Mental Health psychiatry in general and the use of neuroleptics


Mar 22, 2006
I felt really psychotic on a full dose of olanzapine (15mg). It’s dirty stuff, maybe useful at 5mg, nothing more. Haloperidol at 5mg was very nice indeed. I think it can be rather euphoric under 10mg. Quetiapin and prothipendyl are really nice and sedating too without tolerance at low dose. I don’t see the effort in people giving high dose neuroleptics like risperidon, haloperidol, olanzapine, aripiprazol or any of the older Ring substituted ones like chlorpromazine. I think they have their use if a person is really agitated for short term treatment but I’ve seen normal dumb speedfreaks being on abilify for weeks, not being able to shower and barely making it to the dinner table. Makes no sense, where is the treatment success in that? Plus social workers on the same station appear to work on tilidine. Well that just makes sense, psychiatry is still full of flaws until today, at least here in Germany. Psychiatrist are the least useful doctors there are and I’ve seen a bunch of them not doing anything really useful and cash in around 4500eur for that, at least that’s the case with most station doctors.

Ive seen psychiatric stations
where senile, people doing their alcohol withdrawal, the usual weirdo’s and some drug related inmates like me have been locked together. Not the worst station. I’ve been to one where old people had to sleep in their wheelchairs naked on the floor, with personal totally incompetent and unfriendly and some doctors on top walking around 500m per day and doing absolutely nothing despite lying or inventing clinical conditions, at least with me.

Normally psychiatry over here is some short term prison like institution over here for many, at least when it comes to decisions made by a judge. But also without any an incompetent psychiatrist can lock you into their station for month without proper reasoning or any outlook for mental improvement.

Ive seen 6 psychiatric wards so far, some for over a year, some I visited around 10 or 12 times, always due to my alpha pyrrolidino consumption, which was indeed too destructive.

Please write about your experiences with psychiatry in your country and if it makes sense to you what they are doing.
The psych ward i stayed at was indeed terrible. Cunt nurses, cunt security guards and the shrinks where less then useless. I was thrown in solitary 6 ti mes with my longest stay in there being 2 days after i punched a guard when they tried to let me out. Was worth it though cause fuck those cunts. The worst was these power hungry nurses who would follow you around tyelling at you to put out cigs and joints. I mean who did these people think they where? Eventually i just ignored them being there. The screaming at night just gives me flashbacks still.

Not to mention i went 3 goddamn months without any medication at all even though i was suffering from hardcore opiates and benzo wd's so i dunno how i didnt just die. Guess im not easy to kill. I was also psychotic and had cotards syndrome but the shrink blamed it on weed psychosis and wouldnt give me anything for 3 long goddamn months i though i was dead
The psych ward i stayed at was indeed terrible. Cunt nurses, cunt security guards and the shrinks where less then useless. I was thrown in solitary 6 ti mes with my longest stay in there being 2 days after i punched a guard when they tried to let me out. Was worth it though cause fuck those cunts. The worst was these power hungry nurses who would follow you around tyelling at you to put out cigs and joints. I mean who did these people think they where? Eventually i just ignored them being there. The screaming at night just gives me flashbacks still.

Not to mention i went 3 goddamn months without any medication at all even though i was suffering from hardcore opiates and benzo wd's so i dunno how i didnt just die. Guess im not easy to kill. I was also psychotic and had cotards syndrome but the shrink blamed it on weed psychosis and wouldnt give me anything for 3 long goddamn months i though i was dead
Rofl, i love the manner in which you convey your experiences. 9.8/10

Also, condolences for your troubles.
Psychiatry is definitely hit or miss, and unfortunately more often misses. I've had terrible experiences, but also some great ones. Finding the right doctor can be a headache but is worth it.

I've been to 2 psych wards and honestly it wasn't that bad of an experience. The worst part was having to deal with the other patients in there.

Everyone seems to react to antipsychotics very differently. Personally I didn't mind being on risperidone at all. Even at high doses of 2-3mg I had virtually zero side effects, didn't even gain weight. Olanzapine and quetiapine I do not like and make me feel shitty.
Psychiatry is definitely hit or miss, and unfortunately more often misses. I've had terrible experiences, but also some great ones. Finding the right doctor can be a headache but is worth it.

I've been to 2 psych wards and honestly it wasn't that bad of an experience. The worst part was having to deal with the other patients in there.

Everyone seems to react to antipsychotics very differently. Personally I didn't mind being on risperidone at all. Even at high doses of 2-3mg I had virtually zero side effects, didn't even gain weight. Olanzapine and quetiapine I do not like and make me feel shitty.

I got along with the patients in there pretty good. my room mate was a big muscled up guy over 6 feet who wore a dress lol he was cool as fuck. Plus noone was going to fuck with me in there after i knocked out a doctor on my first night there lol
I mean, most of my docs have been legit. My least favorites was the one that went to the world-class schools. My doc who went to state school was probably the best. Honestly, there is some new theory on how to conduct psych wards. I've been to one with a heavy amount of structure, groups, diet protocols, and a large degree of oversight. I've been to one where they basically let you do what you want. The second was infinitely better, ironically enough.

Otherwise, the public psychiatrists tend to be much more cautious than the private ones. I think that's a good thing.
Otherwise, the public psychiatrists tend to be much more cautious than the private ones. I think that's a good thing.
I've noticed this as well, almost all of my positive psychiatry experiences have been from private doctors. They seem to listen to me more and are more willing to prescribe good stuff.
Here I’ve Seen random people,not agitated on 25mg haldol, plus one alcoholic became it due to withdrawal which seem to have helped.
aripiprazol too, people run around the whole day not being able to fulfill simple tasks and that helps them how? It was a 19 yo speed boy, supposedly came in intoxicated, after one night of sleep hes fine again and has to stay there for a week for control, sober. That’s standard protocol I’d say and they make a zombie out of him until he leaves the hospital. Again, what sort of treatment success should that be. Others that are severly depressed get nothing. And that’s psychiatric ward everyday life in Germany. At least they don’t do electron spasm therapy anymore or pump poor old ladies so full with haldol that they develope permanent Parkinson like symptoms and have to stay in a wheelchair all the time. This happened not long ago.
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And at least in 4 out of 6 psychiatric wards all the people had to go to nurse for getting their psychopharmaca once or twice a day. But they only gave out placebo. This seems to be a common practice in hospitals over here. Everybody was sober. They handed out ibuprofen, paracetamol and some heart medication or cetirizine if needed, but they completely fuck up when it comes to psychoactive medicines. In the other hospital mainly haldol high dose was given, at random people iirc. And on the other stations one was on aripiprazol all day and one other got risperdal for sleeping. I ran there 2 times A day to collect my 300mg quetiapin, which is a clear overdose if I would have gotten it at one time. And always went for 1mg lorazepam three times daily, no api in it, nurse confirmed this that there’s no lorazepam in it But the chef doctor there was very dedicated to find a good and manageable schedule for me for tapering down.

nurses who have to play the boss I have seen some, doctors who are somewhat ridiculous all the time.

for anyone with psychological problems that persist a day clinic is definitely more helpful than any of these closed psychiattic wards were they constantly lie about medication and do a shity job of helping people in need. It’s more like short time prison over here, sometimes 3 days, sometimes 1,5years For me.
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I've noticed this as well, almost all of my positive psychiatry experiences have been from private doctors. They seem to listen to me more and are more willing to prescribe good stuff.

Here it's the inpatient ones who are cunts. My first shrink could only be a inpatient because noone would voluntarily see the bitch. She never even gave out anti-psychotics let alone benzos. Thankfully my brother lost his shit and got me a outside shrink
Here it's the inpatient ones who are cunts. My first shrink could only be a inpatient because noone would voluntarily see the bitch. She never even gave out anti-psychotics let alone benzos. Thankfully my brother lost his shit and got me a outside shrink
I remember hating my inpatient doctors, not because they didn't give me meds, but because they were always saying I was "drug seeking behavior" when I wasn't.

Or this one motherfucker kept telling me this story about how he used to be addicted to heroin himself when he was young, and his friends drove him into the woods and left him there for a week. I kept thinking "Hey man, I live in the fucking desert, I would die if I tried that".

I didn't like them, but for other reasons. They always kept me comfortable on APs and bupe.
I remember hating my inpatient doctors, not because they didn't give me meds, but because they were always saying I was "drug seeking behavior" when I wasn't.

Or this one motherfucker kept telling me this story about how he used to be addicted to heroin himself when he was young, and his friends drove him into the woods and left him there for a week. I kept thinking "Hey man, I live in the fucking desert, I would die if I tried that".

I didn't like them, but for other reasons. They always kept me comfortable on APs and bupe.

U got bupe? They wouldnt even give me ibuprofen lol. They just said i was a drug seeker even though it's not om my records at all. They wouldnt even give me loperamide ffs for coming off 150mg's of morphine
U got bupe? They wouldnt even give me ibuprofen lol. They just said i was a drug seeker even though it's not om my records at all. They wouldnt even give me loperamide ffs for coming off 150mg's of morphine

Yes, but the primary reason I was in the psych ward in the first place was due to drug use and behavior while under the influence of drugs.

One of these times I went to the hospital in severe withdrawal, expecting to be sent to detox... and they sent me to the psych ward instead.

The other time it was also due to drugs, but I was also in psychosis as well, due to the drugs.
Yes, but the primary reason I was in the psych ward in the first place was due to drug use and behavior while under the influence of drugs.

One of these times I went to the hospital in severe withdrawal, expecting to be sent to detox... and they sent me to the psych ward instead.

The other time it was also due to drugs, but I was also in psychosis as well, due to the
Yeah i was in for psychosis but my doc kept changing her mind on what coulda cused it. One day she would say weed the next morphine the next benzos. Dunno how the fuck either can cause psychosis but oh well i have my scripts back now thats the main thing. The bitch shrink i had wanted to see me in jail because she didnt like me and even brought up bringing charges against me until my lawyer brother told her no judge on earth would convict me. What a bitch fuck those places
I've been in 6 inpatient psych hospitals. Two university hospitals (I guess public), two private, and two state hospitals (public).

The scariest for me was the first state hospital. There were fights between patients almost every day, the commons area was racially segregated like you see on those prison shows, and the doctors were almost non-existent. They didn't give me any medications for like the first 2 weeks; not even ibuprofen for a headache.

The second university hospital had the best food and pretty top notch recreational activities where I got to play guitar almost every day.

My most innovative psychiatrists have been part of state sponsored programs when I didn't have insurance. Once I got insurance and I started seeing private psych docs, they merely continued what the public doctors were already previously prescribing me. Doesn't seem like the private ones have been putting much thought into it. Presently I have insurance and a private doc but he seems okay. He listens and allows me to question him and have a say in my treatment plan.

Also, I prefer middle aged psychiatrists rather than old ones too set in their ways or young ones with no experience.
I've been in 6 inpatient psych hospitals. Two university hospitals (I guess public), two private, and two state hospitals (public).

The scariest for me was the first state hospital. There were fights between patients almost every day, the commons area was racially segregated like you see on those prison shows, and the doctors were almost non-existent. They didn't give me any medications for like the first 2 weeks; not even ibuprofen for a headache.

The second university hospital had the best food and pretty top notch recreational activities where I got to play guitar almost every day.

My most innovative psychiatrists have been part of state sponsored programs when I didn't have insurance. Once I got insurance and I started seeing private psych docs, they merely continued what the public doctors were already previously prescribing me. Doesn't seem like the private ones have been putting much thought into it. Presently I have insurance and a private doc but he seems okay. He listens and allows me to question him and have a say in my treatment plan.

Also, I prefer middle aged psychiatrists rather than old ones too set in their ways or young ones with no experience.

There where never any fights berrtn patient where i was at well except for between me and that guy being a annoying cunt when i was withdrawing hardcore. Everyone was mixed in in the psych was i was we had a native guy, a guy from the Congo and a guy from Rwanda who was a friend in there
Neuroleptics were essential,but really unpleasant together with some antipsychotics while detox in psychiatry.Never used 'em on my own
Psychiatrists are in bed with big pharma to keep their profits and continue to have authority over their patients. There is no room or need for anything like those in our society. The doctors are dum and fear psychedelics and marijuana because a patient might get well on one session vs. lifetime of pills and shots. So I think that to say antipsychotics have a place or potential, this is wrong.
For me, pot for life and psychedelics are healing.
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So to say antipsychotics have a place or potential, this is wrong.

that is not entirely true. at least haloperidol was somewhat recreational at 5mg. theres quetiapine which i found also useful, the same with prothipendyl. but it makes no sense to set patients on 25mg of haldol or a good dose of olanzapine. this has absolutely nothing to do with the imrpovement of the mental health of the patient.