• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

⫸STICKY⫷ ★ Dream Journal : Share your dreams ☯

I haven't had a dream (or remembered if I had any) in almost 2 years.
It's always just like slipping into darkness (nonexistence) and then zapping back into "this world" upon waking up. Nothing but blackness.
Not sure why.
It sounds like you're not going into REM sleep, which is where most of the dreaming occurs. Some conditions like sleep apnea can cause that, as can a lot of medications. I don't dream much (or don't remember them) if I have anything like alcohol, benzos or weed before bed.

As long as you wake up feeling rested then you're getting quality sleep, but I'm sorry that you don't get to experience the joy of dreaming. Oh well, look at the bright side... at least you're not plagued by nightmares like a lot of people with PTSD.
It sounds like you're not going into REM sleep, which is where most of the dreaming occurs. Some conditions like sleep apnea can cause that, as can a lot of medications. I don't dream much (or don't remember them) if I have anything like alcohol, benzos or weed before bed.

As long as you wake up feeling rested then you're getting quality sleep, but I'm sorry that you don't get to experience the joy of dreaming. Oh well, look at the bright side... at least you're not plagued by nightmares like a lot of people with PTSD.
Yeah I actually went & got tested for a sleep disorder. I went into REM sleep for like maybe 30 minutes. Idk how much time they conclude is "normal", but the results came back negative for any apneas. So I gave up on the sleep disorder thing.
I do take opioids & THC daily but I have for many years before this time period. Honestly opioids use to some times give me some dreams and hypnogogic hallucinations.
I use to suffer from sleep paralysis and night terrors though. But they've all disappeared as well.
I'm not really sure what's changed to be honest.
I've heard thc can suppress REM sleep, but I've also smoked weed every day for over 20 years & use to still have dreams and the occasional nightmares. So I dunno really. lol

Good points though. And I definitely don't miss sleep paralysis.
Yeah I actually went & got tested for a sleep disorder. I went into REM sleep for like maybe 30 minutes. Idk how much time they conclude is "normal", but the results came back negative for any apneas.
I always wanted to do that, but I just can't imagine trying to sleep with electrodes hooked up to my brain and people watching me or whatever.

From my understanding, total REM sleep on average usually totals to about 90 minutes that are broken up into 2 or 3 segments and usually more towards morning.

My sleep has always been really erratic. Sometimes I may not get much sleep for a couple of nights, but then I'll go into "REM rebound" and pack an epic night of dreams into several hours. Our brains are pretty good at self-regulating.
I always wanted to do that, but I just can't imagine trying to sleep with electrodes hooked up to my brain and people watching me or whatever.

From my understanding, total REM sleep on average usually totals to about 90 minutes that are broken up into 2 or 3 segments and usually more towards morning.

My sleep has always been really erratic. Sometimes I may not get much sleep for a couple of nights, but then I'll go into "REM rebound" and pack an epic night of dreams into several hours. Our brains are pretty good at self-regulating.
Yeah it was incredibly uncomfortable. I basically laid down in one position, forced myself to sleep & woke up in that same position. I only slept maybe 6hrs cause I just wanted to go home.

I finally dreamt last night. I woke up this morning & remembered it for a few seconds. I can't remember it now but I think I was just doing something really trivial in my dream. I'm betting I dream more often than I realize & then just happen to forget them immediately when I wake up.
I use to get vivid nightmares, sleep paralysis, etc... Guess I should be glad I don't though.
Oct 9-10, 2022: 'Music & Women"

I was playing in a punk rock band on the local green (bass, I think), but I wasn't doing it very well. We were being harassed by a rough crowd, and I was expected to fist-fight them.

An attractive young woman in a bikini top was sitting in a rowboat in front of my cousin's house. She said that she couldn't get a modelling job because they thought that she was too overweight, but she wasn't at all. I told her that she looked great.

My anxiety was acting up and I asked my dad for one of his Ativan, but he didn't have any to spare so I had a glass of vodka w/ orange juice instead.

I told my ex-girlfriend how much her words used to hurt me. She gave me a long hug and started crying. Then she said, "You can't watch 'Chesapeake Shores' while peeling a pear.", which was supposed to have some profound meaning to her.

I was eating Indian food (aloo tikki?) off of the floor and listening to "Melt Away" by Brian Wilson.

Oct 10-11, 2022: "Party in my Bed, Drinking with Dad"

Two young women were sitting at the foot of my bed and there was a party going on in the other room. Some guy who was supposedly from Bluelight brought little baggies of two different powders that were supposed to be like MDMA. He Reageant-tested them and one turned pink, while the other turned yellow. Another young woman climbed into my bed and we started kissing. I took a small bump of the pink powder, but it barely made it past my nostril because I was afraid of having a bad reaction.

I was in a large guest house with my dad and we were both drinking. He seemed very distraught, apparently because he had been arguing with my mom. The fridge and shelves were full of assorted beers and liquors. It was only 3am but already light outside, which confused me. I had been up all night and thought about postponing my Covid booster shot for later that afternoon. (I had one in real life and went to it.)

I tried to open a giant can of beer (like the size that frozen juice concentrate would come in) with an old-fashioned pull-top and couldn't do it, especially because I was wearing black winter gloves. This made me realize that I was dreaming. I floated up to the high ceiling and touched the skylight, then landed back at the table and started kissing Courtney Thorne-Smith! 💋

Sweet Dreams!!!
Oct 11-12, 2022: "Mom Senile"

I was in someone's basement with my mom and she was acting senile. She set fire to a glass table to warm the room up. She said something about putting a "Beware of Dog" sign up on our neighbor's fence to keep their pooch from sneaking out. She repeated herself a few times but it just sounded like gibberish to me. Justin Bell from "The Bell Life" was on an episode of "Rizzoli & Isles". I was drinking Yoo-Hoo and eating a California sushi roll.

Oct 12-13, 2022: "Babe Ruth, Lost in Mall"

I was watching footage of Babe Ruth in the last year of his life (1947-48) when he was dying of throat cancer but still making public appearances, then it became more like I was actually there. (This part is gross but worth mentioning...) He had apparently taken a poop near home plate in Yankee Stadium and it was still there. I thought how it would make a cool souvenir, but it was just too creepy to take.

My parents drove me to see where he made his 1947 Christmas appearance dressed as Santa Claus (he really did that), but it was still partly happening at the time and was really sad because he was so ill. I ate some kind of seafood (clam?) chowder there but it was really cold and congealed. I heard "Unbreak my Heart" by Toni Braxton on the jukebox and it reminded me of a bad breakup that I went through back in late 1996.

I ended up at the local shopping mall and kept getting lost in a bunch of business offices inside. It was almost like a highway with exit signs everywhere, but indoors. I made it to the lower level and there were a bunch of themed bars (tropical, sports, etc.) with a couple of really cool pianos in the hallway for anyone to play. I improvised a couple of jazz tunes on one of them.

Sweet Dreams!!!
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Oct 13-14, 2022: "Songwriting, Ex-Fiancée and Beer"

I was composing a song outdoors on a piano with a chord progression like D6 and E6. I watched a music video featuring an attractive woman and started kissing the screen, which felt and tasted like a ripe peach. I went to my ex-fiancée's mother's house, and we were being watched by undercover cops as some sort of drug bust.

I ended up at a condo/apartment where I used to live and went for a walk. I had left beer stashed in a tree and found a young teenage boy drinking it, so I made him get rid of it. It was "Christmas-flavored" (pine?) beer that I dreamed about a few months ago, but nothing that I've ever seen in real life.

Oct 14-15, 2022: "Long Walk Home"

I left my friend's house late at night but had one of those "Razor" scooters instead of my car. I bought an entire pallet filled with boxes of ramen noodles and got stopped by security because they thought that I had stolen them. I ditched the scooter and walked the rest of the way. I had to pass through multiple buildings that were in the middle of the road.

One office was inhabited by Russian women that seemed to be spies or drug/sex traffickers of some kind. A rabid moose in the parking lot shed its antlers and then started acting really aggressive. One of the Russian ladies killed it with a knife and I continued my walk home. I ended up at the local mall and the police were having a shootout with a couple of guys. I ran away as fast as I could because I didn't want to get involved.

Back home, there was a desert outside my yard with primitive-looking stone structures. The land was owned by an old Native American man that everybody referred to as Chief.

Oct 16-17, 2022: "Thigh Worms"

I saw something squirming under the skin on my thigh and pulled one out with tweezers. It looked like a sandworm. Later I found chess pieces and razors inside my leg as well, and I couldn't figure out how they got there.

Sweet Dreams!!!
I'm walking over a gully and on to a dirt street, reminiscent of India or a poorer nation. There's people milling around. I head towards a row of houses with an architectural style that is a cross of shanty house and Swiss chalet, small but better designed than an actual shanty house with two floors and decking outside. The house next to the one I'm approaching has people sitting on the decking. It's Patrice O'Neal (lol) and his crew, we exchange head nods.

Now I'm sitting in a grass verge with trees to one side and a small grass field to the right. I'm practising levitating a tennis ball in my left hand, and it's flight path is turbulent like that of ping pong ball caught in an upwards draft of air. Someone I knew from school, who I haven't thought of in years, is now in front of me. He's telling me to levitate this (?) and I say I'm not ready for anything greater. He smiles, ignores my statement, and flings a fridge door at me. I wave and deflect it over my head, then turn around and we both watch it fly sky high. It comes crashing down on this square concrete patch in the middle of a playing field at distance, smashing into pieces much to our amusement.

The friend is now trying to tell me something, but every last word is being drowned out by a noise. After his frustration grows I move to investigate the source of the noise. I get up and cross the small grassy field, where there is a grass hedge at the edge and then residential houses the other side. The noise is someone blowing harshly into a recorder with no notes, like a child would do. I look around and indeed there is a child, hiding in the hedgerow, only his face visible. I begin explaining to him how to play the recorder, to actually play notes, in particular the lowest note at the end of the recorder which is most difficult.
Oct 23-24, 2022: "Dad Mowing, Asteroid"

I came out of my room in the middle of the night and my dad was using a lawnmower on the living room carpet. He was acting very strangely and said something like, "God created Friday to put something on peoples' foreheads.". (I'm assuming that this referred to Ash Wednesday.)

An asteroid launched itself out of the ocean, and I realized that we were all going to be killed when it landed.

Oct 24-25, 2022: "Liquor Store, Sheep, Fabric Cake, Detox"

I went to the package store late at night for beer. They were closed but the door was open, and it actually led to the home of the owner who lived in the back room. I apologized for disturbing them and left. I couldn't find my car, so I ended up walking home.

There were a bunch of animals in my back yard, including 4 cats, 2 goats and a sheep. The sheep followed me up the porch to my back door and I called out to my mom to come see it, but she was in the bathroom throwing up a turkey sandwich that had made her sick.

I found a chocolate mousse cake in the refrigerator and started to eat it, but it was full of Navy blue fabric like a linen dinner napkin.

I watched a show like "Intervention" where they were detoxing an addict by administering alcohol through a feeding tube.

Sweet Dreams!!!
I'm two months behind on these as usual, so it's going to take me a while to get caught up.

Oct 25-26, 2022: "Condo"

I was living in my old condo and there were a bunch of strange people with me. Some drunk dude was lying in my bed and there was an unattended toddler sitting in the chair. There was a trippy stop-action show on TV with weird animation like giant cats and mice. I watched a video of some guy who found body parts in his bathroom.

Oct 27-28, 2022: "Beach"

I was at the beach with my parents and my mom was talking to Barry Gibb about a song that she was planning to record. A kitten drowned and my dad tried to save it but couldn't. I punched the volleyball net because it upset me.

Nov 9-10, 2022: "Office Deli, Old Ballgame"

I was working at my old corporate job and there was a deli in the office. The only vegan options that they had were salad fixings, so I started to make myself one. I kept on making a mess and trying to clean it up, only to mess it up again. I had a crush on the woman who worked there and apologized. I asked her name and she said that I could just call her "Hey You!" because that's what most of the other customers did.

People were playing a baseball game outside the building that looked like it was from the late 1800's, with the old uniforms and all. Someone placed a large screen in front of the window that made it appear in black & white.

Nov 11-12, 2022: "Trouble Speaking, Lucid Bank Flying"

My mom was eating peanut butter & jelly on a rice cake and I was looking for some sort of hinge/lock. She got up to find one in the shed but the back yard was a muddy mess. I tried yelling at her to stay inside but the words wouldn't come out (as often happens when I'm trying to speak in real life). It made my body feel like it was vibrating, which caused a fan to start running on its own. That really creeped me out, and I thought that there was something evil about the can of strong IPA beer I was drinking at the time.

I was at the bank with Charlie Sheen and realized that I was dreaming. I floated up to the ceiling, then came back down and kissed a woman from India who was there with her husband, because I knew that it wasn't real.

Sweet Dreams!!!
I'm having not so many dreams lately, some were lucid, with incredible and detailed colors and landscapes, but very BRIEF in time

Since using DMT (breakthrough) I'm having this really strange and terrible problem of astral attacks,
it happens much likely when I use kratom late in the night or when I use psychedelics or sero releaser (normally 2 days after using). They feel like being pushed, like, seriously pushed, like your conscience is pushed somewhere, sometimes pushed againsts a surface and you cannot move. It truly feels different to feel pushed by a person, since you feel your astral body and an invisibe force. I've had worst attacks, but these are the most common, normally when I'm attaining lucidity, sometimes just in the very same instant it happens. It feels like a boycott...

Now then, I felt that shit happent to me 2 days before, in my first dream of the day, I used haritaki and artemisia annua.
I feel that haritaki it's really useful for getting lucid dreams, and it also affects the character of the dream, making it more dense, more personal...

I had important dreams these last months, some others just interesting

One had a basement, that was full of debris, and I was visiting that with my mother, like we were visiting and old home that was ours... and then I found my white cat, playing in the debris, it was kinda sinister, but it wasn't a nightmare. Curiously I saw a toilet with a lot of debris inside, in a room of the basement, it all had a white and cerulean glow. Funny enough when I visited my grandparents home a week ago I found that in the bathroom it was debris in the toilet!!! incredible "coincidence"... they did some arrangement I didn't know about and they didn't clean it, I think that's pretty strange to be honest, since the thing that was more odd in the basement dream was the toilet.

Then I've had the typical dreams on which I'm driving a car and the car goes nuts, like losing the grip, the brakes not working and going downhill, without control... normal nightmare, isn't it?

I noticed that the most common theme when using artemisia annua ( a type of mugwort, annual mugwort it's called) is the basic theme of: going somewhere, needing to get to somewhere....
I visit amazing places, cities that are half-futuristic and half mistery/medieval... like some kind of glitch of interdimensional/interhistorical mixture... and I need to get somewhere, but... I never know in the dream, I'm just so sure I need to get there, but I don't know/remember, where or why... pretty strange dreams of artemisia annua.

I felt that mugworts work better overtime, the 2nd or 3rd day in a row, sometimes not the first time (if it's not the VERY first time) in a row. BUt... then it stops working, since I create some kind of tolerance or shit like that, more than a week, it's just useless, but normally from day 2 to 5 there's pretty interesting dreams, very vivid and long, not always lucid. When combined with something that helps lucidity (choline sources for example) then it's amazing, like living a film.
Since using DMT (breakthrough) I'm having this really strange and terrible problem of astral attacks,
it happens much likely when I use kratom late in the night or when I use psychedelics or sero releaser (normally 2 days after using). They feel like being pushed, like, seriously pushed, like your conscience is pushed somewhere, sometimes pushed againsts a surface and you cannot move. It truly feels different to feel pushed by a person, since you feel your astral body and an invisibe force. I've had worst attacks, but these are the most common, normally when I'm attaining lucidity, sometimes just in the very same instant it happens. It feels like a boycott...
Is this happening during the transition into sleep, or once you are already asleep? Bearing in mind that sometimes you can actually already be asleep but believe you're still in the transition stage, sort of the opposite of 'false awakening' lucid dreams.

I think there's an energetic component to becoming lucid, not in the sense you need more of it (energy) to become lucid but rather a subtraction of impurities and distractions that short-circuit the natural physiology of the awakening process. Any substances can interfere with it, including food stuffs.

The only times I've felt attacked was when I was <10 years old and having astral experiences, and didn't have the self-confidence and inner-belief to ward off fear from internal and external influences.
Is this happening during the transition into sleep, or once you are already asleep? Bearing in mind that sometimes you can actually already be asleep but believe you're still in the transition stage, sort of the opposite of 'false awakening' lucid dreams.

I think there's an energetic component to becoming lucid, not in the sense you need more of it (energy) to become lucid but rather a subtraction of impurities and distractions that short-circuit the natural physiology of the awakening process. Any substances can interfere with it, including food stuffs.

The only times I've felt attacked was when I was <10 years old and having astral experiences, and didn't have the self-confidence and inner-belief to ward off fear from internal and external influences.
the push-pull attacks tend to be when I'm entering deep REM or entering the dream, but not always, in fact I remember well some cases of being in a dream, semi-consciously, and then becoming lucid, then something in the dream changes and then I become attacked by some shit, sometimes not invisible, but a "character" in the dream

it's not always the same, sometimes is in the transition stage, but I'm sure that it hasn't being always the case, both for push-pull shit and more serious stuff (feeling electrocuted)
I get what you say about the energetic component to becoming lucid, and I think it's pretty true, impurities or mental distractions.

I don't know what to say about the last part, maybe I lack confidence in some way? not sure, I discovered a lot of shit about my emotional life lately (last months) and I discovered some "chronic" problems in my most close relationships, but at the same time I consider myself quite confident. As I said all this crap came since I brokethrough on DMT, and i'm pretty sure it's the explanation, something not good happent during that trip, it was a really high dose, and my first breakthrough (also my most intense drug experience).
I'm walking over a gully and on to a dirt street, reminiscent of India or a poorer nation. There's people milling around. I head towards a row of houses with an architectural style that is a cross of shanty house and Swiss chalet, small but better designed than an actual shanty house with two floors and decking outside. The house next to the one I'm approaching has people sitting on the decking. It's Patrice O'Neal (lol) and his crew, we exchange head nods.

Now I'm sitting in a grass verge with trees to one side and a small grass field to the right. I'm practising levitating a tennis ball in my left hand, and it's flight path is turbulent like that of ping pong ball caught in an upwards draft of air. Someone I knew from school, who I haven't thought of in years, is now in front of me. He's telling me to levitate this (?) and I say I'm not ready for anything greater. He smiles, ignores my statement, and flings a fridge door at me. I wave and deflect it over my head, then turn around and we both watch it fly sky high. It comes crashing down on this square concrete patch in the middle of a playing field at distance, smashing into pieces much to our amusement.

The friend is now trying to tell me something, but every last word is being drowned out by a noise. After his frustration grows I move to investigate the source of the noise. I get up and cross the small grassy field, where there is a grass hedge at the edge and then residential houses the other side. The noise is someone blowing harshly into a recorder with no notes, like a child would do. I look around and indeed there is a child, hiding in the hedgerow, only his face visible. I begin explaining to him how to play the recorder, to actually play notes, in particular the lowest note at the end of the recorder which is most difficult.
Do you have any theory in particular about what really dreams are?
I don't buy the "subconscious material" theory, IMO it makes sense only in a fraction of dreams or, better said, a fraction of dreamers.
I think the most "experienced" one is with dreaming and lucid dreaming the more unlikely the "subconscious material" explanation seems.
I think most people only get to a level of dreams, let's say -1 floor, and that could be subconscious material (SM from now on) floor. Maybe they enter -2 floor once in a while, but not often enough to dismiss the SM hypthesis... get me? it's like going once to a party of some rich guys, you won't get the tonic of how things behave there or what's really going on just going once, you'll feel it's "a party, but cooler", so to speak.

I feel there's at least 3 levels. Perhaps there's more. I call the -3 level The Parallel.

I think the last time I went to the Parallel I was in an amazing city, it had very ODD buildings, specially one building that was a temple, religious, with some kind of baroque metals in each corner/protuding part of the building that seem a big like flamboyant gothic in a way, but more baroque and full of strange, almost psychedelic, metal ornaments... it was crazy,
some other buildings were "floating" in some kind of channel or river, it was shocking since it was like an entrance, to a parking lot, but instead of cars they had a "port" like structure inside of the building on where little ships and fishing boat were. In general the place seemed like Czech Republic architecture, but with very modern/futuristic buildings and melt into the landscape, into the river like thing.
Your dream reminded me this one, in some way (not sure why).
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the push-pull attacks tend to be when I'm entering deep REM or entering the dream, but not always, in fact I remember well some cases of being in a dream, semi-consciously, and then becoming lucid, then something in the dream changes and then I become attacked by some shit, sometimes not invisible, but a "character" in the dream
One of the most liberating things I've ever experienced was the realisation that I could confront menacing dream characters or threatening scenarios. The other was teaching myself how to fly in dreams. Obviously it's not something I can convey in words or teach others, but basically it is about finding your own power and inner-strength.

I had this recurring nightmare/astral tormenting episode as a kid and its what forced me to learn, because I just got fed up in the end and decided I would rather face it than continue to cower. One day it just happened.. I think surrendered in good faith that I would be alright, basically.
it's not always the same, sometimes is in the transition stage, but I'm sure that it hasn't being always the case, both for push-pull shit and more serious stuff (feeling electrocuted)
How real are we talking here? I had some mini-seizure type zaps when falling asleep in the week following a vaccination as a teenager, which felt like a cross between a sledgehammer to the brain and being electrocuted. Or are we talking sensations experienced in that in-between state prior to falling asleep?
I don't know what to say about the last part, maybe I lack confidence in some way? not sure, I discovered a lot of shit about my emotional life lately (last months) and I discovered some "chronic" problems in my most close relationships, but at the same time I consider myself quite confident. As I said all this crap came since I brokethrough on DMT, and i'm pretty sure it's the explanation, something not good happent during that trip, it was a really high dose, and my first breakthrough (also my most intense drug experience).
Emotional turbulence and pain will cause disturbances in sleep, that's a given. Don't sweat that.

I don't doubt your assertion about DMT. I'm familiar with it. I could only offer my opinions and speculations, but lets just say I don't think we fully comprehend its implications and what it's all about. I mean I don't want to worry you or freak you out with speculations, because that's not useful and my speculations could be completely wrong anyway.
Do you have any theory in particular about what really dreams are?
I don't buy the "subconscious material" theory, IMO it makes sense only in a fraction of dreams or, better said, a fraction of dreamers.
I think the most "experienced" one is with dreaming and lucid dreaming the more unlikely the "subconscious material" explanation seems.
I think most people only get to a level of dreams, let's say -1 floor, and that could be subconscious material (SM from now on) floor. Maybe they enter -2 floor once in a while, but not often enough to dismiss the SM hypthesis... get me? it's like going once to a party of some rich guys, you won't get the tonic of how things behave there or what's really going on just going once, you'll feel it's "a party, but cooler", so to speak.
Following on from the last paragraph above, I think there's a real overlap between waking, dreaming, astral projection, DMT space, and whatever the hell is really going on in reality. I've experienced DMT through meditation, and also during astral states as a child looking back at it, and of course about half a dozen times from NN-DMT that I extracted myself. I've experienced beauty and terror, as well as having some deep realisations that have stuck with me.

Dreams by and large are jumbles of memories, particularly of anxieties we wish to solve. But that's not all they are. I know that for a fact. I've cried out for answers in my dreams before and been forcibly shown an answer. Something grabbed me out of the flow of the dream and put me in front of it. It's hard to describe, but I knew it was something beyond the little me. Call it your higher-self, guardian angel, inner guru, give it any name you like.. personally I believe it is 'me', the fullest version, aka God :)

I've had very symbolic intrusions in my dreams, either again from that greater part of myself or perhaps even from external influences. There's a distinct feeling or flavour to it, it's like walking along a path and finding a precious gem, it just sort of sticks out as something special and evidently placed for you to see. I've had interactions with a dead pet budgie I used to have, and woke up with the feeling of its claws still wrapped around my finger, along with a joy/sadness that his essence was there with me for a brief time again.

I've come to feel that dreams are a veneer over the top of another 'space', and that we're actually always there even whilst awake. That space is DMT space, astral space, it's all the same thing. Whatever it is. When we're dreaming there is the possibility for influences and impressions to come to us and penetrate into the imagery of the dream, much like being underwater and looking up at the surface whilst someone puts their finger through the surface and into our worldview. These things can come to us whilst awake too, obviously when we're asleep there is less distraction and more focus.

Personally I just can't comprehend people who don't remember their dream and sleep life. It has utterly defined me as a person, on par with any psychedelic experience. Why it has happened to me to such a degree I have no idea. It makes me sad though because I feel like sleep is a doorway freely available to everyone that has the potential to revolutionize self-discovery and indeed the waking world.
Not have dreams,'cause i can't sleep......from a long,long time...so,when i at the end fell to sleep i am so energy dried,that i don't dream at all.when i have a spiritual(energy)attack&feel sick-then dream a lot-nightmares or very bright vivid dreams......some good place,when i got to rest from torment.....so if i am ok,i am not in fact-dream lack.If i am able to dream-that's mean,that my reality is living hell....i don't think,that i would live more,than another max.10 years......and i believe,that it could be even less,'cause we heading...we marching like idiots to inevitable nuclear war......so the End of all of us is more near,that anyone could expect.....the humanity...or at least civilisation will cease to exist......and it's ok.....the prophecies came true.....nothing's matter any more....mass idiotism,hypocrisy,greediness,total insanity-that is our future.zombies with brainwashing minds,people-so self centered and not capable to feel any empathy...wantin' to stay forever in their zone of comfort,incapable to do anything on their own....cause of lack of leaders,'cause of total government controlling of everything&anyone.....that's a modern human.....sad,sad story😔😔😔
was the realisation that I could confront menacing dream characters or threatening scenarios.
This shit is too strong, trust me,
it's not the typical "nightmare" scenario, most time it's not even creepy or anything, I don't feel fear, at least in the beginning of the attacks, it happens all of a sudden and I tend not to see or feel anything causing it (sometimes they are disguised as characters, but not often, and they attack in a way that it's just so fast and intense), but just a force, and its actions, so I cannot confront anything. The only way to end the torture is giving up (not fighting it). No words, thoughts or intentions have cleared up the attacks ever.
How real are we talking here? I had some mini-seizure type zaps when falling asleep in the week following a vaccination as a teenager, which felt like a cross between a sledgehammer to the brain and being electrocuted. Or are we talking sensations experienced in that in-between state prior to falling asleep?
the feeling INSIDE the dream were as real as extreme pain can be, first feeling like I'm being burned with something, later realizing (in just microseconds) that's more like electricity. Totally real. Muslims say that Djinns are "fire without smoke", that's exactly how it feels.
I felt also strong muscle twitches in very strange and unusual muscles all in my back, legs and arms, and still feeling some kind of electricity surrounding me, along with a buzzing sound the first seconds after waking up, very disturbing.

because that's not useful and my speculations could be completely wrong anyway.
But adding some speculation to my own speculations could be interesting for me at the moment, since I don't think the DMT world is a safe place, to be honest. Maybe it is, for some people, or maybe it is, relatively talking, most times one uses it, but not totally safe, that's for sure.

I've had very symbolic intrusions in my dreams, either again from that greater part of myself or perhaps even from external influences. There's a distinct feeling or flavour to it, it's like walking along a path and finding a precious gem, it just sort of sticks out as something special and evidently placed for you to see. I've had interactions with a dead pet budgie I used to have, and woke up with the feeling of its claws still wrapped around my finger, along with a joy/sadness that his essence was there with me for a brief time again.

I've come to feel that dreams are a veneer over the top of another 'space', and that we're actually always there even whilst awake. That space is DMT space, astral space, it's all the same thing. Whatever it is. When we're dreaming there is the possibility for influences and impressions to come to us and penetrate into the imagery of the dream, much like being underwater and looking up at the surface whilst someone puts their finger through the surface and into our worldview. These things can come to us whilst awake too, obviously when we're asleep there is less distraction and more focus.
I have similar impressions, but I think there's some kind of structure of it, in levels, the same way some Christians consider that Hell has levels or divine beings (Devas) live in different "Heavens", in Buddhism. So that's a thing, I think Shamanism, Animism (Neo-Paganism also) and at a certain level Ocultists, are always playing with this stuff, trying to master the access to those places.
In a way I think there's a reasons why it's "forbidden" or not recommend it by a lot of cultures, there's something "too big" for us there, and that's a reason why shamans need years of commitment not to be fucked up (or fuck up anyone else's lives).
This shit is too strong, trust me,
it's not the typical "nightmare" scenario, most time it's not even creepy or anything, I don't feel fear, at least in the beginning of the attacks, it happens all of a sudden and I tend not to see or feel anything causing it (sometimes they are disguised as characters, but not often, and they attack in a way that it's just so fast and intense), but just a force, and its actions, so I cannot confront anything. The only way to end the torture is giving up (not fighting it). No words, thoughts or intentions have cleared up the attacks ever.

the feeling INSIDE the dream were as real as extreme pain can be, first feeling like I'm being burned with something, later realizing (in just microseconds) that's more like electricity. Totally real. Muslims say that Djinns are "fire without smoke", that's exactly how it feels.
I felt also strong muscle twitches in very strange and unusual muscles all in my back, legs and arms, and still feeling some kind of electricity surrounding me, along with a buzzing sound the first seconds after waking up, very disturbing.

But adding some speculation to my own speculations could be interesting for me at the moment, since I don't think the DMT world is a safe place, to be honest. Maybe it is, for some people, or maybe it is, relatively talking, most times one uses it, but not totally safe, that's for sure.
When I was young, between 5-10, I would get these astral type attacks. It's difficult to remember what came first, the awareness of having astral/sleep experiences and freaking out about it, or the attacks. But I do know that fear tends to breed more fear, just like in psychedelic states, and it is almost like a beacon for malicious energy much like blood in the ocean is for a shark. These things inevitably come to investigate, try to provoke fear or intrude into dreams and leech the energy somehow. I think DMT and psychedelics perhaps create a temporary beacon in the same way, or perhaps it is the neural energy you expend on the actual experience that leaves you drained and temporarily weakens something in unseen physiology allowing for easier intrusion. I don't know.

I went through episodes over a few years where this buzzing, often associated with sleep paralysis, would accompany the in between states and it would encroach to my head in an unbearable way. It made me very afraid to fall asleep and it felt like it was maliciously targeting me. I think it was a combination of the natural sleep physiology process which does involve 'buzzing', and perhaps some entity fucking with me and exploiting my fear about a process I didn't understand. I used to sleep with the blanket around my head, almost to the point of suffocation lol. I'd have nightmares of encroaching things towards my point of observation, like doorknobs becoming needles and moving towards me. Literally a symbol of intrusion.

Anyway, the point being is that fear needs to be dispelled. Over time I conditioned myself out of the self-reinforcing behaviour and took my determination into the actual experiences and dreams. You come to see that whatever these things may be, your fear is what incites and excites them. Once you develop a level of self-confidence they lose their aura of power and its no longer worth their while to bother you.

Don't scare yourself with beliefs about Djinns or other concepts. If you're going to believe in anything, believe in your own inner strength.

As for DMT, the feeling of being vulnerable was why I decided not to use it again. I do think you need a degree of spiritual maturity to use it safely, because it's so mesmerising and fast paced that we are out of our depth immediately. Difficult to remain composed in such a scenario.
idk until then i isolated my time within dream vein of being chased? and being punished I have no idea it was like 2 weeks ago shit crazy