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Opioids Rectal use of methadone pills.


May 23, 2013
So oral dosing of methadone take mes about 2 to 3 hrs to feel relief from withdrawal. This is contrary to scientific literature saying it only takes under and hour to reach peak serum levels.

I used to snort these pills but methadone burns like a bitch and would really fuck my nose up and even cause lung lain from inhaled powder...so I had to quit.

I worry rectal use would burn the inside of my ass but I am hoping for a faster onset like I had with snorting.

Anyone tried it?
Never tried it myself. But i did also find it took a while to get relief via the oral route. Not three hours but definitely around 1.75 hours.

It's crazy, I used to take 240mg of methadone in the morning and 140mg of methadone in the evening yet still woke up every morning in withdrawal. I'd pop the 240mg and just wait until I finally warmed up. Methadone withdrawal is very 🥶
Never tried it myself. But i did also find it took a while to get relief via the oral route. Not three hours but definitely around 1.75 hours.

It's crazy, I used to take 240mg of methadone in the morning and 140mg of methadone in the evening yet still woke up every morning in withdrawal. I'd pop the 240mg and just wait until I finally warmed up. Methadone withdrawal is very 🥶
I'm at 1 mg per day now. Figured it's time.to get high off it and ruin all the tapering progress I made since I'm a stupid junkie.

I just relapsed and starting abusing valium but it's not that opioid relief I was longing for
You might be best served getting some kratom.

The second time quiting methadone I stopped at just 5mg and was shocked how severe the withdrawal was. I was sick around 23 days. Day 11/12 or so was the peak.

In short don't waste your time with rectal methadone.
I'm at 1 mg per day now. Figured it's time.to get high off it and ruin all the tapering progress I made since I'm a stupid junkie.

I just relapsed and starting abusing valium but it's not that opioid relief I was longing for
What I do when I'm about to relapse, buy small amount, something you'll in one day, DONT buy something like a box of pills. Don't play mind games on yourself, if you can't avoid it then it's a relapse BUT one instance of taking drugs does not mean everything's fucked so you can do all the drugs you want, snort your oxy and then back to work. And please tell someone IRL. Calling yourself a stupid junkie doesn't justify ruining all your progress by raising your toletance.

TL;DR: If you need to fuck up, then fuck up, but don't fuck everything up afterwards.

Note: I just injected my daily methdone and took a few lyricas, I'm no one to judge, just you know, 1 mg of methadone, that's amazing. I'm at 60 and may still raise it. So yeah, stay safe dude.
What I do when I'm about to relapse, buy small amount, something you'll in one day, DONT buy something like a box of pills. Don't play mind games on yourself, if you can't avoid it then it's a relapse BUT one instance of taking drugs does not mean everything's fucked so you can do all the drugs you want, snort your oxy and then back to work. And please tell someone IRL. Calling yourself a stupid junkie doesn't justify ruining all your progress by raising your toletance.

TL;DR: If you need to fuck up, then fuck up, but don't fuck everything up afterwards.

Note: I just injected my daily methdone and took a few lyricas, I'm no one to judge, just you know, 1 mg of methadone, that's amazing. I'm at 60 and may still raise it. So yeah, stay safe dude.
When you say injected methadone, how are you injecting methadone
When you say injected methadone, how are you injecting methadone
You know, dissolved in water, filtered though a 0.22um PES 25mm syringe filter and IVed it. Is it worth all the effort? the would be a no for most days, on ocassion I need to shoot something, it's almost an entire different addiction.
I posted a thread and had a friend try it amd it's pointless. Still takes forever to start working they say
Depends on the dose. When I first did it with 30 mg it packed a punch and I felt it right away. Now with tolerance, I only feel it hit if I do a day's worth at once. There is a myth I've seen that says methadone is the same injected and oral and it's dogshit, at least in my own experience, to me it feels like oxy but more mellow, like say if both are thunder, methadone lasts longer but not as loud. Still I may dare say, better than fent?