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Opioids Kratom and opiates


Nov 24, 2023
Hi everyone. I need some advice from people who’s had experience. So I’ve been taking kratom for about 6 months (15-20g/day) for my back pain. I recently got prescribed hydrocodone because My pain level is at an all time high. Anyways, I had high hopes that this will help meout a lot ( I’ve had a lot of experience with opiates and have a tolerance. Usually about 40 mg would have me feeling really good). Well, now I believe the Keaton is messing with my tolerance or interacting in a negative way where I don’t feel anything. Even on 50mg, it felt like I hadn’t taken a thing. Very weird. I tried stopping the Kratom To feel the hydros effect but I started to feel worse because of the Kratom withdrawel. The hydros were barely covering my withdrawals. I know this because I was having intestinal cramps and running to the bathroom 5 times a day, which shouldnt happen when your taking that amount of hydros. I’m going through my meds like I have this insane tolerance and I havent really messed with opiates since my surgery couple years back. I can’t find much info on this online so people that have experienced this before or if you know anything I can do… please share.
Hi everyone. I need some advice from people who’s had experience. So I’ve been taking kratom for about 6 months (15-20g/day) for my back pain. I recently got prescribed hydrocodone because My pain level is at an all time high. Anyways, I had high hopes that this will help meout a lot ( I’ve had a lot of experience with opiates and have a tolerance. Usually about 40 mg would have me feeling really good). Well, now I believe the Keaton is messing with my tolerance or interacting in a negative way where I don’t feel anything. Even on 50mg, it felt like I hadn’t taken a thing. Very weird. I tried stopping the Kratom To feel the hydros effect but I started to feel worse because of the Kratom withdrawel. The hydros were barely covering my withdrawals. I know this because I was having intestinal cramps and running to the bathroom 5 times a day, which shouldnt happen when your taking that amount of hydros. I’m going through my meds like I have this insane tolerance and I havent really messed with opiates since my surgery couple years back. I can’t find much info on this online so people that have experienced this before or if you know anything I can do… please share.
The generic brand could be the problem. I've had problems with the Indian and Chinese companies for clons. Brand name is always the best quality and thats why it cost so much more. But I also don't know if the Kratom has an interaction with the opiate? What generic company of hydrocodone are you using? You can look up the company and the ingredients active chemical makup and inactives. This might help shed some light on why this generic is not working. Also there are many types of kratom?
Hi thanks for the reply, the hydro is malinkrodt and I use red Bali kratom.
Thanks for your reply. Do u suggest to keep my Kratom dosage the same and just take the hydros or do u think it might be a waste of it?
Hi thanks for the reply, the hydro is malinkrodt and I use red Bali kratom.
Red Borneo probably (ain't no Kratom on Bali afaik, just Shrooms and Bhang).

But you felt it right Kratom effect's tolerance to mainstream Opiod's.
Yea u damn right. It’s unfortunate. Got to cut down my kratom dosage for sure. Thanks for your input.
yeah I spent a pretty penny on some real oxymorphone and oxycodone pills, and was rather disappointed, because kratom ruined it

it did not seem to cause any tolerance to stronger stuff, like fentanyl or mitragynine psuedoindoxyl
Damn that mitragynine pseudoindoxyl sounds strong! I haven’t tried it, I’ve only had the 7-hydroxymitragynine tabs.
yeah I spent a pretty penny on some real oxymorphone and oxycodone pills, and was rather disappointed, because kratom ruined it

it did not seem to cause any tolerance to stronger stuff, like fentanyl or mitragynine psuedoindoxyl
@Snafu in the Void what did you feel were some of the differences between the mitragynine psuedoindoxyl tablets & the 7-hydroxymitragynine tabs?
Damn that mitragynine pseudoindoxyl sounds strong! I haven’t tried it, I’ve only had the 7-hydroxymitragynine tabs.
@Snafu in the Void what did you feel were some of the differences between the mitragynine psuedoindoxyl tablets & the 7-hydroxymitragynine tabs?

it's much, much stronger, but has problems that 7-OH doesn't. The main issue is that it causes this weird mania, and stimulation/insomnia, and has this kinda dirtiness to the high. Makes me quite nauseous for LONG periods, I have difficulty eating without vomiting. But it feels like a narcotic opioid. It is VERY strong. It's so strong I thought it was an RC opioid at first. The high also lasts 2-3x longer.
it's much, much stronger, but has problems that 7-OH doesn't. The main issue is that it causes this weird mania, and stimulation/insomnia, and has this kinda dirtiness to the high. Makes me quite nauseous for LONG periods, I have difficulty eating without vomiting. But it feels like a narcotic opioid. It is VERY strong. It's so strong I thought it was an RC opioid at first. The high also lasts 2-3x longer.
Oh wow, gracias for the info 💜
Mitragynine pseudoindoxyl is probably the drug that has, by itself, made me simultaneously so sedated and so stimulated it was almost confusing.

It makes me want to pace the house and clean everything... but if I sit down I feel overwhelmingly sedated and itchy as if I did fent or H.

It's a weird drug. In terms of strength, it blows 7-OH away.
yeah I spent a pretty penny on some real oxymorphone and oxycodone pills, and was rather disappointed, because kratom ruined it

it did not seem to cause any tolerance to stronger stuff, like fentanyl or mitragynine psuedoindoxyl
what is this all about? "mitragynine psuedoindoxyl". I recognize the first name but not the rest.
Mitragynine pseudoindoxyl is probably the drug that has, by itself, made me simultaneously so sedated and so stimulated it was almost confusing.

It makes me want to pace the house and clean everything... but if I sit down I feel overwhelmingly sedated and itchy as if I did fent or H.

It's a weird drug. In terms of strength, it blows 7-OH away.
ohh that sounds uncomfortable. Too much Kratom just leaves you feeling awful. Never been so nausiated in my life on a cpl occasions. I wanted to die after drinking an extrat I was unaware was like 4-6 doses in a tiny 5h energy size bottle.
ohh that sounds uncomfortable. Too much Kratom just leaves you feeling awful. Never been so nausiated in my life on a cpl occasions. I wanted to die after drinking an extrat I was unaware was like 4-6 doses in a tiny 5h energy size bottle.
it certainly has issues, but is cleaner than kratom

the mania starts to go away when you develop tolerance, and then the pseudoindoxyl pills become extremely addictive

it is much much closer to a hard drug than kratom
it certainly has issues, but is cleaner than kratom

the mania starts to go away when you develop tolerance, and then the pseudoindoxyl pills become extremely addictive

it is much much closer to a hard drug than kratom
Never heard of that. Is it legal at headshops or online? Excuse my ignorance…
Never heard of that. Is it legal at headshops or online? Excuse my ignorance…
You can find it online, it's legal, but probably won't be very long. It's going to make the DEA bring down the hammer on kratom... these are semi-synthetic derivatives of mitragynine. They do occur via metabolism in vivo, but only in unsubstantial amounts.