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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Mescaline (Experienced), crude extract of three foot Bridgesii. Fucking wow.


Bluelight Crew
May 14, 2016
I have always made a point of distinguishing mescaline as being psychedelic in it's own cool, calm and collected way. It's cartoony, friendly, dreamy at times, but also quite lucid and doesn't get me tongue-tied like LSD and mushrooms can.

I have extracted mescaline crystal from cuttings of this cactus before. Yields were impressive, but I find the process too much work for small-scale ventures. Crystal always feels 'cleaner' and clearer, but often missing something. I have opted lately for crude tar. Simple and it works very well.

There was a lot there, too much to cap.. I managed to wash a few teaspoons down with Coca Cola, and did avoid, mostly, the distgusting, salty, earwax-taste of the material.

The Trip:
I lie back on the couch, sometime around 11:00pm. There is a building phase of what I call 'neuro nausea', which I wait out with YouTube clips and a quick phone call to a friend.

By around 1am, I look in the mirror and see that my pupils are lit up like fireworks, my face is warping and I'm laughing my ass off at nothing.

The visuals started pouring out of everywhere. Metallic blue ladybugs from the corner of the room, which appeared wrinkled with age. The room is filling with technicolour smoke and serpentine insectoids with faces morphing from lion to gremlin to dragon to gargoyle dogs.

In the smoky haze before me, I see complex geometrical patterns. Snowflakes and white glowing flecks are floating about me.

At times, text is almost impossible to read, like alien language and I am starting to get MDA-like eye wobbles. The constant bombardment of visuals (which I can not shake off, even for a second) are DMT-like at times, only less rapid than DMT. Everything has character, everything is moving.

I close my eyes, and instantly dream up a lakeside setting by a small waterfall. I consider putting music on, but the more I think of it, the more I can hear it; lo-fi beats to chill to at 3am are playing inside my head. I snapped myself out of this one, audio hallucinations worry me a bit.

After four or so hours I remember Bluelight's name and strategically work my way to the Psychedelic area in an attempt to document things I might otherwise forget.

Instead, I find myself captivated with the image of a tree-person (not so much an arboreal creature, or maybe that too, but she did literally appear to be made of tree). Her face was morphing in a way that I only recall seeing on considerable doses of acid. In the corners of her eyes, I saw peafowl feathers turn to birds of Paradise which fluttered out and away.

There are dragonflies and white glowing beetles hovering about the morphing geometry-filled smoke of the room. Rainbow snakes are moving about too, but I am unphased as they appear almost confectionary like.

I watch clips from a Pixar movie; Frozen. My eyes well up at the way the sisters try to protect each other. That hit me in a way that I won't get into that any further, but at least I got something mindful, emotive and something to think about from the experience.

One last thing:
Day off, I slept at around 10am, woke at 4pm a bit shaky, uncoordinated and with a dash of mania which I burned off after going out to post some letters, do some shopping and readjust to the gravity. My pupils are still huge.

I never thought that visuals matching DMT, LSD and even reminiscent of MDA in a number of ways, would ever be possible on mescaline. It was just constant visual effects of all kinds, all night, no ability to looks somewhere else or ignore it.

I can conclude that this drug has the ability to change dramatically at higher doses. I was still centred, reasonably lucid and laughing at times, but the layers of visual effects were like nothing I thought mescaline capable of. There was a bit more body-load than I'm used to, but nothing threatening.

I ended up liking it a lot, but I've enjoyed much more sensible doses just as much. This cutting was getting old, needed brewing, but I should have been more sensible in dosing. I didn't have to take the whole lot just because it was there.

Interesting experience though. Very interesting.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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When i took 500mg of Mescaline Hcl just before finishing work in 1974...I never expected the full on peak at the railway station ....wasnt catching any train .Never done the plant extract.
I’ve heard 3ft is the ticket for the type of experience you encountered. I remember some person by I think the name of “mew” used to talk up 3ft all the time over at the nexus.

Shit I eat 6in worth and I trip decent. Also I too have gotten eye wiggles from Bridgesii only.

How was the crude made? Water or alcohol extract?

Wow, sounds amazing. I have never gotten anywhere near as strong an effect from mescaline. Even when I took 500mg of pure mescaline, it was somewhat underwhelming, though very nice and worthwhile. I felt connected to my body, very healthy, thoughtful, loving in a way reminiscent of MDMA except but much calmer and more authentic. Light visuals, but nothing very strong, mostly a breathtaking enhancement in color. I think the full alkaloid spectrum of the cactus is the way to go. I have taken about equivalent to 1 foot before. Sounds like I need to go for it and take a large amount of cactus, sometime.
This particular cutting was quite round, I should have weighed it and measured the diameter. It had been sitting outside, fallen over for quite some time having rejected it's former pot, probably due to root-rot from the the relentless rain throughout the Summer.

It didn't look too healthy, having developed a crusty bark in parts. I've had a few good cuttings rot in recent months so decided to cook this one up while it was still okay - I wasn't going to risk replanting it in the midst of winter. I noticed when chopping it up that the skin beneath the scab-like bark was still nice and green and there were no signs of rot at all.
How was the crude made? Water or alcohol extract?
The cactus was boiled in water with a little citric acid and, after pressing as much from the solids as possible, they were filtered out after all colour had faded (I find this is a sign that the alkaloids have been collected into the water and further boiling doesn't result in much). The filtered water was reduced on low heat, in several pans over a couple of hours, turning the heat off just before any remaining fluidity solidified. The surprisingly large amount of tar appeared to remain somewhat wet, but not fluid. I didn't care to dry it any further and risk damaging alkaloids. I wasn't sure how well the tar would keep so I just consumed it all, without much care.
Sounds like I need to go for it and take a large amount of cactus, sometime.
I suggest taking much more care than I did. Too bad your cactus didn't survive the winter in your area, it's a fun (and rewarding) hobby. Like cats, they mostly take care of themselves.
Many pscyhoactive plants will increase their potency/yield in times of stress.
Yes, that crossed my mind. I know some cannabis growers who exploit that in certain ways to increase potency a week or so from harvest.

Having tried their stuff.. I believe it 🙂
I've got three feet (in one foot cuttings) from the same plant. I'm running an a/b soon so I'll keep those jars separate from the Pachanoi and Peruvians and at least get an estimated gauge on the amount of mescaline I might have consumed.
Yes, that crossed my mind. I know some cannabis growers who exploit that in certain ways to increase potency a week or so from harvest.

Having tried their stuff.. I believe it 🙂

When I use to grow weed, I often ended up with harvest being right after I went on vacation for a week... seemed like it often happened. I noticed on those times, with a week of not watering, I would return and the buds would be swelled like crazy and super dense and it seemed to result in the highest potency/nicest result. Although it freaked me out because the fan laves would be yellow/brown and sometimes some of the bud would have started to go bad, too.
Wow, sounds amazing. I have never gotten anywhere near as strong an effect from mescaline. Even when I took 500mg of pure mescaline, it was somewhat underwhelming, though very nice and worthwhile. I felt connected to my body, very healthy, thoughtful, loving in a way reminiscent of MDMA except but much calmer and more authentic. Light visuals, but nothing very strong, mostly a breathtaking enhancement in color. I think the full alkaloid spectrum of the cactus is the way to go. I have taken about equivalent to 1 foot before. Sounds like I need to go for it and take a large amount of cactus, sometime.

It takes 800-1000mg at least to hit those crazy near DMT visuals you here about. Or as you said other alkaloids. I’ve gotten pretty good visuals off 250-300mg full spectrum but I think I’m one of those good responders to Mescaline.

Yes, that crossed my mind. I know some cannabis growers who exploit that in certain ways to increase potency a week or so from harvest.

Having tried their stuff.. I believe it 🙂
I've got three feet (in one foot cuttings) from the same plant. I'm running an a/b soon so I'll keep those jars separate from the Pachanoi and Peruvians and at least get an estimated gauge on the amount of mescaline I might have consumed.

I pretty much only use my own grown cacti these days as it’s much more potent then when I first buy them. I believe this is due to my less than ideal growing conditions and cutting them over and over. Aka stressing them..

When you do the A/B don’t be surprised to find just an average amount, Bridgesii has other alkaloids in there that either act alone or potentiate the Mescaline. It’s my belief Hordenine may be one which helps the bioavailability, I’ve definitely felt much stimmier effects from Bridgesii compared to other cacti.

In the end I hate saying it but my best experiences have been with pedros, they’re weaker but the effects when gotten right is like ecstasys older cooler more sophisticated brother. And when mixed with MDMA is absolutely divine.

Bridgesii is better for nature trips where I’m almost alone maybe with 1 other person, plenty of space to walk or relax. The body load can vary from stimulating to hunched over for a couple hours, pedros body load is much less so.

Bridgesii is also so damn reliable. Pedro it’s gonna make me trip but could vary in potency, with Bridgesii I’ve yet to get a dud. But I’m a gambling man ;)

There is shit loads of this stuff floating around melbourne and it can be purchased at some of the hippy shops and at the vic market.

Had it probably half a dozen times as I really like to do it for the shock value of the customer I trip with (ie I aint drinking cactus goop just to see the weekend through its vial vomitus.)

First time I did it I was stuck in the carpet or the ceiling (I managed to escape the carpet to be retrapped) for so long I am sure I watched the earth die.

Tongue tied ? I didnt even know I had a tongue :).
I've made mescaline from maybe a dozen different sources, all San Pedro. Certainly the age of the plant vs how long it is makes all the difference.

I've made mescaline from San Pedro that grew very fast, like a couple meters over a year or two. It was faded, a much lighter green than most ive brewed up. It had way less alkaloid content and was harder on the stomach.

The strongest trip I've had was my first. I've always done 30-40cm per dose for all my mescaline brews but this cacti had been sitting in my drawer wrapped in newspaper for months before I brewed it up. It got very dark green, and it was softer but not mushy.

We did age that stuff that grew real fast and it got stronger but not much. Definitely buy very healthy, dark green, slowly grown cactus is my experience. Those ones are the bomb haha.

I don't think I'll do mescaline anytime soon. Too much bodyload and stimulant effect for my liking. I don't really like drugs that fuck with my blood pressure too much and mescaline seems to be pretty.. Ampy. Maybe a low dose at some point, taking a lot more care than I normally do when filtering. I usually just really meditate the fuck out to avoid vomiting but I don't ever use anything more than a tea towel to filter.

I must say, my mescaline trips have all been on the strong side. I think a realistic dose for a healthy San Pedro is more like 20cm. My trips all had very intense open eye visuals along with supernova level closed eye visuals.
ye im at the same though pattern here.

but when you give it to some hard head who never has had it before it can be a great experience to share.

I often find that tripping with others there trip is more important than mine as I have had enough to be able to change the trip but if there not having

fun im not having fun.
When I did pure mescaline, it didn't seem stimmy at all, I mean I had energy, but it was very light on my body and I felt relaxed. With cactus, one time it was fairly stimmy and had a heavy bodyload, but the other times, I had more energy than pure mescaline, but it felt really good in my body. Mescaline has this unique effect where I feel like running is effortless, I run with great leaping strides and it barely even gets my heart rate up, like I could do it forever. But I can just as readily sit absolutely still for hours.
Don't think I'll do mescaline anytime soon. Too much bodyload and stimulant effect for my liking.
When I did pure mescaline, it didn't seem stimmy at all, I mean I had energy, but it was very light on my body and I felt relaxed. With cactus, one time it was fairly stimmy and had a heavy bodyload, but the other times, I had more energy than pure mescaline, but it felt really good in my body.
I tend to get a pleasantly warm, relaxing sensation from mescaline, though certainly not in a sedating way. I've never found it be directly energising either, though it can be an energetic experience by proxy of the good time that I have on it.
When you do the A/B don’t be surprised to find just an average amount...
I'm happy with the yield I get from this Bridgesii, it just takes a number of pulls to get there so I usually can't be bothered. I might try a different solvent next time.
Bridgesii has other alkaloids in there that either act alone or potentiate the Mescaline. It’s my belief Hordenine may be one which helps the bioavailability, I’ve definitely felt much stimmier effects from Bridgesii compared to other cacti
I was reading about mescaline's co-alkaloids last night.. there are definitely some interesting phenethylamines in these cactus, but not much solid info on their effects. Some vague, but somewhat interesting notes:
  • 3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine shows some activity as an MAOI.
  • Pellotine, an alkaloid in lophophora species has been seen to produce narcotic effects in reasonably small amounts (5 to 10 milligrams)
  • Tyramine, in certain circumstances (like when consumed alongside MAOIs) has potential to displace adrenaline and dopamine into the bloodstream causing (sometimes quite dangerous) PNS stimulating effects.
  • Hordenine (n,n-dimethyltyramine) has been shown to cause PNS stimulating effects in animals.
Some alkaloids of interest:



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I'm happy with the yield I get from this Bridgesii, it just takes a number of pulls to get there so I usually can't be bothered. I might try a different solvent next time.

I was reading about mescaline's co-alkaloids last night.. there are definitely some interesting phenethylamines in these cactus, but not much solid info on their effects. Some vague, but somewhat interesting notes:
  • 3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine shows some activity as an MAOI.
  • Pellotine, an alkaloid in lophophora species has been seen to produce narcotic effects in reasonably small amounts (5 to 10 milligrams)
  • Tyramine, in certain circumstances (like when consumed alongside MAOIs) has potential to displace adrenaline and dopamine into the bloodstream causing (sometimes quite dangerous) PNS stimulating effects.
  • Hordenine (n,n-dimethyltyramine) has been shown to cause PNS stimulating effects in animals.
Interesting people don't talk of it being as stimulating as what myself and friends have experienced.

I've always felt like it was like doing meth on top of a psychedelic honestly.

Maybe the San Pedro in my neck of the woods have certain alkaloids that you mention in higher concentration or something.
When you do the A/B don’t be surprised to find just an average amount, Bridgesii has other alkaloids in there that either act alone or potentiate the Mescaline. It’s my belief Hordenine may be one which helps the bioavailability, I’ve definitely felt much stimmier effects from Bridgesii compared to other cacti.

In the end I hate saying it but my best experiences have been with pedros, they’re weaker but the effects when gotten right is like ecstasys older cooler more sophisticated brother....

Bridgesii is better for nature trips where I’m almost alone maybe with 1 other person, plenty of space to walk or relax. The body load can vary from stimulating to hunched over for a couple hours, pedros body load is much less so.

Bridgesii is also so damn reliable. Pedro it’s gonna make me trip but cou
I couldn't agree more. All of this has been the case for me
I'm happy with the yield I get from this Bridgesii, it just takes a number of pulls to get there so I usually can't be bothered. I might try a different solvent next time.

I was reading about mescaline's co-alkaloids last night.. there are definitely some interesting phenethylamines in these cactus, but not much solid info on their effects. Some vague, but somewhat interesting notes:
  • 3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine shows some activity as an MAOI.
  • Pellotine, an alkaloid in lophophora species has been seen to produce narcotic effects in reasonably small amounts (5 to 10 milligrams)
  • Tyramine, in certain circumstances (like when consumed alongside MAOIs) has potential to displace adrenaline and dopamine into the bloodstream causing (sometimes quite dangerous) PNS stimulating effects.
  • Hordenine (n,n-dimethyltyramine) has been shown to cause PNS stimulating effects in animals.
Some alkaloids of interest:



hmm the phenethyl amine of mmda very interesting.

I know the phenethyl amine of MDA and MDMA are not active and MMDA is weaker than the other two (sorry not at doses anyone took it at) so other than it having some kind of activity

that is very different from the MD versions I doubt its active under massive doses.
hmm the phenethyl amine of mmda very interesting.
To my knowledge, the 2C-MMDA (lophophine) has only been detected in trace in amounts of peyote, but could be present in higher amounts of less-explored cactus.

It very well could be active, if not by itself, then in a full spectrum extract.

2,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine was (surprisingly) not active by itself at hundreds of milligrams, but has been shown to be active, at least as a potentiatior, when paired 1:1 with mescaline.

I had a San Pedro variety that wasn't really psychedelic on it's own. The extract only tasted salty, lacking mescaline's distinct bitterness. Paired with modest doses of mescaline though, it seemed to have substantial potentiating effects.

There is much exploring to do in the world of cactus chemistry, especially beyond the echinopsis and lophophora species.