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Bupe Suboxone can ruin your life


Jun 25, 2022
To cut the long story short. Start Suboxone treatment ONLY if your life is in danger. For all other reasons (tolerance, pain & depression management...) don't do it. It's like getting a mosquito with the nuclear weapon. Way too strong and unpredictable. After a perfect period of 8-9 months side effects started to show?! Literally overnight. Same dose, same brand, same expire date... I'll probably never know why but that's not important anymore. After being between life and death for 3 months l finally managed to tapper down. Four weeks after l'm still weak, depressed and tired. Pain is back as well. Sometimes unbearable but I don't complain. I managed to get through this nightmare alive. Hopefully one day these symptoms will cease and I'll feel normal again? Please think twice before starting a Sub. therapy as plenty of side effects are not listed at all. Intentionally!
To cut the long story short. Start Suboxone treatment ONLY if your life is in danger. For all other reasons (tolerance, pain & depression management...) don't do it. It's like getting a mosquito with the nuclear weapon. Way too strong and unpredictable. After a perfect period of 8-9 months side effects started to show?! Literally overnight. Same dose, same brand, same expire date... I'll probably never know why but that's not important anymore. After being between life and death for 3 months l finally managed to tapper down. Four weeks after l'm still weak, depressed and tired. Pain is back as well. Sometimes unbearable but I don't complain. I managed to get through this nightmare alive. Hopefully one day these symptoms will cease and I'll feel normal again? Please think twice before starting a Sub. therapy as plenty of side effects are not listed at all. Intentionally!
Medical doctors and science has has established buperenorpine in the forumulation butrans for chronic pain. It has been used for decades for this purpose before it was used for addicts.

Got any better ideas for ppl living with chronic pain that have tried everything including surgeries and still are disabled…where taking any addictive opioid (bupe) allows them to not commit suicide and maybe even go back to work?

Being opioid dependent and PAWS are no fun but if your chronic pain is serious and debilitating enough dependency is the lesser of two evils.

I don’t see anything worse about withdrawal or PAWS of bupe vs any other powerful opioid if that’s the comparison you’re making.

Most ppl on here would argue it’s a much easier withdrawal than methadone or fentanyl or oxycodone (although I disagree with the majority in this regard). I’m my experience tapering to low doses of all kinds of opioids bupe was one of the harder ones to kick but nothing out of the ordinary
The trouble with bupe is that in my experience it doesn't even help for chronic pain when you have been taking it long term, like no pain relief at all I wouldn't even feel my dose and still be in horrible pain. In fact, I even question whether regular opiates are that useful for chronic pain because in my experience after using those long term I developed tolerance to most of their effects as well as an increased sensitivity to pain. However, with those things at least they would provide some relief right after my dose or if I temporarily increased the dose. With bupe I could easily triple the dose and still barely feel anything. My mom had the same experience when she was put on bupe, no pain relief. It also seems to have worse mental effects than other opioids in terms of making me feel numb to emotions and life in general. It's useful for withdrawal but I can't see taking it every day for pain. You get way more pain relief from things like kava and kratom than from bupe.
The trouble with bupe is that in my experience it doesn't even help for chronic pain when you have been taking it long term, like no pain relief at all I wouldn't even feel my dose and still be in horrible pain. In fact, I even question whether regular opiates are that useful for chronic pain because in my experience after using those long term I developed tolerance to most of their effects as well as an increased sensitivity to pain. However, with those things at least they would provide some relief right after my dose or if I temporarily increased the dose. With bupe I could easily triple the dose and still barely feel anything. My mom had the same experience when she was put on bupe, no pain relief. It also seems to have worse mental effects than other opioids in terms of making me feel numb to emotions and life in general. It's useful for withdrawal but I can't see taking it every day for pain. You get way more pain relief from things like kava and kratom than from bupe.

I did notice that it sucked for pain.

With constant chronic pain that doesn’t relent you do hit a brick wall with opioids and have to keep raising doses.

But the type of pain I have comes in flares …horrible pain for weeks or months then low pain or pain free for time periods. During the low or non pain time periods I always taper down my dose or kick to regain low tolerance. This has made my low prescribed dose still effective 5 year into it and another 10 years of heavy abuse prior to that.

If you have pain that allows you to reset with tolerance breaks opioids are effective long term. This is completely ignored in the medical literature …I’ve searched for it. Ppl seem to think the only way you take them is at full dosage constantly forever.

Even if they aren’t what’s the other option? Stop working go homeless then kill yourself from unmedicated pain?

I hear so much complaining about opioids not being a perfect solution for chronic pain that doesn’t respond to interventionL treatment but zero alternatives from the complainers
I did notice that it sucked for pain.

With constant chronic pain that doesn’t relent you do hit a brick wall with opioids and have to keep raising doses.

But the type of pain I have comes in flares …horrible pain for weeks or months then low pain or pain free for time periods. During the low or non pain time periods I always taper down my dose or kick to regain low tolerance. This has made my low prescribed dose still effective 5 year into it and another 10 years of heavy abuse prior to that.

If you have pain that allows you to reset with tolerance breaks opioids are effective long term. This is completely ignored in the medical literature …I’ve searched for it. Ppl seem to think the only way you take them is at full dosage constantly forever.

Even if they aren’t what’s the other option? Stop working go homeless then kill yourself from unmedicated pain?

I hear so much complaining about opioids not being a perfect solution for chronic pain that doesn’t respond to interventionL treatment but zero alternatives from the complainers
While it works it's perfect. After several months on 8mg Suboxone l swore that I'll take them for life. Then one day out of the blue everything changed for 180 degrees. I really don't know why because I didn't play with the dose. All possible side effects started at once. Depression, suic. thoughts, lethargy, blurry vision, confusion, flu like symptoms.... I had no choice but to start tapering. 7,6,5,4,3,2 no change at all. When l opened 2mg satchel l finally felt some relief. Cutting 0.25 every 4 days did the job. That was four weeks ago but I'm still sneezing, feel dizzy and tired all the time. Tremor, tinnitus, headache, cold and hot sweats are everyday thing. Blood test showed that vitamin B12 was critical. So I am taking a jab every 2 weeks. After a first one l felt slight releif which only lasted 2-3 days. Not taking enything for pain and when my headache is really severe l punch myself in the temples. I am not getting back to painkillers but don't know when these symptoms gonna stop? It's been more than 3 months since they started and I'm still laying in bed and staring at the ceiling. While I am writing this l sneezed 3-4 times. Why? I quit almost a month ago? Unbelievable...
ps. Any idea when is this finally gonna end?
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While it works it's perfect. After several months on 8mg Suboxone l swore that I'll take them for life. Then one day out of the blue everything changed for 180 degrees. I really don't know why because I didn't play with the dose. All possible side effects started at once. Depression, suic. thoughts, lethargy, blurry vision, confusion, flu like symptoms.... I had no choice but to start tapering. 7,6,5,4,3,2 no change at all. When l opened 2mg satchel l finally felt some relief. Cutting 0.25 every 4 days did the job. That was four weeks ago but I'm still sneezing, feel dizzy and tired all the time. Tremor, headache, cold and hot sweats are everyday thing. Blood test showed that vitamin B12 was critical. So I am taking a jab every 2 weeks. After a first one l felt slight releif which only lasted 2-3 days. Not taking enything for pain and when my headache is really severe l punch myself in the temples. I am not getting back to painkillers but don't know when these symptoms gonna stop? It's been more than 3 months since they started and I'm still laying in bed and staring at the ceiling. While I am writing this l sneezed 3-4 times. Why? I quit almost a month ago? Unbelievable...
ps. Any idea when is this finally gonna end?
I cannot speak on bupe, but I can tell you after a 3 year opioid addiction, i bit the bullet and wailed in detox for 5 days. Point is, i did not feel normal until like 9 months later. Just saying dont give in, it might seem like you are permanently fucked becsuse of the time frame but you arent. my brain chemistry took literally forever to heal but now it feels like i never touched opioids ever. Youll get there eventually, just be healthy and sleep deep (where your body actually heals)
I cannot speak on bupe, but I can tell you after a 3 year opioid addiction, i bit the bullet and wailed in detox for 5 days. Point is, i did not feel normal until like 9 months later. Just saying dont give in, it might seem like you are permanently fucked becsuse of the time frame but you arent. my brain chemistry took literally forever to heal but now it feels like i never touched opioids ever. Youll get there eventually, just be healthy and sleep deep (where your body actually heals)
Thanks for the encouraging words but I'm not sure that I can wait for 6 more months. I'm mentally and physically exhausted. Regarding sleep l have no idea how natural sleep looks like. 150mg Endep, 3mg Bromazepam and 20mg zolpidem. All that combined give me a 4-5 hours of sleep. I also know that exercise help but I am barely able to walk. Any specific tips how to speed up this process?
Thanks for the encouraging words but I'm not sure that I can wait for 6 more months. I'm mentally and physically exhausted. Regarding sleep l have no idea how natural sleep looks like. 150mg Endep, 3mg Bromazepam and 20mg zolpidem. All that combined give me a 4-5 hours of sleep. I also know that exercise help but I am barely able to walk. Any specific tips how to speed up this process?
Im not a doctor, nor do i trust them, so i kinda just doctor myself. I dont know your age, however if i were in that position, i would alternate between all types of sleep meds so i can get the most effect without building a tolerance (weed, chamomile tea, melatonin, benzos) to have the highest chance to induce sleep along with early bedtimes + blindfold. ONLY IF you have a physical dependency to benzos (guessing youve been on bromazepam 3 months), would i recommend alternating between benzos or using at all. Do arm circles if you can, any type of physical activity that you can exert because that is the rank one inducer of sleep aside from some nuclear benzo. If it happened overnight then it probly has something to do with the b12. You can wait you have the strength and it might not even be 6 months, it was just 9 for me. I was on fentanyl. Attack it from all angles because if 3 months in is bad you gotta fire at will. This is why i never got on methadone, 60 day withdrawal. These doctors have no idea what theyre doing. Just hang on man. Again, this is just my opinion, but if you want a fact, it WILL go away
Thanks for the encouraging words but I'm not sure that I can wait for 6 more months. I'm mentally and physically exhausted. Regarding sleep l have no idea how natural sleep looks like. 150mg Endep, 3mg Bromazepam and 20mg zolpidem. All that combined give me a 4-5 hours of sleep. I also know that exercise help but I am barely able to walk. Any specific tips how to speed up this process?
Maybe lots of hydration and physical activity
Im not a doctor, nor do i trust them, so i kinda just doctor myself. I dont know your age, however if i were in that position, i would alternate between all types of sleep meds so i can get the most effect without building a tolerance (weed, chamomile tea, melatonin, benzos) to have the highest chance to induce sleep along with early bedtimes + blindfold. ONLY IF you have a physical dependency to benzos (guessing youve been on bromazepam 3 months), would i recommend alternating between benzos or using at all. Do arm circles if you can, any type of physical activity that you can exert because that is the rank one inducer of sleep aside from some nuclear benzo. If it happened overnight then it probly has something to do with the b12. You can wait you have the strength and it might not even be 6 months, it was just 9 for me. I was on fentanyl. Attack it from all angles because if 3 months in is bad you gotta fire at will. This is why i never got on methadone, 60 day withdrawal. These doctors have no idea what theyre doing. Just hang on man. Again, this is just my opinion, but if you want a fact, it WILL go away
I really appreciate your support. Your answer makes a perfect sense. I am forcing myself to eat so I will try to do the same with some easy exercise. Getting off fentanyl all by yourself? You are the legend and I can't even imagine what have you been through. I got two beautiful kids worth living for so giving up is not an option. Once again, thanks a lot. After reading your post l already feel better. All the best my friend.
I really appreciate your support. Your answer makes a perfect sense. I am forcing myself to eat so I will try to do the same with some easy exercise. Getting off fentanyl all by yourself? You are the legend and I can't even imagine what have you been through. I got two beautiful kids worth living for so giving up is not an option. Once again, thanks a lot. After reading your post l already feel better. All the best my friend.

You're welcome, best to you. You wouldn't believe how strong you actually are, trust it.
In conclusion. Thanks everyone for the support and there's no need to reply to this post. It's been more than three months since "this" started and it's definitely not B12 deficiency. All the symptoms are actually getting much worse, especially: extremely loud tinnitus, shivering all the time, constant pain, lethargy, cold like symptoms... etc. Looking from the government perceptive it is all good. I don't need painkillers any more as my headache is the only sign that l'm still alive. I am not being dramatic, l'm just stating the facts. All the best to all of you and be careful what you wish for.
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I think bupe is only approved for moderate pain in Canada. I thought about trying it for pain but i am on morphine which is for severe pain which i have so i dont know if bupe would even be worth trying
Got any better ideas for ppl living with chronic pain that have tried everything including surgeries and still are disabled…where taking any addictive opioid (bupe) allows them to not commit suicide and maybe even go back to work?


Because I don't know your back story this advice is directed at pain sufferers in general.

Opiates should be IN FACT about the last thing you try for pain with the exception of emergency pain associated with sudden traumatic accidents, short term pain like somebody recovering from a surgery, or to prepare for surgery itself.

Especially the fact that your pain is chronic, the very first thing this tells me is that opiates are a MISERABLE choice for this. Endorphins (read: boring sweaty exercise) are the go to for this, because it's the chemical (or rather, the entire complex class of chemicals) for which the rest of your complex brain metabolism is meant to work. Nothing will ever work better on your brain.

If exercise proves inadequate, opiates aren't even your next choice, assuming chronic pain. Then your next one will be something like acupuncture, reiki, diet, sleep, homoepeathy, Chinese medicine, herbal medicine. Which will take years to explore.

Even having exhausted these possibilities, which have been documented to rival opiates for pain management in terms of efficacy, your next stop still won't be opiates...next it's the safer drugs like caffeine, asperin.

In fact opiates only really becomes interesting in the case of people, again assuming chronic pain, that are in so much pain that they are having trouble sleeping.
Because otherwise desensitising you to the pain is actually counterproductive. It is focus that provides relief from pain. Numbness is a hackish way to go about it.
This is for people with war injuries, farm injuries, sever cancers, ....things that most of us won't get except near the end of our life.

But even that doesn't make sense, because after a few nights without sleep you go insane. And insanity generally blocks pain.

So no, unless you're a war veteran. Or unless your wife was in the same car accident as your best friend and your dog. Or unless you just got stabbed in the eye last night I'm afraid opiates are actually a terrible choice for long term pain management. Having gone the insanity route myself, I'd rather go through that again if I get another injury than deal with the actual side effects of opiate use which you list as anxiety and yes...pain, to which I'll add constipation, itchy skin and societal judgement? Choose life.
Depends on how bad the pain is

I come from a family of fishermen, my father has had EXTENSIVE orthopedic surgery, and I just thank god that he still receives opioids to treat his pain, along with steroid injections and other aspects of his medical care to treat his chronic pain. Nothing else works for him. With some of these issues other therapies just aren’t gonna cut it.

But I think that opiates should just be legalized and regulated anyway.

You lost all credibility at reiki my dude. But I am a crystal and gemstone lover myself but just for aesthetic purposes.

But yea opioids cause hyperalgesia and release pro inflammatory cytokines so they can cause more pain.

You have no idea what years of unrelenting chronic pain is like. When the choice is a bullet in your head or opioids that are going to eventually crests problems most ppl go for the opioids first…if you’ve never had to make that decision you know nothing about chronic pain even if you’re an MD pain specialist
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