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Just send em my way, I'll discard them ;). Just draw out a bit and sniff the oil. If it smells rancid then toss it. Otherwise I'd bet they're fine honestly
They look a bit odd, possibly darker than I recall (though were always rather dark) and it almost looks as though something has started crystalising on the glass, hypothetically speaking.

It was suggested by a mate to try pinning 0.1ml subcutaneously and see if there's any adverse reaction - would this be an idea? Doubt much bad could come from 0.1ml of something that was 100% sterile when sealed.

I'm honestly more concerned about the tren suspension crystalising, though I don't even know if this is possible ha
Hai guys, long time since I've beene in here.

I've a fairly simple question - I have 3 (and a half) vials of Tren Ace, however they're OLD. Like have been sitting in my cupboard (out of sunlight, away from heat) for maybe 2 and a half years. Are they useless now? I'd presume the opened one may be written off simply because it's been drawn from, but I'm hoping the other 3 may be salvageable, maybe require some heating to ensure everything is still dissolved.

I kind expect they're all fucked though :(


I have pharma sus and deca back in the UK 7 years old and I still use it when I return home.. don't stress..
They look a bit odd, possibly darker than I recall (though were always rather dark) and it almost looks as though something has started crystalising on the glass, hypothetically speaking.

It was suggested by a mate to try pinning 0.1ml subcutaneously and see if there's any adverse reaction - would this be an idea? Doubt much bad could come from 0.1ml of something that was 100% sterile when sealed.

I'm honestly more concerned about the tren suspension crystalising, though I don't even know if this is possible ha

At 2.5 years I'd consider them still new and fresh and would certainly not ditch them, nor the half-used one. Maybe at 10-15 years I'd start worrying about the oils being too rancid to use, although I did a cycle of Organon Sust last year from 2001 or so and that was nice stuff.

As for crystallising, once they start the process completes fairly quickly and you have a vial of beautiful crystals. But anyway even if they have, just cook them in the microwave repeatedly for a few seconds until fully dissolved again.
Speaking of crystals, here's some beauties in a vial of NPP I've got:

Alright lads I accept I'm pedantic and over cautious :p still glad I asked tho. I absolutely didn't mean crystalisation of that magnitude. Holy jesus. More it just looked as though the inside surface of the vial was foggy.

Cheers ;)
It could have smaller crystals, like this pre-filtered deca, which has a tight lattice of crystals because there's more microscopic impurities around which crystals can form.

Once filtered, if it crashed it would end up with big crystals like the NPP above, though deca very rarely crashes post-filtration.

Lol. At the doses I use nowadays this would take me about 40 years to get through assuming I used on every cycle and never took a break =D
Yes of course. I remember saying " if I could just look like I look after the gym when I'm flexing all the time, I'll be happy" lol that was 4 years and 35 pounds of muscle ago haha. I still don't think I'm that much bigger than a normal person. But then sometimes i realize that my shoulders smash into doorways and turns in a building....but only sometimes.

If your down to take gear then you no doubt have some level of BDD and or are vein, narcissistic, self absorbed. But being or having some or all of these things doesn't mean your all kinds of messed up in the head. Some guys definitely need help with that stuff and some guys are really into looking a certain way and have bdd and juice. Taking gear to be healthy is ass backwards.

So it's not really that overtime we grow accustom to looking a certain way and don't see what other see. It's that before any of this all starts we think we look different than other people see us.
On another website like this one some guy said he injected test into his ball to prevent natural production of test to stop while on cycle. Half the people thought he was serious and the other half thought he was trolling. I believed him because I compared that thread to alot of his other threads and he was alot of the time just a wierd dude that didn't seem to understand how steroids worked.
^ Methadone is often cheaper. Some get a buzz from it (many ago go on it don't really want to be totally clean). Others like the structure that going to the clinic gives, whereas it's beyond easy to turn a couple weeks of prescribed Suboxone into drug money.

As for BDD, it's called being human. Humans want to look and feel strong and sexy. A lot of the "fit shaming" is jealousy of the dedication that bodybuilders and athletes have. A lot of people cannot compete in the traditional social or dating scenes, so they engage in things like fit-shaming or whatever in hopes that they can gain social mobility in those kinds of echo chambers. And I mean yes, a tiny minority of people do have genuine BDD to a unhealthy level, like anorexic girls or guys being reckless with grams and grams of gear each week and no regard for health. But trying to insult BBers by saying they all have BDD is just being a **** for the sake of it. Don't like BBing? Don't do it. So many people, especially online and on social media, love to attack, spread negativity and try to bring others down. It's sad. A little competition and shit-talking is harmless, but if overall temperaments of people massively shifted from negative to positive, we could all be living in paradise in a few years.

There's also the idea that you don't notice daily changes in yourself because they are so small. So in turn you won't see weekly or monthly changes. But if someone hasn't seen you in a month or two sees you, they are super impressed. Like I don't really feel like I have changed over the past month, but I have been getting a ton of praise this week. I am likely making gains and just not noticing it.
Man, this is the first cut where I have actually felt the constipation side effects of high protein low fiber. It's like opiate addiction all over again. I think this is another way that IIFYM is inferior to clean/"bro" on a cut.
Man, this is the first cut where I have actually felt the constipation side effects of high protein low fiber. It's like opiate addiction all over again. I think this is another way that IIFYM is inferior to clean/"bro" on a cut.

Why are you doing low fibre? Psyllium husks?
Haven't been around much lately. I did finish the LGD+mast cycle, but some stuff happened recently in my life that took priority (I don't really talk about it much online, but my mother's Alzheimer's is getting worse and I've had to manage a lot of stuff with her medical care) and I really have had to put lifting on cruise control. Basic compounds a couple days per week to maintain. So I didn't milk the cycle for everything it was worth, but it was still a valuable experience and I do want to write up at some point what I did notice from it.

With that said, I did just get a huge promotion/relocation (across the city) and nearly doubled my income. And the first thing that my new boss said to me was "don't worry, I'm going to train you really well because I don't plan to be around here much longer." So this could get even better, though also more stressful. But it's nice to know that as long as I don't fuck this up, my quality of life will get much better. And I met a nice girl who is really making me think twice about my 'no relationships for a long while' policy. Though she's the kind of girl to freak out about Vitamin S, and I want to run a test cycle in a couple months, so I see how this stuff can get tricky. Anyway, I hope everyone has been doing well.
Sorry to hear about your mom, man. I can only imagine how tough it is. Congrats on the job and good luck with the chick. I've been fortunate in that every girl I've dated is fine with my aas usage as my knowledge and ability to explain things eases any pre conceived ideas they have. And the fact I take care of my health better than any of them speaks volumes as well too lol. I'm not saying just say "hey babe I use roids!" but you'd be surprised how accepting some people can be once you know if you want to keep them around and they genuinely care about you and your desires/dreams.