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Why pick opiates over alcohol?


Oct 8, 2008
Not that my opinion is right, but seriously, why would you do this? I know some people can't drink without vomiting, but same goes for opiates. By far, alcohol is more intense. I've had IV morphine, insufflated oxycontin, oral oxycontin, oral hydrocodone, and oral codeine. None of which compare in the intensity of a good alcohol buzz, even before the point of vomiting. Hangovers suck, but are avoidable, and I'm sure opiate withdrawal sucks more.

I don't do either of these drugs anymore. But from what I remember, I never really had opiate cravings until I stopped drinking alcohol, because I loved it so much more.

Not to say mixing the two, or throwing a benzo in there isn't fun...just don't mix vicodin or anything with acetaminophen in them...

Edit: I was saying opiate withdrawals suck more than hangovers. I'm not an idiot. I know alcohol withdrawals are worse. Sorry for the confusion.
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A question of taste i suppose. For me anyway booze just isnt that fun anymore i use dto be a big drinker when i was 18-21 now i rarely drink, partly due to meical reasons and dont miss it all, it turns people into dickheads it just makes me feel like shit. Heroin and oxy are far more "me", a good bit of dope is better than any kind of booze there is. I still like a beer on a warm day and i'm sure at my bros wedding and hogmany i'll be gulping some whisky. But thats it.

They're not even in the same league, Opiates >>>>>>>>> booze
While I understand the question being asked what I don't understand is why you are asking it.

A good heroin or hydromorphone shot feels like heaven and has none of the negative side effects that alcohol does like getting belligerent and mean or vomiting.
why pick alcohol over opiates? shiit. alcohol sux. drinking aint even nothing close to a fat shot of dope. no question.thats like saying why choose meth over caffeine

I guess its just watever u personally are into but for me i dont even touch alcohol like that.....for real...it is beyond my understanding how anyone woudl rather drink than do opiates
There was a time when alcohol was my favorite drug because it is total oblivion. If i get drunk enough i don't care about anything and i feel great i guess thats why i was a alcoholic for years.

Now there is no question about it opiates are way better. Much more euphoric, way easier on the body and brain and no horrible hangover. Ive also never ended up in a cell due to opiates or beat some guy up. In fact opiates mellow me out and i won't go off on some twat like i would when im sober.

Also while opiate withdrawals are horrible alcohol withdrawals are that much worse. The DT's is the closest to hell i ever wanna get.
Maybe my brain is lacking in endorphins(sp?) or something? I do think opiates are more fun to do by yourself than drinking. But overall, they don't give me the sociability and incredibly intense body buzz that alcohol delivers. Mixing the two at smaller doses is definitely a lot more enjoyable than either one though. I just personally never liked them more than alcohol. Then again, Plus, you can always mix alcohol with your coke and make cocaethylene!

Then again, unlike most of you(I'm assuming), I prefer being up to down by FAR..
for me:

1. I can function in normal society, including work, on opiates.
2. No smell on breath
3. You don't act retarded (Good when you're single)
4. You kill pain rather than create it. (alky makes me have a headache)
5. Opiates give me motivation to do things
6. HEALTH! I used to drink heavily, and it was really wrecking my body. I'm not addicted to opiates, so I can use them occasionally to much success without becoming sickly, WDing, or anything like that.

I really just don't like how alcohol makes me sloppy. I prefer to be sharp in the mind.
This is possibly the worst case of comparing apples and oranges I've ever seen on Bluelight.

Its like saying "LSD is more intense than caffeine so why isn't it as widely used?"
nukka said:
This is possibly the worst case of comparing apples and oranges I've ever seen on Bluelight.

Its like saying "LSD is more intense than caffeine so why isn't it as widely used?"

Well, if you're in a situation where you just really feel like you want or need something, I can see the benefit of weighing one option over the other. Especially since opiates are naturally going to be more expensive. It is all a matter of personal opinion though, I agree.
You guys don't have to be so harsh about this. I'm sorry if I came off rude about this, because I didn't intend to. Seriously. I'm comparing two different depressant drugs. This is nothing like comparing LSD and caffeine or methamphetamine and caffeine. Caffeine isn't even a psychostimulant, unlike meth. You're acting like I'm comparing aspirin to vicodin, when it's more like comparing coke to meth, or LSD to shrooms, or MDMA and 2-CB.

Alcohol is a powerful depressant drug, and so are opiates. Intensity obviously depends on dose. I was just asking why so many people prefer opiates over alcohol, simply because I don't find an extreme amount of joy in them, as I do with alcohol. The effects are obviously a lot different, but there are still a lot of similarities. They both chill you out, they both offer a body buzz, they both induce dose dependent nausea, and they both can relieve pain. It's not like I'm going "Your favorite drug sucks you guys are WRONG." Chill out.
I think it is that opiates are more of an acquired taste than alcohol, or maybe just that the body is more exposed to alcohol over a longer period because it is legal OTC in most jurisdictions and therefore available: you've said you've had "IV morphine, insufflated oxycontin, oral oxycontin, oral hydrocodone, and oral codeine" but for how long did you expose your body, off & on, to any one of those?

You'd need to stick with one long enough to get your body used to it's effects, then it's more willing to go half way for you and actually show you the euphoria opiates bring. I'm not talking about doing it every day and getting addicted. I did heroin for about 6 months, off & on, before I *really* began to enjoy it.

When I first exposed my friend to H all he could say was "I feel like I'm drunk" so I see what you're saying: but after shooting up a few times, and then smoking a few grams on his own, he began to really like it and see it as a unique experience and not just a 'downer' that could be comparable to drinking or other.
I choose opiates over alcohol because I like the euphoria more, I can do opiates by myself and just chill, but drinking by myself is boring. I hate the taste of alcohol but snorting opiates is a fun process, I can take opiates any time of the day, but if I'm drunk during the day I'll feel like shit and not be able to function the rest of the day.

Forgot to add...I've never blacked out or acted a fool on opiates

Boooo alcohol :p
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Well I have a few reasons. I don't drink anymore, but I do dope every day (not so much lately because I'm actually trying to get clean) but my reasons for prefering opiates over alcohol are:

1. The euphoria is amazing. You can't get that kind of feeling from alcohol.
2. I can function on opiates and I can do my normal activities while on it, unlike when I'm drunk.
3. It's boring to drink alone, but snorting or booting any opiate alone can be extremely enjoyable (although dangerous, sometimes, because you're more likely to die from an overdose).
4. Opiates are much less harsh on the body. Alcohol seriously fucks up your liver and over years of drinking on a regular basis, you can develop serious health problems (I've seen it first hand, my mother was an alcoholic my entire life until about 2 years ago and she had MAJOR health problems due to it). Yes, booting dope fucks up your veins, but that's really it, and snorting it really has no long term affects on the body. In fact, most people who have a dope habit who snort it are just as healthy as any person who doesn't use drugs.
5. I just forgot the last point I was going to make haha.

So yea. I can understand why a lot of people prefer alcohol, but dope is definitely MUCH better than alcohol, in my opinion, anyway.
it's funny how obvious it is that most of the people responding to this thread have clearly got dope habits, because everyone is posting responses that refer to why opiates > alcohol for long-term dependence.

i don't make enough money in a year to support a long-term dope habit and i certainly don't see the euphoria being worth living in squallor for so i'll take that shot of liquor, enjoy my unconstipated shits, and enjoy the rest of my life with the money i don't spend on stamps.

well, someone had to stand up for the booze. i just finished recovering from a bitch of a hangover too ;)
Oh I'll admit, I'm always up for a few beers, but to be completely honest, I don't like the way I am when I'm drunk. I either get WAY too open with people (I tell people EVERYTHING) or I get extremely angry and get into fights or break things. I just like the way I am on dope better. I'm calm and relaxed, my temper is much more under control and I just get along with people better.
Yea, to the OP, not really sure why you are comparing the two. In my opinion, alcohol is a dirty drug, one that makes you feel like shit the following day. Opiates, well, they're just peaceful, and there is no question of a hangover, unless you are going through WD symptoms. Again, they're nothing like one another though, alcohol to me, is like drinking gasoline. Unless of course, I add a benzo or 2 to the mix%)
Haha. I like how you compared drinking alcohol to drinking gasoline. Never heard that before but it's completely true.
I mean, Is it it not true, that alcohol is spread over wounds or pre-incisions to disinfect germs surrounding them? Its such powerful stuff, the fuck of me understands how so many people get punctured off of it, but blow their eyes elsewhere when they hear of "drug" use going on 8)
I know I know. I don't understand how some people can consider alcohol not a drug, when it's JUST as addictive as any opiate or even nicotine.

And I agree with you on how opiates are just plain and simple peaceful drugs. I know for damn sure that my temper doesn't explode when I'm nodding out, and that I couldn't be happier than when I taste that drip going down my throat (as opposed to that burning feeling that alcohol does to your stomach :p )