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The Big & Dandy 5-MeO-MiPT Thread

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Shulgin trips with his son in Pihkal at one point.

Ahem, rather, the fictional character Shura Borodin trips with his fictional son Theo.

What a name for a Chemists Son. If he had a daughter, I bet her name would have been Ethyl.
Haha. My dad and I trip together a lot. First tim I ever tripped on anything was with him. He's done shrooms, lsd, mdma, salvia, 2ci, 5 meo dalt, 4 aco dmt, dox(sold as acid, he enjoyed it, I didnt), and 5 meo mipt with me. He's tripped a lot in his time, lsd in the 70s and all that hippie stuff haha. Its pretty cool I think. Its good to have someone around who's "been there and done that", and he is always extremely level headed no matter the dose (was good when I took 5 blotters of DOX sold as acid - I kinda flipped, he kept his cool throughout it all helping me calm down). His favorite so far has been 2ci, although he likes moxy a good bit.
Damn, I'm jealous...wish I had a dad like that! Funny with the dox being sold as lsd...happened to me when I bought some, though I was suspicious, so I had my friend try it. He tripped for a few days. Not cool!

Moxy is the only psychedelic that I ever wanted to redose on.
My short contribution :

5 mg oral on saturday evening.
Fast acting, nice but light, followed by whisky-coke in disco, 10 mg 4acoDIPT, whisky-coke, bed.
Nice evening but could take more.

Next saturday evening :

10 mg oral, a big smile at H+30mn that ended 6 hours later.
Some heat and hand sweat but light and not other body trouble.
No visuals, no stimulation, no food aversion.
Very euphoric, was singing and dancing all the night.
The usual 4acoDIPT and alcool adds, and that was a very nice evening.
Just comme back home, lie on my bed and slept right away (thanks to the whisky).

Something very strange :
I'm a heavy smoker (30 cig / day).
The day after this evening with 5meoMIPT, i just thought i have smoked realy to much, and thought i have to stop it.
Until this morning, never took another cigarette.
I didnt thought about that when i was on 5meoMIPT, but i just did it in the morning, i dont know why.

I used to began my saturdays evening with a light dose of 2CE, and then alcool and 4acoDIPT for the rest of the night, you know, but if my third test is as positive as this one, i will gladely throw away that 2CE to the 5meoMIPT, at same dosage (10mg is enough).
It is nice and long acting, but fare more euphoric than 2CE.
I agree. This chemical is pretty euphoric. Puts you in a good mood no matter what. I have a smile plastered on my face from about about 20 minutes onward.

Lately I've noticed I also get pretty cool closed eye visuals on it. With my eyes closed my vision is completely filled with one giant moving, morphing psychedelic pattern, although it seems like it's behind an opaque black screen. Mostly during the first two hours though. This is at about 10mg. I also get faint tracers. Surprised me because at first I didn't expect visuals from reading reports, and didn't really look for them.

Could anyone who smoked it let me know if it increases your heart rate substantially? I've been wanting to try it, but if it lasts 30 minutes to 2 hours and increases my heart rate like 5 meo dalt does then I feel I might not be able to enjoy it, and would pretty much just want to stay away from it.
My girlfriend recently tried this substance and she had horrible GI problems. Really bad gas, I could see her stomach rise with gas in a matter of seconds after she burped. It was pretty painful for her. She did enjoy the effects of the drug otherwise. I was wondering if the drug was taken nasally if it would reduce the GI problems since the drug never comes in contant with the stomach/intestines. Anyone know if this would work? shes really wanting to try it again, but I don't think it's a good idea after the pain she was in last time.

On a kind of related note, She also got horrible GI problems with 4 ACO DMT, which is odd since I've read both it and Moxy tend to have least GI problems out of the RC tryptamines - most commonly no GI problems at all. With 4 ACO DMT it wasn't so much gas as it was a very upset stomach though.
Had the opportunity to try 5-meo-mipt a few weeks ago.

Dose: somewhere between 25-35mg(scale was flaky, but I suspect the latter half of the spectrum.)snorted up the nose. - I will comment on one thing; not much pain when snorted, but the drip is very caustic, and the powder seems to goo up and stick to the back of your throat for a long time, very unpleaseant to say the least.

Effects: Onset after 15-20min. Strong bodyhigh. Feels very good, I notice tremors, but closing my eyes and relaxing my body I seem to be able to channel what feels like a strong current of energy flowing through me, I dont notice the tremors anymore. I seem to loose track of time after this initial stage. I spend some time drifting in and out of consciousness, with my eyes closed.

The mental landscape can get quite hectic, sometimes going where it seems insanity and mania presides. Latching onto normal trains of thought is at times difficult.

Visually impressive compound. Staring at a bookcase infront of me, it forms wave like and morphing patterns. I notice the same thing hax4 describes a giant moving multicoloured opaque pattern that occupies my entire field of vision. It dances, stops, breaks apart, starts moving, sometimes in a picture in picture sort of fashion, it is very fluid and reminds me a bit of the latter half of an lsd trip visually. At one point I am standing outside on my friends patio staring at the neighbouring apartment complexes as they wave and morph around.

Other: No noticeable GI discomfort noted.
Also, my friend tried about 10mg IV. I will elaborate more on that, but I dont have time now.
Did 10mgs of this on Wednesday, turned out excellent. I love this one. I also did some nitrous later on in the night and it was a very good idea.

I sat around my apartment, keeping myself occupied while playing music. I also went for a drive towards the end of my trip (I wasn't driving) and walked home from a friend's house at sunrise, it was very pleasant.

Turned off all of my lights besides a plasma lamp, some glowsticks, and a candle. I noticed faded orange and green blobs dancing against the flickering candle light casted on the wall.
Ok. So I ended up testing just the Moxy and that was, suprisingly, _quite_ enough by itself. I don't know what it was when I sampled the first time and didn't get much effect; But, this time it was totally different.

12 mg Moxy @ about 7pm as me and a friend entered a massive edm party. Lasted until 2am and made dancing absolutely fantastic! Couldn't get down to everything but I found my room/style and lost myself countless times. Dubstep was absolutely wonderful in this state. Vibration and wobble physically personified itself through my body. There was a slight trippyness to the experience with light visuals (trails, breathing)

The beginning of the experience wasn't quite as pleasant as the music was quite overbearing and I had to escape from it multiple times. The bass was so intense I could feel it traveling through my body and jacking my heart rate. One room I wandered into was so hot I ran into the invisible heat bubble surrounding the area and my whole body kind of froze and stuck to the edge in mid-walk. My stomach was also a bit uneasy as I had eaten salmon sushi just prior and kept burping the nasty fishy aftertaste which is not so great the second time around. Next time I will fast prior to which I think will work out better and I'm going to reduce the dose a bit too as 12mg was just a bit too much.

I felt wonderful and was absolutely positive in disposition. I didn't go out of my way to interact with others as one would on mdma because I was happy just being. At the same time I wasn't anti-social and greeted all with nothing but love and happiness despite their disposition.

Overall a great experience and alternative to mdma.
Yes, this one really is great. 6-8mg is my favorite level, so far at least. I find the body high to be really great, very pleasurable and light. Mentally, it seems to sharpen the mind, almost making me feel more sober but with that tryptamine mental fluidity. Socially it increases my desire to communicate and skill in doing so every time. I'm going to be submitting another trip report on it soon... but long story short, it felt like a warm, refreshing bath for my soul, which had been plagued by a minor depressive energy for the past month. I was able to transform that energy into releases of emotion and creativity and it hasn't returned since.

My experience of 5-MeO MiPT is similar to Xorkoth's except that perhaps I find the potency a little higher. The different stages are really clear with quite a bit of body energy, sometimes a little hard to get out, at the start with the stimulation being replaced with a little more chill factor and less body load if I'm feeling any as the trip progresses.
Interestingly a friend and I recently tired 4mg with 10mg 4 AcO DiPT which by and large took away the often felt clear head space somewhat. Again stages, with the first being a surprisingly incapacitated feeling leaving me unable to operate an electric whisk without looking like i'd recently had a stroke accompanied by an overwhelming desire to lie down and express how fucked I was. Potentation? I recon so. This however was followed by wonderful feeling of fun and amusement expressed perfectly as we watched this...

Followed by more laughter and tears of joy watching this....

The wonderful world of tryptamines =D
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It might also be worth noting that on another occasion a v low dose of 1.5mg taken at the tail end of a series of 100mg 4MMC dosages, probably totalling 200 and 400mg, respectively... we had no feeling of a comedown and certainly less meph induced speech impediment... and I thought it was untreatable!
Yass finally managed to get my hands on some of this stuff after a long while of looking :D
Going to try this at 9mg at the weekend, trip report will be posted.
Questions about 5-MeO-MiPT

Hello follow BLers,

I have a great opportunity: to try out 5-MeO-MiPT tomorrow.

From my express research, I gathered some information. It has been called the tryptamine's response to MDMA. It can be very erotic. It enhances tactile sensations greatly and free-association thinking (dreamy fantasy headspace). It seems to be very subtle on the visual side; most reports I've read are either very mildly visual, or not visual at all. Also, there seems to be an agreement between a lot of users that the experience has two faces, the first one being euphoric and tactile mostly and a second phase (second wind) which is trippier, and more reminiscent of 5-MeO-DMT (which I have never tried).

Here are my questions:

1. I'm kind of confused in terms of the dosage/effects response curve, where should I aim my shot? more along 6-7 mg or 12-14 mg (oral, not smoked)?
I am quite experienced with a couple of tryptamines (LSD, Psilocin) and am very familiar with MDMA. I've also experimented a few times with 2C-B, which I enjoy a lot.

2. I am planning on smoking some decent cannabis and also cracking some whippits perhaps (Nitrous), should I be worried about any possible negative reactions? I will also have some K handy... is that pushing it?

3. How would this play out with some MDMA?
(MDMA being kind of like it's phen reflection, from what I've read)

Thanks a lot homeys!

Keep On!
Should actually go OK with MDMA.

I love this stuff. Your description is spot on. A tactile erotic sort of swimmingly psychedelic first 3-4 hours... then a very delicate but cosmic psychedelic second wind SOME of the time... when it happens it is REAL sweet feeling... Feels like I have an ACTUAL THIRD EYE that opens up during this part, more so than on any other substance, like there's actually some sort of slightly tickly sensation in the middle of my forehead, just barely back behind the skin and skull on the surface of my brain... pineal gland orgasms perhaps? I've felt almost psychic during this part... senses seemed HIGHLY HIGHLY enhanced...

I remember quite vividly... this is a very true story I promise: Sitting on the porch one late spring morning at 4am during this second wind phase of 5-meo-mipt, smoking a post-orgasmic cigarette... the night Albert Hoffman died actually I think... I could actually HEAR individual petals from the magnolia tree blooms on the tree 25 ft away as they hit the ground... I heard miscellaneous industrial sounds at several loading docks miles away... the harmonious swell and ebb of a train horn's chordal tones off in the distance... then the mingled joyous cacophony of happy voices at a party wafted in on the wind from god knows where... and to top it all off with a few sparkly silver fairy dust glints - someone's wind chimes lazily swaying and tinkling in the distance somewhere... the heady & sweet intoxicating perfume of jasmine flowers from nearby bushes was like heaven itself and the soft feel of a slow breeze hitting my bare chest and closed eyelids I cant even begin to describe...

I could somehow feel the combined vibrations of all the minds on the planet wafting into space, like that jasmine flower scent wafting up away from the planet, being blown out into the galaxy as the solar wind gently blew the combined miasma, as the Aurora danced gently about both poles... what a magical evening, courtesy of 5-Meo-Mipt.

I had no music on, but it felt almost exactly like this sublime, divine sound (or, play the sample of track 2 "The Secret Place" from Brian Eno's record Apollo): http://www.amazon.com/gp/dmusic/med...ype=track&ASIN=B000THG7PG&DownloadLocation=CD

This was at a "Heavy" dose level by the way... which I built up to over a period of months by numerous experiment stgarting at LOW... someone new to the compound ought start with a light dose... some's "Light" could turn out to be your "heavy"... you have NO way to predict it.

I think all the combos you have lined up should play fine with it, but again it should be expressed that you need to gain a full experience, from first alert to final landing on this on its own to properly asses how it is going to affect you... it lasts a long time and can go thru shifts in effect throughout... you dont know your response till you let probably a few separate experiences with it ON ITS OWN to play all the way through.

To me its always been a rather special substance actually. Very malleable and amenable and good natured and friendly... I felt it "wanted" me to have a good time on it. It should he said though that others dislike it intensely, so do beware.
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Under no circumstances should you take more than 6-7mg of this for your first time. The dosage for this drug varies a lot from person to person and the dose response curve is very steep. You do realize that 12-14mg is 2x the maximum dose listed in TiHKAL right?
I feel the need to say all this because its posts like the one above that made me take 12-14mg for my first dose. It was the most intense fucked up experience I’ve ever had with me blacking out several times. I’m sure 18mg will send me to the ER – this drug is also a potent vasoconstrictor.
This drug is active even at 1-3mg for me and feels more manic than euphoric. There is sensory and sexual enhancement but you will still have a psychedelic headspace. At doses around 7mg, I feel like I’m a completely different person (similar to 5-MeO-DMT). Along with 5-MeO-DMT and salvia, this is the most intense psychedelic I've used.
I recommend you be a responsible user and take only ~7mg of 5-MeO-MiPT (no combos). If its too less you can always take more the next time.
I have to agree that AS ALWAYS when using ANY substance new to you, it is imperative to start at the lower end of the dose range. EVERYBODY REACTS DIFFERENTLY to these hitherto unknown synthetic molecules. In fact I'm going to remove my mention of my exact dose above.
Very steep dose-response curve, as with all 5-MeO's.

My understanding is that this is possibly the only 5-MeO-tryptamine that's really special; it's very pleasant and entactogenic around 5-10 mg and quickly becomes unpleasant even a little above that level. The steep dose/response curve is probably why it hasn't caught on, which is a shame from what I've heard about how fun it can be.

Most reports on erowid that talk about how horrible it is are at dosages of 12 mg or higher. Conversely, almost all of the positive reports are at dosages of less than 10 mg.

I assume there's a potential for gastric disturbances with this one. Consider smoking some weed.
Under no circumstances should you take more than 6-7mg of this for your first time. The dosage for this drug varies a lot from person to person and the dose response curve is very steep. You do realize that 12-14mg is 2x the maximum dose listed in TiHKAL right?
I feel the need to say all this because its posts like the one above that made me take 12-14mg for my first dose. It was the most intense fucked up experience I’ve ever had with me blacking out several times. I’m sure 18mg will send me to the ER – this drug is also a potent vasoconstrictor.
This drug is active even at 1-3mg for me and feels more manic than euphoric. There is sensory and sexual enhancement but you will still have a psychedelic headspace. At doses around 7mg, I feel like I’m a completely different person (similar to 5-MeO-DMT). Along with 5-MeO-DMT and salvia, this is the most intense psychedelic I've used.
I recommend you be a responsible user and take only ~7mg of 5-MeO-MiPT (no combos). If its too less you can always take more the next time.

I will definitely go with 6-7 mgs, thanks for the heads-up. Yes, I know these RCs can be very intense and sometimes unpredictable. I also know about the Tihkal entry and dosages, but from personal experience, I've found that Tihkal dosages are rather on the low safe side and I absolutely HATE being halfway on a psychedelic.

I will play it safe, but I cannot guarantee that the nitrous will not find its way to my lungs ;)

Thanks guys.

Oh yeah... and I like visuals. If I am left with a visual "thirst" at the end of my 5-MeO-MiPT experience, would 2C-B on the comedown be a BAD idea?...
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High dose 5-meo-mipt is very visual. Once you get past 20mg it really starts to get interesting. Ymmv.
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