim, a new BMW, a 7xxi Turbo BMW from 96 (this one is a bit fuzzy) and not going to jail - but not having insurance cover ANY of the vehicles in about a week before I decided I had to stop drinking (after about 30 years of drinking) to make me realize that I had to stop drinking and driving. I could not give up driving so I gave up alcohol. There are still days I think I should have gone the other way. But when you put about 500k worth of rebuilt (as in factory or better in the case of the Volvo for example) into the tow truck driver's yard to just say screw it and scrap 'em then you really have to do a bit of introspection. Quitting alcohol was so hard but I did it in one (I've also tried to quit for most of those years of use but could not for some reason - took some motivation) and I used no program or rehab. I was physically fucked for months and thought I was going to die the first week. It turns out that WD from alcohol actually does kill. I should have gone to the ER multiple times or, you know, used a detox center.

Anyhow, the detox center wasn't going to let me shoot fent or the likes so, yeah, I did it and it sucked so bad I will never drink again so that I don't have to go through that again. Sure, I could chip but I was a functional drunk until I stopped being functional (or able to drive drunk any longer). Alcohol had to go. I can never replace the cars, I have come close though. The years and body styles are close but it was a rather expensive lesson and took like a week to accomplish and then a month or so to actually start the quitting.
Just want to second that there are all different stories. Mine is different bc I still work, in a successful situation, and it trumps my desire the get high. Im a weekender by discipline, for 15years now. Those who say we all turn out the same, have in some ways ruined this for many of us. Much worse people have ruined it for everybody that would like to indulge responsibly by dealing dangerous shit too. No matter the situation, it is a risky path to take though. And in the end we need to stick together.
Anyone that can afford it for the rest of their lives is just pissing away all the $ that they can spend on other things. I wish I had all the damn $ I spent on that shit. I would have bought 2 new Lamborghini's within the last 6 years. No joke and I have a new c6 zo6 that I am about to lose because I just lost my job over this shit.
Anyone that can afford it for the rest of their lives is just pissing away all the $ that they can spend on other things. I wish I had all the damn $ I spent on that shit. I would have bought 2 new Lamborghini's within the last 6 years. No joke and I have a new c6 zo6 that I am about to lose because I just lost my job over this shit.

Right? I blew up one car doing runs because I was too concerned from getting the sick off than doing things like changing the oil. I rear-ended someone in Chicago nodding out after a run and ruining a car. And my car now is about to get repoed because I took out a title loan for money. I have to hide it until I get paid. It's pathetic.
Being a norco addict, I've been getting more and more curious about heroin. I have a supply of 120 norcos a month and they're paid for, but I can't always get a refill right away and my tolerance is slowly building and thus I'm finding myself with no norco for weeks at time sometimes. I can't stand even a day without them. I've heard heroin is easily obtained and cheaper. But as someone who works in the medical industry, I've also seen people with some messed up arms that are broken almost totally open and filled with necrotic tissue from heroin use. But the addict in me is still curious about it because I love the opiate high that much. It's disturbing to say the least. This thread did cover many of the thoughts I had about it though. I'm sure if I'm having this hard of a time controlling my hydrocodone use, I'm not going to fair much better with heroin. I'll hold off on it.
