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Over the counter “paranormal” drug used by 3.1 million Americans to get high


Nov 4, 2006
Over the counter “paranormal” drug used by 3.1 million Americans to get high

Over the counter “paranormal” drug used by 3.1 million Americans to get high
Drug Policy — POSTED BY David Luke on April 12, 2010 at 11:18 am

According to a recent report from the US based on SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health, “…the cough suppressant dextromethorphan (DXM) is found in more than 140 over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medications. In 2006 about 3.1 million persons aged 12 to 25 (5.3%) had ever used an over-the-counter cough and cold medication to get high; that is, used it nonmedically. Nearly 1 million persons aged 12 to 25 (1.7%) had used an over-the-counter cough and cold medication to get high in the past year.”

What isn’t popularly known is that at high enough doses the dissociative drug DXM causes subjective paranormal effects similar to those of ketamine, such as out-of-body experiences (OBEs), near-death experiences, a loss of the sense of causality, a sense of presence, encounters with entities, and the occasional experience of extra-sensory perception (White, 1997, Price & Lebel, 2000). These reports were also corroborated by a recent survey on paranormal experience with psychoactive drugs that I conducted with Dr. Marios Kittenis of the University of Edinburgh. We found that several of our survey respondents acknowledged having experiences of clairvoyance, psychokinesis, OBEs, mystical-type experiences, and telepathy in particular (Luke & Kittenis, 2005). Several respondents also independently reported using DXM with others for the explicit purpose of having group telepathic experiences, which they believed to be real and recurrent.

DXM remains a legal drug at the present time, and with increasing numbers of people taking it for non-medical purposes the prevalence of subjective paranormal experiences occurring amongst the public due to this drug must be becoming quite considerable, though no statistics are currently available. Furthermore, no research to date has tested the possibility that these reported telepathic and other experiences with DXM might actually be genuine. Previous research testing the efficacy of psychedelic agents in the production of ESP, mostly conducted throughout the 1960’s with psilocybin and LSD, showed some promising results, despite frequently using novice trippers (Luke, 2005). By the same token, however, much of this research also needed much better controls but certainly encouraged the idea that these drugs may be able to induce genuine psychic experiences, as claimed by shamans across continents and since antiquity. The latest such research project of this kind, using psilocybin and cannabis, was conducted with seemingly adequate controls at the University of Amsterdam by Prof. Dick Bierman and generated very interesting results, partially supporting the apparent efficacy of these substances in stimulating legitimate psychic (i.e., telepathic, clairvoyant or precognitive) phenomena (Bierman, 1998). Further research is certainly begging at this time.

David Luke

how is this news?
not raggin on you OP just saying this is nothing new at all.
haha cool to see printed though

My friends and I used to do ESP experiments all the time on DXM. Funny lol I did some the other night and I have a sticky-note right in front of my face at the computer desk:

"Dissociative Drug + ESP Project - (my school) + MAPS?"

hahaha.... maybe I'll make it
I've defiantly had these kinds of things happen to me on DXM. I read an article from a monthly DXM newsletter whose name I cannot recall right now that stated there was a high number of incidences in which people were certain they could and did use these sorts of 'powers' on and off the drug.

The most interesting instance I recall of mine was a friend and I were siting in my room listening to the radio. I flipped through all of my 15 preset radio stations and named the song and artist of the what was playing on the next preset before I got to it. Strange stuff man. I'd love to see a study like this.
damn now that I think about it, I was on dxm last night and next to someone who had an anxiety attack, and I think I might have 'caught' it cause I started bugging too. Psychic empathy kinda thing. Didn't really think about it like that.
Yeah dudes, this one time i used my mind to throw someone off of a building after dosing 2grams of DXM continuously for 3 days. It was totally legit bro i like caught him with my mind before he hit the ground as well. Still can't figure out why they arrested me as if he died or something though...
I just remembered another one. A friend and I were sittin on my roof trippin hard one night. For the past week or so I'd been trying to mold a nice 'energy ball' in my hands big enough and dense enough to throw at someone. I call it the psychic bitch slap. This particular night I had fashioned quite a large one and was almost at the point of having it burst. Instead, I threw it at his head. It hit him so hard he fell over and started yelling 'WTF man what was that?' it surprised the hell out of him. I thought it was hilarious though. Try these things next Like you're on DXM. Something is bound to happen. But make sure it's something that isn't disputable like think of a word so irrelivant it's ridiculous. Then put it in their head and tell them to say it.
Yeah dudes, this one time i used my mind to throw someone off of a building after dosing 2grams of DXM continuously for 3 days. It was totally legit bro i like caught him with my mind before he hit the ground as well. Still can't figure out why they arrested me as if he died or something though...

thank you for the intelligent contribution to the thread
Yeah dudes, this one time i used my mind to throw someone off of a building after dosing 2grams of DXM continuously for 3 days. It was totally legit bro i like caught him with my mind before he hit the ground as well. Still can't figure out why they arrested me as if he died or something though...

ahahaha, i lol'd.
lester bangs was all over DMX . some of his copy in rolling stone was quite loopy .
lester bangs was all over DMX . some of his copy in rolling stone was quite loopy .

Hell yeah Lester Bangs loved his Romilar which was the brand of DXM pills in the 60's that was supposed to be very popular and then it was made into a syrup. He even preffered the shit over LSD which is kinda odd but whatever.
^Y'all gonna make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here...
Hell yeah Lester Bangs loved his Romilar which was the brand of DXM pills in the 60's that was supposed to be very popular and then it was made into a syrup. He even preffered the shit over LSD which is kinda odd but whatever.

Heh it's always possible that someone prefers dissociative drugs to psychedelics. I'm the opposite of this.

I had a friend in college who LOVED high doses of dissociative drugs like DXM, K, and even PCP more than LSD and shrooms.

Here's a quality Lester Bangs article:

Lester Bangs said:
Everybody knows that drugs come in sexes. Down are feminine, speed is masculine. Down make you all nice and sweet and pliant and tenderized with E-Z Bake, whereas speed makes you aggressive and visceral and forthright and a real take-charge kind of guy/gal. (Makes no difference because all humans are the same sex, except albinos. It is the drugs that, obviously, determine the gender of the being.) So which one you take when you get up in the morning just involves whether you wanna be Donna Mills or Joe Don Baker that day. It's totally your prerogative.
Did you not know that DXM is supernatural? It doesn't have a reflection. Fact.
I never understood why people would want to take psychoactive doses of DXM? I've never done it so I can't say anything about the experience myself, but from what I've heard from friends and read online it doesn't seem like hardly anyone has a positive experience with it. Just seems like a stupid thing little 14 and 15 year old boys do when they first discover mind-altering substances...
^ DXM can be a powerful dissociative. I've had many different psychedelics but I stil enjoy a good dxm trip once in awhile.

I never understood why people would want to take psychoactive doses of DXM?

I've never done it

exactly ;)

But to be fair some people who have tried it cant stand it at all.
i never understood why people would want to take psychoactive doses of dxm? I've never done it so i can't say anything about the experience myself, but from what i've heard from friends and read online it doesn't seem like hardly anyone has a positive experience with it. Just seems like a stupid thing little 14 and 15 year old boys do when they first discover mind-altering substances...
