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Tramadol vs Oxycodone

I am hyper-responder to tramadol, and it has two benefits compared to oxy
-Longer duration
-SNRI activity, if that's what you like

But the ultimate peak of oxy is just so much more complete bliss compared to tramadol even if I could reach same nod with tramadol, which I can achieve easily with tramadol too if I have low tolerance. Oxy has much more confident superhuman cognitive and physical euphoria.
Oxycodone is a clean orally available superiour painkiller at 3 x 5 mg.

Tramadol is a dirty chemical mixmag of effects, with some painrelief but mostly feeling weird. The fact it lower's the seizure treshhold ( thanks for correcting my morning mistake Pissed_and_messed )
is a definit negative side effect. Aswell as its interaction with Serotonergic's.
0-DSMT in that regard is a bit better.

Keep to prescribed dosages and Oxycodone is what I would want. No naussea, sedation and such. Just pain relief.
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Tramadol vs Oxycodone. Discuss.
Nothing to discuss really, aside from trams being bastardized frankenstein opioids that feel more like an SSRI and is totally worthless from a certain dose on due to the seizure risk. No idea why doctors in the US like to prescribe that Untermensch of an opioid...
tram is lighter at same dosage, my biggest single dose of tram was 500mg, was pretty high but no nausea, no vomit whereas with half that dose of oxy I ended up with strong opioid nausea and vomited my soul, I dare not imagine what consequences you get by taking 500mg of oxy but some people (maybe many) would, almost or surely, overdose.

Oxy has a little more euphoric effects, somewhat similar to mdma, but it's overall heavier during and especially after taking it, you know that heavy sleepy arms effect hero gives? Oxy gives it so much more it's unpleasant, so I like some aspects of tram and some of oxy, wouldn't be able to choose one, oxy if you wanna get much higher.
I don't like tramadol but there seems to be a minority of people who really get a kick out of it. IME this tends to be people who haven't used stronger opiates and don't have a tolerance.
But yeah, tramadol for me personally, is shit. Makes be feel spaced out and has never given me any euphoria. Used to be ok for helping withdrawal from stronger opiates but getting hooked on tramadol is a bad idea cos of the serotonin activity, so you have to come off an opioid and antidepressant at the same time.
I used to be on prozac, then paxil, then zoloft over a ten-year period so maybe that's why I respond well to tramadol.
Maybe tramadol vs kratom would be an interesting comparison, both being atypical and dirty, milder opioids.
Yeah kind of. I liked kratom a lot more than tramadol, but they are similar in their their extra activity other than being opiate agonists.
Tramadol is only good when you get 100s of them and munch em like candy. But in that regard, to just catch a buzz and get some pain relief, they're fine and a hell of a lot more affordable than oxys.
Tramadol is only good when you get 100s of them and munch em like candy. But in that regard, to just catch a buzz and get some pain relief, they're fine and a hell of a lot more affordable than oxys.
Disclaimer though, just in case anyone hasn't heard it - tramadol can cause seizures in high doses.
Google sez: one 3-year study on tramadol and seizures found that seizures occurred in the first 24 to 48 hours in subjects taking 500 to 700 mg of tramadol daily.

It's dodgy to take trammies combined with a lot of other drugs too, especially ones that effect serotonin, like SSRIs, MDMA and some psychiatric medication. Also in benzo withdrawal as your seizure threshold is already lower.
Disclaimer though, just in case anyone hasn't heard it - tramadol can cause seizures in high doses.
Google sez: one 3-year study on tramadol and seizures found that seizures occurred in the first 24 to 48 hours in subjects taking 500 to 700 mg of tramadol daily.

It's dodgy to take trammies combined with a lot of other drugs too, especially ones that effect serotonin, like SSRIs, MDMA and some psychiatric medication. Also in benzo withdrawal as your seizure threshold is already lower.
Very true