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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

2C-N (125mg) - Second Time - Mellow yellow


Feb 8, 2021

2,5-dimethoxy-4-nitrophenethylamine is an unpopular member of the 2C‘ family. It was made available for a short period of time by some RC vendor(s) many years ago but never reached the popularity of other analogs such as 2C-E, 2C-I or 2C-T-7. The two old reports on Erowid describe it as a physically taxing, rather unpleasant psychedelic and Alexander Shulgin basically wrote it off as lackluster. In contrast to that are two new reports published by the same individual on Bluelight. According to them, they didn’t experience any unpleasant physical side-effects at all and noted that the bodyload was even milder than the one felt from 2C-C or 2C-D. 2C-N was portrayed as being a mild but worthwhile substance with an emotional and communication-facilitating character.

I still find it worth noting that NO2-groups are becoming less and less common in medicinal chemistry because they have lead to toxicological issues in clinical trials more often than other substitutions. This does absolutely not mean that all nitro-group containing drugs are harmful because there certainly are safe and approved pharmaceuticals on the market (e.g. clonazepam), but caution is definitely advised when using aromatic nitro compounds.
The fact that Shulgin tried it though, and plenty of others have too, made me conclude that the health-risks associated with taking it less than a handful of times are probably moderately low. Nevertheless, toxicity and pharmacokinetics are still a big question mark and using this substance frequently, and/or in overly high doses is not a good idea, but that applies to most psychoactive substances anyway.


Background information:

- gender: male
- age: 24
- weight: 77 kg
- setting: in my apartment, with my girlfriend
- set: feeling pretty well, I had a cleansing therapy session three hours before I took my dose.
- tolerance: probably none, I did an 80mg 2C-N test run exactly ten days ago.

My 2C-N consists of little, shiny flakes and has a noxious, bright yellow color (it appears gold under light) due to the presence of the nitro-group. It pretty much looks like a nitrostyrene with a consistency of other 2C-x compounds. It’s quite beautiful actually but does look sort of hazardous. Intuitively I wouldn‘t want to ingest a substance that looks like this, but of course curiousity got the best of me.
I did a little "allergy” test a couple of months ago where I put ~5mg on my tongue to see if I somehow responded to it. The taste was reminiscent of other 2C-x compounds and unsurprisingly, it didn’t induce any sensory changes or unwanted physical reactions.
Three weeks after that I had my first experiment with 80mg 2C-N nitrate and had a very subtle, but enjoyable experience. I had no physical complaints at all, the body-feeling was actually very relaxing and smooth. Mentally, it reminded me a bit of mescaline but without any visual effects and a much shorter duration (3 hours). Light, pro-social and non-visual, I can see this being a good drug for talk-therapy if it indeed shows to be physically harmless.
Because my previous 2C-N experience has been nothing but gentle, I feel pretty comfortable with upping my dose to 125mg. The HNO3 salt of 2C-N has a molar mass of ~288 g/mol so it‘s ~9% less potent than the more commonly found HCl salt. This means 125mg of the nitrate salt would be equipotent to around 114mg of the hydrochloride salt.

It’s been 10 days since my last 2C-N trial and because most 2C-x substances have very little tolerance buildup I figured this should be enough time between the two trips. I went for a run in the morning to get my blood flowing and sweat out the fatigue from the edibles I had yesterday night. Right after that I ate some leftover Gan Bian chicken with rice and went on with my everyday life. No substances apart from a cup of coffee in the morning were consumed that day.
My girlfriend joined me on the ride and decided to take the last 24mg 2C-B HBr I had left in my baggie.

2C-N (125mg, oral) / Trip Report:

It’s 05:40 PM, my girlfriend takes her 24mg 2C-B HBr capsule by mouth. I will wait another twenty minutes or so because 2C-N has a faster comeup than 2C-B and I want our peaks to overlap.

Now, a gelatine capsule containing 125 milligrams of those gorgeous looking nitrate crystals is swallowed by yours truly.

I need to burp. Yuck, it tastes like chemicals.
Something is unfolding.

Comeup takes much longer than last time, maybe because I ate a banana right before dropping the capsule. I’m starting to feel first alerts now, a euphoric warmth is making itself present. My stomach is a little fluttery and uncertain and I can feel the 2C-N spreading in my body. No nausea per say but I can feel something rambling about in my digestive tract. Like last time I can feel a pleasurable tingling in the back of my head and spine.

I’m yawning a lot and my stomach isn’t happy but it could be much worse. For the last twenty minutes my girlfriend had considerable nausea from the 2C-B but it’s subsiding now. In terms of bodyload and stimulation this is much milder than most other phenethylamines I’ve dabbled with. I’m not sure if I hit the peak of the experience or if I’m still in the comeup phase but I’m enjoying this.

This is undoubtedly the peak of the experience but the effects are still very delicate. It’s not much stronger than my last 80mg trial. My girlfriend and I talked about some light topics and laughed a lot. We actually wanted to force some deeper conversations but always went back to being silly. There is some euphoria and sociability enhancement reminiscent of 2C-B and mescaline albeit more subtle than either of the two. Visually everything looks pretty normal.
2C-N has a very comfortable body feeling not at all like I imagined it to be after reading the older reports. My girlfriend feels cold and has some temporary shivers but I experience nothing of that sort. My temperature regulation is intact and there is no physical malaise. This is entirely pleasant but I feel like I need to eat something because my stomach is growling. I snacked on some grapes but they are very sour and taste artificial, they are not satisfying my needs.

My girlfriend and I made ourselves a couscous-salad which went down surprisingly easy. I couldn’t eat as much as I usually would but the taste was unaltered and filling my stomach with food felt good.
I lay down on the couch and close my eyes. There is some simplistic but unique imagery that I have not encountered with other 2C-x compounds. It starts out with basic visual noise and evolves into red, pink and orange colored patterns that are dissimilar from 2C-B and its brothers.
OEV’s are barely noticeable but remind me of mescaline more than anything else.
There is also no headspace as far as I can tell. My thoughts are calm and collected and there are no communication barriers whatsoever. My girlfriend definitely experiences stronger effects from her dose than I do.

There’s a drop in intensity, I don’t think it’s gonna last much longer. We talk about a few different topics and watch an episode of Criminal Minds on the side.

At this point I’m starting to become really tired. I think I’m already back to baseline. My girlfriend is not really tired yet, it seems that 2C-B acts quite a bit longer than 2C-N considering that I even took my dose after her.

After I brushed my teeth I went to the toilet and was shocked to see that my pee was brightly yellow, almost neon-colored. Definitely not the same kind of yellow when you drink too little, I’m certain it was colored by the 2C-N.
Anyway, I wasn’t too concerned about it and went to bed afterwards. I fell asleep almost instantly.

The day after:

I wake up at 07:50 AM after a set of weirdly realistic dreams. I slept alright but I did have a few moments where I was awake during the night. I have a headache and feel a bit tired, it surely wasn’t the most restful sleep I’ve had.

Some coffee and a shower fixed my headache and fortunately my pee looked normal again. I have no desire to do anything today, I think I’ll just spend the rest of my day at home alone.



After two trials I am still uncertain about 2C-N and I don’t really want to give my opinion on it yet. I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface with this one but I don’t have any more material to experiment any further, and to be honest I’m not too sad about it. Maybe my worries about 2C-N’s safety are unjustified but I feel like there are better phenethylamines out there that do similar things and are less sketchy. Its mellow, warm and emotional character is quite nice and forgiving. The duration is very manageable and would be useful for therapy, just like the absence of distracting visual and bodily effects at low-moderate doses. Although for me personally, these aren’t necessarily positive effects as I like my psychedelics longer lasting and more "apparent”. If I would do it again I’d go for a 160mg dose to check out it’s full potential but I have a feeling that it’s not going to become a favorite of mine at any dose. It’s awesome that I got to try such a rare substance but for the most part I would agree with Shulgin’s commentary in PiHKAL that it’s not really a winner.

Edit: Time Stamps

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Thanks for the report! It's exciting that there are finally some new reports on this, even if it's just the two of us. :) Clearly I find it a bit more exciting than you, but as I mentioned to you in another thread, I think much of it has to do with specific circumstances in my life that have allowed the therapeutic aspects of this to be fully realized. If I had been taking this in a perfectly positive and unencumbered state, I think I probably would have reached much the same conclusion as you. As far as its physical/psychedelic effects, it is pleasant but nothing special. However I was able to utilize it to communicate some things in dire need of communicating, and so it has facilitated an important thing for me, and that's why I am treasuring my experiences.

My 2C-N consists of little, shiny flakes and has a noxious, bright yellow color (it appears gold under light) due to the presence of the nitro-group. It pretty much looks like a nitrostyrene with a consistency of other 2C-x compounds. It’s quite beautiful actually but does look sort of hazardous. Intuitively I wouldn‘t want to ingest a substance that looks like this, but of course curiousity got the best of me.

Interesting, in my case it had all been flattened and smashed against a bag in transit from its origin, and so it lost that shiny, flaky quality. It's still quite beautiful but more of a uniform, rich yellow powder.

I still find it worth noting that NO2-groups are becoming less and less common in medicinal chemistry because they have lead to toxicological issues in clinical trials more often than other substitutions. This does absolutely not mean that all nitro-group containing drugs are harmful because there certainly are safe and approved pharmaceuticals on the market (e.g. clonazepam), but caution is definitely advised when using aromatic nitro compounds.
The fact that Shulgin tried it though, and plenty of others have too, made me conclude that the health-risks associated with taking it less than a handful times are probably moderately low. Nevertheless, toxicity and pharmacokinetics are still a big question mark and using this substance frequently, and/or in overly high doses is not a good idea, but that applies to most psychoactive substances anyway.

Thanks for this little bit of info. Perhaps I will be a bit more cautious then. My plan has been to do 65mg rectally next, assuming 2x potency, but maybe it would be better to sacrifice my upper end trial plan to avoid the possibility of it being wildly more potent and causing problems. It feels so benign physically though. I really can't decide whether to do 65mg and then 95mg rectally (assuming 65mg suggests 95mg will be good), or sacrifice like 20mg rectal first and be unable to try the upper end at that level, or just eat the remaining 170mg.

Comeup takes much longer than last time, maybe because I ate a banana right before dropping the capsule.

Wow, that's so much different from how it went down for me. In my case I actually had eaten a full lunch to the point I wouldn't have wanted to eat any more, an hour or less before I took the 2C-N. And I still got first alerts within 7 minutes both times, and was fully up by 40 minutes. I do have a very fast metabolism, and furthermore I notice that basically all drugs I take these days come up a lot faster orally than they used to. Back in my early days of 2C-Xs, it would take an hour or even 2 to get truly into it, and not even peak until later. But now I start feeling them pretty quickly. Though definitely not in 7 minutes for the other ones.
Thanks for the report! It's exciting that there are finally some new reports on this, even if it's just the two of us. :)
Sure, I love writing reports for novel chems. It was a little difficult for this one because it was so subtle and I didn’t do anything special during the experience but I hope it’s still somewhat interesting.
And I’m glad that you got some nice effects from it!

Interesting, in my case it had all been flattened and smashed against a bag in transit from its origin, and so it lost that shiny, flaky quality. It's still quite beautiful but more of a uniform, rich yellow powder.
Even if you pour it out and shine some light on it? Mine doesn’t look that shiny either if there isn’t a light source directed at it.

Thanks for this little bit of info. Perhaps I will be a bit more cautious then. My plan has been to do 65mg rectally next, assuming 2x potency, but maybe it would be better to sacrifice my upper end trial plan to avoid the possibility of it being wildly more potent and causing problems. It feels so benign physically though. I really can't decide whether to do 65mg and then 95mg rectally (assuming 65mg suggests 95mg will be good), or sacrifice like 20mg rectal first and be unable to try the upper end at that level, or just eat the remaining 170mg.
I’m absolutely not certain about this but I thought it was worth mentioning.
There’s a paper on nitro-substitutions in medicinal chemistry in case you’re interested, you can access it through Sci-Hub (Here’s the link).

Wow, that's so much different from how it went down for me. In my case I actually had eaten a full lunch to the point I wouldn't have wanted to eat any more, an hour or less before I took the 2C-N. And I still got first alerts within 7 minutes both times, and was fully up by 40 minutes.
Yup, I found that quite fascinating too. I recall you eating the powder as is whereas I put mine in a capsule. But nonetheless, that’s still quite the difference.

After I brushed my teeth I went to the toilet and was shocked to see that my pee was brightly yellow, almost neon-colored. Definitely not the same kind of yellow when you drink too little, I’m certain it was colored by the 2C-N.
Anyway, I wasn’t too concerned about it and went to bed afterwards. I fell asleep almost instantly.
Did you notice anything like that as well? I did not the first time but the second time it was pretty obvious.
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Even if you pour it out and shine some light on it? Mine doesn’t look that shiny either if there isn’t a light source directed at it.

Actually I don't know, I'm gonna try that. I don't think I've shined a light on it or had a bright light source around it at all.

There’s a paper on nitro-substitutions in medicinal chemistry in case you’re interested, you can access it through Sci-Hub (Here’s the link).

Thanks, I'll check that out.

Did you notice anything like that as well? I did not the first time but the second time it was pretty obvious.

I didn't, but I usually don't turn the light on in my bathroom when I need to pee, and it would have been dark whenever I had to pee after my experience.
Thank you so much for posting! This is a great report! It's a privilege to gain a little insight into such a rare material.
Thanks for sharing your report as always Psychestim, it's great to have more information about 2C-N. :) It does sound like the early impressions about its intensity may have been generally correct, but it's interesting nonetheless.

The fact that the few visuals you did get were distinct from other 2Cs does make me curious about how DON would be in that way compared to other DOs, could be interesting.
I am super curious about DON as well. My feeling it that it will be very worthwhile.
The fact that the few visuals you did get were distinct from other 2Cs does make me curious about how DON would be in that way compared to other DOs, could be interesting.
I‘d love to try DON too, but the chemist I got the 2C-N from is not a particular fan of it and he’s also not really interested in DOx compounds so it’ll take some persuading for him to make it.. Someday, maybe. :)
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oh my how beautiful golden it is, that kinda impurity(?) is just kinda amazing