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Benzos How bad is this withdrawal going to be?

It's a monstrous jones, hang in there,and dont listen to negative head talk.it just side fix
Thank you. Might be corny to say but the only support and guidance I've gotten over this is you guys on here. No family friends or even hospital helped. I really appreciate that. I guess I'll keep this updated as an acecdotal report to contribute to the research.
Are these available by script. I'm in the US and not familiar with them. I'd like to look into them and help if possible.
I was on 20mg. Valium and 1mgm of Alprazolam plus buprenorphine for about 10 years. Doc said it was OK then suddenly retired. I ran out of buprenorphine on Xmas Eve and felt it a 2 days later. Never went back on it just stuck it out with the help of Ativan and alcohol.
I found new doc and am on a 2mg. stick of Alprazolam which is just getting me through the day. But I will get there and you will too.
Good Luck!
Might be corny to say but the only support and guidance I've gotten over this is you guys on here.
Not in the least corney I am sure I have posted the like here and seen others as well.
Sad that this is the case one would think the professional field would/could be ... well... professional. My opinion anyway.
Maybe not a valid option to the pros but BL has come to be my come to, fwiw. Send docs here as well maybe they grow up.
it sucks how the benzos really do help with anxiety disorders but they can also be so gnarly to get off of.
I have an anxiety disorder/ agoraphobia at times plus a bunch of other mental health issues and I’ve been prescribed & on clonazepam for 10 years. They have helped me so much but I never upped my dose or abused them in all that time.
I’m planning to get off them soon and my doctor says that I shouldn’t have a seizure since I never upped my dose all these years but if I can I’m going to try to stay in the hospital towards the end.
I feel for ya, I hope you don’t suffer too much. Good luck.
Thank you. Might be corny to say but the only support and guidance I've gotten over this is you guys on here. No family friends or even hospital helped. I really appreciate that. I guess I'll keep this updated as an acecdotal report to contribute to the research.
Still doing ok?
This is pissing me off. Anyways, somehow my flualps are days behind arriving for no reason and I have no clue if its an actual medical emergency that I suddenly stop 6mg flualp a day, though lately its been flubromazolam 1mg per day to stave wds cus i ran outta flualp, and I still feel iffy despite them. Now I'm on my last flubro. Considering I'm on the hardest stuff for a decent period of time (10 months or something, progressively ofc) I would imagine I'm in trouble. Should I go to a hospital? I live alone thousands of miles from family and I have a dog, so... No idea what to do.

Thanks for any help.
It depends. (I seem new here but i actually used to be here a around like 2000-2007. But i moved a lot so really didn't get back on till now.)

I have been on Benzos (for legit medical necessity) for over 20 yrs. Even so i have a hard time getting even my prescribed ones...

Anyway.... I think it depends on body differences, other substances, of you need them or not and which ones and how much, etc.

I have a RIDICULOUSLY HIGH TOLERANCE. Always have. (Spinal injuries and related as well as PTSD are why i need to be on them. I cannot take opiates so Benzos are all that help.). Yet 15 yrs ago or so, i had HORRIBLE rebound withdrawals even after a week moderate use. Like panic attacks so bad i had to leave work etc.

But i THINK many Benzos have improved since then because i can take like 90 2mg name brand Xanax within a couple weeks and i don't have withdrawals EXCEPT maybe back injuries flame up a couple days but that's it.

But if u need them medically not just for fun them you need them... Try not to take too many (i KNOW it's hard i usually go over my amount) and be careful with overdosing or double dosing or mixing with other things...,

As for hospitals they ONLY way they gave me Benzos was when i was in the middle of a petit mal seizure and they IVd me with Ativan and Benedryl... Honestly i have to go other places to get enough Benzos for me to function.
Still doing ok?
Yeah I'm alive and such. Body aches badly though I have my flualps. That withdrawal straight attacked my heart and I still feel it somewhat. Like its enlarged and pushing against other stuff. I can tell its healing now and I don't feel it much but yeah. Flualp hates the heart.
Are these available by script. I'm in the US and not familiar with them. I'd like to look into them and help if possible.
I was on 20mg. Valium and 1mgm of Alprazolam plus buprenorphine for about 10 years. Doc said it was OK then suddenly retired. I ran out of buprenorphine on Xmas Eve and felt it a 2 days later. Never went back on it just stuck it out with the help of Ativan and alcohol.
I found new doc and am on a 2mg. stick of Alprazolam which is just getting me through the day. But I will get there and you will too.
Good Luck!
No, they're not available in the US as prescription.

In fact, flualprazolam will likely be placed in schedule 1 shortly. The DEA submitted intent to temporarily schedule flualprazolam and 4/5 other benzodiazepines that are mainly sold as research chemicals.

So quite shortly it will be as illegal to have flualprazolam as it is to have mescaline or methamphetamine.
Are these available by script. I'm in the US and not familiar with them. I'd like to look into them and help if possible.
I was on 20mg. Valium and 1mgm of Alprazolam plus buprenorphine for about 10 years. Doc said it was OK then suddenly retired. I ran out of buprenorphine on Xmas Eve and felt it a 2 days later. Never went back on it just stuck it out with the help of Ativan and alcohol.
I found new doc and am on a 2mg. stick of Alprazolam which is just getting me through the day. But I will get there and you will too.
Good Luck!
They are talking about RC benzos, these arent available by script and some of them are like 10-20x stronger than reg xanax. The most common and only way to get these drugs is on the dark net. They are something dangerous to fuvk with, So id recommend u to just stay with your regular scripted benzos. Im alright with my good ol clonaz and valium.
No, they're not available in the US as prescription.

In fact, flualprazolam will likely be placed in schedule 1 shortly. The DEA submitted intent to temporarily schedule flualprazolam and 4/5 other benzodiazepines that are mainly sold as research chemicals.

So quite shortly it will be as illegal to have flualprazolam as it is to have mescaline or methamphetamine.
Interesting, didnt know they were thinking of making them available for prescripción, id still not fuck around with those Benz. They are Too dam strong.
Thank you. Might be corny to say but the only support and guidance I've gotten over this is you guys on here. No family friends or even hospital helped. I really appreciate that. I guess I'll keep this updated as an acecdotal report to contribute to the research.
Not corny at all and very appreciated. I think the pleasure is all on the board. Posts like yours helps you and others and your dog. (the dog is what touched me) Done correctly with some help everyone can remain safe, comfortable and healthy.

Thanks for updating and keep yourself well. Plenty of posts and threads on people easing themselves off of large amounts of benzos and live to brag about it. (it is worth bragging about!)
Please do 112/ 911. If necesary. Pretty cool getiing in the SEH/ ICU

General dr's wont be of much help when unlucky. Who burns is bud wil sit on the blisters. Is their ethos. The risk of an Epeleptic insult or Delerium Tremens are less important to them. Btw they are not there at weekend anyway. The dr's.
Haha unfortunately I snorted 30mg meth earlier, flualp has fucked me up. When I take it I don't get high then tired anymore, I just go to the sleepy AF phase... Hard to go to work like that. I don't do meth everyday but flualps a goddamn mammoth tranquilizer.

I'll probly just do what the fella above me said with the flubromazepam. I've done them and they definitely work. I just wonder how long its going to take me to get completely off... I only began this shit because somebody gave me 200 3mg flualps for free and I have a sleeping problem. Whoops.

Tldr: use rc chems very sparlingly or not at all. Or get merked.

Hey, just wanted to say, if you do go to flubromazepam, just remember that it's not a "take once a day" thing. The half life is ~100 hours - over 4 days. That means after over 4 days, you still have half of it in your system. If you take it daily, or even every other day, you will slowly build up to higher and higher levels in your system.

That said, it's still an excellent benzo to taper with. Partly because you only have to take it so infrequently, it helps you to get used to not dosing a benzo every day.
I have a theory here which may help if you can't make the hospital. Remember how benzos can withdraw you from alcohol? THe other way can be done too, but you need to be careful and take it EASY. its a TEMP measure because alcohol is volatile and low halflife comparatively with continuously poisonous effects if you're going heavy.

In theory! But in practice people going down that route are likely to end up lot worse than does switching from alcohol
to benzos.

Some of various reasons beside short half-life are: most addicts stand no chance using alcohol “as prescribed”, it’s possible that person is on a such big dose of some benzo that lethal amount of alcohol might be needed to stop WD’s, alcohol wont remove many sides of benzo WD (while big enough dose of something like diazepam even if it wont remove many sides of alcohol WD can be safely used in dose big enough for person to at least fall asleep)….

Substituting high-dose benzos for a few drinks daily after initial, strongest part of benzo WD is over works for some people but using it immediately to lessen WD from high-doses of benzos is something that I wouldn’t recommend to anyone having access to either benzos suitable for tapering, having hospital in their country. I wouldn’t recommend it for stopping low-dose benzo either as it’s more toxic and would help a lot less than even many herbs/supplements or just plain weed.

So all in all use alcohol for benzo WD only if stopping cold-turkey is potentially life threatening and you don’t have access to either other gabanerics better suited for this task or any medical assistance.
The silver bullet to quit RC benzos is usually through diazepam.

Dose down as much as possible and find a doctor who will substitute your necessary dose with diazepam.

You will probably need very high doses.

Once you have stabilized on diazepam you can come off it very slowly.

There are many tables on the web for this.
The silver bullet to quit RC benzos is usually through diazepam.

Dose down as much as possible and find a doctor who will substitute your necessary dose with diazepam.

You will probably need very high doses.

Once you have stabilized on diazepam you can come off it very slowly.

There are many tables on the web for this.

Its the best idea but I'm done with doctors for life. Going to flualp to broma to diclazepam.
No good idea! You never know what you get.

And it is mor difficult to taper than a substitute like Diazepam or Clonazepam.

If you dont like docters you shoud buy it otherwise. Internet or fy to Mexico.

Shure it is expensive but your life is more valuable!
They are talking about RC benzos, these arent available by script and some of them are like 10-20x stronger than reg xanax. The most common and only way to get these drugs is on the dark net. They are something dangerous to fuvk with, So id recommend u to just stay with your regular scripted benzos. Im alright with my good ol clonaz and valium.
I thought as much. Believe me I'm not looking for anything on the benzo side. It's take too much from me already. Not that I'm obsolving myself from being responsible for my particular situation.
Everyone is ultimately responsible for their own actions.
My apologies, don't mean to preach.