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Which drugs should a drug naive person try?

O yeah and as you say for MDMA, I know a lot of people who really regret pushing it with MDMA, many cuz it’s a “very safe drug” and many cuz they didn’t follow or even known proper HR concerning MDMA. Hardly any such amphetamine users. Ofc like with any pleasurable and also good for work drug many do push it too hard but generally recover really fast.
How about none? Jesus Christ these questions. I wouldnt risk it even without addictive personality were I to time travel to the more intelligent me in da past.
Mdma isn't addictive though and doesn't lend itself to multiple redoses/days awake.
Well it is neurotoxic, and sometimes with certain people it does lead to multiple redoses and a couple days awake. I've seen it. Also, MDMA is completely unregulated as an illicit compound, so there's lack of oversight, and people have died from unknowingly ingesting compounds like PMA and PMMA thinking they were taking MDMA tablets. No, it's not common, but it has happened. And it's not as if chronic MDMA abuse is unheard of either. Some people will continue to chase and abuse MDMA even after the initial effects have worn off and well into Day 2 before crashing hard. You ever show up late to an after-after-party? "Rave zombies" and shit. Not a good look.

For a drug naive person the obvious choices would be weed, LSD, DMT, drugs that aren't likely to cause any harm or addictions.
It's somewhat ironic that you just mentioned three Schedule I drugs there. Meanwhile, cocaine and amphetamine are both Schedule II with the latter being frequently prescribed to those with ADHD. I think some people will likely view pharmaceutical products as being much safer than so-called "street drugs". Consequently, many people don't realize the danger of oxycodone pills, xanax bars, klonopin, dilaudid, and other benzos and morphine derivatives.

Also, let's not confuse methamphetamine with amphetamine or with the amphetamines class of drugs. For that matter, we should delineate between taking a small oral dose of 10 mg methamphetamine vs shooting up 100 mg IV, or even smoking/vaping 50 mg. These are completely different experiences. If Adderall seems like a more reasonable drug, it's probably bc you're taking much, much less and you actually know your dose. Meanwhile virtually no one weighs out each shard of meth before using it. People forget and before you know it, they're tweeked bc they weren't paying attention and meth can cause the illusion of sobriety sometimes, mostly at higher doses. But I'd bet money most adults cannot differentiate between 10 mg of d-meth and 10 mg of Adderall (d-amp) taken orally.

I would put addiction as the number 1 risk to anyone who is naive. Thus drugs like cocaine, heroin, Amphetamine, to be the most dangerous.
I would say lethal overdose is a bigger risk considering all those who died this way in recent years. Although addiction can easily lead up to a fatal OD, it's oftentimes not that serious. Consider how many people are addicted to caffeine. Granted, it's on the low end of the "speed spectrum", but we all know ppl who will have a shitty day if they can't get their morning coffee. We accept this risk and most caffeine users manage their addictions with little to no trouble or harm to their life. Part of the reason is that coffee/caffeine is widely available, cheap, and legal. Drug prohibition creates artificial scarcity which drives up the price and causes lots of problems. What's more, the sellers are, by necessity, criminals, sometimes violent transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) who exacerbate the situation while giving recreational drug use a wretched reputation of notoriety with the public. This needs to be stopped so we can fix this issue and significantly lower the amount of trauma drug laws dole out, plus it would defund these TCOs like the cartels in Mexico.

Actually… perhaps the #1 risk to a drug naive individual comes not from the drugs themselves, but rather from the criminal charges that can stem from brainlessly overboard drug legislation. For example, in federal court (not state) it only takes 5 g of meth to fetch the first mandatory minimum sentence and just 50 g of meth to trigger the second level, doubling the sentence. The two cut-offs are at 5 g and 50 g. The first mandatory = 5 years if no priors or 10 years with a prior. For the second threshhold, double those sentences: 10 yrs for 50 g of meth if no prior convictions, and 20 yrs (!!!) if you have a prior + > 50 g. So to be clear, in the U.S. if you have a felony and you're caught with two ounces, you're getting a mandatory 20 years. Two eightballs and you're going away for a decade. And even if you're on a first-time offense, < two zips will get you 10 yrs and < two eightballs will get you 5 yrs, mandatory.

No prior felony convictionsWith prior felony conviction
Arrested with ≥5 grams crystal methamphetamine5 years10 years
Arrested with ≥50 grams crystal methamphetamine10 years20 years

In case someone wants proof: https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/research-publications/2017/20171025_Drug-Mand-Min.pdf

These used to be the same statutes as crack cocaine, but people petitioned bc 85% of crack cocaine arrests in the U.S. happen to black men. They realized how fucked up that was and lessened the offense retroactively because it incarcerated too many people and unjustly targeted black men. However, meth users and dealers tend to be predominantly white, so don't expect any sympathy on that front. And because the public misunderstands methamphetamine, most people don't even know that there is a moderate, harm reductive, reasonable, and responsible way to use and enjoy methamphetamine. It's a wonderful aphrodisiac and a kickass recreational drug. It's often confused for being a productivity stimulant, which amphetamine is great at, but which methamphetamine is not. It's too euphoric and distracting. Compulsive types need not apply.

Know thyself, but also realize people are different and drug appreciation is not universal. What works for some does not for others and vice versa.

I actually agree with you, I was just trying to be funny about it, and ya I guess your right, meth is a lot more neurotoxic.
Just how neurotoxic it is depends on the dose, the frequency of re-dosing, and the person's body temperature which has been shown to lead directly to neurotoxic effects. And to keep things in perspective, ethyl alcohol is neurotoxic each and every time it's used, too. Drinking kills brain cells, as we all know, but it's considered an acceptable loss most times as long as you're not overdoing it and giving yourself Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS), aka: wet brain syndrome. Meanwhile cocaine is cardiotoxic every time it's used, so you should pick and choose your poisons carefully and in moderation if you're going to indulge, which any adult should have the right to do provided it's done responsibly.

Sucks that it’s not as easy to find adderall as it is meth, I actually like the addy high a lot more. Plus I can fuck on it easier, I get meth dick bad
Take a PDE5 inhibitor. I recommend taking a half a Cialis to start. Cialis lasts the longest and comes on the fastest, but it's otherwise chill about helping you get massive erections when you want to. Viagra and Levitra are pushier about their effects. As an added bonus, they also promote testosterone production in the body. Highly recommended. Once you get that issue solved, I'm curious to see if you still think Adderall is better for sex than methamphetamine (in my opinion, meth is a better aphrodisiac, but different strokes for different folks and all that… literally, lol 🤣)

If schools taught kids about how drugs work, maybe more people would know that mdma isn’t as safe as it’s made out to be, fuck just look up mdma LTC stories
I'd like to see funding cut from drug law enforcement agencies and vice squads and use that money to fund 100% honest public service announcements that focus on harm reduction instead of dissuasion and we get people with drug problems into the recovery and help they need from properly funded clinics that deal with this in a non-destructive manner. One problem I see constantly is these weak-ass diversion programs that are overcrowded and ineffectual. Some 3rd party company wins an exclusive contract with some local municipalities and the courts overestimate the capacity of these treatment providers, who are happy to take as much money as they can on this, fleecing people with drug problems, their health insurance companies, and the tax-paying public in general, all made possible by poorly conceived, reactionary drug laws written by clueless, ineffectual legislators posturing among each other and pandering to the worst fears of the herd-like masses.

My fears of having schools attempt to teach this particular subject are: 1. the topic is taboo and this approach could backfire and further entrench people on their anti-recreational-drug views, 2. many schools would not be equipped or trained for that specific education task, and many will not be there for years and years to come still. 3. last time this was seriously attempted in the U.S. we had the D.A.R.E. program which was really assbackward and fucked up. Cops are especially not qualified to be educators. What the fuck was the school system thinking? To an extent, I still believe that schools, public schools especially, groom children for incarceration later in life. They're trying to build a prison for me and you to live in, another prison system, another prison system. All successful research and drug policy show that treatment should be increased, and jail should be decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences. Amen. Selah.
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How about none? Jesus Christ these questions.
I think the implication is that the person in question is already interested in drugs and going to use them no matter what. What the question asks is: Given the chance to steer the person in the right direction, which drugs would be best?

I wouldnt risk it even without addictive personality were I to time travel to the more intelligent me in da past.
I'm not sure I believe in the concept of an addictive personality. While it's been proven that some are more inclined to addictive behaviors and compulsive behavior pattern disorders, it has to be demonstrated that this is an intrinsic part of personality.
Here's more on the subject from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addictive_personality#Controversy (bold mine):

"There is an ongoing debate about the question of whether an addictive personality really exists. The assumption that personality might be to blame for an addicted person, who is in need of rehabilitation due to drug and alcohol addictions, can have great negative impacts from its supporting a homogeneous answer to a heterogeneous issue in question. These people run the risk of being labeled as stigmas and become incorrectly marginalized, and these misjudgments of personality may then lead to poor mental, medical, and social health practices.[22] There are two sides of this argument, each with many levels and variations. One side believes that there are certain traits and dimensions of personality that, if existent in a person, cause the person to be more prone to developing addictions throughout their life. The other side argues that addiction is in chemistry, as in how the brain's synapses respond to neurotransmitters and is therefore not affected by personality. A major argument in favor of defining and labeling an addictive personality has to do with the human ability to make decisions and the notion of free will.[36] This argument suggests human beings are aware of their actions and what the consequences of their own actions are and many choose against certain things because of this. This can be seen in that people are not forced to drink excessively or smoke every day, but it is within the reach of their own free will that some may choose to do so.[36] Therefore, those with addictive personalities are high in neuroticism and hence choose to engage in riskier behaviors. The theory of addictive personalities agrees that there are two types of people: risk-takers and risk-averse. Risk-takers enjoy challenges, new experiences and want instant gratification. These people enjoy the excitement of danger and trying new things.[36] On the other hand, risk-averse are those who are by nature cautious in what they do and the activities they involve themselves in.[36] It is the personality traits of individuals that combine to create either a risk-taker or risk-averse person.​

"Another important concern is the lack of evidence supporting the addictive personality label and the possibility of stigma.[2] While there is a medical consensus surrounding the genetic components of addiction,[5] there is no such consensus supporting the idea that specific personality types have a tendency towards addictive behaviors.[2] In fact, continued use of this term in the absence of clear evidence could be damaging to the people who believe they have an addictive personality.[2]​

2. Amodeo, Maryann (2015-07-29). 'The Addictive Personality'. Substance Use & Misuse.​
22. Uhl, George R.; Drgon, Tomas; Johnson, Catherine; Li, Chuan-Yun; Contoreggi, Carlo; Hess, Judith; Naiman, Daniel; Liu, Qing-Rong (October 2008). 'Molecular Genetics of Addiction and Related Heritable Phenotypes'. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.​
36. Kane, Suzanne (2011-08-10). 'Healing the Addictive Personality by Dr. Lee Jampolsky'. Addiction Treatment Magazine. Retrieved November 26, 2012."​
i though about this question and came up with the following list:

Marijuana, stay away from opiates, amphetamines, benzos, opiates. Maybe try shrooms! Safe travels
I would face it on their personality and mental stability.

Like everybody has that hyperactive friend maybe was prescribed ADD medication when they were younger. You're going to want to keep them away from stimulants like cocaine or amphetamine. mainly for the reason that they will love it and want to use it every single day.

Just like you would want to keep your friend that dresses up like Marilyn Manson away from the hardcore opiates or alcohol for the same reason that they would just absolutely adore the substance.

I would say definitely marijuana.

And then I would ease them into psychedelics. Maybe some low dose LSD certain specific strains of mushrooms.

Take him to the club for their first time on MDMA tested of course can't trust anybody these days.

And then that would be it. Maybe opium once or twice in a year.
Like everybody has that hyperactive friend maybe was prescribed ADD medication when they were younger. You're going to want to keep them away from stimulants like cocaine or amphetamine. mainly for the reason that they will love it and want to use it every single day.
Ok so that's a stereotype and it isn't always true. Furthermore, it's strange you should say that since that's what they get prescribed more or less – an amphetamine releasing agent—e.g.: Adderall, Dexedrine, Vyvanse ☞ these are like methamphetamine—or a reuptake inhibitor stimulant—e.g.: Ritalin, Focalin, Concerta ☞ these behave similar to cocaine. In both cases the main difference is serotonergic activity and available routes of administration. ℞ drugs tend to have fewer available routes of administration to prevent abuse…

Just like you would want to keep your friend that dresses up like Marilyn Manson away from the hardcore opiates or alcohol for the same reason that they would just absolutely adore the substance.
Is that how you stereotype opioid users and drinkers ☞ as people who dress up like Marilyn Manson? :unsure: I think you might want to update your cultural references for 2024 a bit. And anyway, Goth kids are notoriously straight edge and if there are any drugs Manson probably encouraged the use of it would've been cocaine firstly and LSD secondly.
Like everybody has that hyperactive friend maybe was prescribed ADD medication when they were younger. You're going to want to keep them away from stimulants like cocaine or amphetamine. mainly for the reason that they will love it and want to use it every single day
That's everyone not just people with ADHD. Infact if there's any one group of people who would know how to manage themselves on stimulants it would be those with diagnosed ADHD. People with undiagnosed ADHD might be more drawn to stimulant abuse, or anything abuse really, but if they're undiagnosed you wouldn't know so it's moot.

I'd be dead or in jail if it weren't for stims no doubt in my mind.
naive and drug use dont go together AT ALL. Actually I can do better, SOMETHING LEGAL. You don't need to be rubbing shoulders with criminals if you are naive. Trust!. So kratom, weed?, small amount of alcohol, pint of vodka. (no drug you would ingest on purpose is stronger than ethanol behavior wise)

First understand the law and how it works; never hold more than your willing to go down for