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Poppys indoor

i think it's pretty far out tho that @negrogesic rocked it with cheapos from amazon .....

poppies look cool man

That’s a good amount of pods in a tiny space, I imagine atleast a gram+ in latex, I guess depending on potency
But let’s say .025mg per pod, how many pods there ? I’d give that a rough about I’m my best guess , some more some less , they can be scored up to 3 times
Poppy plants have tap roots, so no way you can grow them in a plant pot.
You are right, they have deep pivotant roots, but can grow them in a pot.
You absolutely can.
Not in a yogourt cup, tho. In my short experience you will be better with, at least, 25-30 cms ( 10?inches) wide and 35 -40 (14?) deep for two plants per pot, three as a maximun if you don't mind them to be smaller.

The very important thing is that you don't want less than say 7 - 9 inches between them, otherwise you will find yourself ike I did, just harvesting asparagus with a ridiculous poppy flower at the top.
Most ridiculous pods ever.

I was ashamed of my growing skills, but I must say them dwarf pods were strangely strong.
Mine were bunched together like weeds, did 0 weeding them out for space, and in the center of that we’re my largest pods around a golf ball, lots of myths surrounding poppy growing it seems to me
Way more than a gram of latex. I've been able to bleed a half gram out of a single pod over the course of a week.
Mine were bunched together like weeds, did 0 weeding them out for space, and in the center of that we’re my largest pods around a golf ball, lots of myths surrounding poppy growing it seems to me

With the latex being a liquid/sappy I would think that even in a small amount it would be heavy,size and weight close to hash..

Does one method cause less side-effects than the other, smokin or tea,,

I won’t allow myself to be a daily drinker but even once a week use affects my sleep a little which takes a few days to get over and the other side effect is the nausea,( only happens the first 20 minutes)which is worse ,if any is there a rush from smokin it ?
Way more than a gram of latex. I've been able to bleed a half gram out of a single pod over the course of a week.
Like I said I used mine as soon as I harvested it so I’m just guessing, but more is always better, but I feel like a half gram a pod is a little high no ?
Ok, ok...here is a glimpse of one of them

And yes, opium is very dense, so a little chunk weighs alot.

I smoked a few grams but found it wasn't worth it. You have to smoke alot of it in order to get high (like nodding high). So unless you have a large supply, smoking it is very wasteful. Plus, I find the high from eating it to be far more enjoyable and satisfying.

There isn't much of a rush to smoking it. The high sort of creeps on slowly. Whats interesting is that after you finish smoking it, the high continues getting stronger. And it lasts a very long time. I've noticed the same thing from smoking tar heroin, a long lasting high that keeps on getting stronger even after you are done smoking it. Difference being that tar heroin does have a bit of a rush when you smoke it. Smoked opium tastes alot like tar heroin smoke, in fact it tastes exactly the same, minus the vinegar taste from the acetic anhydride. The plants themselves smell like tar heroin (minus the vinegar).

But I'm never growing these again. Was alot of fun though. I just don't need a constant supply of this stuff, because if I have it around I'll find excuses to take them. It was really a crazy feeling to get high off of narcotics that I grew myself from a little seed. And it wasn't a subtle high, it was full blown pinned pupils, face scratching, dropping my phone on the floor while nodding on the toilet, type of high.
I feel like a half gram a pod is a little high no ?

Not really. From a large pod over a week it is pretty easy to get that. You make
3-4 cuts, wait a few hours and collect, then make another 3-4 cuts and collect. Do this every other day for a week and half a gram is easy.

This might not work on a outdoor plant but it definitely worked with mine. I pumped these full of fertilizer so they were literally bursting with latex.
Very nice grow, those whit n purple look just like mine…you get them from some pods you ordered ? If not what strain ? What would you say your overall yield was at half a G a pod ?