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Final Fantasy

:{ d. }:

Jul 6, 2010
I know I'll never be able to get back those many thousands of hours of my childhood I spent gathering Materia, endlessly Drawing & Junctioning magic, finding the crytuhlz, jumping on peoples backs to learn Blue Magic, mastering Sphere Grids, being a voluntary mailman for Mognet Central, or cruising through the proverbial hood on my pimped out Chocobo with complimentary spinners, but goddamnit those were, to me, the best thousands of hours of my life.


For the record I own: FFI, FFII, FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, and FFX.

I also want to smoke some Geyshal Greens out of a bong one day.

Edit: Almost forgot Tactics!
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I just played through FF tactics (the new remake) and FF 7. Am now working on Super Mario RPG and will follow up with FF 6.

FF Tactics was by far my favorite game growing up. I didn't beat FF7 back in the day and am pretty disappointed in the story but I liked the materia system. The game was also incredibly easy. I used auto attack nearly the entire way through and think I only died once to something random. FFT is much more difficult (really really difficult if you don't make strong characters like ninja knights with blade grasp). Every battle I could just cast regen=all and maybe big guard then have cloud beat everybody down with cover and counter attack and 2x cut with element=choco and added effect=hades. Every enemy and every boss was cake and it's not like I was power leveling or using insane summons or anything just auto attack and passive healing.

Super Mario RPG is ridiculously easy but pretty fun since you can avoid enemies you don't want to fight like in Chrono Trigger.

I'm looking forward to replaying FF6. Kefka's tower was a pain in the ass (in a good way).

I really feel like the games went down hill fast after Chrono Trigger and Tactics. 7 was borderline (too easy and story was dumb), 8 was really bad, 9 was worse, 10 and 10x2 or w/e.. awful.. Chrono Cross.. Tactics Advanced, 11, Crystal Chronicals.. bleh. I don't even know. I wouldn't want to get paid to play any of those. They were simply mind numbing rehashes of older innovations and stories.

They really reached perfection with the FFT job system (which came from FF1 or 2 actually).. I don't know why they keep making character development so awful. With FF7 I didn't feel like I had anything to do with my characters. I could switch out my guys and just make them whatever I wanted with materia and it didn't matter who was in the fight.

All in all tho the games are the best RPGs out there that I've played other than Wild Arms but I'll have to replay through that again and see if it's as good as my younger self made it out to be. :)
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my personal tier list of ones ive played:





and even low tier are great games. actually bad ff games include crystal chronicles and ffx-2
@aanallein: I definitely agree with you on Tactics being a great game, the job system especially was a major plus in how well developed and engaging it was. Chrono Trigger too is a classic, though I started with Chrono Cross which many didn't like, usually for the reason that it wasn't necessarily a direct sequel to CT.

aanallein said:
All in all tho the games are the best RPGs out there that I've played other than Wild Arms but I'll have to replay through that again and see if it's as good as my younger self made it out to be.

If you're referring to Wild Arms 1 for the Playstation then yes that game fucking takes the cake. It IS as good as your younger self made it out to be, and it'll probably be better now. The opening theme/sequence always was and still is one of my most favorite I've ever seen.
youre wrong if you hate on ffx2. it was a solid game, despite the bad back story. also ffta2 is fun, i'm playin that on emu nao!
i spent hours and hours playing FF7 and FF8 when i was a child. absolutely loved those games, they sucked me in, deepest games i ever played
ff8 was way deep. that last part? with all yr powers sealed off? lil palli had his brains blown.
FFVIII was the first FF I ever played, and the one single game I spent so many hours on. Drawing, refining, junctioning, and too many games of Triple Triad would drive one crazy, but they paid off; my Squall had close to 3,000HP (drawing cures, refining them to curas, then to curagas and junctioning them to his HP) before I even fought Ifrit, my Zell was dishing out damage in the thousands before I went to Galbadia (drawing Fire's, to Firas, to Firagas and junctioning to his strength), and I even got the Lionheart before the end of Disc One - only once though. Like I said in my original post, thousands of hours of my life went into that game xD

FFX-2 is shit though. I couldn't bare playing through a horrible Charlies Angels rip-off.
I just hated on Chrono Cross (and X / X-2 if I remember correctly) how the characters would simply say "Oh you're saving the world too? Can I join?!" and you get a new party member. It seemed so shallow compared to picking up characters in Chrono Trigger or ff6.

I don't remember kingdom hearts at all though unfortunately. I rented it and played through and nearly beat it in a weekend. Oh well.

And to the OP - yes Wild Arms 1 for Ps1. The puzzles were so frustrating but so fun haha.
I just hated on Chrono Cross (and X / X-2 if I remember correctly) how the characters would simply say "Oh you're saving the world too? Can I join?!" and you get a new party member. It seemed so shallow compared to picking up characters in Chrono Trigger or ff6.

I don't remember kingdom hearts at all though unfortunately. I rented it and played through and nearly beat it in a weekend. Oh well.

And to the OP - yes Wild Arms 1 for Ps1. The puzzles were so frustrating but so fun haha.

remember finding magus in chrono trigger and how rewarding that was?

now, if theyd only make a bleach rpg like suikoden. 108 characters. 108 chances to save the world. hey, that could be the tag line!
Jesus fucking christ. Chrono Cross's 44 characters was way too much - 108 is just plain ridiculous. I'd rather just save the world once and be done with it then save it an 107 extra times, knowing how much I fucked up in saving the world the previous time. o_O;

And since it's expanded beyond just FF, I'd like to throw in that Xenogears is the single greatest RPG of all time IMHO, due to its thought-provocative (and downright amazing) storyline just chocked full of philosophical, psychological and religious references that blended well together. Plus you get to essentially fuck God up mecha-style.
And since it's expanded beyond just FF, I'd like to throw in that Xenogears is the single greatest RPG of all time IMHO, due to its thought-provocative (and downright amazing) storyline just chocked full of philosophical, psychological and religious references that blended well together. Plus you get to essentially fuck God up mecha-style.

i agree that xenogears had a great plot, but the "killing god" deicide plot was done before by final fantasy legend 1 and 2 (aka saga 1 and 2). okay, in 2 god wasnt the last boss, but you'd already killed the gods before that, and in 1, the end boss was literally the christian god.
FFVII is the only one I've played much of, many an hour spent on that little gem that could (should) have been spent studying =D A definite classic in my opinion!
When I was younger, I was addicted.

Final Fantasy games I played, in order of most- to least-favourite:


I have not played enough of any of the others to pass a fair judgement, and in fact only managed to beat 2 of the ones I played.

Although I maintain that FF12 is one of the most beautiful videogames ever made, FF8 was my frist and has a special place in my heart.

One thing I'd go gaga over: if FF6 was remade with better graphics.

I have extra contempt to FFX-2... this is one of those things that best remain inside Japan and never go out. Even I felt faggy playing it.
FFVIII was the first FF I ever played, and the one single game I spent so many hours on. Drawing, refining, junctioning, and too many games of Triple Triad would drive one crazy, but they paid off; my Squall had close to 3,000HP (drawing cures, refining them to curas, then to curagas and junctioning them to his HP) before I even fought Ifrit, my Zell was dishing out damage in the thousands before I went to Galbadia (drawing Fire's, to Firas, to Firagas and junctioning to his strength), and I even got the Lionheart before the end of Disc One - only once though. Like I said in my original post, thousands of hours of my life went into that game xD

FFX-2 is shit though. I couldn't bare playing through a horrible Charlies Angels rip-off.


I spent so much on Junctioning that by the time I fought what'sherface at the end, my party was literally invincible.

One thing I miss about the middle-period FF games: freely exploring the world map.

For example, do you remember that trippy tower that you randomly stumble into where you fight Odin (and Tonberry, I think)?

Oh, and do you remember the Omega Weapon? :D At the time I got to it I suppose I wasn't strong enough, so eventually I had to resort to cheating by choosing selphie, opening the PSone hood to freeze the timer, and shuffling her limit break until I found "The End" (which I think is friggin' awesome and should be in other FF games!).

Btw, has ANYONE beat FFVIII's Omega Weapon normally? I honestly think it is designed specifically to be cheated.

More FF-related randomness: Although I find many aspects of it discouraging (namely that it was made by the same kooks who made X-2), I do look forward to playing FF13 because supposedly Alexander, my favourite summon, returns.
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Omega Weapon is a motherfucker. You'd need a SHITLOAD of Holy Wars to keep your party invincible, and about an hour or 2 free to come close to whipping his ass. Of course, I'm sure there are real die-hards who have missed out on shit trying to beat him (weddings, important business meetings, funerals, etc.).

The trippy tower... I recall there was an area where you had to fight a shitload of Tonberrys before you got to fight Tonberry King, but my memory escapes me if you fight Odin there too. Speaking of Odin, remember how Seifer just completely owned him simply by standing there?!
Then comes Gilgamesh, with his bullshit fucking Excalipoor attack that was probably the first thing to ever invoke a facepalm IRL for me. -_-

GG on The End'ing Omega, lol. You saved yourself quite a headache.
Have any of you here gotten a chance to play FFXII? I'm a bit skeptical of the new-age games in the franchise, due pretty much to the fact that I'm a bitter old-schooler who still clings to Squaresoft. Is it a hopeful breath of fresh air or does it just seem too far removed from the tradition? I hope to be swayed into embracing the new titles with open arms.
Well, it was made by the people who made X-2, so I didn't exactly go and buy a PS3 just to plat it (I bought my PS2 out of excitement for FFX). I eventually will play it, but I'm not holding my breath.

Also, pretty much all the reviews and player feedback makes a lot of mention of the word "linear" - and in fact the trailers make it look more like an action game than an RPG.