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Dissociatives Other heavy dxm users?


May 30, 2021
I use around 500-1100 mg dxm xr every other day for the past two weeks, ive used it at dosages like this for others year straight twice, but I never have any health problems from it, besides withdrawal, it seems to be about as dangerous as amphetamines for me. I have to take clonidine with it because my blood pressure and heart rate go way up on it, other than that I’m good.

I hear horrible things about dxm, is it all just myths? Or does it just not affect me like other people? Is there any other people on bluelight who have used it as extensively as me or know some solid info about it, no rumors or “ this totally happened to my friend, he’s a glass of orange juice forever, and you’re retarded if you use dxm one more time” please
I use DXM pretty frequently but not anywhere near the doses you're talking about.

I tend to tap out around 120-200 mg as a maximum dose in a day, anything past that is an occasional extra foray for old time's sake or boredom or spirituality or whatever the hell it is that fuels my DXM use. I haven't quite figured it out.

Honestly DXM at low-moderate doses (60-120) is bizarrely functionally for me but I have been using this drug on and off for years. (A little over a decade?)

I sometimes take DXM everyday for a week or two (or three...) in doses that are generally 60-90mg (sometimes it'll creep up to 120) of freebase DXM in a tablet form from a certain website that is talked about quite a bit on reddit and elsewhere on the internet.

I have no idea if it is ok for me or not, I try not to take too much or mix it with anything other than cannabis really, altho I do occasionally break down and take my usually daily dose (60-90mg) with LSD sometimes and it's generally phenomenal.

Overall I feel fine?

When treated with respect DXM feels like a wonderful and functional tool for my mind. If I am respectful, and take the lowest needed dose to get my "refreshed" feeling, account for time off and diet, sleep, exercise and socialization, I find DXM to be quite kind to me and am able to enjoy a lot of stamina for physical activities and social situations that pop up randomly or go long into the night, as life tends to throw me curve balls and I always want to feel "unburdened" I suppose

I find DXM helps keep me loose, adaptive, and creative while remaining somewhat realistic. (In moderate doses!)

I find myself less attached to particularities and free from otherwise needless compulsions and anxieties. I find more time for art and abstraction. I find meaning.

When I use it flagrantly (taking too much too often,absurdly high doses, etc.) or mix it with too many other things I find it (it being, the DXM) tends to kick my ass mentally and spiritually in a manner similar to mushrooms.

Unlike Mushrooms, with their gut wrenching emotionally driven sense of utter embarrassment, DXM has a numb sense of being "in the wrong" if I am not living up to my own standards. Simple, clean, effective.

For me, this stuff works, as long as the material is high enough quality and free of contaminants and unneeded inactive ingredients.

The most useful tool I never thought I would bond this deeply with.

Got into DXM learning it was a way to control opioid tolerance/make less go further with small amounts of pharma opioids.

Realized I really liked this stuff, explored it in larger doses, took it down to just above threshold, pleasant, glowing dose, occasionally just take this sweet spot that I've found for a week or two as a sort of self created regimen to shake off the dullness I feel sometimes in life.

Anyway back to the point I originally wanted to make:
I would not take 1000mg of DXM, ever! Be careful, slow it down! Value your heart and your mind. In my opinion your doses are excessive. You can probably enjoy yourself on a lot less without so many side effects.

(Didn't expect to write a love letter to DXM here, but yeah DXM has been a friend to me for a while now)

(Obligatory warning/end notes: watch out, it's quite moreish. You'll genuinely come up with your own reasons to keep taking it if it clicks with you, it's wild how many reasons I can find to just....keep taking it? I am less of a binger and more of an "incorporate it into my daily life for a while" sort of guy, so that reflects in my dosing methodology and patterns I suppose. Altho I'm being modest here and will occasionally redose more often than I lead on, as is the pattern with me and dissociatives, I can see the temptation to just push the dose further and further, but this isn't something with that kind of safety profile. It's kind of like alcohol, a little bit is nice, a little more is real nice! Too much though and you quickly miss the mark and end up overshooting yourself into the "miserable territory" full of wooziness and physical discomfort, absolute numbness, confusion and agitation. Do not over do it! A little bit goes a lot further than you realize, and it's much better when combined with good marijuana.)
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Idk man to be totally honest but I do know I've had 2 very very close to death overdoses on it one I had to stay in the ICU for 4 days and then couldn't respond to any stimulus for week. I'm just warning you about this because this is how I started and it just kept going down hill very fast. I don't believe dxm is bad or anything I still do it occasionally but be careful man stay safe.
Idk man to be totally honest but I do know I've had 2 very very close to death overdoses on it one I had to stay in the ICU for 4 days and then couldn't respond to any stimulus for week. I'm just warning you about this because this is how I started and it just kept going down hill very fast. I don't believe dxm is bad or anything I still do it occasionally but be careful man stay safe.
Glad you are ok, dude. Life is a gift and no drug experience is worth cutting that short.

This definitely isn't something with the safety profile of conventional psychedelics like Mushrooms and Acid.

Although I don't really hear about the bladder damage thing with DXM as much as with Ketamine? I always just assumed because it was a Morphinan structured chemical DXM wasn't a worry as far as damaging bladders like Ketamine which is an Arylcyclohexlamine. I doubt too much DXM can be good for your kidneys and liver to have to process though. DXM becomes DXO through liver magics that I don't entirely understand. Involving enzymes, which is a cool sounding word. I do understand when words are fun to say. But anything that has to be broken down by the liver is taxing on the ol' organ from my basic suburban cave man understanding of medical science. Be kind to your organs.

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I love DXM and used it on and off for more than a decade, with some times of daily dosages of 75-250mg or every other day. I never developed much tolerance and seem to be pretty sensitive to it but I know it's not that way for everybody. A buddy was using similar dosages like you mention, also almost daily. Dissociatives like DXM can certainly be very addictive for some. May I ask what sort of withdrawal you get? I had mostly cravings, strong cravings, but also a serotonergic afterglow which made it easier not to dose every day. It was really a great time back then (teens, early twens). Don't listen to the horrible things people say about DXM, it doesn't affect everybody the same and some people are just repeating stuff they've read or heard.

DXM for all I know doesn't fuck with the bladder like ketamine does. But it seems to come with a weak opioid affinity which ketamine et.al. lack and thus the ability to induce opioid-like withdrawal. But I imagine most might be due to the powerful SNRI effects DXM has, thus providing a venlafaxine-like withdrawal which is pretty much like opioid, I withdrew from morphine as well as from venlafaxine and think that the latter is worse acutely (but also manageable by switching to fluoxetine).

Idk man to be totally honest but I do know I've had 2 very very close to death overdoses on it one I had to stay in the ICU for 4 days and then couldn't respond to any stimulus for week.
All dissociatives induce dissociative anesthesia at supra-recreational dosages during which one appears to be catatonic, or in a deep, non-wakeable sleep for observers but at least with arylcyclohexylamine dissos (like ketamine, MXE) this isn't dangerous. With DXM it might well last 2+ days until one responds again to stimuli and the danger might be different because they say that with just above a high 4th plateau dosage one enters potentially deadly territory. But I think what you experienced was disso anesthesia.

Overall I think DXM can feel pretty scary or crazy but that it isn't overly dangerous as long as no other serotonergic substances are involved (like SSRIs or MDMA).
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I love DXM and used it on and off for more than a decade, with some times of daily dosages of 75-250mg or every other day. I never developed much tolerance and seem to be pretty sensitive to it but I know it's not that way for everybody. A buddy was using similar dosages like you mention, also almost daily. Dissociatives like DXM can certainly be very addictive for some. May I ask what sort of withdrawal you get? I had mostly cravings, strong cravings, but also a serotonergic afterglow which made it easier not to dose every day. It was really a great time back then (teens, early twens). Don't listen to the horrible things people say about DXM, it doesn't affect everybody the same and some people are just repeating stuff they've read or heard.

DXM for all I know doesn't fuck with the bladder like ketamine does. But it seems to come with a weak opioid affinity which ketamine et.al. lack and thus the ability to induce opioid-like withdrawal. But I imagine most might be due to the powerful SNRI effects DXM has, thus providing a venlafaxine-like withdrawal which is pretty much like opioid, I withdrew from morphine as well as from venlafaxine and think that the latter is worse acutely (but also manageable by switching to fluoxetine).

All dissociatives induce dissociative anesthesia at supra-recreational dosages during which one appears to be catatonic, or in a deep, non-wakeable sleep for observers but at least with arylcyclohexylamine dissos (like ketamine, MXE) this isn't dangerous. With DXM it might well last 2+ days until one responds again to stimuli and the danger might be different because they say that with just above a high 4th plateau dosage one enters potentially deadly territory. But I think what you experienced was disso anesthesia.

Overall I think DXM can feel pretty scary or crazy but that it isn't overly dangerous as long as no other serotonergic substances are involved (like SSRIs or MDMA).
The withdrawal consists of lower mood and less self confidence, fatigue, boredom and being more easily overwhelmed by stressors. It's not unbearable quitting for a while. I definitely miss it and the energy it brings to my life, it's hard to put my finger on it, but there's a certain quality it lends to experiences that just feels "right." But I suppose this is something that most dissociatives I find pleasurable carry as an attribute.
Is DXM powder legal in the US? I saw on the DEA website that the chemical isn't controlled substance but you know how the government gets with powdered drugs.

Not trying to source just asking legality of the pure form.
Is DXM powder legal in the US? I saw on the DEA website that the chemical isn't controlled substance but you know how the government gets with powdered drugs.

Not trying to source just asking legality of the pure form.
I'm not sure but I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility to obtain bulk DXM in powdered form legally in the US.
Is DXM powder legal in the US? I saw on the DEA website that the chemical isn't controlled substance but you know how the government gets with powdered drugs.

Not trying to source just asking legality of the pure form.
Yes, I have seen it for pretty cheap prices, and 100+ grams at a time online, on clear web sites, it’s not hat hard to find if you have a couple hundred bucks

Sadly, I’m broke, and I steal my mucinex from the store, though this isn’t that hard to do, I just walk in, put in my pocket, maybe buy some bananas or something, and walk out with 60+ dollars worth in my pocket, I used to do that twice a week, and I have one class c theft on my record from doing it for years
Chiming in, I was a daily DXM user for almost 3 full years. I don't wanna dig through old notes to make sure but I think I was taking anywhere from 500mg-800mg. I started with HBr gels, then moved on to mixing HBr and poli, and then moved on to pure DXM tablets.

DXM is definitely one of the least physically addictive and destructive drugs you can get your hands on, case in point the fact that I'm not only alive but I managed to hold down a full time job. But, DXM is definitely not harmless, it will take it's toll. If you have any specific questions or concerns let me know, since I guess people who abuse DXM to this extent are uncommon,,

If I had to say the main concerns; 1) Redosing (or trying to trip continuously/repeatedly) can trigger pretty nasty psychotic symptoms, even if you don't do it super often. And the longer you're on it/more your redose the higher the chance of this happening. Now, HOW likely exactly, I don't know. Some people say it took one binge........ I was both a daily user AND a chronic redoser, and yet I was spared. So, like with all drugs I guess YMMV. 2) It can hurt your body/brain/organs. My stomach and intestines took the brunt of the beating I think, and a lot of people claim DXM can cause the same bladder damage that ketamine can, though I haven't been able to verify that.
Yes, I have seen it for pretty cheap prices, and 100+ grams at a time online, on clear web sites, it’s not hat hard to find if you have a couple hundred bucks

Sadly, I’m broke, and I steal my mucinex from the store, though this isn’t that hard to do, I just walk in, put in my pocket, maybe buy some bananas or something, and walk out with 60+ dollars worth in my pocket, I used to do that twice a week, and I have one class c theft on my record from doing it for years
does anyone know about your use?

not being in trouble, like do you have anyone you know in person you can confide in?

just in case you have something come up that you need help with, medically, emotionally, etc.
It fucks up your brain and mind if you push it, not bladder
it really does, dawg, it really does, lol.

Again this is something I personally feel (just for me and some people who are like me I guess) has a narrow therapeutic window.

Misusing this chemical will scramble your noggin for a bit! Absolutely positively. I'm not saying it's and without any potential negative effects.

Best to just approach it with respect and not be careless cause it's "just OTC cough medicine" it is it's own thing and it's deceptively powerful.
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My top dose of DXM was 1g on 200mg DPH. I hallucinated the organically curvy mother-of-pearl gate of heaven.. a bit of a H.R. Giger structure but in whites and pastels, though definitely not shiny, more dark and secret, and essentially important.

I also woke up to a puked carpet, lol.

Yeah doing that every other day can't be nice for your system. I've seen bingers lose their ability to spell easy words. You're communicating fine though.

The form you take is of more concern. Do you extract the DXM from the mucinex, or do you just eat all the Guaifenesin? That's what gives you kidney stones, not the DXM.
My top dose of DXM was 1g on 200mg DPH. I hallucinated the organically curvy mother-of-pearl gate of heaven.. a bit of a H.R. Giger structure but in whites and pastels, though definitely not shiny, more dark and secret, and essentially important.

I also woke up to a puked carpet, lol.

Yeah doing that every other day can't be nice for your system. I've seen bingers lose their ability to spell easy words. You're communicating fine though.

The form you take is of more concern. Do you extract the DXM from the mucinex, or do you just eat all the Guaifenesin? That's what gives you kidney stones, not the DXM.
Ya I’ve read it can give you kidney stones, never had that problem though, ya I eat like over 10 grams of guaifenesin
does anyone know about your use?

not being in trouble, like do you have anyone you know in person you can confide in?

just in case you have something come up that you need help with, medically, emotionally, etc.
My whole family does, I don’t even try to keep my drug use a secret, I don’t believe in hiding it, I think it contributes to the stigma society has against drugs
Ya I’ve read it can give you kidney stones, never had that problem though, ya I eat like over 10 grams of guaifenesin

So please learn to extract. It will give you more mileage.

There's absolutely no reason to inflict that particular component of harm upon yourself. Take critique on your method seriously. Purify your tool. Cold water extractions are easy. Or so I've heard. I've only done pure myself.