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Meth Meth and DMT?

Yeah usually it does but I've been on a binge for the last few days after an 8 month break and it seems super pure right now. But meth is always horrible even when it's good lol
I definitely do keep trying to not do it but it's hard. Thank you

sounds like you're still doing pretty good

i think that new meth has something in it that makes it more addicting

the old school ephedrine base didn't seem like that to me
Yeah DMT on meth works just fine for me. Do note: I make sure to empty my bladder before I smoke DMT. If I'm on meth, this is especially important. Meth causes some varying degree of urinary retention and this action is almost instantly reversed by DMT. In fact, it can happen so abruptly that I've damn near pissed my pants and flew off to the bathroom in the middle of tripping hyperface, which can be… interesting. One time I experienced the whole sequence of events in reverse, and another time it happen several times over in a row like it was one giant trail. Idk if you ever get stuck in little time loops on DMT, but it's a pretty rad effect.

If I'm really tweeked though I can't seem to break through and I typically will wait until I come down to get into the deemers. You have to remember that meth is somewhat serotonergic in its own way. That's the chief difference between meth and amphetamine/Adderall is that meth has some 10- to 15-times more affinity for 5-HT receptors. Tends to make me a bit scatterbrained.

Oh and there's this certain, idk how to describe it, certain visual effect that I only get from smoking DMT whilst on meth. It's like every object in the room stands to attention and points toward something while it's coming on. Idk, it's hard to describe.

But yeah go for it, I say. I get what people are saying about mixing a psychedelic with a stimulant. Yes, that usually sucks as it's too goddamn anxiogenic – the heart races, skin crawls, and one feels paranoid and uncomfortable. However, this not what happens to me with DMT & meth. DMT is not a typical psychedelic and this seems to make a difference, at least in my case. YMMV of course.
I've been a daily user of both meth and dmt. Meth for about 5 years and dmt for about 1.5 years. I really haven't noticed a difference when using dmt while on meth. In fact, using dmt pushes my craving for using meth away. I've experienced many different types of trips. From remote viewing other people's lives to being summoned by people as a dark entity to being taken by the elves and shown the meaning of life. I have experienced many different kinds of trips with my eyes open and closed. I feel like it shares things with me that most users never even come close to experiencing. I haven't seen the colorful "Kaleidoscope" trip since my 2nd trip ever. I will say that every person that has been guided by me has had a positive life changing trip that has really helped them raise their vibration and spiritual growth. Its truly something amazing. I wouldn't be worried about the combo unless youre a person that gets way out there while on meth.
I find meth takes away the visuals a little on any DMT psychedelics. I have done triple doses of the usual. For me DMT makes me not want meth or cocaine wh
ilst using it
I find meth takes away the visuals a little on any DMT psychedelics.
I account for this by smoking some weed and especially tobacco which complement DMT's effects profile while offsetting any potential visual hits – to me, that is. As always, YMMV.

Meth in the morning (or Dexedrine, Adderall, Vyvanse, phentermine, or another triple monoamine releasing agent stim… or even coffee), cannabis around lunch time, then afternoon hits of DMT for inspiration sprinkled in liberally into the evening. Good times, maximal inspiration.
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I’ve taken Vyvanse (amphetamine) with LSD a couple of times in the past and I enjoyed it. It gave me a “focused’ trip, and sometimes led to thought loops. But nothing really scary.

On the other hand, DMT is a “scary” drug for me by itself. For first couple of times I took it with a low dose benzo and only after a few times I was able to surf through the scary part of DMT. I wouldn’t recommend anything with DMT, even music. I listen to high BPM psytrance while tripping on LSD, but when I tried this with DMT, it scared shit out of me. I’d just put noise canceling headphones while doing DMT and just close my eyes and let it take effects. But DMT with stimulants sounds kinda like a scary trip for me.
I wouldn’t recommend anything with DMT, even music.
Agreed. DMT is it's own sound and site. It needs nothing. (maybe some harmala sometimes). But I too can not listen to music on DMT as it has it's own music and uses sound to formulate pictures.

Then again the poster above says he is comfortable with meth and DMT so to each his own. I just know what is right for me. But I agree with ninjapirate for the most part. It can be scary, most are interesting and lean towards more fascinating than scary.
But DMT with stimulants sounds kinda like a scary trip for me.
Do you worry you're maybe prepping your nervous system to feel a certain way by this line of thinking? In other words, perhaps bc you're expecting it to be a scary trip, you're fulfilling your own prophesy subconsciously and allowing the trip to become frightening to you when it otherwise wouldn't have gone that way. Personally, I rarely have dark DMT trips, and the times I do it's almost always because I picked a bad time to do it emotionally, personally, and so on. And even then, I just laugh at the darkness bc DMT can be a little cornball like that at times. It's ok, I forgive it this demerit, and still consider it one of my personal Top 10 drugs.

But I mention all this because, to me, DMT is like a good friend with wisdom to share, insights into life, reminders to stop and smell life's flowers, and wonderful music enhancement. Which is why I disagree with the silent trips idea. DMT's music enhancement is SO FUCKING CLUTCH it's crazy. But hey, this is just the methodologies of one particular and opinionated psychonaut. What works for me will not necessarily work for others. All of us have our own unique enzyme profile, and though we have more in common than not, us homo sapiens sapiens, we still have appreciable differences. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It takes all types.
Do you worry you're maybe prepping your nervous system to feel a certain way by this line of thinking? In other words, perhaps bc you're expecting it to be a scary trip, you're fulfilling your own prophesy subconsciously and allowing the trip to become frightening to you when it otherwise wouldn't have gone that way. Personally, I rarely have dark DMT trips, and the times I do it's almost always because I picked a bad time to do it emotionally, personally, and so on. And even then, I just laugh at the darkness bc DMT can be a little cornball like that at times. It's ok, I forgive it this demerit, and still consider it one of my personal Top 10 drugs.

But I mention all this because, to me, DMT is like a good friend with wisdom to share, insights into life, reminders to stop and smell life's flowers, and wonderful music enhancement. Which is why I disagree with the silent trips idea. DMT's music enhancement is SO FUCKING CLUTCH it's crazy. But hey, this is just the methodologies of one particular and opinionated psychonaut. What works for me will not necessarily work for others. All of us have our own unique enzyme profile, and though we have more in common than not, us homo sapiens sapiens, we still have appreciable differences. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It takes all types.
Stimulants naturally increase anxiety for me and this predisposes me to a bad trip on DMT. I don’t have this issue with LSD though. With DMT, everything is moving fast and very disorienting, lot of colors everywhere and I could actually “see” shit. Lot of time, as that tinnitus kicks in, I would feel like I’m about to get a seizure or something (even though I don’t have personal or family history of seizure). That seizure anxiety is something most common for me on DMT than any psychedelics I tried (LSD, shrooms, ketamine).
Stimulants naturally increase anxiety for me and this predisposes me to a bad trip on DMT. I don’t have this issue with LSD though. With DMT, everything is moving fast and very disorienting, lot of colors everywhere and I could actually “see” shit. Lot of time, as that tinnitus kicks in, I would feel like I’m about to get a seizure or something (even though I don’t have personal or family history of seizure). That seizure anxiety is something most common for me on DMT than any psychedelics I tried (LSD, shrooms, ketamine).
Yeah well, not for nothing, but DMT is known to induce seizures in people, though almost always with someone predisposed in some way to tonic clonic seizures to begin with…
Jesus, lol. I have no direct experience with this exact combo, though d-meth and "fluff" type blotter lsd was one of my favorite psychedelic combos, and insane and magical as that was, my only advice I can give is... don't proceed with any earnest attempts to blast off on ice, unless you are very, very confident in your psychological fortitude and the safety of your surroundings.
Sounds like a combo that will send you to the ER and get you certified
FWIW I've done this combo many, many times in my life, probably several hundred times. To me, it's not all that harsh or crazy or whatever. Maybe it's bc I use meth moderately and I'm accustomed to DMT's headspace and find it peaceful; usually chaotic but rarely dark.

And anyway it's the challenge trips from which we learn the most.
each to their own as alkways but I'd never do that combo

for me, dmt is a stand-alone drug which I'd want to fully experience unadulterated on the very rare occasions I use it

the thought of coming round from a dmt hit to be met by my system on meth, and the forthcoming comedown, gives me the heebiejeebies just thinking about it (and yeah @unodelacosa that could be anxiety and/or that fear could impact the experience but I just think it's my intuition whcih I have learned to trust)

I'd also be wary of the dmt being 'cross' (lol) and giving me a good asskicking for 'disrespecting' it somewhat. Not something I wanna risk, especially as I can see zero upside to the activity

I don't like mixing stuff with syches in general tbh, except some cannabis a couple hours after the peak)
each to their own as alkways but I'd never do that combo
Indeed, though never say never…

for me, dmt is a stand-alone drug which I'd want to fully experience unadulterated on the very rare occasions I use it
I think experience makes the difference here. I don't mean drug experience overall, but specifically: DMT and meth. And I get it – people fear the unknown.

the thought of coming round from a dmt hit to be met by my system on meth…
If you already have anxiety from meth, then you're obviously going to have a bad trip. Your attitude going into it makes a big difference. Again: I'm not advocating any drugs to anyone at all. I'm just saying what works for me and what my experiences have been so people have a fuller picture of how different people respond to different drugs, in this case DMT + Meth. And in my experience, it's always been just fine.

I'd also be wary of the dmt being 'cross' (lol) and giving me a good asskicking for 'disrespecting' it somewhat.
That's silly and superstitious. I eschew personifying inanimate chemical objects. I know you're only half serious, but it's that line of thinking that got us into this current prohibition nightmare…

Not something I wanna risk, especially as I can see zero upside to the activity
Yeah there's no upside, and it's not a combo I specifically seek. It's more like, say I'm on a 6-hr meth run after three hits of tina + one more 1.5 hrs later. I'm chilling when a good friend comes by to visit. She wants to vaporize some DMT and meditate on a life-path question she has. Yeah no problem; I hook her up, and she has a great trip. The answer to her question was revealed but with new questions arising. Interesting. Fully lucid after 30 min, she jumps on the decks and starts playing some trip-hop as I dive into the hyperspace realm. The "machine elves" tell me they like my friend and I go zig-zagging through the Mind Compiler Overdrive System contemplating the meaning of existence and whether Dharma is real… Later after coming down, I laugh and realize that the meth comedown was hardly noticeable. I take some melatonin and sleep soundly after my friend leaves.

True story, and only one of many just like it. Using drugs doesn't mean you have to abuse them and go on an idiot rampage. I know you know this, but other people need to hear this, I think, from people who have a lot of experience in reasonable, responsible drug use. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In the interim I encourage people not to malign and shit-talk drugs. They have enough bad press as it is; take it easy, people, 😭

I don't like mixing stuff with syches in general tbh, except some cannabis a couple hours after the peak)
I try to avoid overlapping peaks usually between any two drugs. I feel like "piggybacking" them is safer and more effective. I enjoy a good candyflip or a hippieflip, or some variation therein involving a psychedelic and an entactogen. Also meth and GHB is pretty sublime. Shit, I guess, too, there's MDMA with K bumps, candyflipping then ending the night with K holes, umm, there's smoking DMT whilst on LSD which is excellent. The right disso paired with the right psychedelic is really nice, same thing for the right CNS stimulant releasing agent paired with the right benzodiazepine…

But I agree – cannabis is the exception and goes great with psychedelics, like peanut butter and jelly, cola and pizza, ice cream and cake, beer and peanuts, cheese and grapes, sauerkraut and schnitzel, bangers and mash, hamburger and fries, cookies and milk, pretzels and mustard, beans and rice… you get the picture…
Indeed, though never say never…

I think experience makes the difference here. I don't mean drug experience overall, but specifically: DMT and meth. And I get it – people fear the unknown.

If you already have anxiety from meth, then you're obviously going to have a bad trip. Your attitude going into it makes a big difference. Again: I'm not advocating any drugs to anyone at all. I'm just saying what works for me and what my experiences have been so people have a fuller picture of how different people respond to different drugs, in this case DMT + Meth. And in my experience, it's always been just fine.

That's silly and superstitious. I eschew personifying inanimate chemical objects. I know you're only half serious, but it's that line of thinking that got us into this current prohibition nightmare…

Yeah there's no upside, and it's not a combo I specifically seek. It's more like, say I'm on a 6-hr meth run after three hits of tina + one more 1.5 hrs later. I'm chilling when a good friend comes by to visit. She wants to vaporize some DMT and meditate on a life-path question she has. Yeah no problem; I hook her up, and she has a great trip. The answer to her question was revealed but with new questions arising. Interesting. Fully lucid after 30 min, she jumps on the decks and starts playing some trip-hop as I dive into the hyperspace realm. The "machine elves" tell me they like my friend and I go zig-zagging through the Mind Compiler Overdrive System contemplating the meaning of existence and whether Dharma is real… Later after coming down, I laugh and realize that the meth comedown was hardly noticeable. I take some melatonin and sleep soundly after my friend leaves.

True story, and only one of many just like it. Using drugs doesn't mean you have to abuse them and go on an idiot rampage. I know you know this, but other people need to hear this, I think, from people who have a lot of experience in reasonable, responsible drug use. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In the interim I encourage people not to malign and shit-talk drugs. They have enough bad press as it is; take it easy, people, 😭

I try to avoid overlapping peaks usually between any two drugs. I feel like "piggybacking" them is safer and more effective. I enjoy a good candyflip or a hippieflip, or some variation therein involving a psychedelic and an entactogen. Also meth and GHB is pretty sublime. Shit, I guess, too, there's MDMA with K bumps, candyflipping then ending the night with K holes, umm, there's smoking DMT whilst on LSD which is excellent. The right disso paired with the right psychedelic is really nice, same thing for the right CNS stimulant releasing agent paired with the right benzodiazepine…

But I agree – cannabis is the exception and goes great with psychedelics, like peanut butter and jelly, cola and pizza, ice cream and cake, beer and peanuts, cheese and grapes, sauerkraut and schnitzel, bangers and mash, hamburger and fries, cookies and milk, pretzels and mustard, beans and rice… you get the picture…
On this occasion - I am saying never. I do agree with 'never say never' in general though, but if I want to live and even be remotely ok I cannot touch crystal meth again, so this is a 'never'.

I have decent experience with both drugs in question, but not together. I have taken stims plus psyches before though so I have a flavour. As I take dmt so very rarely I want the effect of that and that only when I consume it.

I dunno about silly and supersticious. Silly perhaps. But it's not a risk i'm prepared to take. I feel like taking (what I perceive to be) a drug which lowers my vibration along with some that raises it (psyches) to be disrespectful to myself, if not the substance. I don't care where that impulse comes from - my intuition says "fuck no" when considering the combo. Think after decades of paying attention I can differentiate the intuitive voice from the anxious one, and I'll be listening to it. I have leaned the hard way what may happen otherwise, trust.

You know what works for you, that's great to hear. Me too! Happy trails
I dunno about silly and supersticious.
You don't feel credulous at all saying you worry that the DMT will be "cross" with you and punish you "for disrespecting it"? It is not a sentient, living being. That's a defining characteristic of superstition: believing in irrational, supernatural causality. I'm not trying to talk you in to taking anything. I just think it's unwise to personify drugs and typically urge against the practice.
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You don't feel credulous at all saying you worry that the DMT will be "cross" with you and punish you "for disrespecting it"? It is not a sentient, living being. That's a defining characteristic of superstition: believing in irrational, supernatural causality. I'm not trying to talk you in to taking anything. I just think it's unwise to personify drugs and typically urge against the practice.
yeah agreed really, was a turn of speech really and a stoned one at that

My intuition tels me that a mix of meth and dmt would be unwise for me (and potentially many others) - that better?