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Stilnox recreational use / dosage?

I can't read anyf this when Im under. But It seems fun to do with friends. I've only ever done alone. I have never had a conversation with people on this. Is is?
Stilnox is a crappy drug for recreational purposes, if you even consider it recreational (which I don't)

I've eaten them and snorted them, mixed with alcohol and benzos on different occasions, still no recreation or 'euphoria'. I've never had more than 50mg though.
Crazy Stilnox and Vodka Night

heres another - I was in the toilet, and the door handle broke off. I had taken allot of Stilnox that night and freaked out. I end up breaking the window and wriggling out of the small hole. i fall onto the hot waer system and heater, both broke. I then find I couldn't get back in the house, as it was locked - it was in the am. So I dig a hole in the front yard to sleep in. Sometime that night I decide it's WW2 and Im hiding from "Jerry". I'm calling out to all my war buddies and hiding behind cars, shooting something and yelling "take cover" I apparently broke the nighbors car antenna off and use it as a sword because my gun was out of ammo.

The last report of the night was I was running down the road with this antenna, in my boxers. I don't know how I got back inside, but ALL of my food from my fridge and freezer, was in a garbage bag, next to my letterbox, out the front !

This and a few more horro tales lead the street to contact my landlord and tell him ppl are afraid to go outside, incase I am there fighting a war, I was evicted.

All over my Stilnox. The stupid thing is, I REMEBER NONE OF IT, NOTHING! And I can never remember taking mor than 4 at a time, I take the rest after it starts.

I used to hide th box, after I took 40mg, but somehow I'd find it. i used to write on the box, DON'T TAKE ANY MORE, but I always did.

If you can tak this and control yourself, good luck to you, but don't be surprised if you hear some crazy fucked up story about how you came onto your 60 yr old neighbor at 4 in the morning after she wondered what the helll was going on next door LOL

This was sooooooooooooooooo funny

I had my first experiance with stilnox the othe night I popped 10mg after coming back from the local pub and then had a half a bottle of vodka i was watching a horror movie after half an hour i felt nothing. I went to the outside toilet and thats all i remember.

I found out after coming in from the outside toilet, I started to sing to all these people in my room (which there was no-one there). Then i toke my guitar hero guitar outside started to sing down the street naked, i was told by my neighbour.

Then after being pushed inside by my mate. I went to my room and i thought i was in a cave and the cave had clapsed so i was trying to tell the people in the room to not breath as much and save as much air as they can.

My mate said i finally collapes 3 hours later.

Woke up to a fucked up room (cave) My dj equipment lights and shit were all over the ground, my guitar hero guitars were found in my back neighbours pool and My big glass slinding door in my cave was broken ($450 bucks Later). With another 40mg missing from the stilnox box.

Don't mix with drinks. OMG
To me it sounds just like a benzo blackout, is there a big difference between them?
To me it sounds just like a benzo blackout, is there a big difference between them?

That's a good point. A friend stole cars and did B&E's under the influence of temaze & alcohol. He's never done major theft related crime when not on temaze. The crimes were always spontaneous and never any predmeditation to commit before the temaze. Never any memory of the crimes, it's just he seemed to always get caught by police. Waking up in a watchhouse is a sure sign something happened.

He did not use that as a defence in court so no reason to make up such a story. But he would take abottle of temaze at a time, not just a few.
There is a difference I think. Stillnox and alcohol was even more reckless than a typical benzo blackout. I crashed my car and offered police smokes every 5 minutes for around an hour, while chain smoking.
^ HAHAHA. I'm getting serious LOLs out of this thread. that would be a funny sight to see.
btw, if you haven't already could you please recount your funniest stilnox story. I'm enjoying reading them.
lol I was just thinking about this the other day. Is it a lot harder to get these days? I very vaguely recall a news story on it years ago and I thought they completely clamped down on it.

Will read the stories tomorrow morning haha
^ I don't think it's harder to get, but there are warnings on the box now and if it was covered by the PBS then it no longer is now. Zopiclone is still covered though.
I'll give my story in full psytaco.

I remember being drunk and thought I would try some Stillnox (the horror stories couldn't happen to me right?). Anyways, drunkenly I took a high dose, came back to the computer talking to mates on MSN. Last thing I remember saying to my who lives around the corner was "I feel like going for a drive." Apparently I said I'd pick my mate up and we'd go for a cruise, then 10 minutes later I was running late so he asked where I was. I said I couldn't find his house, even though I used to go there every second day. So we met at the servo around the corner.

He found me there with my mirror dangling off and a huge dent in the side of my car, that I have absolutely no idea where they came from. I feel sorry for whoever/whatever I hit. He said that I was way too fucked up to drive, which I was. So I decided to let him drive (I never let any one drive my 300ZX) even though he doesn't have a license. Off we went and the first corner we went to go around, he didn't indicate so they pulled us offer. I remember seeing the police lights behind us but I swear I remember I was in the drivers seat, lol.

They did the usual stuff (from what I hear) then obviously noticed that I was heavily intoxicated, so they breatho'd me after I admitted to having a few drinks earlier, much to their surprise (and mine) I blew under .05. They than became convinced that I had smoked some "Whacky tobaccy" and tried very hard to talk me into admitting it. However I was on a weed break and probably wouldn't have been drinking and doing Stillnox if I had smoked weed, nor would I have been drinking or doing Stillnox if I had weed. So I pretty much laughed in their face and was like "Pretty sure I'd know if I'd smoked weed."

They couldn't fine me for being drunk or pin me with being stoned so they fined my mate, which took a long time. I sat in the gutter with my packet of cigarettes, politely offered the police one, which they refused and had a smoke. After I'd finished I politely offered the police a smoke and they refused so I sat there and had another. After I'd finished I politely offered the police a smoke and they refused so I sat there and had another. After I'd finished I politely offered the police a smoke and they refused so I sat there and had another. After I'd finished I politely offered the police a smoke and they refused so I sat there and had another. Probably a few more times too.

After that we embarked on a long walk home (my mates wasn't too far away but mine was). I remember stumbling up my street a little bit and getting home a tiny bit but that's about all my memory.
^ I don't think it's harder to get, but there are warnings on the box now and if it was covered by the PBS then it no longer is now. Zopiclone is still covered though.

i don't think it (zolpidem; stiknox) was ever covered by the PBS. i was prescribed it a few years ago and it cost quite a bit for 14 tablets or however many there are in the pack. i was unemployed and poor at the time so it was easy enough to ask my doctor to switch me to either temazepam or valium which are covered.
^ Sorry to hear about the fines Jake, probably a good thing you didn't get much further with your driving escapades though.

They couldn't fine me for being drunk or pin me with being stoned so they fined my mate, which took a long time. I sat in the gutter with my packet of cigarettes, politely offered the police one, which they refused and had a smoke. After I'd finished I politely offered the police a smoke and they refused so I sat there and had another. After I'd finished I politely offered the police a smoke and they refused so I sat there and had another. After I'd finished I politely offered the police a smoke and they refused so I sat there and had another. After I'd finished I politely offered the police a smoke and they refused so I sat there and had another. Probably a few more times too.

^ nice one =D
Yeah I was extremely lucky I didn't continue driving, would have landed me in jail for sure.
what's it prescribed for? I would think the side-effects for regular users would be enough to make GP's just give you something else like valium instead?
Yeah I was extremely lucky I didn't continue driving, would have landed me in jail for sure.

^^ umm who cares about gaol, i would be more worried about your life/lives of other road users.. :p

did you find out what the fuck you hit? haha

im seein the doctor for insomnia this week and i hope to god he doesnt prescribe me this shit :|
^ In my experiences a lot of doctors are much more likely to prescribe stilnox than a benzodiazepine if you have no history of benzodiazepine use. Generally I find if I have a history of benzo use with that doctor then they will instantly opt for a hypnotic benzodiazepine, except in some cases where they are also prescribing an anxiolytic benzodiazepine, for whatever reason they seem to think it is safer to take a benzo and a z drug than 2 benzo's, not sure if it actually is any safer though.

I was first prescribed stilnox atleast 4 years ago now and I don't recall it ever being covered by PBS, less than 20 of the things (pretty sure it was 14 as lefty suggested) cost me more than a box of 50 valium would. I also found the fact temazepam is PBS covered a rather convenient excuse to switch.

Everytime I get fucked on stilnox I do heaps of stupid shit and generally ramble fucking nonsense. I can't say I enjoy stilnox but I will still take it if some doc pawns it off on me instead of a benzo. I wouldn't describe it as more reckless as when I blackout on benzos as I tend to be so incoherent and incapacitated its difficult for me to do much harm to myself or anybody else. Benzo blackouts tend to bring out a nasty side of me that stilnox does not.

I don't have any particularly amusing stories of benzo blackouts other than rambling absolute nonsense on msn (more than likely atleast some of which are members of this site lol). One time though I was at my mates house playing video games and his mum was using his computer, she takes stilnox occassionally to help her sleep and had taken one or two not long before this. Anyway, one of us warned the other of a sniper hiding in the game, and his mum overheard and freaked out thinking there was a sniper in the house or some shit, it was pretty fucking funny.