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The Big & Dandy HBWR/MGS/LSA Thread - Second Iteration

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I hope there not bunk. I haven't got any nausea but I do have a tough tummy. I'm starting to feel a bit of a subtle come up now, like a low dose of DXM. Fingers crossed.
anything yet? HBWR can take like three hours to come on for me sometimes, even with an empty stomach.
Nothing, I decided to redose and still nothing. I didn't remove the outer husk but even then I believe I should have got some effects. My girlfriend who had 8 also got nothing other than a slight (possibly placebo) buzz.

I guess it's just going to be trail and error with things such as HBWR.
just grow the seeds and then eat the seeds from the plants you grow

you will know those will be safe
LSA can be awesome, it's a wonderful entheogen

try crushing the seeds and doing a cold water extraction with fresh peppermint leafs added

this should convert the LSA into better more psychedelic compounds (LSH?)
yeah, any type of plant's alkaloidal composition is going to vary wildly from specimen to specimen. I recently did an extraction on about 16g of morning glory seeds and took it a couple times, the first time i took the equivalent of 3g, the second 10g, and got effects that i'm barely comfortable not attributing to placebo. Gonna try some different seeds next time
Nothing, I decided to redose and still nothing. I didn't remove the outer husk but even then I believe I should have got some effects. My girlfriend who had 8 also got nothing other than a slight (possibly placebo) buzz.

I guess it's just going to be trail and error with things such as HBWR.

Many vendors are known to sell related argyrea species as the actual baby woodrose. There are no known exceptions...only authentic argyrea nervosa will make you trip at anything under 10 seeds. All look-a-likes are weak or inactive. If you are not tripping balls on 12 seeds, they are bunk.


yeh, several years ago there was a vendor actually from hawaii, he specialized in kava and hbwr.

4 seeds is all it took with those.
Agreed. 12 seeds would be at the heftier end of my HBWR dosing and I dosed them plenty at the time. Better luck next time :\
yeh, several years ago there was a vendor actually from hawaii, he specialized in kava and hbwr.

4 seeds is all it took with those.

4 seeds for full effects, or was 4 seeds a +2/museum dosage? I've had em where 4 seeds gave a +2 but I suspect that some strains when very fresh may give +3 with just 4.
i guess +2, but a strong +2.

i never got to a +++ with seeds. I try to avoid psychs with bodyloads.
Well chewed they had no bodyload for me so was able to venture up to a coupla dozen good seeds on occasion. Most definitely a strong +3. Profoundly euphoric and intensely nostalgic but never that strong visually for me. Doses that high were for prolonged (24+ hour) trips though. For shorter duration 6-8 almost invariably got me to +3.
i guess +2, but a strong +2.

i never got to a +++ with seeds. I try to avoid psychs with bodyloads.

That's what I had in the early 90s. They were beautiful seeds, very LSD-like but also mushroom-like. 4 seeds for a +2. 6 was a full +3 and anymore than 8 seeds and it got weird.

Not any bodyload beyond the nausea and bloated stomach one would expect when eating seeds with soap-like compounds in them!
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Has anyone ever tried salvia on HBWR/MGS? Can it be pleasent or does it just result in a complete headfuck?
I find I need to have salvia when already influenced by something, having it when sober completely confuses me making the whole experience quite unpleasent.
I found MDMA and salvia blissful though <3
Has anyone ever tried salvia on HBWR/MGS? Can it be pleasent or does it just result in a complete headfuck?
I find I need to have salvia when already influenced by something, having it when sober completely confuses me making the whole experience quite unpleasent.
I found MDMA and salvia blissful though <3

I smoked a full bowl while tripping on HBWseeds. It was heavenly and blissful.
Just keep searching the net until you find one that actually states that they're untreated with chemicals. Also, do a CWE. I just did one and drank the solution using 6 seeds about an hour ago. First time using LSA, so I'll see what happens.
i smoked salvia near the peak of a +2.5ish rivea corymbosa trip. coming out of the trip i had very strong delusions (or were they? still not sure). it was a really bad trip that i didn't come to terms with for nearly a year.

only do it if you're very comfortable with both substances. i was not comfortable with salvia at the time, and attempting to integrate a salvia trip while peaking on LSA was a very stressful experience.
That's what I (Morninggloryseed) had in the early 90s. They were beautiful seeds, very LSD-like but also mushroom-like. 4 seeds for a +2. 6 was a full +3

Those were the only kind I have had over the years too. 4 of them were beautiful. An hour in and wham. Nice CEV's. Insights. A great 8 hour night to be had. They were usually picked very fresh and were very strong. As I've said before, LSA is under rated. Grow your own morning glories and go fresh. :) I'm surprised more people don't take advantage of that.
Sorry if I'm re-covering old ground - I couldn't find anything with a cursory search:

I just recently used myself as a guinea pig in testing a strain of morning glory that I hadn't read as usually being on the list of good psychoactive strains. Usually the best ones are considered to be "Heavenly Blue", "Pearly Gates" & "Flying Saucers", right? Well recently a local horticultural supplier had organically grown morning glory seeds of the "Milky Way" strain as a discount line, ridiculously cheap. They are listed as being another cultivar of I. tricolor so especially as they have another wacky "celestial" name I thought they'd be worth investigating. I couldn't find any clues on the web so I decided to try them for myself and report the result here.

I bought a few packets of seed just over a month ago but at the time I had had a moderate trip on "Heavenly Blues" and microdosed on LSD a couple of times to help with a creative writing project (I was given one small dose by a friend and couldn't be bothered to take it all at once and have an annoying weak ass trip and I find microdosing helps the creative imagination necessary for productive writing without being distracting or ruining concentration so I decided to put the lucy to constructive use) over the course of about 2 weeks so I waited until last weekend to try them as I didn't want tolerance to weigh in as a factor.

I decided on the fairly conservative dose of approx. 220 seeds, which I dosed simply by grinding and swallowing, washed down with orange juice. Please note that I seem to be lucky in being spared the worst of the nausea that some people find so distressing. I don't actually mind vomiting once on MG, I feel like is a cleansing sort of purge but if I don't feel like dealing with it I pre-load with metaclopramide (which is far better than motion-sickness tablets for dealing with drug-induced nausea) and this eliminates the nausea and leaves just a minor amount of stomach discomfort, so little I hardly notice it. I did that in this case since I wasn't at all sure I'd trip and didn't want the negative effects and no positives. By wussing out like this I can't comment on the relative amount of nausea but that wasn't what I was principally interested in anyway.

I wasn't expecting much from this dose so when I started to get small alerts at 30 minutes post ingestion, along with the mild anxiety that I often feel when coming up on psychs before they really get going I was ready to write it off as placebo. A +/- situation on the Shulgin scale and therefore not definitive evidence for significant psychoactivity.

1 hour after ingestion BIG waves of euphoria started to hit, along with the only negative symptoms I experienced, namely a slightly roiled stomach (no biggy there) and some cramping in my limbs due to the vasoconstriction. I was feeling way too happy to be too hacked off with the cramps and they were mild enough that I was able to simply walk them off. On the walk I took for this reason I noticed definite colour enhancement. I smiled to myself as I realised that I was properly in for a trip and got in to the mindstate of almost childlike wonder which is most conducive to a good tripping experience for me.

2 hours in and I am properly up on the morning glory "Milky Ways". OEVs are very noticeable, lots of visual patterning and items in my field of vision morphing, especially my own hands for some reason. I put some music on and it is 100 times better than usual. CEVs are less impressive for some reason, some nice colourful and complex geometric patterning but not all that bright or striking really. At this point I have definitely reached a ++ on the Shulgin scale. I am reminded of all the reasons why I prefer MG seeds to HBWR, I find them much more visual, energetic and easier on my body, whereas HBWR tend to be quite sedating, more of a "stone" with fewer visual elements and a heavier body load. Incidentally, just as a matter of interest (not that closer to LSD is necessarily better, LSAs have their own strengths and weaknesses) these "Milky Way" seeds provided the closest experience to a moderate dose of LSD that I've ever had from any substance containing LSAs. It was really very similar, more so even than "Heavenly Blues" although the overall strength of the effects was probably just a little bit less. Great fun :)

The effects peaked at between 2hrs 30min and 3hrs after ingestion. There followed a good solid peak lasting just over 4hrs in total duration and then a gradual comedown over another 3hrs. At this point, just over 10hrs after ingestion the remaining effects were minimal and the "leftover" CEVs were making sleep difficult and it was past 1am, so not wanting to feel too rough the following day I took 10mg nitrazepam in order to sleep. With this help I slept fine and just had a pleasant "afterglow"-type feeling for the first few hours of the day after. I'd say the peak effects were a really solid ++, even verging on a +++ at times.

All in all it was a very rewarding and actually highly recreational experience. I don't normally take psychedelics recreationally, using them for mental exploration and self-discovery in general. This trip reminded me that sometimes it's good to take yourself less seriously and have a bit of fun lol. I am going back to the store tomorrow to buy as many packets as I can within reason, as morning glory "Milky Way" seeds are definitely an organic psychedelic that I want in my arsenal. Next month (I prefer to let my tolerance get down as far as possible in between MG trips so I don't have to swallow too much manky seed powder!) however I may take 220 "Heavenly Blue" seeds 'cause it's a while since I took less than 350 of them and I want to do a more direct comparison of potency between similar amounts of "Milky Way" and "Heavenly Blue". I'll post any conclusions I reach here, natch :)

Oh, I almost forgot, I had the shits a little bit the following morning but it really wasn't bad enough to be any hassle.

Peace, Ethnobot
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