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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

What movies affected you so much that you can't bear to watch them again

Cannibal Holocaust unrated. Felt like a needed a f*ckin wash after that. Anyone who kills animals on screen for effect needs my boot in their balls.
City Of God - Probably the best movie I've ever seen, but I don't think I can go through that again (and its been 4 years since I've seen it), not for a while anyway.

Spun - Again, really good movie (and I've never done meth), but its a bit much.

Blow - I will absolutely never watch the second half of this movie ever again. Too sad.

The Ring - Call me a pussy (go ahead, I'm giving you permission), but this movie really does a number on me. I'm seriously considering throwing away my DVD. IDK why I keep watching it.
I agree with all those who have posted about the death of "hooch", it upset me everytime when i was little....
Nobodys mentioned ONCE WERE WARRIORS.... it's a NZ movie, it's fairly well known here in AUS, i have seen it more than once i must admit, but it is very hard to watch in some certain scenes, namely the very real rape scene.....
Still an excellent movie.... and i can't help but cheer for "Jake the muss" when he fucks up the slimy uncle..

Yeah good call.

I was pretty happy to see Jake get involved in that part too.
one of the MANY reasons we're so compatible!!! i honestly think that you and me (as well as me and amoroark... and likely you and AR) have almost identical tastes in practically every artform from music to film to visual art. it's uncanny!

i've never seen this film, which is astounding in itself given how much i LOVE bjork! from everything i've read however, i may have to check it out!

I'm quoting this because it makes me feel good. ;)

Throw MP, MC and TG in that mix too please. ;) <3
Also, I'm watching I Am Sam. I don't know if i can finish it again because I know what's going to happen. :( :( :(
Gonna have to check out Dancer In The Dark.

I don't think any movie that has ever had an effect on me so much that i couldn't see it again...The only movie that has ever made me cry was a long time ago when i was about 7. The Curehttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112757/ I completely forgot about that till i saw this thread. I'll have to watch it again.
I'm quoting this because it makes me feel good. ;)

Throw MP, MC and TG in that mix too please. ;) <3

Aw, how cute.

Another vote for Dancer In The Dark here as well. ;)

No seriously, I still haven't seen it all the way through. I just happened to catch the last 40 mins or so on TV one time. And as a Björk fan, and after liking Catherine Deneuve very much in Repulsion, I decided to have a sneak peek. I kinda got lost in the commotion of what was going on as I obviously wasn't aware of the full story. But nothing had prepared me for what lead up to that final scene. It stunned me to the core, and I almost felt my heart stop. It was quite possibly the most heartbreakingly beautiful thing I've ever seen.


My second choice would be Andy Warhol's Blood For Dracula. This just so happened to be on TV the night I decided to drop a hefty dose of acid. I simply couldn't figure out if everyone actually looked lizard-like, or whether it was the 'cid. The appalling OTT, yet terrifying acting did nothing but confuse me too. And this combination of confusion, terror, and laughter really left me in an awkward place. I couldn't decide how I felt about it, but my head was surely confuzzled.


I actually went ahead and bought the DVD after, and it still sits on the shelf in the cellophane. I can't bring myself to deliberately put myself in that head space again. :|

Then I would go for Gummo. I really didn't like it on any level. I mean I too like bleak films, but the kind you can laugh at, then feel bad about laughing at after. But this was just plain horrible. I don't know what the intention was of this film, but to me, the characters were completely unlikable. And for me to give a shit about what I'm watching, I first need to relate, or at least have some sort of understanding of where they're coming from or going. But that's just it, they're not going anywhere, and they never will. T'is highly disrturbing in my eyes, and perhaps that is indeed real life. But it's certainly not something I care to watch ever again. I simply couldn't find any beauty in it's bleakness, and I think there should always be a flip side. Or else it leaves me feeling empty towards the subject.

Gonna have to check out Dancer In The Dark.

I don't think any movie that has ever had an effect on me so much that i couldn't see it again...The only movie that has ever made me cry was a long time ago when i was about 7. The Curehttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112757/ I completely forgot about that till i saw this thread. I'll have to watch it again.

Gawd, I just grabbed a screener copy of that directors new flick "Antichrist" and watched it today. This is one depression filled, bizarre journey and a half. Wanna see a woman cut off her own clitoris with a rusty pair of scissors in graphic detail? Wanna see a damaged penis ejaculate blood? I kid you not!! 8o8o8o
definately rattled from "Antichrict".

apparently they're making a video game picking up where the mpvie left off
oh man, i own a lot of the movies mentioned in this thread and some of them are movies i've re-watched more than the norm. moving picture are meant to be moving. it's what the medium is all about. the pinnacle of the cinematic experience is meant to leave you shaken, imo.

I was contemplating whether to get a DVD of Dancer in the Dark last weekend when I went on my movie spree. I figured I'd come back over here and see what people have to say about it. Now Im convinced I have to get it. I love sad, bleak, depressing movies. I CANT F*CKING WAIT TO WATCH IT NOW. WAH!!!!!

i love this movie HARD. seen it heaps of times. i sing along with the songs and can't disengage my emotional attachment until *that* fantastic ending. fantastically tragic and sad, but fantastic nonetheless.

the only films i can't watch again are just stuff made of poor quality, predominantly story related.
Requiem for a dream was pretty disturbing, but Jacob's Ladder fucked with my head for a long time
oh man, i own a lot of the movies mentioned in this thread and some of them are movies i've re-watched more than the norm. moving picture are meant to be moving. it's what the medium is all about. the pinnacle of the cinematic experience is meant to leave you shaken, imo.


i love this movie HARD. seen it heaps of times. i sing along with the songs and can't disengage my emotional attachment until *that* fantastic ending. fantastically tragic and sad, but fantastic nonetheless.

the only films i can't watch again are just stuff made of poor quality, predominantly story related.

I finally watched Dancer in the Dark last night, after procrastinating for weeks.
Fuck, that was so so so so so fucking sad, so heartbreaking, I think I was sniffing throughout the whole time, and I couldnt breathe during the last 30 minutes. I LOVED IT. I am not a Bjork fan (blasphemy, I know, stfu ;)) but this movie just made me realize how inordinately talented and multi-faceted she is.
I slept so well after I watched it by the way (and it was already 6 am!)

I finally watched Dancer in the Dark last night, after procrastinating for weeks.
Fuck, that was so so so so so fucking sad, so heartbreaking, I think I was sniffing throughout the whole time, and I couldnt breathe during the last 30 minutes. I LOVED IT. I am not a Bjork fan (blasphemy, I know, stfu ;)) but this movie just made me realize how inordinately talented and multi-faceted she is.
I slept so well after I watched it by the way (and it was already 6 am!)


as great as she is in it, i think she was just playing herself.
She has such a fantastic aura , so genuine and endearing.
Apparently playing this role was so draining for her, she has sworn off doing movies forever. (or so I've read.)
Heavenly Creatures is awesome, and I've seen it countless times to boot. The two leads are just brilliant.

Mulholland Drive gives me a bloody headache though. I recently came to the conclusion that I'm not really a David Lynch fan. None of his films are a joy to watch for me.
^Not even Inland Empire? Okay sis one more thing we have in common!!
(I still have my Inland Empire DVD here and I remember telling PB that I just couldnt finish it..) :p Cos I got so bored.
I dont really enjoy his stuff much :( And yeah, I dont care if the DL fans here will say "you just dont get it"... its probably true! I dont! Hahahahaha .
I dont like films that are "too much work" and not even "slightly" effortlessly enjoyable to me...

But hey. I'll give Mulholland Drive a shot....one of these days. ;) Never say never!