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Benzos Xanax for methamphetamine (stimulant-induced) insomnia?


Jan 21, 2023
I deal with insomnia when I'm taking therapeutic doses of methamphetamine (which is about 15mg to 20mg at max) and have difficulty sleeping at night (talked about this in my previous post). Does anyone have experience taking Xanax (dose of 2mg) at night to deal with stimulant-induced insomnia? (that is, taking Xanax 2mg at night before sleep when I'm taking methamphetamine in the morning). Do you guys recommend it for insomnia? Any thoughts?

I will not be combining them together; I will be taking methamphetamine in the morning and Xanax 2mg in the night if I have difficulty falling asleep. When I tried to Google, everything on the internet links to recovery websites that talk about the "dangers of combining both" - which is not something I will be doing. A few Quora posts seem to address my situation of taking stimulants in the morning and Xanax at night.
It works great, benzodiazepines are probably the most effective drug for this exact purpose.

2mg might be a bit overkill unless you already have a significant tolerance to xanax.
Xanax is only available as a 2mg pill from my vendor. Will 2mg cause an overdose for a person taking Xanax for the first time (and occupationally afterward)?
Most xanax in the US is pressed with various other benzos and not real alprazolam. Either way, unless you already have tolerance to benzos taking a full 2mg bar is going to be too much. You won't "overdose", but you'll probably oversleep and/or wake up still high, groggy and out of it.

Start with 1/4th. This will most likely be sufficient to induce sleep.
Xanax is only available as a 2mg pill from my vendor. Will 2mg cause an overdose for a person taking Xanax for the first time (and occupationally afterward)?
Depending on how your body reacts to benzodiazepines, even a 2 mg bar of legitimate real alprazolam is equivalent to 20 to 40 mg of Valium.

It is much more sedating than Valium but has a shorter action.

The only issue is if you begin to take Xanax every evening to fall asleep you will become dependent, and then you will become addicted and at risk of rebound insomnia or benzodiazepine withdrawal if you decide to stop.

As snafu said, if you're not getting legitimate prescriptions Xanax, you're getting a mixed bag of whatever the fuck they wanted to press, including benzos that are much stronger than Xanax, and potentially fentanyl.
I deal with insomnia when I'm taking therapeutic doses of methamphetamine (which is about 15mg to 20mg at max) and have difficulty sleeping at night (talked about this in my previous post). Does anyone have experience taking Xanax (dose of 2mg) at night to deal with stimulant-induced insomnia? (that is, taking Xanax 2mg at night before sleep when I'm taking methamphetamine in the morning). Do you guys recommend it for insomnia? Any thoughts?

I will not be combining them together; I will be taking methamphetamine in the morning and Xanax 2mg in the night if I have difficulty falling asleep. When I tried to Google, everything on the internet links to recovery websites that talk about the "dangers of combining both" - which is not something I will be doing. A few Quora posts seem to address my situation of taking stimulants in the morning and Xanax at night.
How are you sure that you're only taking 15 to 20 mg of methamphetamine?

Do you calibrate your milligram scale everyday?
I deal with insomnia when I'm taking therapeutic doses of methamphetamine (which is about 15mg to 20mg at max) and have difficulty sleeping at night (talked about this in my previous post). Does anyone have experience taking Xanax (dose of 2mg) at night to deal with stimulant-induced insomnia? (that is, taking Xanax 2mg at night before sleep when I'm taking methamphetamine in the morning). Do you guys recommend it for insomnia? Any thoughts?

I will not be combining them together; I will be taking methamphetamine in the morning and Xanax 2mg in the night if I have difficulty falling asleep. When I tried to Google, everything on the internet links to recovery websites that talk about the "dangers of combining both" - which is not something I will be doing. A few Quora posts seem to address my situation of taking stimulants in the morning and Xanax at night.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking some Xanax when you're coming down. It's common to use benzos for the come down. I use valium and it works very well. I used to use Olanzapine top but it started to interfere with the gear. It enhanced the come down which is weird but it happens. So I just stick with the valium. Take the Xanax and go to sleep. It will help you with the coming off. Good luck 🤠
Xanax does wonders for my cocaine comedowns. I took 2.5 mg of it one night (I had a huge benzo tolerance at the time), and seriously slept for 22 hours. I passed out at around 3 pm — after being up all night — and woke up at 1 pm the next day. It was wonderful.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking some Xanax when you're coming down. It's common to use benzos for the come down. I use valium and it works very well. I used to use Olanzapine top but it started to interfere with the gear. It enhanced the come down which is weird but it happens. So I just stick with the valium. Take the Xanax and go to sleep. It will help you with the coming off. Good luck 🤠
How long of olanzapine before you could get high of meth I got a good idea just seeing outher peoples opinion