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Benzos Benzos vis a vis muscle relaxant/analgesic properties - also tolerance re the same


May 23, 2013
Sorry for all these benzo questions I’ve been bombarding y’all with but you give the best advice anywhere in the internet re drugs.

So I’ve fully kicked methadone. The cycle of tapering and ramping up to deal with my pain issues sucks but the diminishing returns just made me basically replace methadone with benzos for pain.

My pain is also muscle spasm tightness related (in response to a damaged organ and the muscles surrounding it as confirmed by my specialist PT and doctors - but also been utilizing it for minor sports related strains and injuries.

It’s very effective.

The questions

1) it is my understanding that benzos have minimal analgesic effect per se; so is it safe to assume the releif I get is from the muscle relaxant properties?

2) I know tolerance is a thing if you get into using benzos often; especially for anxiolytic purposes. I do not use them for anxiety but I am aware I could end up with rebound or withdrawal related anxiety. But the question is this: does tolerance build against the muscle relaxant properties that I beleieve are responsible for my pain releif?

I know the withdrawal of benzos is far more severe. But they seem to work better than opioids for my pain and are way less of a pain in the ass to get a script for and fill and way less stigmatized that opioids and I reach a brick wall with opioids eventually where it doesn’t work that well in the pain and I need to do constant miserable tapers to reset my tolerance.

Any advice and answers are appreciated
The answer to 1 is yes, the relief is from the relaxant properties, but you may be feeling the anxiety relief/euphoria and interpreting that as pain relief if the pain often makes you miserable (as it tends to).
The answer to 2 is yes but less so than it (tolerance) would build to anxiolysis. If the substance is in your system often, it will become the norm for your body, therefore antagonist activity is increased at those sites (resulting in withdrawal, it [activity] starts as an upward hill that levels out, and dips lower when the medication is stopped. this graph works if you imagine the "peak" point to span the length of the addiction, and the drop point spans the length of the wd.)
Edit: a word
I would venture to opine that there may be more analgesic, muscle relaxing and possibly anti inflammatory properties than others (benzodiazepines).
Some vary greatly while some not so much.
Sucks that it took a lifetime to figure this for myself. I also replaced many scrips for a bnz. Imagine that.
Takes a lot of self control and fore-sightedness. All I have to do is think about times past to reign in my wants. ha
But benzos are not usually prescribed for pain, ime. They should be with some like us (spasms/arthritis/stenosis/inflammation) as muscle relaxation is paramount for these issues.
The muscle relaxing properties of the bnz I am taking has raised tolerance very little to none tbh and as you I am not taking it for anxieties; if I dosed for that I would be sleeping most of the time or just too relaxed to do a damn thing... lol mostimes. Sometimes I need to "reset" by knocking myself out with highish dose but only like twice a year at most. It's a brain thing idk
Benzo is a beast if let run will-nilly. We know this and must respect it to use vs abuse.
What's that saying that says the difference in poison and medication is the dose...? I believe this line of thinking personally.
Hope this turns out well for you in this.
I hear CBD is a decent anti-inflammatory maybe I look into that soon.

Ed: been researching for close to three years fwiw
If your family doc is shook…..get a referral to a pain clinic. They deal with this matters exclusively

mu-opioid agonist - low to moderate dose, as needed. Oxy-IR or XR formulations of HM, Dilaudid IR, etc
benzodiazepines - low dose, as needed. Valium (Diazepam) 10mg tablets are the gold standard and Premier Anxiolytic & Muscle Relaxan, rapid acting and looong half life, various active metabolites, etc
Gabapentinoids - Pregabalin (Lyrica) 150-300mg capsules as needed, effective anxiolytic and anticonvulsant
Cannabinoids - Indica & Hybrid- 10mg oil under tongue THC & CBD proper mix Amazing anxiolytic with prominent analgesic pain killing properties
NMDA Antagonist- Ketamine (robust antidepressant properties) mood-boosting dopaminergic dissociative anesthesia
Clonidine - Potent anxiolytic & sedative
Are you currently on Benzo's?

Well besides the risk's involved with these and the reluctance to advertise them. There is one quotation that pops to mind. Flubromazepam, bit too strong for my liking one 5 mg. pill ment a longlasting knock out.
But they quote: "Flubromazepam has turned out to be a hazardous yet valuable medication for humankind since it can be utilized as a painkiller. Flubromazepam can ease that pain as it has muscle-relaxing effects."

Most Benzo's are muscle relaxant's so why its so specifically mentioned with this one in combo with painkilling aspect's?
And would the same be true for Bromazepam which is available by prescription.

Sorry for all these benzo questions I’ve been bombarding y’all with but you give the best advice anywhere in the internet re drugs.

So I’ve fully kicked methadone. The cycle of tapering and ramping up to deal with my pain issues sucks but the diminishing returns just made me basically replace methadone with benzos for pain.

My pain is also muscle spasm tightness related (in response to a damaged organ and the muscles surrounding it as confirmed by my specialist PT and doctors - but also been utilizing it for minor sports related strains and injuries.

It’s very effective.

The questions

1) it is my understanding that benzos have minimal analgesic effect per se; so is it safe to assume the releif I get is from the muscle relaxant properties?

2) I know tolerance is a thing if you get into using benzos often; especially for anxiolytic purposes. I do not use them for anxiety but I am aware I could end up with rebound or withdrawal related anxiety. But the question is this: does tolerance build against the muscle relaxant properties that I beleieve are responsible for my pain releif?

I know the withdrawal of benzos is far more severe. But they seem to work better than opioids for my pain and are way less of a pain in the ass to get a script for and fill and way less stigmatized that opioids and I reach a brick wall with opioids eventually where it doesn’t work that well in the pain and I need to do constant miserable tapers to reset my tolerance.

Any advice and answers are appreciated
I’ve been using diazepam 10mg nightly (sometimes 5mg, or 15-20mg, but not often) since 2007 for severe, very painful chronic muscle tension and spasticity throughout my back, buttocks, & neck. The pain relief is absolutely due to the muscle relaxant properties bc only diazepam provides significant relief. And yes, just like all other effects, you will develop tolerance to the muscle relaxation. I have to take breaks at least four times a year to keep my tolerance down and keep the diazepam effective.

Fortunately, I do not experience any withdrawal from diazepam, and I do go off it abruptly for my breaks. Diazepam has metabolites which stick around for quite some time so you may be able to get away with this as well. Of course it’s always safer to taper Until you know for sure.
If your family doc is shook…..get a referral to a pain clinic. They deal with this matters exclusively

mu-opioid agonist - low to moderate dose, as needed. Oxy-IR or XR formulations of HM, Dilaudid IR, etc
benzodiazepines - low dose, as needed. Valium (Diazepam) 10mg tablets are the gold standard and Premier Anxiolytic & Muscle Relaxan, rapid acting and looong half life, various active metabolites, etc
Gabapentinoids - Pregabalin (Lyrica) 150-300mg capsules as needed, effective anxiolytic and anticonvulsant
Cannabinoids - Indica & Hybrid- 10mg oil under tongue THC & CBD proper mix Amazing anxiolytic with prominent analgesic pain killing properties
NMDA Antagonist- Ketamine (robust antidepressant properties) mood-boosting dopaminergic dissociative anesthesia
Clonidine - Potent anxiolytic & sedative
I’ve tried everything for my pain. Other than diazepam, I’ve also found carisoprodol useful, though it’s been over a decade since I’ve tried it because it’s not available here in Europe. Clonazepam has a very mild muscle relaxant effect on me - generally not worth using certainly not over diazepam in my experience. Ketamine certainly works, but it’s not the most functional. Classic opiates & methadone help, but they just kind of blur the pain because they don’t treat the cause of my pain. Nothing else is remotely helpful for my pain at all. Of course, your mileage of may vary and I hope that you find more drugs therapeutic than I do.

The so-called skeletal muscle relaxants are the biggest joke, even though they should work, allegedly. They do nothing except put me to sleep for 16 hours and leave me groggy for even longer.