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Cocaine Crack cocaine beginners questions


Mar 22, 2006
I have by Accident aquired a small amount of Crack, never used it and was never that interested. But now i have to Ask what is the typical amount needed for one hit? Best told in mg. And do you have to use one of these Crack pipes? Is it possible to vape it an oil pipe or a lightbulb? Can you smoke it in a cigarette but i think thats suboptimal singe you want the whole Hit in at once. Ideas? Thanks.
I have by Accident aquired a small amount of Crack, never used it and was never that interested. But now i have to Ask what is the typical amount needed for one hit? Best told in mg. And do you have to use one of these Crack pipes? Is it possible to vape it an oil pipe or a lightbulb? Can you smoke it in a cigarette but i think thats suboptimal singe you want the whole Hit in at once. Ideas? Thanks.
Around 25-50mg is a normal hit. And mgmm eyeballing it, If it's good quality half a qtip or even less like 1/3 of a qtip is enough. Try not to fuck up your first hit of the day cause it's the best one of the session. Although, crack is a drug which requires a lil bit of skill to master and get the most out of it. When you know how to make a good pipe, how to chase it without wasting much and u feel those blasts rocking your brain. Thats when it gets very addictive, I don't think one time use will make you addicted but never let your guard down it's a very insidious drug. Stay safe
EDIT: I used to smoke it in cigarettes, I would take some of the tobacco from the tip-end and put a small amount of crack there then cut the cig in half and use it as a 1-max 2 hit mini pipe. It's a waste of tobacco but if u knoe how to do it, u can get a great ringer from it :p ok enough for me, I'm getting triggered here. Good luck
You can make a coke can style pipe then create a thick bed of cigarette ashes and place the rock on top of that and hit it. Works quite well...not as good as a crack pipe.
I've always been apprehensive sharing how to hit with newcomers. I've rarely given a wakeup on the street as I never wanted to be the one to get someone started.

Years ago my lady refused to fix my pipe for me. She was a scientist with this shht lol she just didn't want me to get that massive blast and she would feel guilty if I began selling my a$$ for crumbs of another hit!

Today, here I am cheeks still preserved yet I have in my own right mastered a good blast.

My advice, throw it away. As a beginner it's much easier to mess up your hit than it is to get a decent hit. There is truly a science behind hitting crakk especially in a stem. Heat, flame control, breath control, size and quality of chore, quality of rokk, size of rok, clean apparatus, broken apparatus and so on.

Nothing will have the average crakk smoker back out in the wilderness for just one more than a messed up hit. I had a companion tell me "I'll give you my last 10$ before I give you my last hit" as the street veteran she was she kept her word and gave me $10!!
I agree with tossing it. I'm a downer girl(heroin, pills, fent) and i've even spent a few hundred in a couple hours because someone offered me a nice hit. That shit is crazy addictive.
I have by Accident aquired a small amount of Crack, never used it and was never that interested. But now i have to Ask what is the typical amount needed for one hit? Best told in mg. And do you have to use one of these Crack pipes? Is it possible to vape it an oil pipe or a lightbulb? Can you smoke it in a cigarette but i think thats suboptimal singe you want the whole Hit in at once. Ideas? Thanks.
Acquired it probable stepped on but go to your local inner city good old Gas Station ask Mohammed for ..... Rose gift tubes made of cheap glass with tiny rose inside it oh of course any grocery store scouring pan cleaner ie Chore boy brass shreds . Pull that little rose out and use tiny wooden dowel or your left over Chinese chop stick work very good Grasshopper to stuff little amount of Chore Boy in that tube leaving about 1/2 inch space place chore boy tiny wad in the end of glass tube for your Ready Rock crumbs. Oh do NOT bring over any escorts or street hoes to party with as she will -""ABSOLUTELY"" 1 Million percent show you exactly how it is done and SMOKE all your ready up , then have you run her broke ass down the road begging you for cash to COP loads more, making you drive at high speed like end of Earth coming and show you all night like a Boss exactly how to fire that glass Dick up
high bong GIF
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I have by Accident aquired a small amount of Crack, never used it and was never that interested. But now i have to Ask what is the typical amount needed for one hit? Best told in mg. And do you have to use one of these Crack pipes? Is it possible to vape it an oil pipe or a lightbulb? Can you smoke it in a cigarette but i think thats suboptimal singe you want the whole Hit in at once. Ideas? Thanks.
I would just get rid of it if I were you, I took one hit once and 23 years later all I want is one more hit, I can't even begin to put into words how much I regret that and at the same time I will tell you that I absolutely love crack. You do you but it's risky, like someone else said if you get that perfect bellringer you could end up chasing that hit for the rest of your life. Or you could be one of those people who crack just doesn't float their boat. Anyway, I prefer the thicker rose tubes, not the thick pyrex but the ones that have a rose with a actual fake rose with a wire stem wrapped in green fabric that come in a red and white box that says love roses on it. Something seems to have happened to chore boy in the past year or so, so lately I get about five or six brass screens like the ones that people would put in meat pot pipes in the 90's and roll them into little balls not to tight but not to loose and stuff those down the stem with a chopstick, about tight enough so you can pull through a little bit easier than an unlit cigarette. I personally push it down so there is about a quarter of an inch of glass if you get what I am trying to say. Load up the rock and I start with my pipe pointed up at about a 45 degree angle. When I light it up with a Bic lighter and hold the flame about a half inch above the piece and start to inhale slowly, the speed and how hard I inhale is probably the hardest to explain. I go pretty slow and steady. As I inhale I try not to let the flame touch the rock but close enough to get the heat I need. As I'm inhaling I am bring the pipe down to a horizontal level while rotating it at the same time, I usually lick my lips first to make it easy to rotate all the while controlling my flame to get the right amount of heat. Towards the end of my hit I personally bring the flame into the screens or Brillo for just a second, although some will say your ruining it by doing that. I then hold my hit for maybe 4 to 5 seconds max and sit down to enjoy the feeling for a couple minutes. Then I usually repeat the process about every five to ten minutes until I'm broke at which point I will usually ask for a front from my dealer or manipulate my wife who doesn't use this shit into giving me more money, (as I pawned most everything of value that I owned and wiped out my retirement money a while back) I will not go to work and I usually don't call in either at least when I last had a job just about a year ago when they let me go for absentiesem. Eventually my wife's money will be gone and the home equity loan money I am trying to talk her into getting will be gone or she will finally just get rid of me for good, I will probably end up on the streets and possibly start stealing or perhaps prostitute myself I don't know yet for more crack money although I don't know what the markets like for skinny cis guys in their 40's with missing front teeth). Perhaps I will try to start dealing and end up smoking all the shit and possibly get killed or really fucked up for not having the plugs money who knows. (Or get caught and go to prison) anyway that's how I take a hit, speaking of which I am going to wrap up this instructional talk and take a couple more hits as tomorrow is almost here and I'm down to about half a gram and I got to figure out how to get more money for, well you know. So I really really hope you flush that shit. Peace out.
Edit perhaps tomorrow I will try to fix my grammar and put this into proper paragraphs if I can.
I have by Accident aquired a small amount of Crack, never used it and was never that interested. But now i have to Ask what is the typical amount needed for one hit? Best told in mg. And do you have to use one of these Crack pipes? Is it possible to vape it an oil pipe or a lightbulb? Can you smoke it in a cigarette but i think thats suboptimal singe you want the whole Hit in at once. Ideas? Thanks.
I would just get rid of it if I were you, I took one hit once and 27 years laterI want is one more hit, I can't even begin to put into words how much I regret that and at the same time I will tell you that I absolutely love crack. You do you but it's risky, like someone else said if you get that perfect bellringer you could end up chasing that hit for the rest of your life. Or you could be one of those people who crack just doesn't float their boat. Anyway, I prefer the thicker rose tubes, not the thick pyrex but the ones that have a rose with a actual fake rose with a wire stem wrapped in green fabric that come in a red and white box that says love roses on it. Something seems to have happened to chore boy in the past year or so. lately get about five or six brass screens like the ones that people would put in meat pot pipes in the 90's and roll them into little balls not to tight but not to loose and stuff those down the stem with a chopstick, about tight enough so you can pull through a little bit easier than an unlit cigarette. I personally push it down so there is about a quarter of an inch of glass if you get what I am trying to say. Load up the rock and I start with my pipe pointed up at about a 45 degree angle. When I light it I use a Bic lighter and hold the flame about a half inch above the piece and start to inhale slowly, the speed and how hard I inhale is probably the hardest to explain. I go pretty slow and steady. As I inhale I try not to let the flame touch the rock but close enough to get the heat I need. As I'm inhaling I am bring the pipe down to a horizontal level while rotating it at the same time, I usually lick my lips first to make it easy to rotate all the while controlling my flame to get the right amount of heat. Towards the end of my hit I personally bring the flame into the screens or Brillo for just a second, although some will say your ruining it by doing that. I then hold my hit for maybe 4 to 5 seconds max and sit down to enjoy the feeling for a couple minutes. Then I usually repeat the process about every five to ten minutes until I'm broke at which point I will usually ask for a front from my dealer or manipulate my wife who doesn't use this shit into giving me more money, (as I pawned most everything of value that I owned and wiped out my retirement money a while back) I will not go to work and I usually don't call in either at least when I last had a job just about a year ago when they let me go for absentiesem. Eventually my wife's money will be gone and the home equity loan money I am trying to talk her into getting will be gone or she will finally just get rid of me for good, I will probably end up on the streets and possibly start stealing or perhaps prostitute myself I don't know yet for more crack money although I don't know what the markets like for skinny cis guys in their 40's with missing front teeth). Perhaps I will try to start dealing and end up smoking all the shit and possibly get killed or really fucked up for not having the plugs money who knows. (Or get caught and go to prison) anyway that's how I take a hit, speaking of which I am going to wrap up this instructional talk and take a couple more hits as tomorrow is almost here and I'm down to about half a gram and I got to figure out how to get more money for, well you know. So I really really hope you flush that shit. Peace out
I have by Accident aquired a small amount of Crack, never used it and was never that interested. But now i have to Ask what is the typical amount needed for one hit? Best told in mg. And do you have to use one of these Crack pipes? Is it possible to vape it an oil pipe or a lightbulb? Can you smoke it in a cigarette but i think thats suboptimal singe you want the whole Hit in at once. Ideas? Thanks.
what did you do with it in the end?
what did you do with it in the end?

still stashed it, have better things to do atm, and i dont have any worries about getting addicted to crack, not a great fan of coke. too much of a speedfreak here. will see when it ends in my lungs. i once heard that good crack tastes good, is that right?
still stashed it, have better things to do atm, and i dont have any worries about getting addicted to crack, not a great fan of coke. too much of a speedfreak here. will see when it ends in my lungs. i once heard that good crack tastes good, is that right?
it only tastes 'good' because the taste excites the previously crack-created neural pathways you have, imo

edit - crack doesn't care if you like coke or not, it's still addictive af and the best advice (which you are no doubt sick of hearing but ya gonna hear it again anyway) is to just bin it
ok, just took 2 hits of white crack that i bought for 9eur, have a third here. rather lame high and disguisting taste. think i got bad product, not impressed. also the typical cocaine egohead feeling isnt there, just a bit stimulated.
3 hits and slight stimulation comparable to about 20mg methamphtamine...
ok, added o-pce and f-pb. then waited and added 4aco-det and some more o-pce. must get something out of this crappy crack buy...
ok so now you've tried it do yourself a massive favour and leave it as a one-off - it's a shit drug, pointless really

underestimate it at your peril however
ok so now you've tried it do yourself a massive favour and leave it as a one-off - it's a shit drug, pointless really

Think I gonna try it one more time. I’m not that much into coke. The Alpha pyrrolidino ketones are a much bigger threat for me. And that’s what I’m gonna stick to when I need to get wasted, but thanks. The people I’ve seen selling crack looked either very distressed or rather smacked (when they had benzos on board). Not my drug anyway…
Think I gonna try it one more time. I’m not that much into coke. The Alpha pyrrolidino ketones are a much bigger threat for me. And that’s what I’m gonna stick to when I need to get wasted, but thanks. The people I’ve seen selling crack looked either very distressed or rather smacked (when they had benzos on board). Not my drug anyway…
it's likely already got you but you don't know - why do you wanna do it again when you don't really like coke? You don't need to answer that friend, I already know

it's your life man, don't throw it away for crack

I’m not a crack fiend and will never be. Have my problems with Amphetamines that’s it.