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Cocaine do you have to feel the vein

You can’t see them? I mean yeah, you can find by feeling but it’s def harder to then register accurately. Overall it’s a matter of practice. Just please dont shoot anything until you know you’re in the vein. Crook of the elbow or the same vein going down your arm to your hand is good too if you can see it easily. I’m lucky in that they all are pretty raised and quite thick and I tend to inject about 6inches up from my wrist in said vein.

Feel free to ask me more if you need it.
Heating your arm in a hot water and lifting a weight for a set right before will make the vien pop out more and be more visible. As will tying off.

You better not shoot into your arm unless you’re 100 percent positive you’re registered in a vien
Always make sure you register, once a ploom of blood jets into the barrel its good to go ahead and push the plunger in, sometimes if there isnt enough pressure in the vein you may need to draw back slightly to get a register. I never shoot unless i see red first.
If you can't see a vein, then it must be felt. It's not hard once you learn how a vein feels under the skin. I Dont see my veins, at all. So i always feel them and shoot like that. Have not seen my veins in years. I don't do Coke, but other substances I occasionally do shoot (ket, oxy).
ok thanks for the help
do you inject into the vein right at the top of the arm at the edge or do you put needle down further into the arm
how deep do you put in the needle
1 cm. or what
If you can't see a vein, then it must be felt. It's not hard once you learn how a vein feels under the skin. I Dont see my veins, at all. So i always feel them and shoot like that. Have not seen my veins in years. I don't do Coke, but other substances I occasionally do shoot (ket, oxy).
OHHHH, I thought OP meant feel the needle enter the vein. Like I've heard people claim you can feel a slight pop.
ok thanks for the help
do you inject into the vein right at the top of the arm at the edge or do you put needle down further into the arm
how deep do you put in the needle
1 cm. or what

The easiest vein to hit is the one on the inside of your elbow. Where you arm bends. The crux.

Put the tip toward the heart always. So up.

Pull the plunger backward to draw blood to ensure you're in a vein.

do you have to feel the vein when you shoot up?

where it goes?

how do you do that?

No but I'd definitely try your best to feel around. I'd go for the obvious ones if new. The ones that are above skin.

If you have more fat on your body it's harder. Still try to feel around though. If you push down on main veins like the crux it should feel a bit softer.

And there usually is a slight change of feeling when entering the vein and personality it seemed to slide in a bit quicker / smoother when I was in a blood stream.
You just tie off your arm and find a vein. yes you will feel it when you enter the vein.
Just... don't.
Sorry I am not giving any helpful tips but maybe someone's life at some point. Hopes and rose colored glasses. ;)
Be safe, please?
My best,
Put the tip toward the heart always. So up.

thanks Madness
i dont understand do you point the needle upwards when you shoot it
do you mean you point the tip of the needle to the right (with the towards the heart)

cant you just shoot up having the arm stretched forward pointing the needle down?
maybe pointing the needle a little to the left?
I mean if the vein goes sideways, just toward the heart. Figure out which way is towards the heart. If you don't know don't guess
I mean if the vein goes sideways, just toward the heart. Figure out which way is towards the heart. If you don't know don't guess

i suppose you can just inject in a vein that goes down the arm towards the hand?
i cant find veins that go towards the heart
i think people just shoot in a vein that goes down the arm
i have never heard that you have to shoot in a vein that goes towards the heart
i suppose you can just inject in a vein that goes down the arm towards the hand?
i cant find veins that go towards the heart
i think people just shoot in a vein that goes down the arm
i have never heard that you have to shoot in a vein that goes towards the heart

All veins, in one direction or the other, go toward the heart. Otherwise how would you get blood flow.. I am not explaining this well so please check out the thread posted by @Madrus below.

Thanks @Madrus
i suppose you can just inject in a vein that goes down the arm towards the hand?
i cant find veins that go towards the heart
i think people just shoot in a vein that goes down the arm
i have never heard that you have to shoot in a vein that goes towards the heart
all veins go to your heart thats how blood is pumped through them.
See the vein at least until experimented

Bevel up

Always pull back for blood check before starting pushing

You may feel it getting in, then lower a bit the angle and move a little bit forward the needle

When pushing should taste the thing and no small bump under the skin should raise

Get decent experience on elbow crux

But ho yeah starting iv moreover with coke may get ugly very fast