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Ethnobotanicals Kanna Pharmacology


Dec 10, 2022
Hi All,

Just wanted to share this as I couldn’t find very much on Kanna’s pharmacology on bluelight. This is pretty in depth and they list sources at the end. It makes sense and is in line with my limited experience up to this point. The recommended dosage of my extract was 50mg but I wanted to start low so only took 25mg sublingual and even noticed threshold effects at that dose. It’s subtle but definitely active. I’m going to increase it to 50 mg sublingual next time, but just wanted to share this link to some likely accurate pharmacology of Kanna since I couldn’t find it here. I thought others might want to look at it.

Edit: Shoot, I just realized they mentioned a couple vendors in their summary but I don’t know how to black it out. Can someone please edit this for me? It’s in the very beginning. Thanks.

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Kanna is awesome to quit SSRIs and to avoid their withdrawal. Extract is a must, I don't remember the strength but it was bought off smart shops and probably 25-50x. Never got much effects from it and upon overdosage it induces a pronounced headache but it helped me greatly to quit venlafaxine. Wonder whether it would have more effects now that I've been off any SSRI for some months. Imagine it would also be a good aid against post-SSRI sexual dysfunction. Unfortunately in the country where I live now the only kanna product available is plain leaves, no extract, so I can't snort it.

The MAOI effect is likely to be insignificant as I combined kanna and SSRI and was fine.

Anybody knows whether a kanna extract was possible to make in the kitchen?
Kanna is awesome to quit SSRIs and to avoid their withdrawal. Extract is a must, I don't remember the strength but it was bought off smart shops and probably 25-50x. Never got much effects from it and upon overdosage it induces a pronounced headache but it helped me greatly to quit venlafaxine. Wonder whether it would have more effects now that I've been off any SSRI for some months. Imagine it would also be a good aid against post-SSRI sexual dysfunction. Unfortunately in the country where I live now the only kanna product available is plain leaves, no extract, so I can't snort it.

The MAOI effect is likely to be insignificant as I combined kanna and SSRI and was fine.

Anybody knows whether a kanna extract was possible to make in the kitchen?
That sucks that you don’t have access to extracts where you are at. We have access to some pretty good ones in USA. I think the effect depends on how the extract was made and what alkaloid they focused on.

I have extensive experience with a variety of street drugs so I was surprised to notice a mood lift and energy after taking half the recommended dose. Still going strong actually. I feel fully awake and only slept one hour last night. And I dosed about 2.5 hours ago.

Apparently snorting a tiny amount is where the recreational affects are really apparent but im just really not trying to do that these days. I got into herbal drugs to get off the hard shit and try to just mildly elevate my mood on some days and maybe reduce my kratom usage and it’s definitely working for that. I just can see me snorting a bump getting way out of hand quickly if the effects are that true that we see in some anecdotal reports. And I can see a compulsory desire to redose happening for me although they say it’s not addictive. Everyone told me kratom wasn’t addictive too 😂 and of course we all know that’s not true at all.

I got some blue lotus 20:1 extract too, I have yet to try. I was going to try it but when I mixed it with near boiling water the powder fully dissolved and I’m not sure it’s supposed to?? So decided I’ll wait for this Kanna to come down before trying it just in case it’s something entirely different although I got it from a very reputable vendor I have used for many other high quality products in the past. I just expected some plant matter to remain.

I wish I knew how to make a Kanna extract. Sorry I don’t have that information.
So, just wanted to describe my experience with Kanna extract now that I have taken it for a few days. I am pretty confident that I have one of if not the best extract available in the USA according to my research.

The first day I tried it I became more awake and alert. Lately, I have been having some memory/focus problems here and there which is unusual for me up until I took Kanna. I noticed a significant mood lift and improved cognitive functioning the first day. I took 25mg sublingually the first dose and 50mg the second dose with noticeable effects.

The second day, I felt alert with noticeable move improvement, and increased cognitive function as well, but not as much on my second dose that day.

The third day I noticed less of a mood lift but still got the cognitive function increase and that’s about all I got.

The only reason I took it multiple days in a row is that I wanted to see if it truly has a reverse tolerance. In my experience, that is not the case at all. Additionally, I was really determined to not trying insufflation, however, I had to experiment just to see what all the hype is about which was risky for me because I don’t want to fall back into stimulant abuse that I have been clean from for over two months now.

What I can tell you is that in my experience and trying multiple times and at different dosages as high as 50mg that insufflation does NOT cause a high whatsoever and in fact seems very short lived with the same efficacy as sublingual if not less. I prefer the sublingual route. I have not tried oral. Perhaps I will try oral just in case there is some conversion in the metabolic process that I am missing here, but I am betting that it will be even less effective than sublingual as well.

The biggest point I want to make here is that Kanna is NOTHING like mdma at any ROA. This is just my experience and I have the most highly rated extract based on user reports that I can find. I am very confident it’s good quality. Kanna does not seem to be recreational in my experience. There is so much misleading information out there about it.

Especially this article here is so ridiculously false:

I can’t believe Vice out out an article that is so ridiculously inaccurate. Kanna can be useful for subtle reduction in anxiety, improved focus, appetite control, and mood lift, but again it is in no way recreational and I don’t believe it has reverse tolerance even though it is an SRI. Perhaps I need to take it longer than 4 days, but I doubt I’ll ever buy it again because it seems to me that tolerance actually builds quickly and there are other things I can do for improvement in cognition and mental health.

Sorry if this was unnecessarily long…
Kanna is awesome to quit SSRIs and to avoid their withdrawal. Extract is a must, I don't remember the strength but it was bought off smart shops and probably 25-50x. Never got much effects from it and upon overdosage it induces a pronounced headache but it helped me greatly to quit venlafaxine. Wonder whether it would have more effects now that I've been off any SSRI for some months. Imagine it would also be a good aid against post-SSRI sexual dysfunction. Unfortunately in the country where I live now the only kanna product available is plain leaves, no extract, so I can't snort it.

The MAOI effect is likely to be insignificant as I combined kanna and SSRI and was fine.

Anybody knows whether a kanna extract was possible to make in the kitchen?
yeah, you can do it with both pure ethanol or isopropopyl
very easy extracts that seem to be almost as potent as those that the vendors sell.
the problem is that they would be full spectrum, separate alkaloids like mesembrine is probably much more complex
describe my experience with Kanna extract now that I have taken it for a few days
Honestly, maybe for you Kanna doesn't work as MDMA but well, you're just you, and most people never say that kanna is as strong as mdma, but mdma-like or mdma-lite which in some aspects could be true. There's barely no SRIs or SRAs in nature...!!
Also, which extract type have you used? they're loads of them, UC, MT-55, RX8... They are all different and they have different alkaloid ratios and noticeable different effects, perhaps the one you tried is not the one you'd like
Honestly, maybe for you Kanna doesn't work as MDMA but well, you're just you, and most people never say that kanna is as strong as mdma, but mdma-like or mdma-lite which in some aspects could be true. There's barely no SRIs or SRAs in nature...!!
Also, which extract type have you used? they're loads of them, UC, MT-55, RX8... They are all different and they have different alkaloid ratios and noticeable different effects, perhaps the one you tried is not the one you'd like
Yeah. I said that “this is just my experience “.

It was the mt55.