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Best roll you have eaten?

If all my pills to date where as good as these 5
I would never stop taking MDMA :)

White '7 of Diamonds' Miami 2000/2001
Green CK's Ft. Lauderdale 2001
Red 'SKY' 2002
Red NL 'no limits' Miami 2003
Pink Christmas trees Orlandao 2005
^^There is no such thing as triple stack...Or double, for that matter^^

Hands down, I'd say the Blue Gucci's that were going around the Central area of the US the end of this past summer were the best I"ve ever consumed. I'd love to get my hands on those again, but they are nowhere to be found. Even people at the party who had been rolling longer than some of the BL'ers have been alive said they were the best they'd had in a long ass time.That's sayin' something.
Yellow Crowns
Green RBs
Pink Hearts
White Doves
White Xmen (first roll)
Blue Superman
Purple Playboy
^^There is no such thing as triple stack...Or double, for that matter^^


anyone remember those Microdots/snowballs back in 200o-2001 ara?

so small, but still held that 100mg+ of mdma
anyone selling a pill with double/triple in front is selling a bad pill 9 out of 10 times.
Most Dissapointing Pill:

Blue ?'s
(yes, the '?' was very appropriate, as the quality was questionable, haha. Amphetamines. May aswel have had Adderall)

Weirdest pill by far:

Pink Dragon
(not sure. My guess would be MDA or a research chem. Trippy as hell)

Best pill by far:

White MTV
(strong, clean MDMA. Amazing :))
white/ brownish with jewish star symbol....my eyes almost roll backward...now I have pure white capsule..even better.
i havent been rolling for long but i had x factors my first time and they were amazing. pink kangaroos and white lovehearts have got me fucked too. white clovers were disappointing
Red aols were the best for me...I believe they were pure because I wasn't dancing too much, my eyes were rolling in the back of my head though. :D

I actually sat down at the Umphrey's concert and just laid my head on this girl's shoulder and rubbed her back. Heheh.
ate pure in capsules last week in fact. clean 3-4 hour high with a peak which lasted a good 45 minutes. powder power! pills are evil
Best pill

About 4 years ago New years had big white Bulldogs, Then this year had big white Zorro's .....Awesome
the ones that stick in my mind are the White Mitsubishi's of 2000 and Blue Dolphins. They both were grrreeaatt!
omegas that were every color under the sun mdma/mda combo Greeeeaaat bean.......they are on erowid under the 200 pills pic's
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blue dolphins (actually more light blue) i posted it on pillreports. but i've only been rolling for about 1 year. awesome time with 5 friends.:)