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Coricidin's Long-Term Negative Effects

I've seemed to notice that most of the people who get really wrecked (mentally/physically or whatever) by DXM at least started with CCCs. For a time I hung out with a guy who was ridiculously strung out on DXM, he was going 3rd or 4th every night, and was buzzing all day. He convinced me to take some CCC with him exactly once, and I only took eight. There was a different subjective edge to the general dissociative experience, but my body and mind felt off the next day.

Considering I use DXM maybe twice a year as a general anti-depressant/anti-anxiety/anti-stress mechanism in fairly high doses and the fact that I usually feel AMAZING the next morning convinced me that CPM really was as nasty as the internet had made it out to be.

The aforementioned stupid kid moved on the meth and opiates, and had been using drugs since he was twelve or thirteen so I'm hesitant to note any of the long-term effects I may have noticed as they could be from just about anything. I think anyone who uses a lot of dissociative drugs is gonna end up fucked up sooner or later though. I can't honestly say I've ever met a k-head or anything who was all there, at any rate.

I'd be interested in knowing who was in a bright environment during their trip that caused eye damage though, it's generally not good to expose yourself to extremely bright lighting with pupils the size of saucers that won't contract.
I'd be interested in knowing who was in a bright environment during their trip that caused eye damage though, it's generally not good to expose yourself to extremely bright lighting with pupils the size of saucers that won't contract.

I hadn't thought of that. I was planning on doing E on a bright, cloudless day, but maybe that wouldn't be so wise.

I remember the entire trip very clearly, and I'm certain that I wasn't staring at any bright light source.

The trip commenced near sundown, and I was inside my friend's dimly-lit house for the duration. My eyes were crossed the whole time, and the trouble began when I noticed this wiry substance floating off the carpet. That's when the burned-in appearance started. It looked like that rough, grainy texture you see behind the Warner Brothers logo on the old cartoons.

I was seeing another reality beyond this one, a reality where every decision we make is recorded forever into an abstract landscape. (I would learn later that this place has a name, the Akashic Records) It was as if this new reality was so intense, the mere sight of it was too much for my eyes. You can read my report here: http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=31800

I suppose it's possible that the face-numbing effects of the Coricidin were so great that I might have been unconsciously closing my eyes too hard or something. I should try to find my friend and ask him if he remembers me doing that or not.
Why the hell would any of you even consider taking CCCs when there are products with DXM only sitting in the same damn isle? If you have the time to post in this thread, you should have the time to look up information on DXM. Everywhere you go, you'll see warnings about consuming products with other active ingredients besides DXM.

This is why drugs have such a bad stigma. A lot people aren't concerned about there own health and put themselves in dangerous situations involving consumption of drugs, and a lot of these people are teenagers, so when you put these two together you get a negative connotation towards drugs. The only way we can get rid of this is by people educating themselves and becoming responsible with there drug use. Consuming CCC's isn't responsible plain and simple.
Cough syrup and cough gels are incredibly nauseating and the CCC's aren't; thus, I enjoy CCC's. that said, I probably won't be doing them again for a long time. I know I just defended them and almost seemed to encourage their use, but I'm just too paranoid/cautious to keep fucking around with that shit...

Equate and zicam are both sorbitol-free, apparently, so I'll see if I can find those.
when people mention triple C's just tell them to do Robitussin Cough instead and let them know that triple C's can cause immediate liver failure. it might not be 100% true but it's for the best, right?
^Spreading misinformation about drugs doesn't work. Look at cannabis. For years, drug warriors have been saying all kinds of untrue things about what can happen if you use it. When a person hears those things, they might believe them at first. But when they learn that those things are untrue, they begin to stop believing all the bad things they heard about heroin, meth, etc.

Harm reduction isn't just about steering people (like cattle) away from harmful drugs. It is about spreading the truth about all drugs, so that people can make intelligent choices based on factual evidence.
Yesterday, I popped nine robitussin cough gels, only wanting a light trip, but I was still disappointed with the lack of intensity. So I took four triple C's and one more gelcap. It seems that the chlorpheniramine adds to the paranoia, as well as making my vision blurrier. my eyes were actually twitching a little, and it freaked me out. the antihistamine also gives me cotton mouth, which fucks up my speech. the trip is more sedating, too.

I think chlorpheniramine is only safe to use for certain people. The guy who I mentioned previously doesn't experience the same side-effects as I do. CPM doesn't make him paranoid or mess up his vision. But I should listen to these warning signs my body is giving and lay off the cpm.

since cough gels cause much less nausea than syrup and contain only dxm, I think I'm just going to stick to those. I just always have to make sure to take my ginger gravol first. :)
This thread sparked me to do a bit of research on DXM, CPM and there possible interactions. I'm an organic chemist, not a pharmacologist however It doesn't take a lot of pharmacological understanding to get the feel of just how fucked up this combo is.


It's good that you're now moving on the side of caution. Your earlier assertion that CPM is pretty safe isn't something I agree with. Yes, by itself it may have massive LD50 and a wonderful therapeutic index. The endless anecdotes of acute and chronic side effects to CCC use bring this into question though. DXM only products simply don't have all these nasty reported side effects, implying that DXM ain't the problem. By itself, CPM may well be hella safe - when you mix it with DXM however the shit seems to really hit the fan, lets try and look at what could be going on. I'm confident that most of what's coming pretty scientifically sound, admittedly when I was reading about this stuff, especially CPM metabolism and the stereo selective nature of it, I got a bit overwhelmed - never paid enough attention in those oh so boring metabolism lectures last year :D

Looking at it step-by-step:-

- DXM and CPM are both metabolized by P450 enzymes.

- A massive amount of other drugs are to.

- The exact metabolic pathway of DXM is pretty complex, CYP2D6 is the main enzyme.

- CYP2D6 is also involved in the metabolism of CPM...

1) This is the first problem. The metabolic pathways of both drugs feature the same enzyme. In fact, CYP2D6 could well be the most common enzyme in drug metabolic pathways period. This raises lots of issues concerning the break down both drugs, for this reason alone their respective half lives will increase. If any of a vast multitude of other drugs, that are metabolized by CYP2D6, are present then this effect will be compounded further.

- Many people are genetically poor CYP2D6 metabolizers, for these people point 1) will be a lot worse.

- For normal CYP2D6 metabolizers, (with no other xenobiotic CYP2D6 subsrates administered) a study found the average elimination half life of CPM to be 18.0±2.0 h.

- For poor CYP2D6 metabolizers, the study found it to be 29.3±2.0 h.

- In addition to this huge genetic difference in cpm half life, there is a massive diversity between people who have normal CYP2D6 levels.

2) In other words, yes the time cpm stays in the system for varies massively between individuals, even those with normal CYP2D6 metabolism. Why? I don't know the full pathway of cpm metabolism but I wouldn't be surprised if additional P450 enzymes were involved. Cpm also has two enantiomers, (S) is responsible for most of racemic (as found in CCC) cpm's pharmacology. However (R) plays a complex indirect role which I'm not to sure I understand correctly. As far as I can tell, inhibition of CYP2D6 and/or low CYP2D6 levels cause the (R) enantiomer to become significant. Because of this (I think...), the actual receptor bindings differ between poor 2D6 mets and normal 2d6 mets and also anyone who has a CYP2D6 inhibitor in their system. So not only can peoples genetic vastly alter the time CPM is in the system for, but also it's actual pharmacology. Perhaps most important however is the role a 2D6 inhibitor could potentially play - obviously it will increase elimination half life, probably by a fair bit) but it could also actually alter the receptor affinities (in a way that's unknown to me..). Hold that bit in your mind, it will pop up again in a bit.

- This is where things start getting interesting, the actual pharmacology of CPM (and of course DXM).

- DXM has a relatively complex pharmacological profile:
* Antagonist of both NMDA and nicotinic receptors
* Agonist of sigma 1, 2 receptors
* 5-HT reuptake inhibitor

- The pharmacological profile of CPM is not fully understood, however it is a known:
* H-1 antagonist

- The problem that underpins the CCC cocktail is that both drugs inhibit serotonin reuptake.

- The danger here is compounded by lack of research; no one seems to actually know just how potent an SNRI CPM actually is, it has however been suggested that It could be on the same level of serotonin reuptake potency as some of the weaker SNRI/SSRI antidepressants. I can't get access to the study that talks bout this though, I think in general no one really has a clue but it could well cause very significant reuptake inhibition.

3) It's pretty hard to get serotonin syndrome off of any single antidepressant, when there is only one reuptake inhibition going on a decent therapeutic index is observed. However when there are two it can very conceivably lead to very high levels of extracellular serotonin, this in turn can lead to serotonin syndrome the most extreme consequence of which is a rather unpleasant death.

- Unfortunately it gets even worse, CPM is an H-1 antagonist antihistamine, H-1 antagonists have a tendency to inhibit CYP2D6.

- Reflect back to problem 2, if CPM does inhibit CYP2D6 this way, it will be lengthening it's own half life, for some genetic makeups this half life will have already been lengthened substantially.

- Oh dear, It looks like a lot of antidepressants with serotonin reuptake mechanisms also inhibit CYP2D6. From this standpoint, it's not too far fetched that one or both of DXM and CPM could be doing so in this manner to.

4) As F&B pointed out on the first page, nicotinic antagonists and H-1 antagonists are a bad combination to have, at worst resulting in death.

5) Finally we have the problem of other xenobiotics. The horrible splurge of contraindicated modes of action and metabolic enzyme inhibition mean that a LOT of different recreational and medicinal drugs would make this combo far more dangerous than it already is. What's more, because of the numerous factors potentially messing with CYP2D6 and the possibility of massive genetic differences in natural CYP2D6 levels, the elimination half lifes of both DXM and CPM could be rather long, extended considerably when both are in the system at the same time, extended further by many different drugs and in general very hard to predict because of large deviations in half life between individuals - that's a bit convoluted but my point is that other xenobiotics would not necessarily have to be ingested at the same time as CCC, maybe not even on the same day, in order for further problems to arise.

Potential drugs that could make the combo even more nasty:-

- Pretty much any antidepressant or other drug for that matter that inhibits serotonin reuptake could be a very bad time with CCC, making SS far more likely.

- MAOI's are all potentially very bad. Inhibitors of MAO-A will increase the likelihood of SS, probably by a lot.

- Serotonin releasers; MDMA et. al. Again, will greatly increase SS risk. Some of these are actually MAOI's aswell /:

- Tramadol could lead to any number of horrible problems, greatly increased SS risk and increased rick of seizures being the most apparent. It's also an antagonist of several muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, so further risk there. It will also probably inhibit CYP2D6 further (as if the poor enzyme hasn't been inhibited enough) and has a long half life itself. Fun.

- Z-drugs. To a lesser extent any major CNS depressant, especially those that act on GABAa. Not as risky as the stuff above but still not fun.

- H-1 and H-2 antagonists

- Acetylcholine antagonists

- Cocaine, Methamphetamine

- Probably amphetamine to, while we're at it

Ok I give up, there are too many...

Basically CCC is horrible stuff that is harmful in a multitude of ways, could kill you directly in at least two ways - the likelihood shoots up with dose and with a whole range of other drugs - and is rather unpredictable in terms of half life. I'm very glad this stuff isn't available over here....

Hope that makes sense, I'm still feeling somewhat tweaked from a big speed session yesterday, which means I write far more than I ever normally would and use copious amounts of commas!


Thanks, that was brilliant! And I actually understand it because I've taken a drugs & behavior course. I'll stay away from CPM from now on.
Wanna help me save lives?

Coricidin is a killer.

Do any of you hate it enough to do something about it?

I challenge any of you who are sick and tired of getting high to do something about it. Not just for yourself but for others.

Get clean and save your life. Share your message and save the lives of others.

a friend of mine I met in rehab had his digestive system permanently botched from abusing triple C. he can't eat certain foods, and spent a long time in the hospital for it. I wish I could recall more precise details (what part of his digestive system, etc.) but alas, I do not remember and we don't keep in contact anymore.

I don't know that this thread is really necessary, but why not... I've seen alot of people ruin their potential in a serious way from Coricidin abuse, silly as that may sound. I also think it definitely has addictive potential more than straight DXM.

I got tbe same kinda gut thing going on as ur buddy. I never woulda linked it to coricidin abuse (i was eating 2 boxes a day for almost 2 years) i thought it was because i used meth for 6 years. Ive just abused too many drugs for too long to know why im 23 and my bodys falling apart.
Coricidin is a killer.

Do any of you hate it enough to do something about it?

I challenge any of you who are sick and tired of getting high to do something about it. Not just for yourself but for others.

Get clean and save your life. Share your message and save the lives of others.


Coricidin is a killer, you're right. And I would imagine it has impacted your child or something given your name? If so, I am so sorry. :(

I do want to say though that responsible use of drugs by adulta is possible, and is done quite a lot. They're definitely a slippery slope if you're not careful. And kids really have no business taking them.

amberthefrog - Thanks SO much for that! I hope that your post helps some people, who for whatever reason insist on taking Coricidin, understand why it's so dangerous.

Without even understanding the mechanisms though, you've GOT to admit it's dangerous. It's been documented to have caused quite a variety of deaths, some at frighteningly ordinary doses taken by some people.

Averting nausea is no reason to decide to take this over some other forms of DXM. And personally, FYI, in my Coricidin days I would get HORRIBLE nausea from Coricidin, 8 pills each time I did it, EVERY single time. I would feel like I was dying and my stomach was about to bleed before the trip started, and then it would fade... it was how I could always tell it was starting to work :|
I challenge any of you who are sick and tired of getting high to do something about it. Not just for yourself but for others.

Get clean and save your life. Share your message and save the lives of others.

It doesn't take getting cleaned up to make a difference. Many drugs can be used safely, and a community of responsible drug users is a good way to promote harm reduction for those who still wish to use. I wanted to spread word about the dangers of CCCs, therefore I initiated this thread.

It is sad that some die from Coricidin, and if you have a petition to ban CCC sales to minors, I would be happy to sign it.
I wouldn't touch the stuff now but as a child (Due to the availability of it) talking about Coricidin, But from the age 14 to 20 I used as high as 5 times a week down to once or twice a week not going more than 2 months without using it. I had a true addiction to it. One of the biggest interactions I noticed since I was addicted to cocaine as well (Something I would also never touch again) was I would get a fried feeling in my brain and this painful headache along with a certain organ I was unable to identify, but it was a definite sharp pain. If anyone has had this interaction between Coricidin (DXM and CPM) and Cocaine. Or if anyone knows what exactly the interaction this was I would appreciate the comments.
i warn everyone to not use Coricidin, I used em when i was high school, they are very powerful and fun as fuck to trip off, but they will fuck your liver and heart up big time and if you OD you can die easily because you have no clue what your doing when your high, you may think you can control it but you cant. I OD'd by taking a box, then an hour later i took another box(two sheets was what i needed to get high after doing em for a week) because i forgot i dosed earlier(probably because they totally annihilate any sense you have)... long story short my pops picked me up at a drug rehab class after it was over, and the teacher saw i was buggin out but didnt even give a fuck. all i remember is getting rushed to hospital and lol'ing the whole way. even when i came down i still high as fuck acting a fool in the er not even realizing that i almost died.

long story short i now have heart palpitations thanks to this drug, ive seen many kids get blasted and end up in ditches forgetting what happened to them, and alot of kids died from this when i was HS.

Coricidin = poison.... there is a reason why its now only sold in HBP forumla.
I like to take 3-4 Mucinex 60mg dxm pills every few months or when im sick.....

I know about the gauif.... but i hope none of these ^ nightmares will manifest? will they?
I never did that but I'll tell you what bendryal has fucked my eyes and brain up also my sense of touch and he never ending that my body feels numb....