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The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

Highly recommend. It’s incredible how thoughtful and deep this woman was at a young age. Her entries at age 18 make her sound more like a person two or three times that age.

Last book I finished:

Extortion by Peter Schweitzer 👍
Well, I guess the Christian Bök work 'Eunoia' which is more of an experiment than a book
It's only 106 pages long but every word is individual i.e. It's a work of 120,00 words but they are only used once. That makes it more of a training work than something read to enjoy.

It IS good though - any William S. Burroughs fan would get it.
Just finished the book "Marching Powder" by Rusty Young, it's the story of a cocaine smuggler who got arrested in Bolivia and entered the world's possibly most corrupt prison where cocaine is abundant. Was a nice read!
Like to read

William S. Burroughs​

He is simple
simple, are you kidding me? i tried to read naked lunch and a few others. the way that guy writes was impossible for me to read even with the attention span i had before using drugs. and what's up with burroughs talking about sex with little boys and stuff. i don't know i got into him because sonic youth referenced him and i thought it'd make me smart... if you are dumb like me and want to read something try kurt vonnegut, he has some fun simple stories............. the adding machine is also a group of essays by burroughs which is pretty easy to read. i wasn't sure if he was smart or just out of his mind though.

for me today like trip reports on this site are the longest thing i read. i read some news sites too, but can't even always make it through an entire article. it depends how it's written. i'm slow and even have some problems reading what people write on this site. smoking weed definitely doesn't help this, imo. i'm amazed my sister smoked weed and made it through college. i guess some people get affected differently.

also naked lunch is an awesome movie. i want to see it again. it's not online. i always used to rent it when there was a block buster video. i was surprised they had it there in the early 2000s. they still had video cassette. lol

burroughs kind of made me not afraid to use opiates too. he was supposedly a responsible user from what i remember.
The Institute by Stephen King. Probably not his best book ever but was fairly nice to read.

Anybody could recommend me a nice zombie book? Like long reads, with 500+ pages.
I have had this book for years I just started. Dolphins, ET's and Angels by Timothy Wyllie. Non human intelligences. It has been on my shelf for many many years. So in a way I am glad I waited to read it as he told a lot of these stories in the PCP episode of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia. So the book leaves out the PCP part of the realizations. So in a way once I saw that I decided to read it. Now it makes sense. lol

I do have an issue with people leaving out they were on acid or PCP. I almost consider it blasphemy. It would only add to the story instead or is just thinking this person was sober. But I also understand writing a book like that back then almost needed to leave out the drugs. But yeah, I am glad I waited. The story of the sand dollar is incredible.
The Mountain Shadow GDRoberts

Edit: This one was not nearly as good as the first one. No matter the first one was so good.
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news,news,news...war,war,war......a positive good things...as to books-nothing from years.The book does not give me nothing anymore....just like music.......spiritual death
White Noise, Don DeLillo: a plodding American satire about our relationship with death. This may be the driest satire I've ever read. It's grown on me and gotten funnier as I've gotten deeper into it.

Crossroads, Jonathan Franzen: more American satire, more straightforward than DeLillo. Can't go wrong with Franzen. It had me hooked after the first couple pages.
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I think it would be nice if you guys could include the genre and a short description of the book in addition to title and author for people to decide whether it would be something for them to read next. :)
Currently reading 2 books

The Color Purple by Alice Walker- reading this one for class, but so far its decent. Its about an african american woman living in butt-fuck nowhere georgia in the early 1900s. Pretty much she grows up in an abusive home where she is repeatedly r**** and beat by her father, and once she gets older he marrys her off to this guy who continues to abuse her. She dosent know its wrong because its all shes ever known, but she starts to realize how fucked up it all is after meeting the woman her husband is in love with and then falling in love with her aswell.

Millennium Gothic:The Nostalgia Project, vol.1 by Dorian Bridges- im reading this one for leisure. Its written by one of my favorite youtubers, of herbs and alters, and is a memoir. He grew up on the bihrmingham goth scene and had a knack for getting into alot of trouble. Anorexia, drug addiction, almost school shooter boyfriends, pretty much name a mistake and he has made it. But hey, at least it makes for an entertaining story.