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RCs α-PHP (alpha-Pyrrolidinohexiophenone) advice/dosing?


Feb 3, 2024
Hello everyone, I will soon be coming into 100mgs of α-PHP. Any advice on first time dosage? I am 5'11" and between 260-280lbs and my partner is 5'9" and around 190lbs. I figure the best ROA to go with is oral and then I may see about insufflation and vaporization if I find the experience safe enough. Has anyone else taken this Cathinone?
How sure are you that it is actually a-PHP? Because a-PHP is a now a schedule 1 drug and is even banned in China, so it has become rare. The closely related drug a-PHiP however is commonly available and is widely legal. As a resul, chances are you, especially if you're in North America, that what you actually have is a-PHiP.

From what I recall a-PHP was more potent than a-PHiP, but never are best taken orally. These substances shine when vaporized. But at the very least I'd go with intranasal.

Neither are acutely toxic, meaning that a large dose of either is unlikely to result in complications. That said, at 5'11" and nearly 300 pounds, your body mass index is quite high, so I wouldn't push the envelope to be on the safe side.

As with all unknown substances. Take an allergy test dose perhaps sublingually, like a milligram or less (in case it happens to be a potent psychedelic mislabeled). Wait a number of hours or a day even, then try 5 mg, etc.
How sure are you that it is actually a-PHP? Because a-PHP is a now a schedule 1 drug and is even banned in China, so it has become rare. The closely related drug a-PHiP however is commonly available and is widely legal. As a resul, chances are you, especially if you're in North America, that what you actually have is a-PHiP.

From what I recall a-PHP was more potent than a-PHiP, but never are best taken orally. These substances shine when vaporized. But at the very least I'd go with intranasal.

Neither are acutely toxic, meaning that a large dose of either is unlikely to result in complications. That said, at 5'11" and nearly 300 pounds, your body mass index is quite high, so I wouldn't push the envelope to be on the safe side.

As with all unknown substances. Take an allergy test dose perhaps sublingually, like a milligram or less (in case it happens to be a potent psychedelic mislabeled). Wait a number of hours or a day even, then try 5 mg, etc.
I can't be completely sure, it may well be an alternative cathinone. But I believe in my source due to other customers stating that the products advertised tested as described. I'll definitely take an allergy test as you suggest, why do you suggest against using it orally?
I can't be completely sure, it may well be an alternative cathinone. But I believe in my source due to other customers stating that the products advertised tested as described. I'll definitely take an allergy test as you suggest, why do you suggest against using it orally?

These cathinones are short-acting stimulants who's best effects largely stem from their quick onset.

Nothing like MDMA or even amphetamine/methamphetamine, a much less "full-bodied" experience. So oral use wouldn't make much sense. Their biggest virtues are that initial "flash". This is generally most pronounced when vaped, or perhaps sniffed. But oral use sort of defeats the purpose of the drug. It would be akin to taking cocaine orally (which it far more closely resembles in effect than any other common drug).
These cathinones are short-acting stimulants who's best effects largely stem from their quick onset.

Nothing like MDMA or even amphetamine/methamphetamine, a much less "full-bodied" experience. So oral use wouldn't make much sense. Their biggest virtues are that initial "flash". This is generally most pronounced when vaped, or perhaps sniffed. But oral use sort of defeats the purpose of the drug. It would be akin to taking cocaine orally (which it far more closely resembles in effect than any other common drug).
I see, this is my first time ever trying a cathinone. I was reading on Psychonaut wiki about the duration of effect and thought that would make the most sense since orally seemed like it lasted longer. I think I will try hoovering after a small taste test and then maybe vaping it. Thanks for the HR tips and good to meet you! I've read many of your posts.
These cathinones are short-acting stimulants who's best effects largely stem from their quick onset.
So I tried it nasally, roughly 40mgs I think eyeballed over around 3 hours and all I got was some anxiety, focus enhancement that felt forced, reduced sociability and typical stim hunger suppression. I also noticed a tingling in my hands and feet along with some difficulty feeling like I could catch my breath. I think you may have been right on it being a-PHiP. You talked about it in the general thread and said the comedown was non existent because there was never any real "up". That seemed exactly like my experience, the only use I could see for it is like reading quickly or doing some assignment. Nice that I feel like I can go to bed soon though lol.
So I tried it nasally, roughly 40mgs I think eyeballed over around 3 hours and all I got was some anxiety, focus enhancement that felt forced, reduced sociability and typical stim hunger suppression. I also noticed a tingling in my hands and feet along with some difficulty feeling like I could catch my breath. I think you may have been right on it being a-PHiP. You talked about it in the general thread and said the comedown was non existent because there was never any real "up". That seemed exactly like my experience, the only use I could see for it is like reading quickly or doing some assignment. Nice that I feel like I can go to bed soon though lol.

Definitely sounds like a-PHiP based on that effect profile. It's slightly better when vaped, but the effects are the same, the only benefit being the sudden onset that one could consider a rush of sorts. Nevertheless, the effects are mostly physical. There is some mostly peripheral and rather mindless/scattered CNS stimulation, and it can be somewhat compulsive when vaped, but youre chasing a high that never materializes. It never reaches the point of cognitive euphoria that one experiences with relatives like a-PHP or a-PVP, or other reuptake inhibitors like cocaine etc. Mainly leaves you feeling awake, scattered, with some tactile effects and perhaps some light mood lifting effects.

A-PHiP was one of the few drugs I have ever flushed down the toilet. This wasn't so much because it was a particularly horrible drug but moreso because I was vaping it compulsively, trying to squeeze a high out of it that I knew it couldn't achieve (i.e., an a-PHP or a-PVP-like high), so I stopped myself after smoking a few hundred milligrams in the course of a few hours. The problem is, a-PHiP vapes well and the resulting smoke tastes alot like the smoke from a-PHP/a-PVP, and the mild rush makes one think, "maybe if I smoke some more it be like those other ones". But that isn't the case. So fortunately something in me realized that and dumped the stuff.

The one thing going for it is the mild comedown. There are some related-compounds with non-existent highs yet have nasty comedowns, one example that comes to mind is 3F-PHP.
and the mild rush makes one think, "maybe if I smoke some more it be like those other ones". But that isn't the case. So fortunately something in me realized that and dumped the stuff.
Exactly what I was thinking while I was on it, "just a little bit more maybe?" yeah dude I sourced from probably got sold that instead of a-php damn. Do you think I should wait a while and then vape it or since I mostly disliked it just trash the rest? I have some actual good coke coming soon and I don't see much use for this stuff I guess lol, nothing seems safe to combo it with. I'll look into some other pyros down the line but it sucks that this is such a bad first experience. Which ones can you recommend that are available in the US?