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Opioids Ever had a medical professional still be on your side when you're...ya know...an addict?


Apr 29, 2018
7 or 8 years ago, I saw a nurse slip some pills from a bottle of MSContin into her pocket.
She saw me see her. There was later a fuss about 12 30mg Morphine pills having gone missing on the ward.

She said she knows I saw and that she's just in a lot of back pain, so maybe she took 4 or 5.
So I told her the truth: "I stole 7. And I'm not in any pain"

Was kinda funny, bonding-type experience lol. And obviously neither of us reported the other.
Don't know about opioids, but my GP knows that I've been taking benzos for over 4 years now regularly, and sometimes more that just the prescribed dose. He "inherited" me during the covid time and says as long as I don't need/demand more, he'll go with it. But then, I never considered myself an addict before I came to this forum. Now I'm not so sure and I'm afraid it will show the next time I go to see him (I suck at pretending)
Don't know about opioids, but my GP knows that I've been taking benzos for over 4 years now regularly, and sometimes more that just the prescribed dose. He "inherited" me during the covid time and says as long as I don't need/demand more, he'll go with it. But then, I never considered myself an addict before I came to this forum. Now I'm not so sure and I'm afraid it will show the next time I go to see him (I suck at pretending)
If you're 4 years on regular benzo's then I'd be very surprised if you're not 'dependent' although not necessarily an 'addict'. What kinda dosing regime we talking?

Whatever you 'are', you mainly are 'lecroute'. If we get a label, well, we were the same person the day before some said "hey - you're an xxxxx". Don't sweat it.
oh, and on-topic - I'm fucking blessed with having a longterm very progressive GP

he knows I use cannabis to help keep any opiate use I may need for pain relief to a minimum - he's genuinely impressed how low I've kept my dose which I attrribute mainly to using live resins etc for pain relief too when possible.

He'll basically give me whatever I want, which I make damn certain not to abuse. I do admit that I've socially engineered him somewhat though for 20 years or so though, but a mans gotta do hat a mans gotta do!
If you're 4 years on regular benzo's then I'd be very surprised if you're not 'dependent' although not necessarily an 'addict'. What kinda dosing regime we talking?

Whatever you 'are', you mainly are 'lecroute'. If we get a label, well, we were the same person the day before some said "hey - you're an xxxxx". Don't sweat it.
I'm def benzo dependent, just because of the time. I didn't take then on a daily basis before two years ago, when I realized they helped be combat the frustration I got from being stuck in a place and situation that left me little room to do much else than work and sleep. My recipe is 1mg clona as needed. Get 90 bars for 6 months. Build a little stash in the first two years, but now I'm left basically with what my prescription says. I don't binge on them every day, but when I do, i go up to 4-6 mg in the course of two days. Make that three, including the day when I start to go down again. So it's not that much, really.
But I wouldn't want to be without my clonas, or anything similar.
oh, and on-topic - I'm fucking blessed with having a longterm very progressive GP

he knows I use cannabis to help keep any opiate use I may need for pain relief to a minimum - he's genuinely impressed how low I've kept my dose which I attrribute mainly to using live resins etc for pain relief too when possible.

He'll basically give me whatever I want, which I make damn certain not to abuse. I do admit that I've socially engineered him somewhat though for 20 years or so though, but a mans gotta do hat a mans gotta do!
I guess it helps if you know your GP (or any doctor) for such a long time. That way they know you as a person, even it's just every day small talk stuff you talk about. And of course, he know your medical history.

I'm just a blank sheet with a disgnosis most GPs can't make head nor tails about, and even psychiatrists told me there's little they can do for me.
Maybe that's a good thing after all 😜
I guess it helps if you know your GP (or any doctor) for such a long time. That way they know you as a person, even it's just every day small talk stuff you talk about. And of course, he know your medical history.

I'm just a blank sheet with a disgnosis most GPs can't make head nor tails about, and even psychiatrists told me there's little they can do for me.
Maybe that's a good thing after all 😜
My local GP coincidentally is friends with one of my bosses (small country) :3 he takes my visits seriously and actually tries to figure out what’s wrong with me, which is rare + he hooks me up with DXM occasionally, which isn’t OTC where I’m from 🥹