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the official 'pets and drugs' thread

relief of canine hip displacia...

I get my dog stoned sometimes like once or twice a month...she was born with very severe hip displacia...the ball of her femur is hardley a ball and the "socket" is almost flat. When she is stoned she is obviously happy and pain free, I can tell from the way she frolics around duh...I know I am doing her some good when she has moments where pain doesn't limit her actions. She also takes glucosamine for joint health...I fucking love the hell out of my dog and seeing her happy makes me happy.

If a dog comes over to people toking up and obviously sniffs the smoke and inhails deeply, then duh of course they like it. People getting their dog high all the time is just as stupid as them getting high all the time. I would never give her any other drugs, that is just sick.

FisheyeLens %)
thursday said:
pets aren't able to assess what risks any food/medication you give them poses to their health either. so are you not allowed to feed your pets then? if it's ok to de-claw cats, and spay/neuter pets, why is it so wrong to let your pets get stoned?

Thankyou...if you think getting a dog stoned is evil then what about feeding shitty comercial pet food like Kibbles N Bits? What about spay/neuter, they have no say on that either...and then declawing, I think its sick and cruel, don't want a cat to scratch consider a dog or hampster or fish, you know something that doesn't scratch :X What about subjecting them to dangerous medications like ProHeart6? Ack.

FisheyeLens %)
Re: relief of canine hip displacia...

FisheyeLens said:
If a dog comes over to people toking up and obviously sniffs the smoke and inhails deeply, then duh of course they like it. People getting their dog high all the time is just as stupid as them getting high all the time. I would never give her any other drugs, that is just sick.

FisheyeLens %)

but one time i left an open can of paint thinner mixed with ajax in a room alone with my dog and didn't feed my dog food or water for a couple of days and then found it dead from eating all that ajax and paint-thinner!!!

my point is, you never know if your marijuana has ajax in it so you shouldn't EVER LET YOUR PETS GET HIGH.
Would giving an animal a drug that you know it would enjoy (like opiates) be okay?

A dog can't really have a bad trip on heroin. What's wrong with doing this?
^ You'll most likely kill them from an OD, because the dosage would be hugely reduced from a human dose.
I have two dogs and both embarassingly due to my lack of cannine risk assessments have managed to munch a lump of hash. Mr Bones has been stoned and drunk a few times and has a penchant for baileys and beer. he ate 3 bits of hash on seperate occassions. the first time was someone giving him a fairy hash cake, he fell over, the second time was in the middle of the night so i woke up to a very ill looking dog, by the time I got to the vets I had guessed maybe he had eaten a bit of hash. the vet checked him over and says he was ok and I had to admit maybe he had eaten a lump of hash, the third time was his last time as he no longer likes the taste. He knows what happens now he is a smart dog.
Elvis, she managed to find a bit on the floor and was flicking it about one morning when i got up for work. I thought it was a bit of wood and then sussed it was a lump of hash, she fell over. they both can not tolerate the smell any more as in if some one lets them sniff hash they will bark at it.
I dont think its a good idea to give dogs any type of drug and despite my dogs managing to get a hold of some in the past.
the heroin idea prior is not very sensible...
there is nothing wrong with giving dogs heroin, other than there is nothing right about it, unless the dog is in pain and then its a vets script your looking for.
I don't see anything wrong with giving an animal heroin. They will enjoy it and you have complete control over their use. Nothing could be more perfect that this.
^ You might want to check "perfect" up in the dictionary. Giving a highly potent drug to an animal with no way of it saying "Stop, I've had too much" is far from perfect.
sounds like you got a twisted sense of confusion over what you think dogs might enjoy, most people I know dont enjoy opaites. i love them but by far most hate them its a marmite situation. your arguement sound dumb...
I wonder in your perfect world were the dogs choice comes into it... what your asking is akin to giving a baby heroin, now i know they used to give babies a touch of opium in the olden days, not no more. If you have enough heroin laying around to be wasting it on getting your dog a habit then I question your motives. if you were talking about babies then you would be very dangerous and my dogs are my babies...
Re: relief of canine hip displacia...

Originally posted by FisheyeLens
If a dog comes over to people toking up and obviously sniffs the smoke and inhails deeply, then duh of course they like it.

that is just one - out of many conclusions - one could draw based on the evidence.

duh indeed...

Re: Re: relief of canine hip displacia...

thursday said:
my point is, you never know if your marijuana has ajax in it so you shouldn't EVER LET YOUR PETS GET HIGH.

but then again, if your weed has ajax in it, it would not be good for neither you, nor you pet....
what the fuck?

thursday said:
but one time i left an open can of paint thinner mixed with ajax in a room alone with my dog and didn't feed my dog food or water for a couple of days and then found it dead from eating all that ajax and paint-thinner!!!

What?? Why the fuck didn't you feed your dog?...what does letting your dog eat ajax and paint thinner have to do with smoking them up? Was that shit supposed to make any sense?

thursday said:
my point is, you never know if your marijuana has ajax in it so you shouldn't EVER LET YOUR PETS GET HIGH.

I think maybe YOUR weed has ajax in it...8)

FisheyeLens %)
Re: Re: relief of canine hip displacia...

alasdairm said:
that is just one - out of many conclusions - one could draw based on the evidence.

duh indeed...


What are the others?
Believe it or not, animals can enjoy drugs. They can also enjoy sex with humans, but unfortunately some people are in denial about this.
Spearhead said:
They can also enjoy sex with humans, but unfortunately some people are in denial about this.

Tho I do not partake in sex with animals, I do agree this can be true...for example I know of a breed handler who shows a shy dog. The dog shows really well for him because he (admittingly) jerks-off the dog every day. So naturally the dog is happy and tail up (among other things LMAO) when he has him. =D

FisheyeLens %)
Cat Stonings

WEll, I was sitting here smoking a joint and my cat came and sat in my lap. He licked my resinated fingers. Would this get him high??