Depression How do people overcome survival instinct to kill themselves?

I’ve had experienced years and years of painful unhappy existence at time and it got better. In fact one such experience learns a person a lot so now being in a quite dark place as I am (tho not nearly as bad as it was on occasions) I believe not only I’ll feel better (I know I will if something doesn’t kill me soon) but I believe I might end up feeling better than ever eventually. If I had committed suicide at my lowest point or if I had proceeded to kill myself in a slower fashion by plain stupid levels of drug use, well that would have been a really bad mistake no matter how sweet that appeared/felt at the time.
I tried it twice once the the belt slipped out the top of the door and the other time my wife came home and saved me.

You get to the point where you just had enough you convince yourself you a burden on everyone like coloradoopiategirl said your are exhausted. Took my wife out for a meal in london clean i wanted to see her without the fog of gear . Next morning told her lets have blueberry pancakes for breakfast as she went to tesco she thought i hate pancakes and rushed that one thing saved my life so glad it did .

The first few time I tried it I lost my bottle the survival instinct kicked in but when you get to the point of going through with it that instinct not there you have convinced yourself
I think The hardest Part is to say goodbye to your family and friends. Or at least write letters to them and try to explain why you did what you did. I don't fear death, i actually wait for it to happen. Maybe i'm quite depressed right now, but The only thing to stop taking My own Life is few close people, i don't care for myself much these days. I hope maybe soon it Will change or get better.
Pleas explain how it is determined who are those 5%? As from 100 people committing suicide how can you know which 5 would commit suicide no matter what? And to go from there, if you can determine who those 5 are (and I don’t see any way how that could be possible) is there also time-frame when it was expected for them to commit suicide, was there method that’s been expected in those 5 cases and so on..

You can’t make any study that tried everything on those 100 people, and for the sake of imagined science, even if you could, how do you know that if “everything” was tried in some different order it wouldn’t work? You can’t, you just can’t. I’ll give very simple example – SSRIs, sometimes they’ll prevent person from suicide (as many on BL experienced themselves) while sometimes SSRIs will make things worse (as also many on BL experienced) and switching to other meds, sometimes even to other SSRI works wonders; sadly sometimes it’s too late but those are far from example of – nothing could have been done case – but rather case where some other treatment would have worked.

Every suicide that comes to mind (people I have known or people close to people I know) could have been prevented. Even if it could have been prevented by no other way than stopping cause in past (as molestation), but all could have been prevented. Even in case in which person would not killed himself if a partner didn’t left him and kept putting up with his mental illness, again, it could have been prevented, and almost certainly not only on expense of his ex partner. And so on..
Only opioids can prevent inevitable suicide. At least for a while. FULLSTOP.
Only opioids can prevent inevitable suicide. At least for a while. FULLSTOP.
That is a bold statement, and one that is not very welcome in The Dark Side forum. There are a lot of people in here who are trying to quit or abstain from using opiates, and do not need to see comments like this. Plus, it is neither helpful nor true, FULL STOP. Please be more mindful when posting in such sensitive threads like this one. Thank you.
That is a bold statement, and one that is not very welcome in The Dark Side forum. There are a lot of people in here who are trying to quit or abstain from using opiates, and do not need to see comments like this. Plus, it is neither helpful nor true, FULL STOP. Please be more mindful when posting in such sensitive threads like this one. Thank you.
So it's better to end it all NOW than to give it another chance? 1% is still bigger than 0 and you never know what can happen in a few days. It's called HOPE!
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So it's better to end it all NOW than to give it another chance? 1% is still bigger than 0 and you never know what can happen in a few days. It's called HOPE!
If using opioids is going to help keep YOU alive, that is fine, and that is your situation. I am not sure what you're going through. Is there some help you can get for your situation?
It's just that implying that using opioids is the solution to every suicidal person's plight is completely incorrect.
i really don<t know.People that do this probably have less selfsurvival instinct.Got many people around me that kill themselves-with gun,jumping off the bridges,poison themselves.....I have no idea how they do this.....but is always sad,when i heard such thing
If using opioids is going to help keep YOU alive, that is fine, and that is your situation. I am not sure what you're going through. Is there some help you can get for your situation?
It's just that implying that using opioids is the solution to every suicidal person's plight is completely incorrect.
Why are suicidal people given IV Ketamine at the ER? For a reason or just for fun?
Why are suicidal people given IV Ketamine at the ER? For a reason or just for fun?

Ketamine is not an opioid, it's a dissociative drug. As for opiates/opioids, they can make the situation for a suicidal person much worse. At least they did for me. When my grandmother died I went to her funeral and took half an oxy before going. That time was fine. But when I went through a problem last year, and went to visit my sisters and my other grandmother, I took half an oxy. It didn't end well. I ended up with the acute mental health team the next day because I went into an opiate rage and punched myself in the head several times whilst screaming my lungs out. The damage the screaming did was like taking sandpaper my voice box. The workers there were worried I'd end up putting an eye out because I had hit myself so hard. So my voice is now down about half an octave and scratchy yet nasal sounding, like I'm 30 years older all of a sudden voice-wise. And it's persistent and no change, so it's not going back to how it was. My hearing also got damaged because a new tinnitus tone started ringing in my right ear after that incident and that tone has not gone away (usually they do but this one I'm afraid will ring in perpetuity). Probably damage from the sound but also severely aggravated my Menieres since I am now mildly dizzy 24/7 especially before bed or when I get up. Now if I turn my head to the right my arse will end up on the floor.

Please, never turn to opiates or narcotics when suicidal. It's like turning to alcohol. It usually does not end well.
Why are suicidal people given IV Ketamine at the ER? For a reason or just for fun?
There is no comparison between IV ketamine given in an emergency medical setting by medical professionals, and a suicidal person taking opioids unsupervised. Sorry.

Ketamine is not an opioid, it's a dissociative drug. As for opiates/opioids, they can make the situation for a suicidal person much worse. At least they did for me. When my grandmother died I went to her funeral and took half an oxy before going. That time was fine. But when I went through a problem last year, and went to visit my sisters and my other grandmother, I took half an oxy. It didn't end well. I ended up with the acute mental health team the next day because I went into an opiate rage and punched myself in the head several times whilst screaming my lungs out. The damage the screaming did was like taking sandpaper my voice box. The workers there were worried I'd end up putting an eye out because I had hit myself so hard. So my voice is now down about half an octave and scratchy yet nasal sounding, like I'm 30 years older all of a sudden voice-wise. And it's persistent and no change, so it's not going back to how it was. My hearing also got damaged because a new tinnitus tone started ringing in my right ear after that incident and that tone has not gone away (usually they do but this one I'm afraid will ring in perpetuity). Probably damage from the sound but also severely aggravated my Menieres since I am now mildly dizzy 24/7 especially before bed or when I get up. Now if I turn my head to the right my arse will end up on the floor.

Please, never turn to opiates or narcotics when suicidal. It's like turning to alcohol. It usually does not end well.
I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. I have had chronic tinnitus (mainly in my left ear but slightly in my right ear as well) for over a decade. It is a rare side effect of one of my psych meds. The benefits of being on the medication far outweigh the annoyance and constant distraction and consequent partial deafness caused by the tinnitus, so I will stay on the medication. I can also relate to your vocal chord damage. An ex of mine tried to murder me by choking me, snapped the cartilage around my larynx, which will never heal. My voice changed from the damage, and I am a singer and ever since, I cannot sing the same as before. So.....that sucks. I could spend time lamenting the way I was before, but I view that as a waste of time and energy. Instead, I just focus on the present and the future.

And I completely agree with your comment about using narcotics, opiates or alcohol when suicidal. It compounds the suicidal thoughts, feelings and ideations massively. I know from personal experience. The only times I've ever written suicide notes or actually attempted suicide, I was wasted. With a clear, sober head, one can at least try to think of alternate solutions to their problems rather than focusing on the suicidal ideations.
I don't think that people have an instinct to kill themselves, if I'm reading that right. I guess I'd say that changing things up and focusing on the well-being of others can be very gratifying. We are very social creatures. We get nourishment with and through others. I'm not saying this is easy for someone who doesn't believe this or doesn't practice this, but its worth it, for the health of all, basically.
Well alcohol is present in the bodies of 21% of suicide victims, drugs were found in 27%.

So almost half used psychoactive chemicals.

I'm not making an judgements or suggestions, I am merely responding to the OPs question.
Well alcohol is present in the bodies of 21% of suicide victims, drugs were found in 27%.

So almost half used psychoactive chemicals.

I'm not making an judgements or suggestions, I am merely responding to the OPs question.
I'm not sure if I'm understanding what you're suggesting, but this statistic does not suggest that using drugs and alcohol help overcome suicidal urges. If anything it opposes that suggestion. Is that what you meant?
You misunderstood I was implying that the bodies instinct to survive is so strong that I don't understand how some people are able to overcome that instinct and go through with it even when their mind is doing everything it can to prevent it they still go ahead and do it.
Srry, musta been really high. When the pain becomes so unbearable, you eventually end up doing it.everyones got a different threshold
I'm not sure if I'm understanding what you're suggesting, but this statistic does not suggest that using drugs and alcohol help overcome suicidal urges. If anything it opposes that suggestion. Is that what you meant?

No - I simply stated a fact, I inferred nothing. Addiction increases the likelihood of suicide BUT their wasn't any data on the use of alcohol and/or drugs to suggest use was chronic or acute.
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I'm not sure if I'm understanding what you're suggesting, but this statistic does not suggest that using drugs and alcohol help overcome suicidal urges. If anything it opposes that suggestion. Is that what you meant?
Legally prescribed opioids (moderate dose) are the only option for suicidal people.
Legally prescribed opioids (moderate dose) are the only option for suicidal people.

Interesting idea. In the 1960s a psychiatrist used Diconal as a DLR for a patient with refractive depression. 6 months on, the patient committed suicide by taking a lot a once.

Now, I presume the psychiatrist was smart enough to only prescribe a few at a time so the patient never got hold of too many. But the patient had stopped using them and was stockpiling them.

Result - psychiatrist charged with murder which was dropped to manslaughter as well ae being struck off (obviously).

I suspect that this case has ensured that doctors will not use opioids to treat depression. ALL opioids will kill in sufficient doses.