NASADD Social v. We've got Skillz and Ohline's and Recky's Fucking Birthday

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shutter island was ridiculously predictable IMO.

if you haven't seen "the town", "buried" or "how to die in oregon" ..i would recommend all.

but that really depends on the type of movie you're looking to watch.

for a "scary" movie, my all-time favorite is "REC". shit is so cash.


sanks,mayne....for the recommendations-i need to find my eye patch,parrot and wooden leg and take those shits!!!

and thanks for the nervous,but excited.

well next time we talk let's get back to our trash's our power.
you know it's true.

love your guts.............................skillz
6mg xanax, 20mg temazepam and a gram of seroquel doesn't put me out...

Holy shit that could ko a horse! I used to be scripted xanny and 6mg would def have me twisted. Plus my buddy gave me seroquels to come off coke and those shits would knock me right out.

Manic depression's a bitch eh?

I used to think i was manic depressive cause of my extreme mood swings, but i think it was just all the drugs.
I'm labelled Bi-polar, borderline personality disorder, chronic refractory free floating anxiety, panic disorder, sleep disorder... Yadi-yada.

And yeah everyone I know would get knocked out by my doses but I'd just feel a bit more like a zombie.

Lol my psychiatrist said "Don't worry you can't OD on xanax or seroquel so just experiment with dosages till you find the right one." Pretty exact science hey...

I see people take 25mg of seroquel and sleep for 10 hours or get knocked out by 2mg of xanax and just shake my head...

Manic depression is fucked. Hypomania is fun while you want it... But when you want to sleep... Thats shite.
sanks,mayne....for the recommendations-i need to find my eye patch,parrot and wooden leg and take those shits!!!

and thanks for the nervous,but excited.

well next time we talk let's get back to our trash's our power.
you know it's true.

love your guts.............................skillz

instead of actually downloading movies you can view them from another party without being held accountable as someone else is hosting the content.

like this site
Lol dude. Sedative anti-histamines have NO effect on me. Whether it be diphenhydramine, doxylamine, promethazine.

Zopiclone doesn't put me out even in doses up to 60mg. Zolpidem doesn't put me out.

6mg xanax, 20mg temazepam and a gram of seroquel doesn't put me out...

Shit the only thing that seems to help is flunitrazepam or nitrazepam and temazepam mixed.

Permanent hypomania is a bitch.
Got off work in time to drink up at the bar before last call. That don't happen often but gotta strike when the iron is hot ya know.
Damn man thats fucked up. .5 mg of Xanax ko's my ass. The only time I have to take a lot is when I'm detoxing from opiates even then I only sleep about 2 hours a nite for a few weeks.

I bet meth and coke make you pass out. I'm just kidding about that.
When i am detoxing I just try to make the best of it by getting extra practice on my guitar or something. Good luck dealing with that shit.
Haha yeah hypomania is good for playing the guitar, I spend many an hour getting my chops up.

I don't know what it is that makes my mind so fucking quick and energised when completely sober...(well they call it bi-polar... but still)

I'm contemplating breaking my sobriety streak and getting some booze cause anxiety is kicking in at the Idea of trying to get to sleep tonight lol.
Haha yeah hypomania is good for playing the guitar, I spend many an hour getting my chops up.

I don't know what it is that makes my mind so fucking quick and energised when completely sober...(well they call it bi-polar... but still)

I'm contemplating breaking my sobriety streak and getting some booze cause anxiety is kicking in at the Idea of trying to get to sleep tonight lol.

A few times when I was detoxing and couldn't sleep I drank booze and it seemed to make it worse Plus when i woke up there was that damn hangover to deal with which made things even more dreadful. But you are not detoxing so maybe it will help? I'm not one to encourage someone to break thier sobriety. The way I see it I make my own choice whether to use or not. I had a good 5 or more Yeats of sobriety and finally one day said you knOw what this sucks. But I do have rules and limits on what I do. I did the rehab an na/aa shit but realized that it wasn't for me. I have learned that moderation is the key.

I'm not encouraging you but just telling you how I am. We are all different in how we handle shit.
Eh i've been on suboxone for 60 days or so. Technically i'm rehabbing. Fresh out of the psych ward.

They took me off all my benzo's and gave me Z-class sleepers i mean fuck. Bad ass withdrawals.
Eh i've been on suboxone for 60 days or so. Technically i'm rehabbing. Fresh out of the psych ward.

They took me off all my benzo's and gave me Z-class sleepers i mean fuck. Bad ass withdrawals.

My sub doctor gives me Xanax but I was never a big benzo fan. I usually only take them onece a week at the most. He also switched me to vicodin too. That is where I run into trouble because I have a hard time making the script last all month. I work the afternoon shift and that also makes it hard because there is nothing to do after 2 am here( that's when they stop selling booze) unless I want to go to the casino, but I can't afford that.
Sub doctors in Australia don't like you being on Benzo's. You have to sign an agreement that you'll wean off them.
Sub doctors in Australia don't like you being on Benzo's. You have to sign an agreement that you'll wean off them.

Years ago the methadone clinic I went too always bitched because I was on Valium. They didn't like that and threatened my take homes and shit. Im not gonna lie I was taking the whole 30 day suPply of 10 mg pills in about a week or so. She was worried that the w/d from the benzoz was gonna kick my ass. SO I got in my head that this last bottle would be it. So i binged on themm for A few days an a weekend till I was Out. She was schocke i ate them
All so fast. And really suprised I has no w/d from them. I was only on them for maybe 6 months or so. For me I can stop taking and about everthin except opioids .
I was on 6mg of xanax a day, 40mg of valium and 20mg temazepam, with 15mg nitrazepam thrown in occasionally. Lets just say it was the worst withdrawals....
That was with 20mg lexapro(escitalopram) 1000mg seroquel(quitepine) and 600mg sodium valproate(dapakote i think in the US...).

Yeah I have a walk in wardrobe for a medical cabinet...
Psychiatry isn't a very exact science. I'll just stay next to normal.
I knew it would be something like that. 130 is fast while you're sober let alone obliterated.
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