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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

⫸STICKY⫷ International Harm Reduction Services Thread - Drug Checking/Test Kit/Needle Exchange/Safe Consumption Services


Staff member
Sep 7, 2020
This list is a work in progress compiling organizations offering free/low-cost harm-reduction services such as drug checking, naloxone kits, needle exchange programs, fentanyl strips, reagent test kits, and safe consumption sites. Please help us expand the list by replying with resources and information for organizations and services you know of. Sharing any experiences you have with listed services/organizations and response times, costs, benefits/concerns, etc. that you experienced would also be appreciated.

Bluelight Resource List - Contains resources for helplines, DBT, general harm reduction, recovery, and tripsitting.

deficiT's US Needle Exchange & Harm Reduction Resources Master List - Great list by @deficiT compiling needle exchanges, HR orgs, and laws for each state.
National Community-Based Naloxone Finder - Community organizations offering FREE Naloxone.
NASEN Syringe Service Provider Map - Find a needle exchange program near you.
NEXT Distro National Harm Reduction Supplies Mail Program - Ships harm reduction supplies to those in participating states. By application for those in other states and far from HR centers.
USA National Naloxone Map - Find a pharmacy near you selling naloxone kits. Backup for those who do not have access to free community naloxone programs.
Mass. Overdose Prevention Hotline - 24/7 overdose prevention/virtual spotting hotline run by the state of Massachusetts, for all North Americans!!!
Never Use Alone - 24/7 overdose prevention hotline run by a non-profit. USA-only. 877-696-1996


GetYourDrugsTested.com - Free Canada-wide mail-in drug checking (more info below)
Contact [email protected] for mailing address
Where to get free naloxone kits in your province/territory

British Columbia:

Get Your Drugs Tested - Vancouver
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syringes, Naloxone, Fentanyl Strips, Snacks, Tampons/Pads, First-Aid, etc.), Training, & Snacks
880 East Hastings St, Vancouver (Contact [email protected] for mailing address)
Test Results Database
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Result latency varies based on postal speed. They usually give percentages of each substance in a sample, including pill filler/sugar/other inactive cuts. Can test samples in the form of powder, pills, and blotters. Liquid testing only for GHB/GBL. All results are posted online anonymously.
Vancouver Coastal Health - Vancouver & Surrounding Area
FREE Drug Checking, Fentanyl Test Strips, Needle Exchange, Supervised Consumption Sites
Drug Checking Locations
Needle Exchange Locations
Supervised Consumption Sites
Toward The Heart - Province-Wide
Location Finder for Free Naloxone Kits, Needles/Injection Supplies, Safe Sex & Drug Use Supplies, & Overdose Prevention/Safe Consumption Sites

OHRDP Safe Consumption Site/Needle Exchange/CTS/Supplies Map - Province-Wide
Naloxone Kit Location Finder - Province-Wide
Free Naloxone kits at hundreds of pharmacies, harm reduction/safe injection sites, and other locations throughout the province.
NOTES: No prescription or OHIP card required. Most but not all pharmacies carry naloxone kits. Community organizations generally seem to have naloxone kits with much further out expiry dates than pharmacies.
Toronto Drug Checking Service - Toronto
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syrings, Naloxone Kits, Masks, etc.) & Supervised Consumption @ 5 Locations
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Results generally take 3-4 business days but may take 2-5. Sometimes mix up samples when giving multiple. Can test powder, blotters, crushed pills, and paraphernalia. Lysergamides tested via reagent, cannot GC/LC-MS test liquids (possible exception for GHB?). %s not usually provided other than for Cocaine. Must call/visit in-person to obtain results.
Drogen Arbeit Z6 - Innsbruck
FREE drug-checking service. Mondays 4-7pm walk-in, other days by appointment. Dreiheiligenstraße 9, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. Phone: +43 699 13143316.
CheckIt! - Vienna
FREE drug checking at HQ and specific pharmacies. They also offer free online/telephone legal, personal, and health advice on anything related to substance use.
TechnoPlus - Various Locations
List of free drug checking services throughout France. The site also contains various resources related to France-specific drug laws and harm reduction.

DrugLab.Fr - Remote Drug Checking
Remote drug checking service in France.

Drugs-test.nl - Various Locations
Various locations throughout the country offering free/very low-cost drug checking.
NOTES: Do not bring more than 3 samples or have more than 1 pill/sample, 1 gram of powder, or 10mL of liquid on your person. May only allow 1 sample per person. Recreational drugs and research chemicals in the form of powder and whole pills (no halves/quarters/broken pills) can be tested. Medical substances, steroids, smartshop products, weed/hash/shrooms/truffles, and drug precursors cannot be tested.
DIBS - Basel, Nuite Blanch - Geneva, SaferParty - Zurich
FREE drug checking, with mandatory phone registration. Usually requires an anonymous 10-30 minute counseling discussion to provide you with proper harm-reduction information regarding the substances you are consuming. A few other services in other Swiss cities appear to have been discontinued as of February 2022.
FREE syringe exchange, work programs, outpatient treatment, and therapy/counseling for current and past substance users.
Wedinos - Nation-Wide (Based in Wales)
FREE mail-in drug checking, appears to be available to at anyone in the UK.
Printable Sample & Effect Record
Pick-Up Sample & Effects Package
NOTES: Excellent service, small university-based lab. Quantifies drug presence as a major or minor portion of the sample rather than %s. Unsure if samples from outside the UK are accepted.

International Reagent Test Kit Vendors:
Please note that we receive no financial kickback from any of these affiliates (or any project on this list).
PRO Test - EU -> WW
PRO Test is a pioneer in the reagent testing space. They are extremely well-known and reputable, and their app contains test results for over 800 substances. They do not ship to Russia or Belarus due to the current conflict. They direct UK customers to their British partner organization Reagent Tests UK, and will only ship kits to the UK that RT UK does not offer.

PRO Test offers single-use and multi use reagent test kits and TLC test kits. They uniquely offer a cannabis test kit. They also sell the Zimmerman reagent for benzodiazepenes, which very few other vendors carry. They notably do not sell the Mandelin test kit. As of January 2024, they also sell Marquis, Mecke, Liebermann, Froehde, Morris, Robadope, Simon's, Ehrlich, and Hoffman reagents.

Their Separation Packages (TLC tests) use UV light in order to detect multiple substances within a sample, solving one of the biggest limitations of at-home drug checking (reagent kits not being able to accurately detect multiple substances within a sample in some cases) TLC tests are also able to detect the purity and % makeup of a substance.

We are excited to announce our recent partnership with PRO Test.
For every full reagent test kit (or 10 single reagents) that people buy using the BLUELIGHT code, PRO Test will give us a free kit to give away to members!
So when you buy kits from PRO Test, you aren't just ensuring that you use safely. You're also ensuring that members who cannot afford test kits will also be able to test their drugs and stay safe.

Make sure to use code BLUELIGHT for 10% OFF, AND to help us give away FREE test kits!

DanceSafe - USA -> WW
DanceSafe is an extremely reputable North American harm reduction organization selling reagent test kits and fentanyl test strips (Free shipping for the latter).

Available reagents as of January 2024 include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Folin, Simon, Froehde, Morris, and Liebermann. They also offer fentanyl test strips and amphetamine test strips. They notably do not offer the Hoffman reagent

Select products are available at certain retailers throughout North America. Educational posters, drug info cards, and other products are also available. Proceeds for most merchandise (clothing, blotter art, etc.) on the DanceSafe online store goes towards supporting DanceSafe's harm reduction and education missions.

Bunk Police - USA -> WW
Bunk Police advertises itself as "the first substance test kit company in the United States" and has been in the space since 2011. They have built up a reputation as a reliable vendor that is constantly pioneering new technologies like TLC tests.

Their Separation Packages (TLC tests) use UV light in order to detect multiple substances within a sample, solving one of the biggest limitations of at-home drug checking (reagent kits not being able to accurately detect multiple substances within a sample in some cases) TLC tests are also able to detect the purity and % makeup of a substance.

As of January 2024, they offer Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin, Liebermann, Froehde, Simon's, Morris, Ehrlich, and Hoffman reagents as well as fentanyl test strips and TLC test kits.

Make sure to use code BLUELIGHT for 10% OFF!

TestKitPlus - Canada -> dozens of countries WW (Country List)
Another well-known, reputable test kit vendor selling fentanyl test strips and various reagents. As of January 2022, these include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Hoffman, 'GHB test kit', 'Benzo test kit', Liebermann, Froehde, Folin, and Simon reagents. Cocaine purity test kits, cocaine cutting agent test kits, MDMA purity test kits, and heroin purity test kits are also available. Some products are available at select local Canadian retailers.

International Paid Drug Checking:
Energy Control - Worldwide (Based in Spain)
Reputable NGO subsidiary offering drug checking services ranging from listing present substances for €60 to a full report with % presence of each substance in a sample for €120.
NOTE: purity and percentage results have been found to vary wildly for the same samples and be wildly inaccurate. It is also rumoured that EC does not have any trained chemists on staff. Depending on where you live, there may be better options out there.
DrugsData- Worldwide (Based in California, USA)
Erowid center subsidiary offering drug checking for $100 USD ($150 for pharmaceutical tablets/capsules).

Disclaimer: Bluelight.org does not necessarily condone or condemn any of the organizations listed above. This list is intended to spread awareness of the services available for harm reduction and education purposes.
Last edited:
This list is a work in progress compiling organizations offering free/low-cost harm-reduction services such as drug checking, naloxone kits, needle exchange programs, fentanyl strips, reagent test kits, and safe consumption sites. Please help us expand the list by replying with resources and information for organizations and services you know of. Sharing any experiences you have with listed services/organizations and response times, costs, benefits/concerns, etc. that you experienced would also be appreciated.

deficiT's US Needle Exchange & Harm Reduction Resources Master List - Great list by @deficiT compiling needle exchanges, HR orgs, and laws for each state.
National Community-Based Naloxone Finder - Community organizations offering FREE Naloxone.
NASEN Syringe Service Provider Map - Find a needle exchange program near you.
NEXT Distro National Harm Reduction Supplies Mail Program - Ships harm reduction supplies to those in participating states. By application for those in other states and far from HR centers.
USA National Naloxone Map - Find a pharmacy near you selling naloxone kits. Backup for those who do not have access to free community naloxone programs.


GetYourDrugsTested.com - Free Canada-wide mail-in drug checking (more info below)
Contact [email protected] for mailing address
Where to get free naloxone kits in your province/territory

British Columbia:

Get Your Drugs Tested - Vancouver
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syringes, Naloxone, Fentanyl Strips, Snacks, Tampons/Pads, First-Aid, etc.), Training, & Snacks
880 East Hastings St, Vancouver (Contact [email protected] for mailing address)
Test Results Database
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Result latency varies based on postal speed. They usually give percentages of each substance in a sample, including pill filler/sugar/other inactive cuts. Can test samples in the form of powder, pills, and blotters. Liquid testing only for GHB/GBL. All results are posted online anonymously.
Vancouver Coastal Health - Vancouver & Surrounding Area
FREE Drug Checking, Fentanyl Test Strips, Needle Exchange, Supervised Consumption Sites
Drug Checking Locations
Needle Exchange Locations
Supervised Consumption Sites
Toward The Heart - Province-Wide
Location Finder for Free Naloxone Kits, Needles/Injection Supplies, Safe Sex & Drug Use Supplies, & Overdose Prevention/Safe Consumption Sites

OHRDP Safe Consumption Site/Needle Exchange/CTS/Supplies Map - Province-Wide
Naloxone Kit Location Finder - Province-Wide
Free Naloxone kits at hundreds of pharmacies, harm reduction/safe injection sites, and other locations throughout the province.
NOTES: No prescription or OHIP card required. Most but not all pharmacies carry naloxone kits. Community organizations generally seem to have naloxone kits with much further out expiry dates than pharmacies.
Toronto Drug Checking Service - Toronto
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syrings, Naloxone Kits, Masks, etc.) & Supervised Consumption @ 5 Locations
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Results generally take 3-4 business days but may take 2-5. Sometimes mix up samples when giving multiple. Can test powder, blotters, crushed pills, and paraphernalia. Lysergamides tested via reagent, cannot GC/LC-MS test liquids (possible exception for GHB?). %s not usually provided other than for Cocaine. Must call/visit in-person to obtain results.
Drogen Arbeit Z6 - Innsbruck
FREE drug-checking service. Mondays 4-7pm walk-in, other days by appointment. Dreiheiligenstraße 9, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. Phone: +43 699 13143316.
CheckIt! - Vienna
FREE drug checking at HQ and specific pharmacies. They also offer free online/telephone legal, personal, and health advice on anything related to substance use.
Drugs-test.nl - Various Locations
Various locations throughout the country offering free/very low-cost drug checking.
NOTES: Do not bring more than 3 samples or have more than 1 pill/sample, 1 gram of powder, or 10mL of liquid on your person. May only allow 1 sample per person. Recreational drugs and research chemicals in the form of powder and whole pills (no halves/quarters/broken pills) can be tested. Medical substances, steroids, smartshop products, weed/hash/shrooms/truffles, and drug precursors cannot be tested.
DIBS - Basel, Nuite Blanch - Geneva, SaferParty - Zurich
FREE drug checking, with mandatory phone registration. Usually requires an anonymous 10-30 minute counseling discussion to provide you with proper harm-reduction information regarding the substances you are consuming. A few other services in other Swiss cities appear to have been discontinued as of February 2022.
FREE syringe exchange, work programs, outpatient treatment, and therapy/counseling for current and past substance users.
Wedinos - Nation-Wide (Based in Wales)
FREE mail-in drug checking, appears to be available to at anyone in the UK.
Printable Sample & Effect Record
Pick-Up Sample & Effects Package
NOTES: Excellent service, small university-based lab. Quantifies drug presence as a major or minor portion of the sample rather than %s. Unsure if samples from outside the UK are accepted.

International Reagent Test Kit Vendors:
DanceSafe - USA -> WW
North American non-profit harm reduction organization selling reagent test kits and fentanyl test strips (Free shipping for the latter).
Available reagents as of January 2022 include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Folin, Simon, Froehde, Morris, and Liebermann. Select products are available at certain retailers throughout North America. Educational posters, drug info cards, and other products are also available. Proceeds for most merchandise (clothing, blotter art, etc.) on the DanceSafe online store goes towards supporting DanceSafe's harm reduction and education missions.
TestKitPlus - Canada -> dozens of countries WW (Country List)
Another well-known, reputable test kit vendor selling fentanyl test strips and various reagents. As of January 2022, these include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Hoffman, 'GHB test kit', 'Benzo test kit', Liebermann, Froehde, Folin, and Simon reagents. Cocaine purity test kits, cocaine cutting agent test kits, MDMA purity test kits, and heroin purity test kits are also available. Some products are available at select local Canadian retailers.

International Paid Drug Checking:
Energy Control - Worldwide (Based in Spain)
Reputable NGO subsidiary offering drug checking services ranging from listing present substances for €60 to a full report with % presence of each substance in a sample for €120.
NOTE: % accuracy has been disputed for LSD crystal samples.
DrugsData- Worldwide (Based in California, USA)
Erowid center subsidiary offering drug checking for $100 USD ($150 for pharmaceutical tablets/capsules).

Disclaimer: Bluelight.org does not necessarily endorse or condemn any of the organizations listed above. This list is intended to spread awareness of the services available for harm reduction and education purposes.
Awesome stuff ar. We should definitely add this in to one of the BDD directories, so it sticks around forever. As long as the BDD mods @falsifiedhypothesi @Keif' Richards and @negrogesic are cool with it.

Let's definitely work on expanding it, but this is a great start.
Haven't heard anything back from a mod. And I'm not sure exactly which directory this would be best in.

There might be a better place for this thread: like H&R or in the Recovery Support Directory (ding ding ding, I'll probably put it there as well)

For now, I'm just going to stick this thread until I get yelled at or admonished by one of the mods here.
In France, you can add Not For Human: https://notforhuman.org/

This harm reduction association specializes in new synthetic products (RC). Recently, it has also been able to analyze and quantify street drugs (2C-B, LSD, 3-MMC, amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, ketamine, levamisole, phenacetin, caffeine, soon DMT and methamphetamine).

Free, anonymous drug checking. Simply contact the association by e-mail, answer a few questions (context of use, etc.) and send the sample by post.
This list is a work in progress compiling organizations offering free/low-cost harm-reduction services such as drug checking, naloxone kits, needle exchange programs, fentanyl strips, reagent test kits, and safe consumption sites. Please help us expand the list by replying with resources and information for organizations and services you know of. Sharing any experiences you have with listed services/organizations and response times, costs, benefits/concerns, etc. that you experienced would also be appreciated.

deficiT's US Needle Exchange & Harm Reduction Resources Master List - Great list by @deficiT compiling needle exchanges, HR orgs, and laws for each state.
National Community-Based Naloxone Finder - Community organizations offering FREE Naloxone.
NASEN Syringe Service Provider Map - Find a needle exchange program near you.
NEXT Distro National Harm Reduction Supplies Mail Program - Ships harm reduction supplies to those in participating states. By application for those in other states and far from HR centers.
USA National Naloxone Map - Find a pharmacy near you selling naloxone kits. Backup for those who do not have access to free community naloxone programs.


GetYourDrugsTested.com - Free Canada-wide mail-in drug checking (more info below)
Contact [email protected] for mailing address
Where to get free naloxone kits in your province/territory

British Columbia:

Get Your Drugs Tested - Vancouver
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syringes, Naloxone, Fentanyl Strips, Snacks, Tampons/Pads, First-Aid, etc.), Training, & Snacks
880 East Hastings St, Vancouver (Contact [email protected] for mailing address)
Test Results Database
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Result latency varies based on postal speed. They usually give percentages of each substance in a sample, including pill filler/sugar/other inactive cuts. Can test samples in the form of powder, pills, and blotters. Liquid testing only for GHB/GBL. All results are posted online anonymously.
Vancouver Coastal Health - Vancouver & Surrounding Area
FREE Drug Checking, Fentanyl Test Strips, Needle Exchange, Supervised Consumption Sites
Drug Checking Locations
Needle Exchange Locations
Supervised Consumption Sites
Toward The Heart - Province-Wide
Location Finder for Free Naloxone Kits, Needles/Injection Supplies, Safe Sex & Drug Use Supplies, & Overdose Prevention/Safe Consumption Sites

OHRDP Safe Consumption Site/Needle Exchange/CTS/Supplies Map - Province-Wide
Naloxone Kit Location Finder - Province-Wide
Free Naloxone kits at hundreds of pharmacies, harm reduction/safe injection sites, and other locations throughout the province.
NOTES: No prescription or OHIP card required. Most but not all pharmacies carry naloxone kits. Community organizations generally seem to have naloxone kits with much further out expiry dates than pharmacies.
Toronto Drug Checking Service - Toronto
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syrings, Naloxone Kits, Masks, etc.) & Supervised Consumption @ 5 Locations
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Results generally take 3-4 business days but may take 2-5. Sometimes mix up samples when giving multiple. Can test powder, blotters, crushed pills, and paraphernalia. Lysergamides tested via reagent, cannot GC/LC-MS test liquids (possible exception for GHB?). %s not usually provided other than for Cocaine. Must call/visit in-person to obtain results.
Drogen Arbeit Z6 - Innsbruck
FREE drug-checking service. Mondays 4-7pm walk-in, other days by appointment. Dreiheiligenstraße 9, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. Phone: +43 699 13143316.
CheckIt! - Vienna
FREE drug checking at HQ and specific pharmacies. They also offer free online/telephone legal, personal, and health advice on anything related to substance use.
Drugs-test.nl - Various Locations
Various locations throughout the country offering free/very low-cost drug checking.
NOTES: Do not bring more than 3 samples or have more than 1 pill/sample, 1 gram of powder, or 10mL of liquid on your person. May only allow 1 sample per person. Recreational drugs and research chemicals in the form of powder and whole pills (no halves/quarters/broken pills) can be tested. Medical substances, steroids, smartshop products, weed/hash/shrooms/truffles, and drug precursors cannot be tested.
DIBS - Basel, Nuite Blanch - Geneva, SaferParty - Zurich
FREE drug checking, with mandatory phone registration. Usually requires an anonymous 10-30 minute counseling discussion to provide you with proper harm-reduction information regarding the substances you are consuming. A few other services in other Swiss cities appear to have been discontinued as of February 2022.
FREE syringe exchange, work programs, outpatient treatment, and therapy/counseling for current and past substance users.
Wedinos - Nation-Wide (Based in Wales)
FREE mail-in drug checking, appears to be available to at anyone in the UK.
Printable Sample & Effect Record
Pick-Up Sample & Effects Package
NOTES: Excellent service, small university-based lab. Quantifies drug presence as a major or minor portion of the sample rather than %s. Unsure if samples from outside the UK are accepted.

International Reagent Test Kit Vendors:
DanceSafe - USA -> WW
North American harm reduction organization selling reagent test kits and fentanyl test strips (Free shipping for the latter).
Available reagents as of January 2022 include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Folin, Simon, Froehde, Morris, and Liebermann. Select products are available at certain retailers throughout North America. Educational posters, drug info cards, and other products are also available. Proceeds for most merchandise (clothing, blotter art, etc.) on the DanceSafe online store goes towards supporting DanceSafe's harm reduction and education missions.
TestKitPlus - Canada -> dozens of countries WW (Country List)
Another well-known, reputable test kit vendor selling fentanyl test strips and various reagents. As of January 2022, these include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Hoffman, 'GHB test kit', 'Benzo test kit', Liebermann, Froehde, Folin, and Simon reagents. Cocaine purity test kits, cocaine cutting agent test kits, MDMA purity test kits, and heroin purity test kits are also available. Some products are available at select local Canadian retailers.

International Paid Drug Checking:
Energy Control - Worldwide (Based in Spain)
Reputable NGO subsidiary offering drug checking services ranging from listing present substances for €60 to a full report with % presence of each substance in a sample for €120.
NOTE: % accuracy has been disputed for LSD crystal samples.
DrugsData- Worldwide (Based in California, USA)
Erowid center subsidiary offering drug checking for $100 USD ($150 for pharmaceutical tablets/capsules).

Disclaimer: Bluelight.org does not necessarily endorse or condemn any of the organizations listed above. This list is intended to spread awareness of the services available for harm reduction and education purposes.
if youre from New York City specifically Manhattan near the lower side and are shooting and homeless and under the age of 25 there's a day homeless youth that gives free narcan and 25 syringes whenever you need them
also testing kids and clean razors and straws for snorting
if anybody needs bc I dead just give them out to other homeless people bc I dont shoot
I can't say where it is here for the safety of the other homeless kids
but if youre interested PM me those free narcans not only saved my life but I used it to revive 64 people on the streets
god bless narcan fr
I just did a quick search on "xylazine" here on Bluelight and not much came out. Is there any information about resources specifically rapid test strips? I know most states are working on decriminalizing and I believe New York is already distributing. Is it not as big of a deal as the DEA data seems to suggest?
Guys please help me I’m so tired of poking my self literally 15-30 times before I can hit and half the time I just literally can’t do it. I can insert the needle drawing back the whole time and get no blood. Every single time without fail as I’m pulling the needle out blood pours into the syringe. What am I doing wrong. I get I could be going to far but how am I supposed to know if nothing will register in the syringe until I’m pulling out. Please someone help
Go in at a 25 degree angle . I used to have a hot bath and drink lots of fluids. If it's not pulling any in until you pull out you're prob going through the vein.Pull out slowly and when you see blood come back stop there pull back to make sure and slowly inject. When i first tried it i couldn't either, sadly now i can go like a nurse. Plugging is almost the exact same buzz and much safer
Go in at a 25 degree angle . I used to have a hot bath and drink lots of fluids. If it's not pulling any in until you pull out you're prob going through the vein.Pull out slowly and when you see blood come back stop there pull back to make sure and slowly inject. When i first tried it i couldn't either, sadly now i can go like a nurse. Plugging is almost the exact same buzz and much safer
Yeah but the problem is once I do pull out and I do the the blood come back in I’ve already gone all the way through so it starts to hurt because there’s now a hole in the vein and my substance is leaking out. Luckily I’ve gotten better at now at least
Mass Overdose Spotting Service

The Massachusetts Overdose Prevention Hotline (800-972-0590), funded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, is a 24/7 virtual spotting service using a combination of paid staff and volunteer operators. In 2023 they supervised over 1,200 use events and detected nine overdoses; 99% of their calls ended without activation of the safety plan. The hotline is available to anyone in North America, and all operators have lived or living experience with substance use, overdose, chronic pain or family connection.

This list is a work in progress compiling organizations offering free/low-cost harm-reduction services such as drug checking, naloxone kits, needle exchange programs, fentanyl strips, reagent test kits, and safe consumption sites. Please help us expand the list by replying with resources and information for organizations and services you know of. Sharing any experiences you have with listed services/organizations and response times, costs, benefits/concerns, etc. that you experienced would also be appreciated.

deficiT's US Needle Exchange & Harm Reduction Resources Master List - Great list by @deficiT compiling needle exchanges, HR orgs, and laws for each state.
National Community-Based Naloxone Finder - Community organizations offering FREE Naloxone.
NASEN Syringe Service Provider Map - Find a needle exchange program near you.
NEXT Distro National Harm Reduction Supplies Mail Program - Ships harm reduction supplies to those in participating states. By application for those in other states and far from HR centers.
USA National Naloxone Map - Find a pharmacy near you selling naloxone kits. Backup for those who do not have access to free community naloxone programs.


GetYourDrugsTested.com - Free Canada-wide mail-in drug checking (more info below)
Contact [email protected] for mailing address
Where to get free naloxone kits in your province/territory

British Columbia:

Get Your Drugs Tested - Vancouver
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syringes, Naloxone, Fentanyl Strips, Snacks, Tampons/Pads, First-Aid, etc.), Training, & Snacks
880 East Hastings St, Vancouver (Contact [email protected] for mailing address)
Test Results Database
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Result latency varies based on postal speed. They usually give percentages of each substance in a sample, including pill filler/sugar/other inactive cuts. Can test samples in the form of powder, pills, and blotters. Liquid testing only for GHB/GBL. All results are posted online anonymously.
Vancouver Coastal Health - Vancouver & Surrounding Area
FREE Drug Checking, Fentanyl Test Strips, Needle Exchange, Supervised Consumption Sites
Drug Checking Locations
Needle Exchange Locations
Supervised Consumption Sites
Toward The Heart - Province-Wide
Location Finder for Free Naloxone Kits, Needles/Injection Supplies, Safe Sex & Drug Use Supplies, & Overdose Prevention/Safe Consumption Sites

OHRDP Safe Consumption Site/Needle Exchange/CTS/Supplies Map - Province-Wide
Naloxone Kit Location Finder - Province-Wide
Free Naloxone kits at hundreds of pharmacies, harm reduction/safe injection sites, and other locations throughout the province.
NOTES: No prescription or OHIP card required. Most but not all pharmacies carry naloxone kits. Community organizations generally seem to have naloxone kits with much further out expiry dates than pharmacies.
Toronto Drug Checking Service - Toronto
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syrings, Naloxone Kits, Masks, etc.) & Supervised Consumption @ 5 Locations
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Results generally take 3-4 business days but may take 2-5. Sometimes mix up samples when giving multiple. Can test powder, blotters, crushed pills, and paraphernalia. Lysergamides tested via reagent, cannot GC/LC-MS test liquids (possible exception for GHB?). %s not usually provided other than for Cocaine. Must call/visit in-person to obtain results.
Drogen Arbeit Z6 - Innsbruck
FREE drug-checking service. Mondays 4-7pm walk-in, other days by appointment. Dreiheiligenstraße 9, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. Phone: +43 699 13143316.
CheckIt! - Vienna
FREE drug checking at HQ and specific pharmacies. They also offer free online/telephone legal, personal, and health advice on anything related to substance use.
Drugs-test.nl - Various Locations
Various locations throughout the country offering free/very low-cost drug checking.
NOTES: Do not bring more than 3 samples or have more than 1 pill/sample, 1 gram of powder, or 10mL of liquid on your person. May only allow 1 sample per person. Recreational drugs and research chemicals in the form of powder and whole pills (no halves/quarters/broken pills) can be tested. Medical substances, steroids, smartshop products, weed/hash/shrooms/truffles, and drug precursors cannot be tested.
DIBS - Basel, Nuite Blanch - Geneva, SaferParty - Zurich
FREE drug checking, with mandatory phone registration. Usually requires an anonymous 10-30 minute counseling discussion to provide you with proper harm-reduction information regarding the substances you are consuming. A few other services in other Swiss cities appear to have been discontinued as of February 2022.
FREE syringe exchange, work programs, outpatient treatment, and therapy/counseling for current and past substance users.
Wedinos - Nation-Wide (Based in Wales)
FREE mail-in drug checking, appears to be available to at anyone in the UK.
Printable Sample & Effect Record
Pick-Up Sample & Effects Package
NOTES: Excellent service, small university-based lab. Quantifies drug presence as a major or minor portion of the sample rather than %s. Unsure if samples from outside the UK are accepted.

International Reagent Test Kit Vendors:
DanceSafe - USA -> WW
North American harm reduction organization selling reagent test kits and fentanyl test strips (Free shipping for the latter).
Available reagents as of January 2022 include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Folin, Simon, Froehde, Morris, and Liebermann. Select products are available at certain retailers throughout North America. Educational posters, drug info cards, and other products are also available. Proceeds for most merchandise (clothing, blotter art, etc.) on the DanceSafe online store goes towards supporting DanceSafe's harm reduction and education missions.
TestKitPlus - Canada -> dozens of countries WW (Country List)
Another well-known, reputable test kit vendor selling fentanyl test strips and various reagents. As of January 2022, these include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Hoffman, 'GHB test kit', 'Benzo test kit', Liebermann, Froehde, Folin, and Simon reagents. Cocaine purity test kits, cocaine cutting agent test kits, MDMA purity test kits, and heroin purity test kits are also available. Some products are available at select local Canadian retailers.

International Paid Drug Checking:
Energy Control - Worldwide (Based in Spain)
Reputable NGO subsidiary offering drug checking services ranging from listing present substances for €60 to a full report with % presence of each substance in a sample for €120.
NOTE: % accuracy has been disputed for LSD crystal samples.
DrugsData- Worldwide (Based in California, USA)
Erowid center subsidiary offering drug checking for $100 USD ($150 for pharmaceutical tablets/capsules).

Disclaimer: Bluelight.org does not necessarily endorse or condemn any of the organizations listed above. This list is intended to spread awareness of the services available for harm reduction and education purposes.

Can you add us to your list?
I just did a quick search on "xylazine" here on Bluelight and not much came out. Is there any information about resources specifically rapid test strips? I know most states are working on decriminalizing and I believe New York is already distributing. Is it not as big of a deal as the DEA data seems to suggest?
It's a huge issue on the east coast and in Canada.
Dancesafe and other organizations sell teststrips for it.

Can you add us to your list?
This list is a work in progress compiling organizations offering free/low-cost harm-reduction services such as drug checking, naloxone kits, needle exchange programs, fentanyl strips, reagent test kits, and safe consumption sites. Please help us expand the list by replying with resources and information for organizations and services you know of. Sharing any experiences you have with listed services/organizations and response times, costs, benefits/concerns, etc. that you experienced would also be appreciated.

Bluelight Resource List - Contains resources for helplines, DBT, general harm reduction, recovery, and tripsitting.

deficiT's US Needle Exchange & Harm Reduction Resources Master List - Great list by @deficiT compiling needle exchanges, HR orgs, and laws for each state.
National Community-Based Naloxone Finder - Community organizations offering FREE Naloxone.
NASEN Syringe Service Provider Map - Find a needle exchange program near you.
NEXT Distro National Harm Reduction Supplies Mail Program - Ships harm reduction supplies to those in participating states. By application for those in other states and far from HR centers.
USA National Naloxone Map - Find a pharmacy near you selling naloxone kits. Backup for those who do not have access to free community naloxone programs.
Mass. Overdose Prevention Hotline - 24/7 overdose prevention/virtual spotting hotline run by the state of Massachusetts, for all North Americans!!!
Never Use Alone - 24/7 overdose prevention hotline run by a non-profit. USA-only. 877-696-1996


GetYourDrugsTested.com - Free Canada-wide mail-in drug checking (more info below)
Contact [email protected] for mailing address
Where to get free naloxone kits in your province/territory

British Columbia:

Get Your Drugs Tested - Vancouver
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syringes, Naloxone, Fentanyl Strips, Snacks, Tampons/Pads, First-Aid, etc.), Training, & Snacks
880 East Hastings St, Vancouver (Contact [email protected] for mailing address)
Test Results Database
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Result latency varies based on postal speed. They usually give percentages of each substance in a sample, including pill filler/sugar/other inactive cuts. Can test samples in the form of powder, pills, and blotters. Liquid testing only for GHB/GBL. All results are posted online anonymously.
Vancouver Coastal Health - Vancouver & Surrounding Area
FREE Drug Checking, Fentanyl Test Strips, Needle Exchange, Supervised Consumption Sites
Drug Checking Locations
Needle Exchange Locations
Supervised Consumption Sites
Toward The Heart - Province-Wide
Location Finder for Free Naloxone Kits, Needles/Injection Supplies, Safe Sex & Drug Use Supplies, & Overdose Prevention/Safe Consumption Sites

OHRDP Safe Consumption Site/Needle Exchange/CTS/Supplies Map - Province-Wide
Naloxone Kit Location Finder - Province-Wide
Free Naloxone kits at hundreds of pharmacies, harm reduction/safe injection sites, and other locations throughout the province.
NOTES: No prescription or OHIP card required. Most but not all pharmacies carry naloxone kits. Community organizations generally seem to have naloxone kits with much further out expiry dates than pharmacies.
Toronto Drug Checking Service - Toronto
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syrings, Naloxone Kits, Masks, etc.) & Supervised Consumption @ 5 Locations
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Results generally take 3-4 business days but may take 2-5. Sometimes mix up samples when giving multiple. Can test powder, blotters, crushed pills, and paraphernalia. Lysergamides tested via reagent, cannot GC/LC-MS test liquids (possible exception for GHB?). %s not usually provided other than for Cocaine. Must call/visit in-person to obtain results.
Drogen Arbeit Z6 - Innsbruck
FREE drug-checking service. Mondays 4-7pm walk-in, other days by appointment. Dreiheiligenstraße 9, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. Phone: +43 699 13143316.
CheckIt! - Vienna
FREE drug checking at HQ and specific pharmacies. They also offer free online/telephone legal, personal, and health advice on anything related to substance use.
TechnoPlus - Various Locations
List of free drug checking services throughout France. The site also contains various resources related to France-specific drug laws and harm reduction.

DrugLab.Fr - Remote Drug Checking
Remote drug checking service in France.

Drugs-test.nl - Various Locations
Various locations throughout the country offering free/very low-cost drug checking.
NOTES: Do not bring more than 3 samples or have more than 1 pill/sample, 1 gram of powder, or 10mL of liquid on your person. May only allow 1 sample per person. Recreational drugs and research chemicals in the form of powder and whole pills (no halves/quarters/broken pills) can be tested. Medical substances, steroids, smartshop products, weed/hash/shrooms/truffles, and drug precursors cannot be tested.
DIBS - Basel, Nuite Blanch - Geneva, SaferParty - Zurich
FREE drug checking, with mandatory phone registration. Usually requires an anonymous 10-30 minute counseling discussion to provide you with proper harm-reduction information regarding the substances you are consuming. A few other services in other Swiss cities appear to have been discontinued as of February 2022.
FREE syringe exchange, work programs, outpatient treatment, and therapy/counseling for current and past substance users.
Wedinos - Nation-Wide (Based in Wales)
FREE mail-in drug checking, appears to be available to at anyone in the UK.
Printable Sample & Effect Record
Pick-Up Sample & Effects Package
NOTES: Excellent service, small university-based lab. Quantifies drug presence as a major or minor portion of the sample rather than %s. Unsure if samples from outside the UK are accepted.

International Reagent Test Kit Vendors:
Please note that we receive no financial kickback from any of these affiliates (or any project on this list).
PRO Test - EU -> WW
PRO Test is a pioneer in the reagent testing space. They are extremely well-known and reputable, and their app contains test results for over 800 substances. They do not ship to Russia or Belarus due to the current conflict. They direct UK customers to their British partner organization Reagent Tests UK, and will only ship kits to the UK that RT UK does not offer.

PRO Test offers single-use and multi use reagent test kits and TLC test kits. They uniquely offer a cannabis test kit. They also sell the Zimmerman reagent for benzodiazepenes, which very few other vendors carry. They notably do not sell the Mandelin test kit. As of January 2024, they also sell Marquis, Mecke, Liebermann, Froehde, Morris, Robadope, Simon's, Ehrlich, and Hoffman reagents.

Their Separation Packages (TLC tests) use UV light in order to detect multiple substances within a sample, solving one of the biggest limitations of at-home drug checking (reagent kits not being able to accurately detect multiple substances within a sample in some cases) TLC tests are also able to detect the purity and % makeup of a substance.

We are excited to announce our recent partnership with PRO Test.
For every full reagent test kit (or 10 single reagents) that people buy using the BLUELIGHT code, PRO Test will give us a free kit to give away to members!
So when you buy kits from PRO Test, you aren't just ensuring that you use safely. You're also ensuring that members who cannot afford test kits will also be able to test their drugs and stay safe.

Make sure to use code BLUELIGHT for 10% OFF, AND to help us give away FREE test kits!

DanceSafe - USA -> WW
DanceSafe is an extremely reputable North American harm reduction organization selling reagent test kits and fentanyl test strips (Free shipping for the latter).

Available reagents as of January 2024 include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Folin, Simon, Froehde, Morris, and Liebermann. They also offer fentanyl test strips and amphetamine test strips. They notably do not offer the Hoffman reagent

Select products are available at certain retailers throughout North America. Educational posters, drug info cards, and other products are also available. Proceeds for most merchandise (clothing, blotter art, etc.) on the DanceSafe online store goes towards supporting DanceSafe's harm reduction and education missions.

Bunk Police - USA -> WW
Bunk Police advertises itself as "the first substance test kit company in the United States" and has been in the space since 2011. They have built up a reputation as a reliable vendor that is constantly pioneering new technologies like TLC tests.

Their Separation Packages (TLC tests) use UV light in order to detect multiple substances within a sample, solving one of the biggest limitations of at-home drug checking (reagent kits not being able to accurately detect multiple substances within a sample in some cases) TLC tests are also able to detect the purity and % makeup of a substance.

As of January 2024, they offer Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin, Liebermann, Froehde, Simon's, Morris, Ehrlich, and Hoffman reagents as well as fentanyl test strips and TLC test kits.

Make sure to use code BLUELIGHT for 10% OFF!

TestKitPlus - Canada -> dozens of countries WW (Country List)
Another well-known, reputable test kit vendor selling fentanyl test strips and various reagents. As of January 2022, these include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Hoffman, 'GHB test kit', 'Benzo test kit', Liebermann, Froehde, Folin, and Simon reagents. Cocaine purity test kits, cocaine cutting agent test kits, MDMA purity test kits, and heroin purity test kits are also available. Some products are available at select local Canadian retailers.

International Paid Drug Checking:
Energy Control - Worldwide (Based in Spain)
Reputable NGO subsidiary offering drug checking services ranging from listing present substances for €60 to a full report with % presence of each substance in a sample for €120.
NOTE: purity and percentage results have been found to vary wildly for the same samples and be wildly inaccurate. It is also rumoured that EC does not have any trained chemists on staff. Depending on where you live, there may be better options out there.
DrugsData- Worldwide (Based in California, USA)
Erowid center subsidiary offering drug checking for $100 USD ($150 for pharmaceutical tablets/capsules).

Disclaimer: Bluelight.org does not necessarily condone or condemn any of the organizations listed above. This list is intended to spread awareness of the services available for harm reduction and education purposes.

This list is a work in progress compiling organizations offering free/low-cost harm-reduction services such as drug checking, naloxone kits, needle exchange programs, fentanyl strips, reagent test kits, and safe consumption sites. Please help us expand the list by replying with resources and information for organizations and services you know of. Sharing any experiences you have with listed services/organizations and response times, costs, benefits/concerns, etc. that you experienced would also be appreciated.

Bluelight Resource List - Contains resources for helplines, DBT, general harm reduction, recovery, and tripsitting.

deficiT's US Needle Exchange & Harm Reduction Resources Master List - Great list by @deficiT compiling needle exchanges, HR orgs, and laws for each state.
National Community-Based Naloxone Finder - Community organizations offering FREE Naloxone.
NASEN Syringe Service Provider Map - Find a needle exchange program near you.
NEXT Distro National Harm Reduction Supplies Mail Program - Ships harm reduction supplies to those in participating states. By application for those in other states and far from HR centers.
USA National Naloxone Map - Find a pharmacy near you selling naloxone kits. Backup for those who do not have access to free community naloxone programs.
Mass. Overdose Prevention Hotline - 24/7 overdose prevention/virtual spotting hotline run by the state of Massachusetts, for all North Americans!!!
Never Use Alone - 24/7 overdose prevention hotline run by a non-profit. USA-only. 877-696-1996


GetYourDrugsTested.com - Free Canada-wide mail-in drug checking (more info below)
Contact [email protected] for mailing address
Where to get free naloxone kits in your province/territory

British Columbia:

Get Your Drugs Tested - Vancouver
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syringes, Naloxone, Fentanyl Strips, Snacks, Tampons/Pads, First-Aid, etc.), Training, & Snacks
880 East Hastings St, Vancouver (Contact [email protected] for mailing address)
Test Results Database
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Result latency varies based on postal speed. They usually give percentages of each substance in a sample, including pill filler/sugar/other inactive cuts. Can test samples in the form of powder, pills, and blotters. Liquid testing only for GHB/GBL. All results are posted online anonymously.
Vancouver Coastal Health - Vancouver & Surrounding Area
FREE Drug Checking, Fentanyl Test Strips, Needle Exchange, Supervised Consumption Sites
Drug Checking Locations
Needle Exchange Locations
Supervised Consumption Sites
Toward The Heart - Province-Wide
Location Finder for Free Naloxone Kits, Needles/Injection Supplies, Safe Sex & Drug Use Supplies, & Overdose Prevention/Safe Consumption Sites

OHRDP Safe Consumption Site/Needle Exchange/CTS/Supplies Map - Province-Wide
Naloxone Kit Location Finder - Province-Wide
Free Naloxone kits at hundreds of pharmacies, harm reduction/safe injection sites, and other locations throughout the province.
NOTES: No prescription or OHIP card required. Most but not all pharmacies carry naloxone kits. Community organizations generally seem to have naloxone kits with much further out expiry dates than pharmacies.
Toronto Drug Checking Service - Toronto
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syrings, Naloxone Kits, Masks, etc.) & Supervised Consumption @ 5 Locations
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Results generally take 3-4 business days but may take 2-5. Sometimes mix up samples when giving multiple. Can test powder, blotters, crushed pills, and paraphernalia. Lysergamides tested via reagent, cannot GC/LC-MS test liquids (possible exception for GHB?). %s not usually provided other than for Cocaine. Must call/visit in-person to obtain results.
Drogen Arbeit Z6 - Innsbruck
FREE drug-checking service. Mondays 4-7pm walk-in, other days by appointment. Dreiheiligenstraße 9, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. Phone: +43 699 13143316.
CheckIt! - Vienna
FREE drug checking at HQ and specific pharmacies. They also offer free online/telephone legal, personal, and health advice on anything related to substance use.
TechnoPlus - Various Locations
List of free drug checking services throughout France. The site also contains various resources related to France-specific drug laws and harm reduction.

DrugLab.Fr - Remote Drug Checking
Remote drug checking service in France.

Drugs-test.nl - Various Locations
Various locations throughout the country offering free/very low-cost drug checking.
NOTES: Do not bring more than 3 samples or have more than 1 pill/sample, 1 gram of powder, or 10mL of liquid on your person. May only allow 1 sample per person. Recreational drugs and research chemicals in the form of powder and whole pills (no halves/quarters/broken pills) can be tested. Medical substances, steroids, smartshop products, weed/hash/shrooms/truffles, and drug precursors cannot be tested.
DIBS - Basel, Nuite Blanch - Geneva, SaferParty - Zurich
FREE drug checking, with mandatory phone registration. Usually requires an anonymous 10-30 minute counseling discussion to provide you with proper harm-reduction information regarding the substances you are consuming. A few other services in other Swiss cities appear to have been discontinued as of February 2022.
FREE syringe exchange, work programs, outpatient treatment, and therapy/counseling for current and past substance users.
Wedinos - Nation-Wide (Based in Wales)
FREE mail-in drug checking, appears to be available to at anyone in the UK.
Printable Sample & Effect Record
Pick-Up Sample & Effects Package
NOTES: Excellent service, small university-based lab. Quantifies drug presence as a major or minor portion of the sample rather than %s. Unsure if samples from outside the UK are accepted.

International Reagent Test Kit Vendors:
Please note that we receive no financial kickback from any of these affiliates (or any project on this list).
PRO Test - EU -> WW
PRO Test is a pioneer in the reagent testing space. They are extremely well-known and reputable, and their app contains test results for over 800 substances. They do not ship to Russia or Belarus due to the current conflict. They direct UK customers to their British partner organization Reagent Tests UK, and will only ship kits to the UK that RT UK does not offer.

PRO Test offers single-use and multi use reagent test kits and TLC test kits. They uniquely offer a cannabis test kit. They also sell the Zimmerman reagent for benzodiazepenes, which very few other vendors carry. They notably do not sell the Mandelin test kit. As of January 2024, they also sell Marquis, Mecke, Liebermann, Froehde, Morris, Robadope, Simon's, Ehrlich, and Hoffman reagents.

Their Separation Packages (TLC tests) use UV light in order to detect multiple substances within a sample, solving one of the biggest limitations of at-home drug checking (reagent kits not being able to accurately detect multiple substances within a sample in some cases) TLC tests are also able to detect the purity and % makeup of a substance.

We are excited to announce our recent partnership with PRO Test.
For every full reagent test kit (or 10 single reagents) that people buy using the BLUELIGHT code, PRO Test will give us a free kit to give away to members!
So when you buy kits from PRO Test, you aren't just ensuring that you use safely. You're also ensuring that members who cannot afford test kits will also be able to test their drugs and stay safe.

Make sure to use code BLUELIGHT for 10% OFF, AND to help us give away FREE test kits!

DanceSafe - USA -> WW
DanceSafe is an extremely reputable North American harm reduction organization selling reagent test kits and fentanyl test strips (Free shipping for the latter).

Available reagents as of January 2024 include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Folin, Simon, Froehde, Morris, and Liebermann. They also offer fentanyl test strips and amphetamine test strips. They notably do not offer the Hoffman reagent

Select products are available at certain retailers throughout North America. Educational posters, drug info cards, and other products are also available. Proceeds for most merchandise (clothing, blotter art, etc.) on the DanceSafe online store goes towards supporting DanceSafe's harm reduction and education missions.

Bunk Police - USA -> WW
Bunk Police advertises itself as "the first substance test kit company in the United States" and has been in the space since 2011. They have built up a reputation as a reliable vendor that is constantly pioneering new technologies like TLC tests.

Their Separation Packages (TLC tests) use UV light in order to detect multiple substances within a sample, solving one of the biggest limitations of at-home drug checking (reagent kits not being able to accurately detect multiple substances within a sample in some cases) TLC tests are also able to detect the purity and % makeup of a substance.

As of January 2024, they offer Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin, Liebermann, Froehde, Simon's, Morris, Ehrlich, and Hoffman reagents as well as fentanyl test strips and TLC test kits.

Make sure to use code BLUELIGHT for 10% OFF!

TestKitPlus - Canada -> dozens of countries WW (Country List)
Another well-known, reputable test kit vendor selling fentanyl test strips and various reagents. As of January 2022, these include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Hoffman, 'GHB test kit', 'Benzo test kit', Liebermann, Froehde, Folin, and Simon reagents. Cocaine purity test kits, cocaine cutting agent test kits, MDMA purity test kits, and heroin purity test kits are also available. Some products are available at select local Canadian retailers.

International Paid Drug Checking:
Energy Control - Worldwide (Based in Spain)
Reputable NGO subsidiary offering drug checking services ranging from listing present substances for €60 to a full report with % presence of each substance in a sample for €120.
NOTE: purity and percentage results have been found to vary wildly for the same samples and be wildly inaccurate. It is also rumoured that EC does not have any trained chemists on staff. Depending on where you live, there may be better options out there.
DrugsData- Worldwide (Based in California, USA)
Erowid center subsidiary offering drug checking for $100 USD ($150 for pharmaceutical tablets/capsules).

Disclaimer: Bluelight.org does not necessarily condone or condemn any of the organizations listed above. This list is intended to spread awareness of the services available for harm reduction and education purposes.
Mass Overdose prevention hotline is USA and Canada!
This list is a work in progress compiling organizations offering free/low-cost harm-reduction services such as drug checking, naloxone kits, needle exchange programs, fentanyl strips, reagent test kits, and safe consumption sites. Please help us expand the list by replying with resources and information for organizations and services you know of. Sharing any experiences you have with listed services/organizations and response times, costs, benefits/concerns, etc. that you experienced would also be appreciated.

Bluelight Resource List - Contains resources for helplines, DBT, general harm reduction, recovery, and tripsitting.

deficiT's US Needle Exchange & Harm Reduction Resources Master List - Great list by @deficiT compiling needle exchanges, HR orgs, and laws for each state.
National Community-Based Naloxone Finder - Community organizations offering FREE Naloxone.
NASEN Syringe Service Provider Map - Find a needle exchange program near you.
NEXT Distro National Harm Reduction Supplies Mail Program - Ships harm reduction supplies to those in participating states. By application for those in other states and far from HR centers.
USA National Naloxone Map - Find a pharmacy near you selling naloxone kits. Backup for those who do not have access to free community naloxone programs.
Mass. Overdose Prevention Hotline - 24/7 overdose prevention/virtual spotting hotline run by the state of Massachusetts, for all North Americans!!!
Never Use Alone - 24/7 overdose prevention hotline run by a non-profit. USA-only. 877-696-1996


GetYourDrugsTested.com - Free Canada-wide mail-in drug checking (more info below)
Contact [email protected] for mailing address
Where to get free naloxone kits in your province/territory

British Columbia:

Get Your Drugs Tested - Vancouver
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syringes, Naloxone, Fentanyl Strips, Snacks, Tampons/Pads, First-Aid, etc.), Training, & Snacks
880 East Hastings St, Vancouver (Contact [email protected] for mailing address)
Test Results Database
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Result latency varies based on postal speed. They usually give percentages of each substance in a sample, including pill filler/sugar/other inactive cuts. Can test samples in the form of powder, pills, and blotters. Liquid testing only for GHB/GBL. All results are posted online anonymously.
Vancouver Coastal Health - Vancouver & Surrounding Area
FREE Drug Checking, Fentanyl Test Strips, Needle Exchange, Supervised Consumption Sites
Drug Checking Locations
Needle Exchange Locations
Supervised Consumption Sites
Toward The Heart - Province-Wide
Location Finder for Free Naloxone Kits, Needles/Injection Supplies, Safe Sex & Drug Use Supplies, & Overdose Prevention/Safe Consumption Sites

OHRDP Safe Consumption Site/Needle Exchange/CTS/Supplies Map - Province-Wide
Naloxone Kit Location Finder - Province-Wide
Free Naloxone kits at hundreds of pharmacies, harm reduction/safe injection sites, and other locations throughout the province.
NOTES: No prescription or OHIP card required. Most but not all pharmacies carry naloxone kits. Community organizations generally seem to have naloxone kits with much further out expiry dates than pharmacies.
Toronto Drug Checking Service - Toronto
FREE Drug Checking, Harm Reduction Supplies (Syrings, Naloxone Kits, Masks, etc.) & Supervised Consumption @ 5 Locations
NOTES: Excellent service with friendly, knowledgeable staff. Results generally take 3-4 business days but may take 2-5. Sometimes mix up samples when giving multiple. Can test powder, blotters, crushed pills, and paraphernalia. Lysergamides tested via reagent, cannot GC/LC-MS test liquids (possible exception for GHB?). %s not usually provided other than for Cocaine. Must call/visit in-person to obtain results.
Drogen Arbeit Z6 - Innsbruck
FREE drug-checking service. Mondays 4-7pm walk-in, other days by appointment. Dreiheiligenstraße 9, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. Phone: +43 699 13143316.
CheckIt! - Vienna
FREE drug checking at HQ and specific pharmacies. They also offer free online/telephone legal, personal, and health advice on anything related to substance use.
TechnoPlus - Various Locations
List of free drug checking services throughout France. The site also contains various resources related to France-specific drug laws and harm reduction.

DrugLab.Fr - Remote Drug Checking
Remote drug checking service in France.

Drugs-test.nl - Various Locations
Various locations throughout the country offering free/very low-cost drug checking.
NOTES: Do not bring more than 3 samples or have more than 1 pill/sample, 1 gram of powder, or 10mL of liquid on your person. May only allow 1 sample per person. Recreational drugs and research chemicals in the form of powder and whole pills (no halves/quarters/broken pills) can be tested. Medical substances, steroids, smartshop products, weed/hash/shrooms/truffles, and drug precursors cannot be tested.
DIBS - Basel, Nuite Blanch - Geneva, SaferParty - Zurich
FREE drug checking, with mandatory phone registration. Usually requires an anonymous 10-30 minute counseling discussion to provide you with proper harm-reduction information regarding the substances you are consuming. A few other services in other Swiss cities appear to have been discontinued as of February 2022.
FREE syringe exchange, work programs, outpatient treatment, and therapy/counseling for current and past substance users.
Wedinos - Nation-Wide (Based in Wales)
FREE mail-in drug checking, appears to be available to at anyone in the UK.
Printable Sample & Effect Record
Pick-Up Sample & Effects Package
NOTES: Excellent service, small university-based lab. Quantifies drug presence as a major or minor portion of the sample rather than %s. Unsure if samples from outside the UK are accepted.

International Reagent Test Kit Vendors:
Please note that we receive no financial kickback from any of these affiliates (or any project on this list).
PRO Test - EU -> WW
PRO Test is a pioneer in the reagent testing space. They are extremely well-known and reputable, and their app contains test results for over 800 substances. They do not ship to Russia or Belarus due to the current conflict. They direct UK customers to their British partner organization Reagent Tests UK, and will only ship kits to the UK that RT UK does not offer.

PRO Test offers single-use and multi use reagent test kits and TLC test kits. They uniquely offer a cannabis test kit. They also sell the Zimmerman reagent for benzodiazepenes, which very few other vendors carry. They notably do not sell the Mandelin test kit. As of January 2024, they also sell Marquis, Mecke, Liebermann, Froehde, Morris, Robadope, Simon's, Ehrlich, and Hoffman reagents.

Their Separation Packages (TLC tests) use UV light in order to detect multiple substances within a sample, solving one of the biggest limitations of at-home drug checking (reagent kits not being able to accurately detect multiple substances within a sample in some cases) TLC tests are also able to detect the purity and % makeup of a substance.

We are excited to announce our recent partnership with PRO Test.
For every full reagent test kit (or 10 single reagents) that people buy using the BLUELIGHT code, PRO Test will give us a free kit to give away to members!
So when you buy kits from PRO Test, you aren't just ensuring that you use safely. You're also ensuring that members who cannot afford test kits will also be able to test their drugs and stay safe.

Make sure to use code BLUELIGHT for 10% OFF, AND to help us give away FREE test kits!

DanceSafe - USA -> WW
DanceSafe is an extremely reputable North American harm reduction organization selling reagent test kits and fentanyl test strips (Free shipping for the latter).

Available reagents as of January 2024 include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Folin, Simon, Froehde, Morris, and Liebermann. They also offer fentanyl test strips and amphetamine test strips. They notably do not offer the Hoffman reagent

Select products are available at certain retailers throughout North America. Educational posters, drug info cards, and other products are also available. Proceeds for most merchandise (clothing, blotter art, etc.) on the DanceSafe online store goes towards supporting DanceSafe's harm reduction and education missions.

Bunk Police - USA -> WW
Bunk Police advertises itself as "the first substance test kit company in the United States" and has been in the space since 2011. They have built up a reputation as a reliable vendor that is constantly pioneering new technologies like TLC tests.

Their Separation Packages (TLC tests) use UV light in order to detect multiple substances within a sample, solving one of the biggest limitations of at-home drug checking (reagent kits not being able to accurately detect multiple substances within a sample in some cases) TLC tests are also able to detect the purity and % makeup of a substance.

As of January 2024, they offer Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin, Liebermann, Froehde, Simon's, Morris, Ehrlich, and Hoffman reagents as well as fentanyl test strips and TLC test kits.

Make sure to use code BLUELIGHT for 10% OFF!

TestKitPlus - Canada -> dozens of countries WW (Country List)
Another well-known, reputable test kit vendor selling fentanyl test strips and various reagents. As of January 2022, these include Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Ehrlich, Hoffman, 'GHB test kit', 'Benzo test kit', Liebermann, Froehde, Folin, and Simon reagents. Cocaine purity test kits, cocaine cutting agent test kits, MDMA purity test kits, and heroin purity test kits are also available. Some products are available at select local Canadian retailers.

International Paid Drug Checking:
Energy Control - Worldwide (Based in Spain)
Reputable NGO subsidiary offering drug checking services ranging from listing present substances for €60 to a full report with % presence of each substance in a sample for €120.
NOTE: purity and percentage results have been found to vary wildly for the same samples and be wildly inaccurate. It is also rumoured that EC does not have any trained chemists on staff. Depending on where you live, there may be better options out there.
DrugsData- Worldwide (Based in California, USA)
Erowid center subsidiary offering drug checking for $100 USD ($150 for pharmaceutical tablets/capsules).

Disclaimer: Bluelight.org does not necessarily condone or condemn any of the organizations listed above. This list is intended to spread awareness of the services available for harm reduction and education purposes.

We are US and Canada, and we are ran through Boston Medical Center, not the state of Mass
REAL or FAKE: why is this happening??

Recently there has been a lot of "cocaine " going around the st.louis, MO area that 1, doesn't smell like ether, it has more of a kerosene smell, 2, when cooked up into crack w just baking soda and water, things look normal, buy when you smoke it you definitely know something isn't right, 3, It numbs more than anything and it's a weird high...the best I can describe it's feeling is that of what you would feel if you were smoking Lidocaine and you're nerves become numb throughout your whole body, even leaving the feeling that your brain is detached from its base...the oil is off putting . I really believe that this substance may not even have cocaine in it..I was wondering if I could get it tested somewhere or if anyone has experienced this and can shine some light on the subject...it's not an isolated incident w one greedy dealer either and I've just recently been made aware of synthetic stimulant analogs that replicate features of cocaine hydrochloride, so I'm wondering if that is something going on...