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Treatment Could use some advice on how to deal with akathesia?


Dec 10, 2022
Anyone know if baclofen will help? All I really have that affects gaba. I imagine more gaba would help. I already called my doctors office but I’m on day 7 of abilify and now getting akathesia. So annoying, I can’t sit still at all and not due to hyperactivity or mania I don’t think.

I had akathesia from veaykar before but forgot to tell them and they are both atypical APs I believe.

Amy idea how to deal with this while I wait a few hours for the drs?
I'm not sure about baclofen, but GABAergics do help to various degrees. A doc once gave me propranolol for it, but it didn't help much.

The real solution as I'm sure you already know is to remove/adjust the medication causing it.

Also, kratom definitely made it worse iirc
I'm not sure about baclofen, but GABAergics do help to various degrees. A doc once gave me propranolol for it, but it didn't help much.

The real solution as I'm sure you already know is to remove/adjust the medication causing it.

Also, kratom definitely made it worse iirc
Yeah. I mean it seems to come in waves and go away but I fear that’s because it’s building up in my system and it hasn’t built up all the way yet as I’ve only been taking it a week.

What do you think about ashgwanda. Only thing is think that increases dopamine

Edit: apparently some do use it to treat akathesia naturopaths. But only kind I have is a mix with Yerba mate lol idk about that
It increases serotonin, but not sure if it would help.

Are you still using that disposable nicotine?

The last time I had super bad akathisia, that was a major causative factor. The synthetic nic.
Synthetic nicotine, kratom, and risperidone together gave me akathisia so extreme I couldn't even drive a car. It was horrible.
Good to know because I ran out of subs somehow and been taking kratom again plus I been using nicotine salt lasangez I didn’t realize they were salt at first.

Should have stuck wit chew but more cancer risk I think. Tastes good tho. This synthetic dhit does the job but fuck the taste is like cloth idk.

So maybe stay off caffeine kratom and synthetic nic. And I distinctly have a provider I’m close with who didn’t write the abilify but told me to take gain moving forward. I’m transferring my care back to her or she wouldn’t have changed it. Just because nit stepping in another providers ties kinda deal

She said she wouldn’t have starter me on 10. Should have titrated.

Edit: I forgot I have l theanine I can try some of that. It’s mild comparatively but so annoying.
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Do you think CT abilify is that dangerous at 7 days in? I wouldn’t think so, but I’m not well versed with APs.

I guess it’s just I realized inforgotmto
Tell my doctor I’m allergic to vraylar and what happened is similar to what’s starting with the abilify. Idk. She cur
My dose in half but I just dunno.
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It usually gets better with time. You're only 7 days in, and you are clearly much more calm and rational than you were before taking it. You need to give any drug at least 2-3 months before making a decision on changing up your regiment. While it is true benzos can help, that's a whole other dark road you don't want to be on unless absolutely necessary.

Please, just wait 2 months so you have some period of stability.

Forget about Vraylar in your current state. It is significantly less effective (number to treat is like 12 versus 4 for abilify). It may work for you, but now is not the time to go there.
Baclofen is almost the same effect on me like music enhancement sexual desire is higher than usual like GHB but when I hit dose of brand name Lioresal I took 40 +20+40nin span of couple hours and yah..

But it is the onl one with very fast rebound and the whole nervous system cracks up maybe it's pottasium or b-vit but I get like instant rash from it in abstinence so I took them next time with diazepam 30mg and was out for 14hrs slept so.

baclofen is for spasms and such RLS or akathisia are instantly cured couple times with tramadol as:

You go on drugs.com write tramadol or look pregabalin is the best fme. so try with lower dosages first
It usually gets better with time. You're only 7 days in, and you are clearly much more calm and rational than you were before taking it. You need to give any drug at least 2-3 months before making a decision on changing up your regiment. While it is true benzos can help, that's a whole other dark road you don't want to be on unless absolutely necessary.

Please, just wait 2 months so you have some period of stability.

Forget about Vraylar in your current state. It is significantly less effective (number to treat is like 12 versus 4 for abilify). It may work for you, but now is not the time to go there.
I will never take vraylar again, well highly unlikely, made me umm I guess maybe it made me manic idk. Just was extremely agressive inside my head if that makes sense. And it was starting to overflow onto others at the treatment center a little . I have a very low tolerance for fake people and so many were there trying to play gangster kinda lost it here and there with vraylar in my system.

I’m not that guy normally. So yeah nah vraylar is always off the table. I’m just not willing to risk becoming that dude again. It’s not me.

I have stuck with the 5mg abikify (Down from 10mg) akathesia was getting bad and been having bouts of kinda severe irritability. As in the reaction I know is extremely unequal to the situation. Overboard.

That is not like me. Really think it may be just too high a dose on my T coupled with quitting nicotine. Maybe I’ll hold off on the nicotine a bit.

Yeah I’m staying on it at least for the foreseeable future. I can see I was and well let’s be honest here am still slightly manic I think.

But nothing too risky other than bouts of ummm I guess rage. Very seldom. But not good. I really think they need to lower it. I’m 200 past the max T level. But they say it’s not that much past lol. Bro…200 is a huge difference imo. It’s 1098

They are going to run labs again next week.

Anyway, in regards to the abilify. I did decide to not CT it and trial the lower dose. I just don’t have alot of patience for guessing and checking with psych meds. Hate the process…

You really feel like I’m calmer? I did think so last week but idk anymore to be honest I have had my moments. And to be honest, I’m not that guy man, but I can’t tell you how many times I was thinking if I had my weapon on me I’d put one in them driving down the road just because someone cut me off. I mean wtf…and I’m really sitting there wishing I had it on me.

there’s been other incidences too but nothing ever came of them. It’s just in that moment I get scared after it passes like wtf was I thinking type shit…probably Norma.
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I'm convinced Seroquel made me more aggressive in a weird way. But, I also have a long history of taking drugs that cause mania. Sometimes it's hard to tell what you've been on and what you haven't. Literally, from 2011-2022, I took illicit performance enhancing drugs every single summer to some degree. The past 14 months have been the first since 2010 where I have been free of illicit drugs. It's been only 18 months since I didn't do any steroids, meth, cocaine or I guess ecstasy.

I'm still taking Seroquel and carbamazepine like I said. But I think in my case, it really took this time to stabilize. I can't explain it. Drugs helped in the past, but my refusal to stay clean I think really made it difficult to determine what worked and what did not.

Maybe you just really need to focus on being clean like I did. I feel better and better every day, and have much more insight into how crazy I was for so long. I think stimulants and androgen/steroids affect the manic side of the brain in a way that is lasting and drugs don't fully heal.
I'm convinced Seroquel made me more aggressive in a weird way. But, I also have a long history of taking drugs that cause mania. Sometimes it's hard to tell what you've been on and what you haven't. Literally, from 2011-2022, I took illicit performance enhancing drugs every single summer to some degree. The past 14 months have been the first since 2010 where I have been free of illicit drugs. It's been only 18 months since I didn't do any steroids, meth, cocaine or I guess ecstasy.

I'm still taking Seroquel and carbamazepine like I said. But I think in my case, it really took this time to stabilize. I can't explain it. Drugs helped in the past, but my refusal to stay clean I think really made it difficult to determine what worked and what did not.

Maybe you just really need to focus on being clean like I did. I feel better and better every day, and have much more insight into how crazy I was for so long. I think stimulants and androgen/steroids affect the manic side of the brain in a way that is lasting and drugs don't fully heal.
Yeah I feel like I’m always going to be manic and I now see the negatives of that: irritability/rage

But I need testosterone to live. I don’t produce enough anymore. And not like those guys that are borderline and no symptoms. Well you know I have true low T and not enough at is problematic for depression and anxiety and cognitive functions.

But yeah I am in the supratherapeitic range of T now and I guess greater than 1000 is where it’s starts being more anabolic what that means

I want them to lower it but they want to do one more test to confirm it’s a stable result
But yeah I am in the supratherapeitic range of T now and I guess greater than 1000 is where it’s starts being more anabolic what that means
Bro, you can't do that in your condition. Duh, this is why you're manic. Most tests don't even return a value above 1,000, so we have no idea what the actual value is. And we don't even really know what you're taking. I think back to my gear usage, and who knows what I was injecting.

You need to be stable. Nothing else matters, believe me. And using ANY drug not prescribed by a doctor while manic is just nuts.

At this point, I highly recommend NA/AA. You're going to seriously fuck your life up, believe me.
But I need testosterone to live.
And this is a psychological problem you can only really address with regular therapy in something like Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous.

You've been acting like a loon for weeks, all because you hold this delusion. You of course absolutely do not need testosterone to live, especially when it is making you manic. You're choosing mania because of an error in your thought process.
I would drink milk in the hospital when it happened on haldol. And that was like everynight before bed. So then I started taking ambien just to bypass it and go to sleep. Worked most nights. But that's a slippery slope to go down sleeping meds.

I think fats in your bloodstream help a little bit. Like maybe an avocado. or cheese.
but I think abilify is one of the worst ones for akisthisia.
Yeah. I mean it seems to come in waves and go away but I fear that’s because it’s building up in my system and it hasn’t built up all the way yet as I’ve only been taking it a week.

What do you think about ashgwanda. Only thing is think that increases dopamine

Edit: apparently some do use it to treat akathesia naturopaths. But only kind I have is a mix with Yerba mate lol idk about that
Baclofen is good for muscle spasms.

I never found it sedating at all.

It causes central sleep apnea in certain people, which is the horrible disconnect between breathing when you transition from wake to sleep.

I got it from baclofen. Thankfully it disappeared when I got off. Baclofen.

If you don't need baclofen for an actual on label use, I would stay away from it.